VNC Viewer 远程连接 Ubuntu 不显示桌面,也没有菜单栏(menu)(程序边栏)

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VNC Viewer 远程连接 Ubuntu 不显示桌面,也没有菜单栏(menu)(程序边栏)

2024-06-02 13:25| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

文章目录 前言几条原则场景解决方案第一步——清空过往package解决方案第二部——重新配置vncTODO:打不开system setting小结


这次使用VNC Viewer远程连接Ubuntu 14.04 系统之路并不顺畅。根据之前的博客,能够顺利连接上,但是连上之后发现没有菜单栏(menu)(有没有桌面我也忘了)。花了很久时间才解决,在此记录之。



不要同时装几个桌面软件,在装新的之前,最好把前一个桌面软件卸载干净;找对正确的参考文献很重要,找参考文献要:1)系统对的上,即都是Ubuntu 14.04,2)有操作过程截图的要靠谱一点;学会看日志。 .vnc/ 下面的log要多看,里面都记录了诸如报错之类的问题;不要打开太多网页,感觉有时候看的文献一多,反而迷失,在看了超过3个网页之后,如果还没有找到方案,还没有思路,这时候应该缓一缓,多思考,而不是一个劲的胡乱尝试(这是很危险的,容易越陷越深) (这个是general principle) 场景

我的VNC Viewer连接服务器上的Ubuntu 14.04 的过程是按照我之前的博客来的:

本地Windows远程连接阿里云服务器图形界面(使用vnc viewer) (主要参考)详解:在windows上远程控制Ubuntu (次要参考)Windows上通过ssh和VNC Viewer分别连接本地Ubuntu(WSL)的终端和图形界面 (次要参考)

但是这次却和本地Windows远程连接阿里云服务器图形界面(使用vnc viewer) 里面显示的桌面不一样。没有菜单栏,中间甚至还有灰屏的情况。


由于我尝试了很多方法,安装了包括vncserver, vnc4server, tightvncserver, vino, gdm, LXDE, gnome, xfce4 等等等等package。。。



# find all vnc-related folder sudo find / -iname "*vnc*" # No.1 # rm files rm .xsession-errors rm .Xauthority rm .Xresources rm /etc/alternatives/vncconfig # rm xrdp sudo dpkg -P xrdp # purge packages about xfce4 sudo apt-get purge xfconf xfce4-utils xfwm4 xfce4-session xfdesktop4 exo-utils xfce4-panel xfce4-terminal thunar sudo apt-get remove xfce4-* sudo apt-get autoremove # find vnc-related packages already installed dpkg -l | grep vnc # No.2 dpkg -P remmina-plugin-vnc dpkg -P libvncserver0 # find and rm server-related packages already installed dpkg -l | grep server # No.3 dpkg -l | grep x- sudo apt-get purge xserver-* sudo dpkg -P x11-xfs-utils sudo dpkg -P vino sudo dpkg -P xinit # reboot for refreshing (seems not necessary) sudo reboot # auto-remove vnc4server sudo apt-get remove vnc4server # No.4 sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove vnc4server sudo apt-get purge vnc4server sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove vnc4server # auto-remove other packages sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove xvnc4viewer sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove tightvncviewer sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove vncviewer sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove xinit # find and rm server-related packages already installed dpkg -l |grep desktop # No.5 grep installed /var/log/dpkg.log | grep xdg-utils # show installed time # No.6 sudo apt-get remove unity-* sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove LXDE sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove desktop-* sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove gnome-panel sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove gnome-settings-daemon sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove metacity sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove nautilus sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove gnome-terminal sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove ubuntu-desktop sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove remmina-plugin-rdp sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove lxmenu-data # also rm sudo dpkg -P desktop-base

P.S. 从 # No.1 到 # No.6 是几个关键的查找指令(已标注在上面代码中)。



How to remove tightvncserver from Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) (这个–auto-remove 很有用)How to completely uninstall applications by command line in Ubuntu 这个也很有用How To Uninstall vnc4server On Ubuntu 15.04 也很有用How to find out when Debian or Ubuntu package installed or updated 显示package 安装时间的,还可以。How to uninstall Real VNC in Ubuntu 14.04How do I remove XFCE from my computer?How do I remove vncserver? 解决方案第二部——重新配置vnc


Installation of VNC server on Ubuntu

(补充:How to install VNC server on ubuntu 14.04似乎更加详细,但是暂时没用上。)

期间稍作修改,具体如下: 1)安装Ubuntu-desktop sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends ubuntu-desktop gnome-panel gnome-settings-daemon metacity nautilus gnome-terminal gnome-core

