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#丝绸介绍英语,求:关于丝绸围巾的英文介绍~| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文目录索引 1,求:关于丝绸围巾的英文介绍~ 2,简短的介绍中国丝绸的英语句子,加中文翻译 3,英语介绍中国丝绸围巾 4,丝绸的英文,丝绸的翻译,怎么用英语翻译丝绸,丝绸用 5,求一篇关于丝绸之路的英语短文 6,丝绸之路的故事! 用英文 1,求:关于丝绸围巾的英文介绍~

Hangzhou beautiful soft silk, the quality is not only beautiful, but also a wide variety, silk, satin, silk, Luo, Kam, textile, velvet, crepe everything, reaching more than 10 major categories of things, thousands of species of Lu. Such as the soft velvet, burnt-out georgette light, beautiful colors of flowers intertwined charmeuse, smooth as a mirror of the plain two-wire charmeuse are family treasures silk. Satin-type fabric which is China's ancient silk workers in the use of shiny silk to create the most successful. 10 - 20 warp weave a variety of changing landscapes, flowers, brocade patterns, rich colors rich nation. those who like Galaxy landing, the stars twinkling star satin; intertwined with flowers and birds characters of the ancient incense satin, the Chinese and foreign guests praise, love, praise it has a "mysterious dream" is a beautiful "flower of oriental art." 原文:绮丽轻柔的杭州丝绸,不仅质量精美,而且品种繁多,绸、缎、绫、罗、锦、纺、绒、绉应有尽有,达十多外大类,几千个吕种。如柔软的立绒、轻盈的烂花乔其、色彩鲜丽的交织花软缎、光滑如镜的素色双丝软缎,都是丝绸家族中的珍品.其中缎类织物是我国古代丝织工人在利用丝的光泽上最成功的创造.在10——20根经线中变换交织成各种山水、花卉图案的锦缎,富有浓郁的民族色彩.那些宛如银河落地、群星闪烁的星光缎;交织着花鸟、人物的古香缎,令中外宾客赞不绝口、爱不释手,称赞它具有“梦一般的神秘”,是美丽的“东方艺术之花”。



在古代,丝绸就是蚕丝(以桑蚕丝为主,也包括少量的柞蚕丝和木薯蚕丝)织造的纺织品。现代由于纺织品原料的扩展,凡是经线采用了人造或天然长丝纤维织造的纺织品,都可以称为广义的丝绸。而纯桑蚕丝所织造的丝绸,又特别称为“真丝绸”。 In ancient times, silk was a textile made of silk (mainly mulberry silk, including a small amount of tussah silk and cassava silk). In modern times, due to the expansion of textile raw materials, any textile woven with artificial or natural filament fibers can be called silk in a broad sense. The silk woven by pure mulberry silk is especially called "real silk". 丝绸 丝绸所含的天然纤维主要是蚕丝纤维,是熟蚕结茧时所分泌丝液凝固而成的连续长纤维,也称天然丝,是人类利用最早的动物纤维之一,包括桑蚕丝、柞蚕丝、蓖麻蚕丝、木薯蚕丝等。 唯一得到实际应用的天然长丝纤维,由蚕改粘液凝固而成。蚕丝纤维因蚕的食性不同分成多种,其中有食桑叶形成的桑蚕丝纤维、食柞树叶形成的柞蚕丝纤维以及食木薯叶、马桑叶、蓖麻叶形成的其他野蚕丝纤维。 桑蚕丝纤维和柞蚕丝纤维可以把长丝纤维的形态保留到集束形成的长丝纱中,其他的几种野蚕丝纤维只能被改形为短纤维用纺织加工。在用桑蚕丝纤维和柞蚕丝纤维集束形成的长丝纱中,桑蚕丝纤维的长丝纱最重要,占天然长丝纱的大部分。


