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wildlife on是什么意思、发音和在线翻译

#wildlife on是什么意思、发音和在线翻译| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

wildlife on 双语例句

1. wildlife on是什么意思

1. Walk to Yardie Creek past wildlife and wildflowers, watching out for rare black-footed wallabies crouching on the steep walls.    步行穿过野生动植物和野花来到崖地溪,留心观察蹲在峭壁上的稀有黑足岩袋鼠。

2. danci.911cha.com

2. The policies on wildlife resources in WNR of some countries were also introduced and discussed including the laws of America, Australia, Holland, and Japan, by the comparison of these laws, between China and other countries, this reserch gave the references of law administration in the future of China and something needing to perfect in the legislation and execution over the nomocracy about WNR.    通过对美国、澳大利亚、荷兰、日本等国家湿地类型自然保护区野生动物资源管理的法律及政策的论述,并比较分析得出中国在未来法治管理中应借鉴的地方,以及中国湿地类型自然保护区野生动物法治从立法和执法需要完善的有关方面。

3. 911查询·英语单词大全

3. From early time of China establishment to the late of 1970s, the various policies and articles gave a decisive effects on nomocracy administration, but the legislation was quite limited. Though a series of rules or laws were enacted on wildlife resources in WNR, it is still no perfection.    从建国初期到十一届三中全会,中国的各种政策和文件在法治管理方面起到了决定性作用,而立法有限。80年代以后,虽然制定一系列与湿地类型自然保护区野生动物资源相关的法律法规,但仍不够完善。

4. According to the characteristic of wild animal resources of our country and the condition of economic society development, the text is to explore the establishment of wildlife ownership diversification and reasonable system of property rights transfer system in respect of wildlife resources on the basis of the basic law.    本文即根据我国野生动物资源的特性和经济社会发展状况,在尊重野生动物资源基本规律的基础上,探索建立所有权主体多元化的野生动物产权制度和合理流转制度。

5. He says changes to the ice cover also affect Arctic wildlife and people who depend on the local environment.    他说冰盖的变化也会对北极的野生动物和依赖环境生存的人类有影响。

6. Effect of the country`s growing human population on its wildlife.    这个 国家的增加的人口对于它的野生动物的影响。

7. Leonardi ants studied in Thailand's Khao Chong Wildlife Sanctuary had chomped down on the underside of a leaf, and 98 percent had landed on a vein.    leonardi 蚂蚁都紧紧的叮在一个叶子的下边,98%的蚂蚁处于叶脉处。

8. wildlife on

8. The loss of wildlife and plant species has no effect on the ability of humans to urvive.    损失的野生动物或植物物种对人类的生存能力没有影响

9. danci.911cha.com

9. But from the annual report of YVR Wildlife Management. In 2007, we have 424 birds were killed in 137 bird-strikes with aircraft. It is lucky no plane crash related to the bird-strikes. There are two plane crash accidents still deep in my mind, 2007 October a small plane slammed into a high-rise building besides Richmond Public Market caused pilot death and 2 residents injured. Over 10 years ago, a cargo plane has an emergency landing on the Fraser River just off the Terra Nova at night. The pilot was rescued by two good citizens that jogging on the dyke.    但两宗与飞鸟无关的坠机意外,仍然记亿尤新。2007年10月小型飞机撞入公众市场侧的多层大厦「玫瑰花园」,引致一人死亡,两人受伤,数百人一年以来有家归不得。10多年前,一架货机晚上急降Terra Nova以北的河道,两位刚在河堤上散步的好市民,跳下水中救出受伤的机师。

10. In the end, we had an awesome float down the Hyland, saw some wonderful wildlife up close and personal, ran a bunch of great whitewater, and dined the whole week on gourmet wilderness food cooked on a Primus Vari-Fuel that's been all over the Arctic with me.    最后,我们在Hyland好好漂流的一回,沿途近距离观察到了许多野生动物,还碰见一群玩摩托艇的人。还好这一路有 Primus Vari-Fuel陪伴我,让我在北极地区尝遍了野味。

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. The recent spate 泛滥 of recalls has left many consumers wondering about the dangers of lead in everyday products. Karlyn Berg, a 61-year-old wildlife consultant from Bovey, Minn., recently went into a big-box retailer and bought some colorful plastic drinking cups and an ice bucket for entertaining friends on her patio.      最近发生一系列召回事件已经让许多消费者担心铅危害无处不在。61岁的卡琳·伯格是生活在明尼苏达州博维市的一位野生生物顾问,最近她到一家仓储式零售店买来一些彩色塑料杯子和冰桶,打算在自家后院招待朋友时用上。

12. You can use the tour as an all day hop on hop off option to visit Te Papa Museum, Red Rocks Seal Walk, Wellington Zoo, Karori Wildlife Sanctuary and the Chocolate Fish Cafe.      可选择参观Te Papa 博物馆,Red Rocks Seal Walk,惠灵顿动物园,Karori 野生动物保护区,和巧克力鱼咖啡馆。

13. Under the current Wildlife Conservation Law of Taiwan the dolphins are already included with those animals which require the highest level of protection, however, increasing industrial development, unsustainable driftnet fishing and other factors continue to put enormous pressure on the last few remaining individuals.      根据台湾野生动物保育法,这种海豚已经与遭遇相同之物种受到最高层级的保护。然而,工业开发之增加,不永续之流刺网网具及其他干扰因素,持续对剩余不多的个体加注强大之生存压力。

