huddling是什么意思 huddling的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课

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huddling是什么意思 huddling的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课

2023-03-23 12:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  huddling是什么意思 huddling的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:She’s not its mistress, and it’s huddling because of the narrow pedestal.

  翻译:她不是它的女主人 靠得这么近的只是因为底座很小。



  例句:When suddenly, i looked at the geese, which was hissing and huddling in the corner of the yard.

  翻译:突然 我看见鹅 挤在院子角落里咕咕乱叫。


  huddling一般作为名词使用,如在huddling chamber(合室)、huddling together(挤在一起


  1. Their chicks survive by huddling in creches to conserve their heat.


  2. This light brings no warmth to the male penguins, who are still huddling, defying the coldest conditions on the planet.

  翻译:这道光并没有给还挤成一堆的雄企鹅带来温暖, 它们还挤在一起面对着地球上最严酷的挑战。

  3. You can imagine them huddling around a bearcat scanner for the bad news.

  翻译:想象他们紧紧地团结在一起周围的 熊猫扫描仪的坏消息。。

  4. Whatever you and Big Jim were huddling about at Town Hall… be careful.

  翻译:不论你和大个儿吉姆在市政厅搞什么 一定小心。

  5. The dateless need to stick together tonight. We’re like survivors huddling for warmth.

  翻译:今天情人应该相互依偎在一起 像幸存者会去取暖一样。

  6. She told me, not thinking i had been myself, that i was the prince’s jester… that i was duller than a great thaw… huddling jest upon jest with such impossible conveyance upon me… that i stood like a man at a mark… with a whole army shooting at me.

  翻译:她不知道在她面前的就是我自己,对我说我是亲王的小丑... 我比融雪的天气还要无聊… …。

  7. Huddling for hours over our junior microscopes… Dissecting our first frog.

  翻译:围著小显微镜 一看就是半天。

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