Python Binding

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Python Binding

2023-06-19 15:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

lang (str): The language you used, chs for Chinese, and en for English.

model_dir (str): is the Runtime Model directory, it contains the following files. If not provided, official model for specific lang will be downloaded automatically. runtime TorchScript ASR model.

units.txt: modeling units file

TLG.fst: optional, it means decoding with LM when TLG.fst is given.

words.txt: optional, word level symbol table for decoding with TLG.fst

Please refer for the details of Runtime Model.

nbest (int): Output the top-n best result.

enable_timestamp (bool): Whether to enable the word level timestamp.

context (List[str]): a list of context biasing words.

context_score (float): context bonus score.

continuous_decoding (bool): Whether to enable continuous(long) decoding.




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