losing grip是什么意思 losing grip的中文翻译、读音、例句

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losing grip是什么意思 losing grip的中文翻译、读音、例句

2023-07-04 08:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: losing grip通常被翻译为"失去控制、就要抓狂"的意思,losing grip是什么意思 losing grip的中文翻译、读音、例句,在英美地区还有"失控"的意思,在线发音:[losinggrip],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到80个与losing grip相关的释义和例句。

losing grip的中文翻译为“失去掌控”。读音为[luzɪŋ ɡrɪp]。


1. The company is losing grip on the market due to strong competition from other players. (因为来自其他竞争者的强大竞争,这家公司正在失去对市场的掌控。)

2. He felt like he was losing grip on his life and struggling to keep up with the pace of the world. (他感到自己的生活正在失去掌控,难以跟上这个世界的步伐。)

losing grip的中文解释是"就要抓狂、失控",还有失去控制的意思,发音音标为[losinggrip],losing grip是一个英语名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到23个与losing grip相关的例句。

Losing grip的中文翻译


例句:- Hand me the gun, grip first. (- Listen, I, uh... - Hand me the gun, grip first.)


例句:♪ Losing my head, spinning round and round. ♪ (思绪纠缠 情绪激昂* *Losing my head, spinning round and round)


例句:Losing control of the stick. (操纵杆失控 有火花迸出 Losing control of the stick.)


例句:He knew that he was losing control. (翻译:他知道他快无法控制你了 He knew that he was losing control.)


losing grip一般作为名词使用,如在losing(a. 损失的, 输的\nn. 失败, 损失)、losing it([网络] 失去它;失去它吧;与心理学)、grip(紧握 )等常见短语中出现较多。

losinga. 损失的, 输的\nn. 失败, 损失losing it[网络] 失去它;失去它吧;与心理学grip紧握to grip[网络] 吸取的英文losing a suit[法] 败诉losing battle必败之仗losing bid未中标losing count不知道确切数目\n数不清losing effect[法] 失效例句

1. Losing control of the stick. (翻译:操纵杆失控 有火花迸出 Losing control of the stick.)

2. He knew that he was losing control. (翻译:他知道他快无法控制你了 He knew that he was losing control.)

3. I did mention about you losing your money. (翻译:我只提到你丢了钱 I did mention about you losing your money.)

4. All of a sudden it feels wrong to talk about loss. All of a sudden I want to talk about what we gained. (翻译:谈及 About... 失去朋友的痛苦 losing a friend.)

5. Hurry up and pack your grip. (翻译:从窗前闪开 快点 我可不想让他们现在上来)

6. A grip gold Hirotaka will always be friends. (翻译:一握金广隆,永远是朋友。)

7. Losing cabin pressure, we'd like to descend immediately. (翻译:Losing cabin pressure, would like to descend immediately.)

8. Unloosed my grip on the handlebars. (翻译:表带把手表系在手腕上。)

9. Elvis Presley was losing his grip on the world's charts and there was something exciting and instantly memorable about this Beatles song. (翻译:埃尔维斯·普雷斯利在世界每周流行唱片榜上正失去地位,而甲壳虫乐队的这首歌中却有着令人激动让人立刻就能记住的东西。)

10. For losing all of my friends? (翻译:For getting kicked out of school? For losing all of my friends?)

11. After I get a grip on the cut (翻译:抓牢之后 after I get a grip 你再抓紧我的脚 on the cut inside the vent shaft.)

12. The question is thus: "If I'm losing LBM while losing weight, am I losing fat? " (翻译:问题就在这里:“如果我通过减肥中减去了脂肪除外体重,那我的脂肪是否也在减少?”)

13. Boss, he is just losing temper! (翻译:老板,他是一时冲动 Boss, he is just losing temper!)

14. Okay, get a grip Get the hang of this flipper (翻译:那是她的一部份 也是我的一部份 我必须走了)

15. The grip of the Stuarts is loosening. (翻译:斯图亚特王朝瓦解了 我要做点什么 The grip of the Stuarts is loosening.)


1. Definition: Losing grip refers to the loss of control or influence over something, such as a situation, a relationship, or a project. It implies a weakening or deterioration of one's ability to manage or handle things effectively.

2. Causes: Losing grip can be caused by various factors, such as lack of confidence, lack of resources, external pressure, or unforeseen cirtances. It can also be the result of one's own mistakes or misjudgments.

3. Effects: The consequences of losing grip can be significant, such as failure to achieve goals, damage to reputation, loss of support or trust, or even personal or professional crisis. However, it can also be an opportunity for learning and growth if one is willing to reflect and improve.

Here are five examples of sentences using 'losing grip':

1. He felt he was losing grip on his marriage as his wife became increasingly distant.


2. The company's CEO was criticized for losing grip on the company's financial performance due to r decision-.


3. The government is losing grip on the pandemic as the number of new cases continues to rise.


4. The coach was fired after losing grip on the team's performance, which led to several defeats in a row.


5. We cannot afford to lose grip on our values and principles, even in times of uncertainty and change.


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