Windows 10 图标。它们位于哪里?在哪些文件和文件夹中?

您所在的位置:网站首页 win10图标自定义ico不包含图标 Windows 10 图标。它们位于哪里?在哪些文件和文件夹中?

Windows 10 图标。它们位于哪里?在哪些文件和文件夹中?

2024-07-10 16:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

无论您是想更改某个文件夹的默认图标还是您创建的快捷方式的图标,您可能想知道在哪里可以找到新图标。(default icon)虽然有许多网站提供定制的图标集,但您可能更喜欢使用Windows 10 计算机或设备(computer or device)上已有的图标。在本文中,我们将向您展示图标在Windows 10中的存储位置。如果您想查找所有默认的Windows 10图标文件,请继续阅读:

Windows 10 图标是如何存储的?

图标通常存储在ICO文件中。但是,ICO文件有一个很大的缺点:它们只能包含一个图标。Windows 10 有许多应用程序、文件夹、文件和快捷方式,其中许多都有其独特的图标。如果Windows为其使用的每个图标都有一个ICO文件,那将产生大量的图标文件。

为了解决这个问题,Windows不使用(Windows)ICO文件来存储图标,而是使用DLL文件。DLL文件的主要优点是它可以在其中包含多个图标。事实上,您可以将图标DLL文件与图标库进行比较。当您想要更改特定文件、文件夹或快捷方式(folder or shortcut)的图标时,您只需将其图标位置(icon location)设置为指向特定的DLL文件,以及其中的特定图标。

Windows 10中的大多数图标都存储在DLL文件中。在下一节中,我们将向您展示这些带有图标的DLL(DLLs)在Windows 10中的位置。

Windows 10 的默认图标在哪里?

我们尝试组织默认 Windows 10(default Windows 10)图标列表,既按它们的DLL文件位置,又考虑到在DLL文件中找到的图标的主要用途。接下来(Next),您可以从Windows 10中查看我们的位置列表,您可以在其中找到包含图标的.DLL文件:

1. %systemroot%system32imageres.dll

imageres.dll文件包含许多图标,在Windows 10中几乎无处不在。它具有用于不同类型文件夹、硬件设备、外围设备、操作等的图标。

存储在 imageres.dll 文件中的图标

2. %systemroot%system32shell32.dll

shell32.dll文件还包含许多用于Windows 10各个部分的图标。与imageres.dll一起,shell32.dll承载了最大的图标集合之一。在其中,您可以找到互联网、设备、网络、外围设备、文件夹等的图标。

存储在 shell32.dll 文件中的图标

3. %systemroot%system32pifmgr.dll

Pifmgr.dll包含一些旧版Windows中的旧式图标,如Windows 95和Windows 98。在其中,您可以找到有趣的图标,这些图标描绘了诸如窗户、小号、球、巫师帽(wizard hat)等事物。🙂

存储在 pifmgr.dll 文件中的图标

4. %systemroot%explorer.exe

Explorer.exe有一些文件资源管理器(File Explorer)及其旧版本使用的图标。第一个图标是文件资源管理器(File Explorer)使用的默认图标(default icon),但下一个图标在旧Windows版本中用于打印机、文件夹、操作、信使应用程序(messenger apps)、邮件等。

explorer.exe 文件中存储的图标

5. %systemroot%system32accessibilitycpl.dll

Accessibilitycpl.dll有一组图标,主要用于Windows 10中的辅助功能。它有人物、鼠标光标、放大镜(magnifying glass)、鼠标和键盘等图标。

存储在accessibilitycpl.dll 文件中的图标

6. %systemroot%system32ddores.dll

Ddores.dll包含硬件设备和资源的图标,例如扬声器、耳机、屏幕、计算机、遥控器和游戏手柄、鼠标和键盘(mice and keyboards)、相机、打印机等。

存储在 ddores.dll 文件中的图标

7. %systemroot%system32moricons.dll

Moricons.dll是另一个包含旧样式图标的文件,Microsoft在旧Windows版本中使用。这里的大多数图标都是关于MS-DOS程序的,但您也有旧编程语言的图标,例如Turbo Pascal 或 FoxPro(Turbo Pascal or FoxPro)。

moricons.dll 文件中存储的图标

8. %systemroot%system32mmcndmgr.dll

Mmcndmgr.dll是另一个带有老式图标的文件,我们认为它主要是为计算机管理(computer management)相关设置而设计的。其中包括网络、文件夹、身份验证、时间、计算机和服务器的图标。

