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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 walk⇒ vi (travel on foot)SCSimplified Chinese 走路 zǒu lù TCTraditional Chinese 走路   SCSimplified Chinese 散步 zǒu lù,sàn bù  Would you like to ride or walk?  你想开车还是走路?  这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 每天晚饭以后我都要散半小时步。 walk to [sth] vi + prep (travel somewhere on foot)SCSimplified Chinese 步行去…,走路去…  The children always walk to school.  孩子们总是走路去上学。 walk n (activity, stroll)SCSimplified Chinese 散步 sàn bù   SCSimplified Chinese 步行 sàn bù,bù xíng TCTraditional Chinese 步行  They go for a walk each night after dinner.  每天晚饭过后,他们都会去散步。 walk on [sth] vi + prep (set foot somewhere)SCSimplified Chinese 踏上 tà shàng   SCSimplified Chinese 落足  Buzz Aldrin was the second man to walk on the moon.  巴兹·奥尔德林是第二个登上月球的人。 walk [sth]⇒ vtr (pace)SCSimplified Chinese 踱步于 duó bù yú TCTraditional Chinese 踱步於   SCSimplified Chinese 在…上走动 duó bù yú,zài shàng zǒu dòng  She walked the floor, worrying about what was going to happen.  她来回踱步,担心将要发生的事。 walk [sth] vtr (dog: take for a walk)SCSimplified Chinese 遛(狗) liú ( gǒu )  Jay needs to walk his dog.  杰伊得去遛狗。 walk [sb]⇒ vtr (help [sb] to walk)SCSimplified Chinese 帮助某人行走  The Boy Scout walked the elderly man across the street.  童子军扶老人过了马路。 walk [sb] vtr (accompany on foot)SCSimplified Chinese 和…一起步行 hé yì qǐ bù xíng   SCSimplified Chinese 陪…散步 hé yì qǐ bù xíng,péi sàn bù  I'm going to walk my mother to the shop.  我要陪我妈一起去商店。 walk [sth]⇒ vtr (move by rocking)SCSimplified Chinese 推动,推,摇动着往前搬 tuī dòng,tuī TCTraditional Chinese 推動,推  Let's walk the heavy bookshelf across the room instead of carrying it.  这个书架太重了,我们搬不动,还是摇晃着往前推吧。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 walk n (baseball: going to first base on balls) (棒球)SCSimplified Chinese 保送 walk⇒ vi (appear alive) (幽灵、鬼魂等)SCSimplified Chinese 出现,出来,出没 chū xiàn,chū lái TCTraditional Chinese 出現,出來  Ghosts walk by night.  鬼魂出没于夜晚。 walk vi (go, conduct yourself)SCSimplified Chinese 处事 chǔ shì   SCSimplified Chinese 行事 chǔ shì,xíng shì TCTraditional Chinese 行事   SCSimplified Chinese 为人处世 chǔ shì,wéi rén chǔ shì  The prophet taught us to walk in peace. walk vi (basketball: move illegally) (篮球)SCSimplified Chinese 走步 zǒu bù  The basketball player was going to score, but he walked.  篮球选手正要得分,不过他走步了。 walk vi (baseball: go to first base on balls) (棒球)SCSimplified Chinese 保送 walk [sb]⇒ vtr (baseball: send to first base on balls) (棒球)SCSimplified Chinese 保送  The pitcher walked three batters in a row.  投球手一连保送了三个击球。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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动词短语英语中文 walk about vi phrasal (stroll around, go around on foot)SCSimplified Chinese 徘徊 pái huái   SCSimplified Chinese 到处走 pái huái ,dào chù zǒu walk away vi phrasal (go or leave on foot)SCSimplified Chinese 走开 zǒu kāi TCTraditional Chinese 走開  Instead of arguing with me, he simply walked away.  他并没有与我展开争论,而只是走开了。 walk away vi phrasal figurative (abandon [sth] or [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 丢弃,抛弃 diū qì,pāo qì TCTraditional Chinese 拋棄   SCSimplified Chinese 离开,离弃 lí kāi,lí qì TCTraditional Chinese 離開  If you're being treated so terribly, then you need to walk away.  如果你遭受到恶劣的对待,那就需要离开。 