rinsing是什么意思 rinsing的中文翻译、读音、例句

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rinsing是什么意思 rinsing的中文翻译、读音、例句

2024-06-03 08:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

rinsing是什么意思 rinsing的中文翻译、读音、例句 作者:caily • 2023-06-23 01:28:41 • 阅读 18


1. 词性:'rinsing'是动词的现在分词形式,表示“冲洗”、“漱口”等动作。也可以作为名词使用,表示“冲洗液”。


- I was rinsing the dishes when the phone rang.(当电话响起时,我正在洗碗)

- She always rinses her hair with cold water after shampooing.(她洗完头后总是用冷水漱口)

- The dentist gave me a fluoride rinse to strengthen my teeth.(牙医给了我抗氟洗液以强化我的牙齿)

2. 用途:'rinsing' 主要用于清洗或冲洗,可以用于人体、器具、地面等的清洗。


- He rinsed his face with cold water.(他用冷水洗了脸)

- The nurse rinsed the medical instruments in boiling water.(护士用沸水把医疗器具冲洗干净了)

- I always rinse the sink after I brush my teeth.(我刷完牙后总是要冲洗一下洗脸盆)

3. 派生词: 'rinsing' 还有一些派生词,如'rinsing agent'(冲洗剂)、 'rinsing cycle'(冲洗循环)等。


- This dish soap has a rinsing agent that leaves no residue.(这种洗碗液有一种冲洗剂,不会留下残留物)

- The washing machine has a rinsing cycle to remove excess detergent.(洗衣机有一个冲洗循环,可以去除过多的洗涤剂)

4. 惯用搭配:'rinsing'通常和“with”或“in”连用,表示用什么液体或介质进行冲洗。


- She rinsed the vegetables in cold water.(她用冷水冲洗了蔬菜)

- He rinsed his mouth with warm salt water after the surgery.(手术后他用温盐水漱口)

- The hairdresser rinsed my hair with a conditioning treatment.(理发师用护发素冲洗了我的头发)

5. 缩写词: 'RINS'是一个缩写词,代表“燃油清洗系统”(Fuel System Cleaning)。


- The mechanic recommended a RINS treatment for my car.(汽车维修工推荐我进行燃油清洗系统)





1. She spent a long time rinsing her hair in the shower.


2. After washing the dishes, make sure to give them a thorough rinsing.


3. The dentist instructed the patient to rinse his mouth with salt water after the procedure.





例句:Remember, your parting with the smile, to cover the city 's lights are waning, also lost experienced years of rinsing off haze. (依稀记得,你的临别前那浅浅的笑,盖过了城市的灯火阑珊,也隐没了经历了岁月漂洗过的群岚。)


例句:Furthermore, rinsing efficiency may be improved together with the reduced time of the rinsing cycle. (而且,在减少了漂洗循环时间的同时,漂洗效率也得到了提高。)


例句:Rinsing of equipment is a necessary project in industrial production. It plays an important role in ensuring safety of equipment, maintaining production and saving energy sourses. (设备清洗是工业生产中必不可少的一项工程,在保障设备安全、维持正常生产和节能方面起着重要作用。)


例句:Along with that foam shielding brim and a tool made of a cow's intestines used for rinsing. (翻译:还有遮蔽泡沫的帽檐 利用牛肠发明出冲洗身体的工具)


rinsing一般作为名词、动词使用,如在dunk rinsing(浸水清洗)、film rinsing(胶片冲洗)、glazing by rinsing(汤釉)等常见短语中出现较多。

dunk rinsing浸水清洗film rinsing胶片冲洗glazing by rinsing汤釉intermediate rinsing中间淋洗oxidation rinsing氧化水洗rinsing agent清洗剂rinsing bath清洗浴rinsing box清洗箱rinsing compartment清洗槽例句

1. Rinsing of equipment is a necessary project in industrial production. It plays an important role in ensuring safety of equipment, maintaining production and saving energy sourses. (翻译:设备清洗是工业生产中必不可少的一项工程,在保障设备安全、维持正常生产和节能方面起着重要作用。)

2. Along with that foam shielding brim and a tool made of a cow's intestines used for rinsing. (翻译:还有遮蔽泡沫的帽檐 利用牛肠发明出冲洗身体的工具)

3. Objective To develop an automatic machine used for rinsing and drying ampoules and filling drug succus in field condition. (翻译:目的:研制野战型全自动药瓶冲洗吹干药液灌封机。)

4. The composite opacifier is prepared by mixing, grinding, acid treatment, rinsing, smashing and drying. (翻译:经混料、研磨、酸化处理、漂洗、粉碎处理及干燥处理。)

5. The rinsing plate is then sealed by the pressure of the CIP medium and the CIP sanitizing process can begin. (翻译:板的清洗,然后密封的压力总督察中期和督察消毒过程就可以开始。)

6. For Matsushige himself, his films were so toxic that he was unable to develop them for twenty days, and even then had to do so at night and in the open, rinsing it in a stream. (翻译:而松茂的底片内容是如此有害,以至于他有二十天都找不到地方冲洗它们。后来他甚至不得不趁着夜色到室外冲洗,并在小溪里完成水洗。)

7. The Gentle Cleanser for combination skin can be mixed with Instant Foaming Cleanser Fleur de Vigne before rinsing with water. (翻译:对混合性皮肤来说,可以搭配使用洁面慕丝清洁脸部,再用水清洗。)

8. Rinsing canned beans before using also easesthe problem. (翻译:在食用罐装红豆之前加以漂也可较好地解决该问题。)

9. DAILY SIN: RINSING AFTER BRUSHING teeth. (翻译:第三宗罪:刷牙后漱口。)

10. Middle Age people used marigold petals for rinsing their hair. (翻译:到了中世纪,人们使用万寿菊的花瓣来清洗他们的头发。)

11. The first thing she does is rinsing her mouth with beer. (翻译:不过她和其他江湖儿女一样 不到天黑不起床)

12. Rinsing face, the other basic maintenance or to follow suit, especially sure to rub moisturizing lotion. (翻译:敷完脸后,其它基础保养还是要照做,尤其是保湿乳液一定要擦。)

13. Alternatives: commercial car-washes or "waterless" soaps that require no rinsing. (翻译:备选方案:商业停车场洗净或“无水”香皂无需冲洗。)

14. They wouldn't consider clipping a coupon, saving a leftover, reusing plastic containers or rinsing off tin foi. (翻译:他们从没想过剪下优惠券,节省一餐剩饭,再次使用朔料容器,或洗净用过的锡箔。)

15. The fabric may be immediately steamed after which rinsing oxidation and soaping is done . (翻译:所以织物在水洗,氧化,和皂洗之后可以立即汽蒸。)




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