存储在 mmcndmgr.dll 文件中的图标

9. %systemroot%system32mmres.dll


存储在 mmres.dll 文件中的图标

10. %systemroot%system32 ecenter.dll


存储在 netcenter.dll 文件中的图标

11. %systemroot%system32 etshell.dll

Netshell.dll包含各种网络连接和相关硬件或技术(hardware or technologies)的图标。


存储在 netshell.dll 文件中的图标

12. %systemroot%system32 网络浏览器.dll

Networkexplorer.dll另一个.dll文件,其中包含一些外围设备,例如电话、路由器、打印机或传真机(fax machine),以及一些与网络相关的图标。

存储在 networkexplorer.dll 文件中的图标

13. %systemroot%system32pnidui.dll

Pnidui.dll具有用于网络相关设置(以太网或无线状态(Ethernet or wireless status)、网络位置等)的图标。这里的大多数图标都是透明的白色,所以你必须选择它们才能看到它们的样子。

存储在 pnidui.dll 文件中的图标

14. %systemroot%system32sensorscpl.dll

Sensorscpl.dll有几个图标用于不同类型的传感器。虽然它们中的大多数看起来相似,但它们的细节表明温度、功率、风等(wind etc)。

存储在 sensorscpl.dll 文件中的图标

15. %systemroot%system32setupapi.dll


存储在 setupapi.dll 文件中的图标

16. %systemroot%system32wmploc.dll

Wmploc.dll包含用于媒体设备、音乐和视频文件(music and video files)、文件夹、CD 和 DVD 光盘(CD and DVD discs)等的多媒体图标。

存储在 wmploc.dll 文件中的图标

17. %systemroot%system32wpdshext.dll

Wpdshext.dll包含一些便携式设备的图标,例如相机、电话或 mp3 播放器,以及一些电池指示灯。

存储在 wpdshext.dll 文件中的图标

18. %systemroot%system32compstui.dll



存储在 compstui.dll 文件中的图标

19. %systemroot%system32ieframe.dll

Ieframe.dll包含Internet Explorer用于其快捷方式、按钮和菜单的图标。

存储在 ieframe.dll 文件中的图标

20. %systemroot%system32dmdskres.dll


存储在 dmdskres.dll 文件中的图标

21. %systemroot%system32dsuiext.dll


存储在 dsuiext.dll 文件中的图标

22. %systemroot%system32mstscax.dll


存储在 mstscax.dll 文件中的图标

23. %systemroot%system32wiashext.dll

Wiashext.dll有一些用于各种成像硬件设备的图标,如扫描仪、相机、照片和摄像机(photo and video cameras),以及一些类似的图标。

wiashext.dll 文件中存储的图标

24. %systemroot%system32comres.dll


存储在 comres.dll 文件中的图标

25. %systemroot%system32mstsc.exe

Mstsc.exe包含一些其他与网络相关的图标,但还包括其他图标,如扬声器、麦克风和Windows 8徽标。

存储在 mstsc.dll 文件中的图标

26. actioncentercpl.dll、aclui.dll、autoplay.dll、comctl32.dll、xwizards.dll、ncpa.cpl、url.dll(都在%systemroot%system32中)

所有这些文件都包含图标;但是,许多内部只有一个图标或只有几个图标,因此我们决定将它们一并提及。它们有用于Windows 10操作中心(Action Center)的图标、一些错误和信息图标、自动播放图标(autoplay icon)、一些用户图标和网站图标。

存储在 xwizards.dll 文件中的图标

如何使用存储在.DLL 文件中的图标(.DLL file)

存储在.DLL(.DLL)文件中的图标不能复制并保存在其他地方,至少除非您使用可以从.DLL文件中提取图标的特殊应用程序。但是,您可以使用存储在此类文件中的任何图标,将其设置为文件夹、库或快捷方式使用的图标。如果您需要有关如何更改与快捷方式关联的图标的指导,本教程将提供帮助:如何更改Windows中任何快捷方式的图标。只需将我们为您感兴趣的DLL提供的路径复制并粘贴到名为“(Just copy and paste)在此文件中查找图标”的字段中。(Look for icons in this file.")


如果您对Windows 10(Windows 10)中的图标不满意,那么您可能需要查看其他地方以查找图标:7 个可以下载Windows 10的免费桌面图标的站点。

你知道任何其他带有Windows 10图标的DLL文件吗?