walk away with [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (escape)SCSimplified Chinese 轻松获得,轻易取胜 qīng sōng huò dé ,qīng yì qǔ shèng   SCSimplified Chinese 顺手牵羊,顺手拿走 shùn shǒu qiān yáng,shùn shǒu ná zǒu TCTraditional Chinese 順手牽羊  The car was totalled, but the driver walked away with minor injuries. walk away with [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (take, steal)SCSimplified Chinese 轻松获得,轻易取胜 qīng sōng huò dé ,qīng yì qǔ shèng   SCSimplified Chinese 顺手牵羊,顺手拿走 shùn shǒu qiān yáng,shùn shǒu ná zǒu TCTraditional Chinese 順手牽羊  The ruling party walked away with the election after the opposition decided to boycott it. walk by [sth] vtr phrasal insep (go past on foot)SCSimplified Chinese 路过 lù guò TCTraditional Chinese 路過   SCSimplified Chinese 走过 lù guò,zǒu guò  I have walked by that shop a hundred times but I've never gone in. walk by [sth] vtr phrasal insep (stroll by the side of)SCSimplified Chinese 与...共行   SCSimplified Chinese 和...并肩走 walk down [sth] vtr phrasal insep (go along on foot)SCSimplified Chinese 沿着…向下走 yán zhe xiàng xià zǒu  Walk down Elm Street then turn left at the corner.  沿着榆树街向下走,然后在拐角处左转。 walk in on [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (catch unawares)SCSimplified Chinese 撞见 zhuàng jiàn  The boss walked in on one of the workers sleeping at his desk. walk into [sth] vtr phrasal insep (enter: on foot)SCSimplified Chinese 走进 zǒu jìn  I walked right into his trap. walk into [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (bump against: [sb] or [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 无意撞上  A woman walked into me in the street and didn't even apologise. I wasn't looking where I was going, and walked right into the wall. walk into [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (encounter unexpectedly)SCSimplified Chinese 意外遇上 yì wài yù shàng  I just happened to walk into your brother at the store. He looks great! walk off vi phrasal (go away on foot)SCSimplified Chinese 走开 zǒu kāi TCTraditional Chinese 走開  He became angry and walked off.  他生气了,然后走开了。 walk [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (calories, fat: burn by walking) (消耗脂肪、热量等)SCSimplified Chinese 通过走路来消耗 tōng guò zǒu lù lái xiāo hào  I've just had a heavy lunch so I suppose I'd better go and walk it off.  我才吃了一顿丰盛的午餐,所以我最好去走走来消耗一下摄入的热量。 walk off with [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (take, steal)SCSimplified Chinese 轻松获得,轻易取胜 qīng sōng huò dé ,qīng yì qǔ shèng   SCSimplified Chinese 顺手牵羊,顺手拿走 shùn shǒu qiān yáng,shùn shǒu ná zǒu TCTraditional Chinese 順手牽羊  After he broke into the house, the thief walked off with all my jewelry. walk off with [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (win)SCSimplified Chinese 轻松赢得... walk out vi phrasal figurative (abandon [sth] or [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 抛弃,遗弃,离开 pāo qì,yí qì,lí kāi TCTraditional Chinese 拋棄,離開  When Sally lost her job, her husband walked out.  莎莉丢了工作后,她的丈夫就抛弃了她。 walk out on [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (refuse to fulfil obligation) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 离开,退场(以示抗议) lí kāi,tuì zhǎng yǐ shì kàng yì TCTraditional Chinese 離開  The player denied that he had any intention of walking out on his contract. walk over vi phrasal (approach on foot)SCSimplified Chinese 走到,走向 zǒu xiàng TCTraditional Chinese 走向  Jenna walked over to her and shook her hand in greeting.  珍妮走向她,跟她握手致意。 walk over [sth] vtr phrasal insep (cross on foot)SCSimplified Chinese 穿过 chuān guò   SCSimplified Chinese 走过 chuān guò ,zǒu guò  Just walk over the bridge to get to that part of town. I've had to walk all over York to find your house.  