2)安装vnc4server: sudo apt-get install vnc4server

3)修改配置: 我没有修改:/usr/bin/vncserver文件,而是直接vncserver,然后需要输入密码,然后会自动创建~/.vnc/文件夹,包含xstartup可执行文件,因此,我直接修改这个xstartup文件,删除其中原有内容,添加新内容如下:

#!/bin/sh # Uncomment the following two lines for normal desktop: # unset SESSION_MANAGER # exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc [ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup [ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources xsetroot -solid grey vncconfig -iconic & #x-terminal-emulator -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" & #x-window-manager & gnome-panel & gnome-settings-daemon & metacity & nautilus & gnome-terminal &


sudo cp -rf .local .local-bk # original owner: root, and seems save some files for python3.6, and also some other files. sudo chown -R apr:apr .local


4)添加alias,nano ~/.bashrc,在末尾添加如下行:

alias vkill='vncserver -kill :1' alias vnc2='vncserver :1' alias vnc='vncserver :1 -geometry 1920x1080'

然后 . ~/.bashrc 使其生效。(往后可以直接运行vkill停止vnc进程,以及直接运行vnc或者vnc2来开启vnc,很方便)

5)运行 vnc,然后得到界面如下(菜单栏已经出现): 在这里插入图片描述


TODO:打不开system setting


(gnome-control-center.real:27532): Gdk-ERROR **: The program 'gnome-control-center.real' received an X Window System error. This probably reflects a bug in the program. The error was 'BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)'. (Details: serial 136 error_code 1 request_code 149 (RANDR) minor_code 8) (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously; that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it. To debug your program, run it with the GDK_SYNCHRONIZE environment variable to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.) XIO: fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":1" after 156 requests (154 known processed) with 0 events remaining.


[SOLVED] Gnome 3.8 apps crash with X Window System Error I did a little test: - upgraded to xorg 1.14 - switched from catalyst to xf86-video-ati drive Most of the errors dissappeared (GOA still crashes). But now i can only see message tray using keyboard shortcut (super + m). I read that I need to move my mouse fast to the botton edge of my screen - does not work - instead it show up randomly when i moved mouse near the bottom edge. I don't want to use the open source drivers (slow and laggy with multi monitor setup I'm using). I hope gnome devs will fix this bugs soon. SOLUTION (to still use catalyst): I found out that this is an Xorg 1.12 bug. Bug: To solve this use patch from this bugreport to compile xorg 1.12 I used this aur packages: 1. 2. - I have edited PKGBUILD to include patch from bug report above PKGBUILD and patch:

另外还有次要参考:Gdk-ERROR **: The program ‘_______’ received an X Window System error



最坑我的要数这个文献:Vnc Ubuntu 14.04 destop don’t show menus icon 这是造成我后续数个小时挣扎的起源。这里面是这样配置的~/.vnc/xstartup的:

#!/bin/sh unset SESSION_MANAGER /etc/X11/xinint/ xrdb $HOME/.Xresources xsetroot -solid grey #x-terminal-emulator -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" & x-window-manager & # Fix to make GNOME work export XKL_XMODMAP_DISABLE=1 #/etc/X11/Xsession gnome-session --session=gnome-fallback &

里面的:/etc/X11/xinint/是个错别字,xinint应该改为xinit。而且就算改了,从.vnc/ 下的log以及连接的界面来看发现也还是有问题,总之问题多多,后面就陆续参考了其他文献,都失败了。这里简要列举一部分文献:

怎么卸载ubuntu 14.04 的 xubuntu桌面vnc4server: Normal desktop permission prob with xinitrcUbuntu Server VNC Server - Gray ScreenTightVNCvnc grey screen (16.04, tightvnc, xfce4) : SOLVED[SOLVED] TightVNC just gives a gray screen with an X cursortightvncserver on Xubuntu gives gray screen when logged inVNCHow to properly configure xstartup file for TightVNC with Ubuntu VPS GNOME environmentVncserver with Google cloud instanceVNC Performance issue #93Solid gray screen with x-cursor when trying to VNC connect to raspberry pi 3vncserver remote session grey screen ubuntu 16.04“CRITICAL: We failed, but the fail whale is dead. Sorry…”vncserver grey screen ubuntu 16.04 LTSVNC server not showing icons in Ubuntu 18.04 TIghtVNC stopped working. Grey screen with X cursor…gray screen when i startxVNC viewer grey screen since upgrade to Ubuntu 14.04 from Ubuntu 12Default Ubuntu Desktop with TightVnc and Windows Linux SubsystemStarted tightvncserver on Ubuntu, but viewer complains about missing .xsession fileHow to make VNC Server work with ubuntu-desktop without xfcevnc grey screen (16.04, tightvnc, xfce4) : SOLVEDCouldn’t start Xtightvnc trying default font path - VNCServer




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