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2023-04-04 21:58| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

前言 今天学了一天Typst,给我的感觉就是相较于LaTeX ,Typst就是神!


\LaTeX 具有专业的排版输出能力,产生的文档看上去就像“印刷品”一样,具有方便而强大的数学公式排版能力,很容易生成复杂的专业排版元素,如脚注、交叉引用、参考文献、目录等,强大的可扩展性。世界各地的人开发了数以千计的\LaTeX宏包用于补充和扩展 \LaTeX的功 能,能够促使用户写出结构良好的文档——而这也是\LaTeX 存在的初衷[1]。同时,也存在着一些问题,(1) 安装包过大,安装相对较难;(2)相比“所见即所得”的模式有一些不便,为了查看生成文档的效果,用户总要不停地编译,这是最大的鸡肋(虽然也有插件可以即时查看,但是编译的速度过慢)。我之前也参照别人的模板写过一个天津大学的\LaTeX模板[2]。

最近,有团队开发了typst[3],宣称“Typst 是一种新的基于标记的文档排版系统,其设计与 \LaTeX一样强大,同时更易于学习和使用”,可以创建和使用更加强大的模板。Typst 是编写任何长篇文本(如论文、文章、科学论文、书籍、报告和家庭作业)的不错选择。此外,Typst 非常适合任何包含数学符号的文档,例如数学、物理和工程领域的论文。最后,由于其强大的样式和自动化功能,它是任何具有共同样式的文档集(例如丛书)的绝佳选择。





# macOS or Linux using Homebrew brew install typst # Arch Linux pacman -S typst




typst file.typ # 指定生成目录 typst path/to/source.typ path/to/output.pdf


typst --watch file.typ

因为我使用的是vscode,最近有开发者开发了Typst LSP vscode插件(vscode扩展仓库下载),结合pdf预览插件就可以实现即时预览。效果如下图所示:

使用 简单的示例


#set page(width: 10cm, height: auto) #set heading(numbering: "1.") = Fibonacci sequence The Fibonacci sequence is defined through the recurrence relation $F_n = F_(n-1) + F_(n-2)$. It can also be expressed in _closed form:_ $ F_n = round(1 / sqrt(5) phi.alt^n), quad phi.alt = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2 $ #let count = #let nums = range(1, count + 1) #let fib(n) = ( if n $F_#n$), ..nums.map(n => str(fib(n))), ))Markdown|LaTeX|Typst对比TypstLaTeXMarkdown标题=,==,===\section,\subsection,\subsubsection#,##,###有序列表+\begin{enumerate\} \item[ ] \end{enumerate}1. 2.无序列表-\begin{itemize} \item[+] \end{itemize}-,+图片引用#image("file")\includegraphics{file}![filename]("file")斜体_ _\textit_ _加粗* *\textbf** **代码块```\begin{verbatim} \end{verbatim}```公式$ $\begin{equation} \end{equation}行内$ $,行间$$ $$链接#link("http://x.com")[des]\href{http://x.com}{des}[des](http://x.com)表格#table()\begin{tabular} \end{tabular}| | |






#figure( image("glacier.jpg", width: 70%), caption: [ _Glaciers_ form an important part of the earth's climate system. ], ) Glaciers as the one shown in @glaciers will cease to exist if we don't take action soon! #figure( image("glacier.jpg", width: 70%), caption: [ _Glaciers_ form an important part of the earth's climate system. ], ) 公式

Typst与markdown不同,有自己的公式语法,一个是不管是行间还是行内公式,都是用 ,另一个是不需要在特殊变量名前加斜杠\。如果想不改变字体,可以使用""引用

The equation $Q = rho gamma A v + C$ defines the glacial flow rate. The flow rate of a glacier is given by the following equation: $ Q = rho A v + "time offset" $ Total displaced soil by glacial flow: $ 7.32 beta + sum_(i=0)^nabla (Q_i (a_i - epsilon)) / 2 $ 文字

使用text自定义文本样式,有两种定义方法:(1) #set text(font:"18pt") 之后的文字都按此格式;(2)#text(font:18pt)[text ],只修改此处的文字。


text( set font: stringarray, set fallback: boolean, set style: string, set weight: integerstring, set stretch: ratio, set size: length, set fill: color, set tracking: length, set spacing: relative length, set baseline: length, set overhang: boolean, set top-edge: lengthstring, set bottom-edge: lengthstring, set lang: string, set region: nonestring, set dir: autodirection, set hyphenate: autoboolean, set kerning: boolean, set alternates: boolean, set stylistic-set: noneinteger, set ligatures: boolean, set discretionary-ligatures: boolean, set historical-ligatures: boolean, set number-type: autostring, set number-width: autostring, set slashed-zero: boolean, set fractions: boolean, set features: arraydictionary, content, ) -> content #set text( font: "New Computer Modern", size: 10pt, style:"italic", ) With a set rule. #emph(text(blue)[ With a function call. ]) #text(28pt)[With a set rule.] With a set rule.页面

通过#set page()设置页面格式

page( set paper: string, set width: autolength, set height: autolength, set flipped: boolean, set margin: autorelative lengthdictionary, set columns: integer, set fill: nonecolor, set numbering: nonestringfunction, set number-align: alignment2d alignment, set header: nonecontent, set header-ascent: relative length, set footer: nonecontent, set footer-descent: relative length, set background: nonecontent, set foreground: nonecontent, content, ) -> content #set page( paper: "a6", margin: (x: 1.8cm, y: 1.5cm), )段落