要想到小镇的那一边,只需要穿过那座桥即可。为了找到你的住处,我不得不穿过整个约克郡。 walk over [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative, informal (treat disrespectfully)SCSimplified Chinese 轻蔑地对待 qīng miè de duì dài  Larry walked over at least three people to serve as chairman of the board.  拉里至少胜过三个人才当上了董事会主席。 walk up vi phrasal (approach on foot)SCSimplified Chinese 走向 zǒu xiàng TCTraditional Chinese 走向  A stranger walked up and asked me the way to the beach.  一名陌生人走向我,向我询问去海滩的路。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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复合形式:英语中文 walk on broken glass, tread on broken glass v expr figurative (delicate situation, subject)SCSimplified Chinese 复杂微妙的情况 fù zá wēi miào de qíng kuàng  If you try to discuss his drinking problem, you will be walking on broken glass.  如果你向讨论他的酗酒问题,你将会感觉如履薄冰。 cock of the walk (group leader)SCSimplified Chinese 领袖 lǐng xiù TCTraditional Chinese 領袖   SCSimplified Chinese 头儿 lǐng xiù,tóu er   SCSimplified Chinese 领导 lǐng xiù,lǐng dǎo TCTraditional Chinese 領導 covered walk n (outdoor passageway)SCSimplified Chinese 回廊 huí láng   SCSimplified Chinese 有顶的长廊 huí láng,yǒu dǐng de cháng láng go for a walk v expr (take a stroll)SCSimplified Chinese 散步 sàn bù  Imogen went for a walk to get some fresh air.  伊莫金出去散步,来呼吸新鲜空气。 go for a walk v expr figurative, informal (go missing)SCSimplified Chinese 丢了   SCSimplified Chinese 丢失 diū shī TCTraditional Chinese 丟失  My wallet seems to have gone for a walk; have you seen it?  我的钱包似乎丢了,你有看到过吗? nature walk n (stroll in the countryside)SCSimplified Chinese 野外散步 nature walk n (nature trail: countryside route)SCSimplified Chinese 观景小径 power walk vi (exercise: walk fast) (运动)SCSimplified Chinese 劲走 race walking, walking, the walk, heel-and-toe racing n (sport)SCSimplified Chinese 竞走 slow-walk [sth]⇒ vtr figurative (delay [sth]'s progress)SCSimplified Chinese 拖拉 tuō lā   SCSimplified Chinese 拉慢 spacewalk, space walk n (walk outside a spacecraft)SCSimplified Chinese 太空行走 tài kōng xíng zǒu spacewalk, space-walk, space walk vi (walk outside a spacecraft)SCSimplified Chinese 太空行走 tài kōng xíng zǒu take a walk v expr (go for a stroll)SCSimplified Chinese 散步 sàn bù  I asked my girlfriend if she would like to take a walk with me. take a walk interj slang (go away) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 走开! zǒu kāi TCTraditional Chinese 走開!  He started getting on my nerves, so I told him to take a walk. walk a tightrope, walk the tightrope v expr figurative (be in a precarious position) (比喻情况危险)SCSimplified Chinese 走钢丝 zǒu gāng sī   SCSimplified Chinese 如履薄冰 zǒu gāng sī,rú lǚ bó bīng TCTraditional Chinese 如履薄冰 walk along vi + adv (stroll)SCSimplified Chinese 散步 sàn bù   SCSimplified Chinese 溜达 sàn bù,liū dá  Lucie walked along in silence, lost in thought. walk along [sth] vi + prep (stroll the length of [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 沿着…走,沿着...散步 yán zhe zǒu TCTraditional Chinese 沿著…走  We walked along the canal at sunset. walk around vi + adv (stroll about, go about on foot)SCSimplified Chinese 四处转转 sì chù zhuàn zhuan TCTraditional Chinese 四處轉轉   SCSimplified Chinese 四处溜达 sì chù zhuàn zhuan,sì chù liū dā  I didn't have a place to go. I was just walking around.  我无处可去,只是四处溜达。 walk around [sth] vi + prep (stroll outside [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 围着…溜达 wéi zhe liū dā   SCSimplified Chinese 在…外转转 wéi zhe liū dā,zài wài zhuàn zhuàn  You'll have to walk around the mountain to get to the other side.  