如您所见,Windows 10 有很多内置的图标集。根据您需要的图标类型,您很有可能会在我们列出的一个DLL文件中找到它。(DLL)你知道Windows 10(Windows 10)的其他内置图标位置吗?如果您这样做了,请不要犹豫与我们分享,我们承诺会尽快更新这篇文章。

Windows 10 icons. Where are they located? In which files and folders?

Whether yоu want to change the default icon of a certain folder or the icon of a shortcut you have created, you might wonder where you could find new icons. While there are lots of websites that оffer custоm made icon sets, уou might, however, prefer to uѕe icons that are already found on your Windows 10 computer or device. In this article, we show you where the icons arе stored іn Windows 10. If you wаnt to find all the default Windows 10 icon files, read on:

How are Windows 10 icons stored?

Icons are usually stored inside ICO files. However, ICO files have a big disadvantage: they can hold only one icon. Windows 10 has lots of applications, folders, files, and shortcuts, and many of them have their unique icons. If Windows had an ICO file for each icon it uses, that would make for a considerable number of icon files.

To resolve this problem, instead of using ICO files to store icons, Windows uses DLL files. The main advantage of a DLL file is the fact that it can hold multiple icons inside. As a matter of fact, you could compare an icon DLL file with a library of icons. When you want to change the icon of a particular file, folder or shortcut, you can just set its icon location to point to a specific DLL file, and a specific icon from it.

Most icons from Windows 10 are stored inside DLL files. In the next section, we show you where these DLLs with icons are found in Windows 10.

Where are Windows 10's default icons located?

We tried to organize our list of default Windows 10 icons, both by their DLL files location and by taking into consideration the primary purpose of the icons found inside the DLL files. Next, you can see our list of locations from Windows 10 where you find .DLL files containing icons:

1. %systemroot%\system32\imageres.dll

The imageres.dll file contains many icons, used almost everywhere in Windows 10. It has icons for different types of folders, hardware devices, peripherals, actions, and so on.

Icons stored in the imageres.dll file

2. %systemroot%\system32\shell32.dll

The shell32.dll file also has lots of icons used in various parts of Windows 10. Together with imageres.dll, shell32.dll hosts one of the largest icon collections. Inside it, you can find icons for internet, devices, networks, peripherals, folders and so on.

Icons stored in the shell32.dll file

3. %systemroot%\system32\pifmgr.dll

Pifmgr.dll contains some old-style icons that were found in older versions of Windows, like Windows 95 and Windows 98. In it, you can find funny icons that depict things such as a window, a trumpet, a ball, a wizard hat, and others. 🙂

Icons stored in the pifmgr.dll file

4. %systemroot%\explorer.exe

Explorer.exe has a few icons used by File Explorer and its older versions. The first icon is the default icon used by File Explorer, but the next ones were used in older Windows versions for things like printers, folders, actions, messenger apps, mail, and others.

Icons stored in the explorer.exe file

5. %systemroot%\system32\accessibilitycpl.dll

Accessibilitycpl.dll has a set of icons that are used mainly for the accessibility features in Windows 10. It has icons with people, mouse cursors, a magnifying glass, a mouse and a keyboard, and so on.

Icons stored in the accessibilitycpl.dll file

6. %systemroot%\system32\ddores.dll

Ddores.dll contains icons for hardware devices and resources, such as speakers, headphones, screens, computers, remotes, and gaming pads, mice and keyboards, cameras, printers and so on.

Icons stored in the ddores.dll file

7. %systemroot%\system32\moricons.dll

Moricons.dll is another file that contains old-style icons, used by Microsoft in old Windows versions. Most of the icons here are about MS-DOS programs, but you also have icons for old programming languages such as Turbo Pascal or FoxPro.

Icons stored in the moricons.dll file

8. %systemroot%\system32\mmcndmgr.dll

Mmcndmgr.dll is yet another file with vintage icons, which we believe were designed mainly for computer management related settings. Among others, it includes icons for networks, folders, authentication, time, computers, and servers.

Icons stored in the mmcndmgr.dll file

9. %systemroot%\system32\mmres.dll

Mmres.dll has a few icons with various audio resources, like speakers, headphones, microphones, and a webcam.

Icons stored in the mmres.dll file

10. %systemroot%\system32\netcenter.dll

Netcenter.dll has a few icons for network related settings and features.

Icons stored in the netcenter.dll file

11. %systemroot%\system32\netshell.dll

Netshell.dll contains icons for all kinds of network connections and associated hardware or technologies.