通过#set par()设置段落格式

par( set leading: length, # 行间距 set justify: boolean, # 是否行中对齐文本 set linebreaks: autostring, # 如何确定换行符 set first-line-indent: length, # 首行缩进 set hanging-indent: length, # 除首行外其余行的缩进 set body: content, ) -> content #set par(first-line-indent: 2em, justify: true) We proceed by contradiction. Suppose that there exists a set of positive integers $a$, $b$, and $c$ that satisfies the equation $a^n + b^n = c^n$ for some integer value of $n > 2$. Without loss of generality, let $a$ be the smallest of the three integers. Then, we ...标题

通过#set heading()设置标题格式

heading( set level: integer, # 标题深度 set numbering: nonestringfunction, # 标题序号 set outlined: boolean, # 下划线 content, ) -> content #set heading(numbering: "1.a)") = Introduction In recent years, ... == Preliminaries To start, ... #set heading(numbering: "1.") = Introduction #lorem(10) == Background #lorem(12) == Methods #lorem(15) // 高度自定义标题格式 #show heading.where( level: 1 ): it => block(width: 100%)[ #set align(center) #set text(12pt, weight: "regular") #smallcaps(it.body) ] #show heading.where( level: 2 ): it => text( size: 11pt, weight: "regular", style: "italic", it.body + [.], )函数


可以通过指定参数列表后跟 => 和函数体来创建匿名函数。如果您的函数只有一个参数,则参数列表周围的括号是可选的。匿名函数主要用于显示规则。


// 调用函数 #list([A], [B]) #enum(start: 2)[A][B] #list[A][B] #let alert(body, fill: red) = { set text(white) set align(center) rect( fill: fill, inset: 8pt, radius: 4pt, [*Warning:\ #body*], ) } #alert[ Danger is imminent! ] #alert(fill: blue)[ KEEP OFF TRACKS ] # 匿名函数 #show "once?": it => [#it #it] once? #let amazed(term) = box[✨ #term ✨] You are #amazed[beautiful]!#let amazed(term, color: blue) = { text(color, box[✨ #term ✨]) } You are #amazed[beautiful]! I am #amazed(color: purple)[amazed]! #show: amazed I choose to focus on the good in my life and let go of any negative thoughts or beliefs. In fact, I am amazing!


#let template(doc) = [ #set text(font: "Inria Serif") #show "something cool": [Typst] #doc ] #show: template I am learning something cool today. It's going great so far!




// 设置页面 #set page( paper:"a4", margin: ( top:27.5mm, bottom:25.4mm, left:35.7mm, right:27.7mm ), numbering:"1", number-align:center, ) // 设置正文文字格式 #set text( font:("Times New Roman","SimSun"), style:"normal", weight:"regular", size: 12pt, ) // 设置段落 #set par( leading:20pt, justify: true, first-line-indent: 2em, ) // 设置标题格式 #set heading(numbering: "") #show heading: it => locate(loc => { let levels = counter(heading).at(loc) let deepest = if levels != () { levels.last() } else { 1 } set text(12pt) if it.level == 1 [ #if deepest !=1 { pagebreak() } #set par(first-line-indent: 0pt) #let is-ack = it.body in ([Acknowledgment], [Acknowledgement]) #set align(center) #set text(if is-ack { 15pt } else { 15pt },font:"SimHei") #v(36pt, weak: true) #if it.numbering != none and not is-ack { numbering("第1章.", deepest) h(7pt, weak: true) } #it.body #v(36pt, weak: true) ] else if it.level == 2 [ #set par(first-line-indent: 0pt) #set text(size:14pt,font:"SimHei") #v(24pt, weak: true) #if it.numbering != none { numbering("1.1.",..levels) h(7pt, weak: true) } #it.body #v(24pt, weak: true) ] else if it.level == 3 [ #set par(first-line-indent: 0pt) #set text(size:14pt,font:"SimHei") #v(15pt, weak: true) #if it.numbering != none { numbering("1.1.1.",..levels) h(7pt, weak: true) } #it.body #v(15pt, weak: true) ] else [ #set par(first-line-indent: 0pt) #set text(size:12pt,font:"SimHei") #v(12pt, weak: true) #if it.numbering != none { numbering("",..levels) h(7pt, weak: true) } #it.body #v(12pt, weak: true) ] }) = 一级标题 //每页第一行的段落不会被缩进,需要额外设置 // #h(2em)两个字符的空格 #h(2em)#lorem(30) \ == 二级标题 chatgpt:阳光明媚的早晨,一只小鸟在树枝上欢快地唱着歌,远处传来了儿童的欢笑声,空气中弥漫着花香和新鲜的草味,这是一个充满生机和活力的日子。突然间,一阵微风吹来,树叶沙沙作响,让人感到一阵舒爽。这个美好的早晨让人心情愉悦,让人感受到大自然的魅力和美妙。\ === 三级标题 == 二级标题 === 三级标题 #lorem(30) \ ==== 四级标题 ==== 四级标题 #lorem(30) \ = 一级标题 == 二级标题 === 三级标题 ==== 四级标题






[1] https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/369311806

[2] https://github.com/Zuttergutao/Latex

[3] https://github.com/typst/typst

[4] https://github.com/typst/typst/releases/tag/v23-03-28

[5] https://typst.app/docs/




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