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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 want [sth]⇒ vtr (desire: [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 想要 xiǎng yào   SCSimplified Chinese 希望获得  I really want a slice of cake, but I'm supposed to be on a diet.  我真的很想吃一块蛋糕,但我现在要节食。 want to do [sth] v expr (would like: to do [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 想要做 xiǎng yào zuò   SCSimplified Chinese 想做 xiǎng yào zuò,xiǎng zuò   SCSimplified Chinese 想成为  I want to be a doctor when I grow up.  长大后,我想做名医生。 want [sb] to do [sth] v expr (would like [sb] to do)SCSimplified Chinese 希望某人做某事  I want you to tidy your room.  我希望你整理整理自己的房间。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 want n (lack)SCSimplified Chinese 缺少 quē shǎo TCTraditional Chinese 缺少   SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏 quē shǎo ,quē fá TCTraditional Chinese 缺乏  Jeremy's mother reproved him for his want of manners.  杰雷米的妈妈因为他缺乏礼貌而责骂他。 want n (sexual desire)SCSimplified Chinese 性欲 xìng yù   SCSimplified Chinese 性渴望  He looked at her with want in his eyes. want⇒ vi archaic (be destitute, poverty-stricken)SCSimplified Chinese 贫困 pín kùn TCTraditional Chinese 貧困   SCSimplified Chinese 穷困 pín kùn,qióng kùn TCTraditional Chinese 窮困 want [sth]⇒ vtr (request the presence of) (某人出现)SCSimplified Chinese 要求 yāo qiú TCTraditional Chinese 要求  I want you here by nine o'clock tonight. want [sth] vtr informal (need)SCSimplified Chinese 需要 xū yào TCTraditional Chinese 需要  You'll want to arrive there before the film starts.  你需要在影片开始前到达那里。 want [sth] vtr (require, would like: [sth]) (要求、请求)SCSimplified Chinese 想要, 要  Hello. I want film for my camera, please. want [sth] vtr UK, informal (+ ing: need)SCSimplified Chinese 需要 xū yào TCTraditional Chinese 需要  The kitchen window wants cleaning - it's filthy!  厨房的窗户需要清洁,满是油污! want [sb]⇒ vtr (desire sexually) (性欲上)SCSimplified Chinese 想要 xiǎng yào  I want you so badly; when can we be alone?  我太想要你了,我们什么时候才能独处啊? want [sb] vtr usually passive (police: be seeking)SCSimplified Chinese 通缉 tōng jī  Linda's friends were surprised when they found out she was wanted by the police.  琳达的朋友们在发现她被警方通缉时十分惊讶。 want for [sth] vtr phrasal insep (need, be without)SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏 quē fá TCTraditional Chinese 缺乏   SCSimplified Chinese 需要 quē fá,xū yào TCTraditional Chinese 需要 备注: Usually with negative. My cute little sister never wants for attention.  我可爱的小妹妹从不缺乏关注。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

动词短语英语中文 want to do [sth] vtr phrasal insep (have a desire to)SCSimplified Chinese 想要做某事 xiǎng yào zuò mǒu shì  If you want to come, get in the car!  如果你想来,就上车!   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 for want of [sth] expr (lacking [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏 quē fá TCTraditional Chinese 缺乏   SCSimplified Chinese 缺少 quē fá,quē shǎo TCTraditional Chinese 缺少 freedom from want n (right not to live in poverty)SCSimplified Chinese 摆脱贫困 bǎi tuō pín kùn TCTraditional Chinese 擺脫貧困   SCSimplified Chinese 不受贫困之苦 bǎi tuō pín kùn,bú shòu pín kùn zhī kǔ   SCSimplified Chinese 免于贫困 bǎi tuō pín kùn,miǎn yú pín kùn  Freedom from want seems unobtainable for many poor people in this world. I want you interj informal (I am sexually attracted to you) (非正式用语,有性暗示)SCSimplified Chinese 我想要你 wǒ xiǎng yào nǐ  I want you. Let's leave this party and go back to my place. if you want adv (as you please)SCSimplified Chinese 如你所愿 rú nǐ suǒ yuàn TCTraditional Chinese 如你所願   SCSimplified Chinese 如果你想的话 rú nǐ suǒ yuàn,rú guǒ nǐ xiǎng de huà  I can lend you some money if you want. in sore need, in sore want adj (needing badly)SCSimplified Chinese 亟需的   SCSimplified Chinese 急需的  The young man smelt terrible; he was in sore need of a bath. in want of expr dated, formal (lacking, needing [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 缺少 quē shǎo TCTraditional Chinese 缺少   SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏 quē shǎo ,quē fá TCTraditional Chinese 缺乏 want ad n US, informal, abbreviation (classified advertisement)SCSimplified Chinese 招聘广告 zhāo pìn guǎng gào TCTraditional Chinese 招聘廣告   SCSimplified Chinese 分类广告 zhāo pìn guǎng gào ,fēn lèi guǎng gào TCTraditional Chinese 分類廣告  Let's check the want ads and see if anyone's selling a bicycle cheap. want in v expr informal (desire to be included)SCSimplified Chinese 想加入 want [sth] in return v expr (seek exchange)SCSimplified Chinese 想要获得回报   SCSimplified Chinese 作为回报希望得到  If I do this favor for you, I may want something in return. want out vi (desire to leave)SCSimplified Chinese 想要离开   SCSimplified Chinese 想要脱身   SCSimplified Chinese 想要分手  After her boyfriend hit her, Ophelia decided she wanted out. want out vi (desire to go outside)SCSimplified Chinese 想出门   SCSimplified Chinese 想出去   SCSimplified Chinese 想到外面去  Open the door; the cat wants out.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: want [wɔnt] I vt 1 (=wish for) 想要 xiǎng yào 2 (inf: need) 需要 xūyào II n [s] (frm: lack) ▶ want of 缺乏 quēfá IIIwants n pl (=needs) 需求 xūqiú to want to do sth 想要做某事 xiǎng yào zuò mǒushì to want sb to do sth 希望某人做某事 xīwàng mǒurén zuò mǒushì to want sth done要别(別)人把某事做好 yào biérén bǎ mǒushì zuòhǎo your hair wants cutting/washing你的头(頭)发(髮)要剪剪/洗洗了 nǐ de tóufa yào jiǎnjian/xǐxi le you want to be more careful (inf)你要多加小心 nǐ yào duō jiā xiǎoxīn you're wanted on the phone有你的电(電)话(話) yǒu nǐ de diànhuà he is wanted by the police他被警方通缉(緝) tā bèi jǐngfāng tōngjī "cook wanted""招聘厨(廚)师(師)" "zhāopìn chúshī" if you want如果你乐(樂)意的话(話) rúguǒ nǐ lèyì de huà to want out (inf) (of deal etc) 想退出 xiǎng tuìchū to want in (inf) (on deal etc) 想要加入 xiǎng yào jiārù for want of因为(為)缺乏 yīnwèi quēfá 在这些条目还发现'want': 在英文解释里: anything else - as often as you wish - ask a question - be out to get - desire - do the job - eager - fancy - feel like - gag - gasp - get your own way - have a bone to pick - have no truck with - have your eye on - I would like - if you say so - insatiable desire - it's a free country - lust after - movies on demand - need - not feel like - qv - security - settle - suit yourself - unwanted - wanna - will - wish - would like - yearn - you name it 中文: 想要 - 要 - 想 - 就要 - 无拘无束 - 欲 - 痛不欲生 - 需 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Verbs followed by an infinitive, PET Vocabulary List - W, 更多……同义词: wish, craving, demand, desire, urge, 更多……习惯性搭配: want to [be, know, see, get, make, stop], their wants are [simple, easy, tough, complicated], has always wanted to [be], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'want' 的论坛讨论:

Babies Want Fair Leaders be free to explore information however they want/as they please buy a book you want to read Cantonese: Do you want to play (with us)? (badminton) Cantonese: I want to learn Chinese Do you want to chat on here some time, if you are free? do you want to eat more Do you want to play singles or doubles? I definitely want to go back some day. I don't want no trouble I don't want to buy glasses, but a pair of lenses instead I don't want to compromise you I don't want to give to anybody I don't want to go to school I want I want a woman I want coffee without milk I want to be a high school French teacher. I want to be a teacher I want to do X like you/him/her I want to get a pair of better quality headphones some time in the future. I want to go up/down I want to have good pronunciation and use the right tones in Cantonese. I want to hear your voice I want to order dish number ... (restaurant) I want to save money to go to China I want to see if I like it first I want to send a certified letter to my mother. I want to speak Chinese I want to speak Chinese well one day 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'want'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "want" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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