14. Now there are over 2000 deer around the world, which are all the offspring of Woburn Abbey deer. On Aug. 24, 1985, 20 deer were sent from Woburn Abbey to Peking and released in Nan Hai-tsu Park, which was set up on the site of the old Imperial Park. On Aug.14, 1986, 39 deer were selected from 7 zoos of Zoological Society in London, Britain and donated to Chinese government by World Wildlife Fund. And Dafeng Milu Natural Reserve was established in Jiangsu Province, China, to breed the deer in a wild way. In 1994, some deer were moved from Nan Hai-tsu Park to Tianezhou Reserve in Shishou, Hubei province.      目前全世界有麋鹿2000余头,均为乌邦寺18头麋鹿的后裔。1985年8月24日,英国乌邦寺庄主特维斯托克侯爵赠送20头麋鹿给北京,原国家环保局将此鹿放回原皇家猎苑,并建立了南海子麋鹿苑。1986年8月14日,世界自然基金会从英国伦敦动物学会7家动物园挑选了39头麋鹿,赠送给中国政府,原国家林业部则决定放养这批麋鹿于江苏大丰,同时建立了大丰麋鹿自然保护区。1994年,南海子麋鹿苑迁出部分麋鹿,在湖北石首建立了天鹅洲麋鹿自然保护区。

15. But i have no mood at all!n furthermore, becoz of the shit mark, i cannot choose my units next semesterdouble degree, with an extradegree i don't know n don't like at all? orfall back to choose a two years n a half course, which means ``` more money, or more important, more time costi canot make my choice!iam kinda sick of everythin```may it's time to make a decision, ```gotta spend more time n energy on it```it seems that finally, i suddenlyrealize thatthe academic achivement, issuch an importantissure thati was so easily n readily ignored before, n it is was alwasy the lastest thing list in mymind after a merry spring day, or some busy working hrs as a ```simply waitress```so sad anyway, just wanna say, sad, sad, IAM SO SAD!      乘一个周末去了Darling Harbor 旁向往很久的动物园WILDLIFE WORLD,看到Aussie名扬世界的憨到极致的考拉和cute 到境界的袋鼠,第一次发现蝴蝶的惊艳式的美丽,各种各样的蜥蜴,世界上最大的蟑螂,最长的蛇,最危险的鸟类···拍到了Dark Wolrd让人毛骨悚然的LADY'S```还有QVB的美丽圣诞,自己很是稀饭,详情各位看官看偶的相册`惊艳wildlife world `照片吧!

16. Dan, Mark, Katie and Grance are at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary. Grace is talking on her phone.      丹恩、马克、凯蒂和桂思在可伦宾野生动物保护区,桂思在讲手机。

17. wildlife on的解释

17. It may be toxic to human beings and wildlife as a result of its effect on the nervous system.      因其对神经系统的影响可能会对人类和野生生物有害

18. wildlife on在线翻译

18. Based on your group observation, record the birds and wildlife found in Gei Wai and      请纪录在基围及鱼塘所观察到之野生生物於表一中。

19. wildlife on的反义词

19. CONSTITUTING at least two-thirds of the world`s entire northern fur seal population, the Pribilofherd dominates an extraordinary collection of wildlife found on the archipelago and in the surrounding Bering Sea-10 species of seals, sea lions and walruses, 17 types of whales and dolphins, millions of nesting seabirds such as kittiwakes, murres and puffins-that makes the islands a sort of northern Galapagos.      构成世界的整个北毛皮封印人口的至少三分之二,Pribilofherd 控制野生生物的一件非凡收藏品被发现在群岛和在封印的周围的白令海10 种类、海狮和海象、17 类型鲸鱼和海豚,成千上万嵌套海鸟譬如kittiwakes,murres 和海鹦牌子海岛有点儿北加拉帕戈斯。

20. This national park is a few remaining on the Indian subcontinent is not one of the destruction of wildlife habitat.      这个国家公园是印度次大陆上仅存的几个没有遭到破坏的野生环境之一。

wildlife on 单语例句

1. The Yunnan wildlife park published the contest on the Internet, calling on citizens to share their ideas and give the cub a name.

2. Activists from the World Wildlife Fund create a poster outlining climate woes and cures at the UN Climate Change Conference 2009 in Copenhagen on Friday.

3. The oiled wildlife response was continuing with six field teams carrying out wildlife surveys on nearby islands and oiled wildlife patrols monitoring mainland beaches.

4. According to China's law on wildlife protection, zoos should get local authorities'approval before disposing of the bodies of deceased wild animals.

5. According to the national law on wildlife protection, zoos needed the approval of local authorities before disposing of bodies of deceased wild animals.

6. According to the national law on wildlife protection, zoos must get the approval of local authorities before disposing of deceased wild animals.

7. The adjustments will probably focus on the management of protected wildlife, the definition of wildlife ownership and the management of habitats beyond nature reserves.

8. Salazar will head a department that oversees oil and gas drilling on public lands and manages the nation's parks and wildlife refuges.

9. Wang made the comments in response to criticism from international wildlife groups on China reviewing its ban on domestic trade in tiger parts.

10. Researchers said the accelerated forest loss could trigger an environmental domino effect on the region's wildlife and climate.

wildlife on是什么意思




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