For instance, inside it, you can find icons for Bluetooth, wireless routers, and network connections.

Icons stored in the netshell.dll file

12. %systemroot%\system32\networkexplorer.dll

Networkexplorer.dll another .dll file with a few peripherals such as phone, router, a printer or a fax machine, and some network-related icons.

Icons stored in the networkexplorer.dll file

13. %systemroot%\system32\pnidui.dll

Pnidui.dll has icons for network related settings (Ethernet or wireless status, network locations, etc.). Most of the icons here are transparent white, so you have to select them to see what they look like.

Icons stored in the pnidui.dll file

14. %systemroot%\system32\sensorscpl.dll

Sensorscpl.dll has a few icons for different kinds of sensors. While most of them look similar, their details indicate things like temperature, power, wind etc.

Icons stored in the sensorscpl.dll file

15. %systemroot%\system32\setupapi.dll

Setupapi.dll has icons used for the setup wizards of various hardware devices. It has screens, peripherals, hardware components, connectors and plugs, gaming pads, and others.

Icons stored in the setupapi.dll file

16. %systemroot%\system32\wmploc.dll

Wmploc.dll contains multimedia icons used for media devices, music and video files, folders, CD and DVD discs, and so on.

Icons stored in the wmploc.dll file

17. %systemroot%\system32\wpdshext.dll

Wpdshext.dll has icons for some portable devices such as cameras, phones or mp3 players, and a few battery indicators.

Icons stored in the wpdshext.dll file

18. %systemroot%\system32\compstui.dll

Comstui.dll includes various classic icons from older versions of Windows.

It has icons with light bulbs, mail, printers, documents, telephones, fax machines and so on.

Icons stored in the compstui.dll file

19. %systemroot%\system32\ieframe.dll

Ieframe.dll contains the icons used by Internet Explorer for its shortcuts, buttons and menus.

Icons stored in the ieframe.dll file

20. %systemroot%\system32\dmdskres.dll

Dmdskres.dll contains icons only used for disk management.

Icons stored in the dmdskres.dll file

21. %systemroot%\system32\dsuiext.dll

Dsuiext.dll includes icons for network services. It has icons with servers, people, printers, office buildings, authentication services and so on.

Icons stored in the dsuiext.dll file

22. %systemroot%\system32\mstscax.dll

Mstscax.dll stores just a few icons used for remote desktop connections, with computers, notifications, and security certificates.

Icons stored in the mstscax.dll file

23. %systemroot%\system32\wiashext.dll

Wiashext.dll has a few icons for various imaging hardware devices, like scanners, cameras, photo and video cameras, and a few similar icons.

Icons stored in the wiashext.dll file

24. %systemroot%\system32\comres.dll

Comres.dll contains a few icons that depict a user, a folder, a pencil, and some actions.

Icons stored in the comres.dll file

25. %systemroot%\system32\mstsc.exe

Mstsc.exe holds a few other network related icons but also includes other icons like a speaker, a microphone, and a Windows 8 logo.

Icons stored in the mstsc.dll file

26. actioncentercpl.dll, aclui.dll, autoplay.dll, comctl32.dll, xwizards.dll, ncpa.cpl, url.dll (all in %systemroot%\system32)

All these files contain icons; however, many have only one icon inside or just a few, so we decided to mention them all together. They have icons used in Windows 10's Action Center, some error and info icons, an autoplay icon, some user icons, and websites icons.

Icons stored in the xwizards.dll file

How to use the icons stored inside a .DLL file

Icons stored inside .DLL files cannot be copied and saved elsewhere, at least not unless you use a special app that can extract icons from .DLL files. However, you can use any icon stored inside such a file, to set it as the icon used by a folder, a library or a shortcut. If you need guidance on how to change the icons associated with your shortcuts, this tutorial helps: How to change the icon of any shortcut in Windows. Just copy and paste the path we provided for the DLL that interests you, in the field named "Look for icons in this file."

Change the icon of a shortcut

If you are not satisfied with the icons found in Windows 10, then you might want to look at other places to find icons: 7 sites where you can download free desktop icons for Windows 10.

Do you know any other DLL files with icons from Windows 10?

As you have seen, Windows 10 has lots of icon sets that are built-in. Depending on what kind of icon you need, it is a good chance that you'll find it inside one of the DLL files that we have listed. Do you know other built-in icon locations from Windows 10? If you do, do not hesitate to share them with us, and we promise to update this article as soon as possible.




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