Chinese beautiful soft silk is one of the most popular handcrafts representing China. The quality is not only beautiful, but also colorful, silk, satin, silk, Luo, Kam, textile, velvet, crepe everything, reaching more than 10 major categories. There are thousands of species of Lu silk, such as the soft velvet, burnt-out georgette light, beautiful colors of flowers intertwined charmeuse, smooth as a mirror of the plain two-wire charmeuse. Satin-type fabricis, the most successful innovation, adopts the technology of shiny silver by ancient silk workers. 10~ 20 pieces of warp weaves show a variety of changing landscapes, flowers and brocade patterns. They are like Galaxy landing, the stars twinkling. The ancient incense satin silk is intertwined with flowers and birds characters, which win great praise and love from the Chinese and foreign guests. They are honored as beautiful "flower of oriental art."

感觉可以的话 麻烦采纳 不枉辛苦一场


丝绸[sī chóu] silk; silk cloth; [德]seide 数据来源:金山词霸 汉英大词典 silk cloth; silk; [德] seide 中中释义 丝绸 [sī chóu] [silk cloth; silk] 一种纺织品,用蚕丝或合成纤维长丝织成 双语例句 全部 silk silk cloth 1 保利娜穿了件丝绸长裙,戴了串珍珠。 Pauline wore a silk dress with a strand of pearls. 《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》 2 它较棉布和尼龙柔软,光泽则与丝绸相仿。 It is softer than cotton and nylon and has a similar lustre to silk. 《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》 3 丝绸和毛料用在一起以形成对比。 Silk was used with wool for contrast. 《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》 4 她的丝绸连衣裙是天蓝色的,和她眼睛的颜色一样。 Her silk dress was sky-blue, the colour of her eyes 《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》 5 这种丝绸衣服应阴干。 This kind of silk clothing should be dried in the shade. 《汉英大词典》


One of the world's most ancient and historically important trade routes, the Silk Road conjures up exotic images of camel caravans, windswept deserts, and such legendary figures as Genghis Khan and Marco Polo. Extending as far as the Indian kingdoms in the west, to present-day Xian in China in the east, the Silk Road was already a crossroads of Asia by the third century B.C.


6,丝绸之路的故事! 用英文

The Silk Road is the most well-known trading route of ancient Chinese civilization.It grew under the Han Dynasty(202BC-AD220) It is the trade routes through regions of the Asian Continent mainly connecting Chang'an (today's Xi'an) in Ancient China. Chan Ch'ien, the first known Chinese traveler to make contact with the Central Asian tribes.In 138 B.C., the imperial court of the Han Dynasty sent Zhang Qian to the Western Regions as an envoy in an attempt to forge alliances which would stop raids by the Xiongnu on the dynasty’s borders.Later came up with the idea to expand the silk trade to include these lesser tribes and therefore forge alliances with these Central Asian nomads. Because of this idea, the Silk Road was born.the route grew with the rise of the Roman Empire because the Chinese initially gave silk to the Roman-Asian governments as gifts. The 7000 mile route spanned China, Central Asia, Northern India, and the Parthian and Roman Empires. It connected the Yellow River Valley to the Mediterranean Sea and passed through places such as Chinese cities Kansu and Sinkiang and present-day countries Iran, Iraq and Syria.

丝绸之路是古中国文化中最著名的的贸易路线,它起源于汉朝(202BC-AD220)它是古中国跟亚洲其它国家的贸易枢纽,主要连接长安(现今的西安) 众所皆知,张骞是第一个与中亚其它部落的中国人.公元前138年,为击退匈奴对汉朝边境地区的劫掠,汉朝派遣张骞出使西域。后来慢慢扩大了与中亚小部落之间丝绸贸易,与中亚游牧部落结盟.鉴于此想法,丝绸之种诞生了,并在罗马帝国时期渐渐扩张,因为在那个时期,中国会将丝绸作为礼物赠送给罗马人和亚洲人.后来..丝绸之间慢慢扩张到7000英里,涉及中国,中亚,印度北部,帕提亚(伊朗东北部古国),罗马帝国.它连接黄河流域和地中海,途径:中国甘肃,新疆和现今的伊朗,伊拉克和叙利亚.




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