要想去到另一边,你就得围着那座山溜达。 walk back vi (return on foot)SCSimplified Chinese 走路回...   SCSimplified Chinese 走回...  When he realized he had forgotten to buy eggs, Ray walked back to the store. walk down the aisle, go down the aisle v expr (get married)SCSimplified Chinese 结婚 jié hūn TCTraditional Chinese 結婚 walk [sb] down the aisle v expr (lead bride to altar)SCSimplified Chinese 领着新娘走向舞台  On her wedding day, Joanna's father walked her down the aisle. walk in [sth], walk into [sth] vi + prep (enter on foot)SCSimplified Chinese 走进 zǒu jìn  Whenever someone walks in the store, a bell sounds.  只要有人走进商店,铃铛就会响。 walk in vi + adv (enter without invitation)SCSimplified Chinese 未经许可进入 wèi jīng xǔ kě jìn rù   SCSimplified Chinese 径直进入 wèi jīng xǔ kě jìn rù,jìng zhí jìn rù   SCSimplified Chinese 闯入 wèi jīng xǔ kě jìn rù,chuǎng rù  It is better to knock first than simply walk in.  事先敲门总比径直进入好。 a walk in the park n figurative (very easy)SCSimplified Chinese 非常容易的事 fēi cháng róng yì de shì   SCSimplified Chinese 做起来轻松的事  Now we've worked out how to deal with the problems, the rest of this project should be a walk in the park. walk it v expr (succeed easily)SCSimplified Chinese 轻易成功   SCSimplified Chinese 轻松获胜 TCTraditional Chinese 輕鬆獲勝 walk it SCSimplified Chinese 走吧 walk of life n (place in society)SCSimplified Chinese 职业 zhí yè TCTraditional Chinese 職業   SCSimplified Chinese 行业 zhí yè,háng yè TCTraditional Chinese 行業 walk of shame v expr (in yesterday's clothing)SCSimplified Chinese 蒙羞之旅 备注: 一夜情后狼狈回家 I saw Rachel doing the walk of shame across campus this morning. walk on vi + adv (go by without stopping)SCSimplified Chinese 继续走 jì xù zǒu TCTraditional Chinese 繼續走   SCSimplified Chinese 接着走 jì xù zǒu,jiē zhe zǒu  She tried to greet him in the street, but he walked on without saying hello.  她试图在街上迎接他,不过他连招呼都没打就继续走了。 walk on air v expr figurative (be extremely happy)SCSimplified Chinese 飘飘然 piāo piāo rán   SCSimplified Chinese 洋洋得意 备注: Commonly used in the continuouswalk on by v expr (go past without stopping)SCSimplified Chinese 路过 lù guò TCTraditional Chinese 路過   SCSimplified Chinese 走过 lù guò,zǒu guò walk on thin ice, skate on thin ice, be on thin ice v expr figurative (take a risk)SCSimplified Chinese 如履薄冰 rú lǚ bó bīng TCTraditional Chinese 如履薄冰 备注: Commonly used in the continuous You're walking on thin ice if you keep insulting Katie. walk out vi + adv (exit on foot)SCSimplified Chinese 走出去 zǒu chū qù  Matthew walked out without replying.  马修没有回答就走了出去。 walk out on [sb] v expr figurative (abandon, leave)SCSimplified Chinese 抛弃某人 TCTraditional Chinese 拋棄某人   SCSimplified Chinese 遗弃某人   SCSimplified Chinese 离开某人  Her boyfriend walked out on her when he discovered she was pregnant by another man. Julie walked out on her husband when things got tough.  她的男朋友发现她怀孕的时候,他就抛弃了她。//当生活变得艰难时,朱莉便离她的丈夫而去。 walk out of [sth] v expr (exit on foot)SCSimplified Chinese 走出   SCSimplified Chinese 从…走出去 cóng zǒu chū qù  She walked out of the apartment, keys in hand. Instead of yelling, she decided to walk out of the office in silence.  她手里拿着钥匙走出了公寓。//她没有大喊大叫,而是决定默默地走出办公室。 walk out with [sb] v expr UK, dated (date)SCSimplified Chinese 和…谈恋爱  The actress was reported to be walking out with a millionaire businessman. walk past vi + adv (go by on foot)SCSimplified Chinese 路过 lù guò TCTraditional Chinese 路過   SCSimplified Chinese 走过 lù guò,zǒu guò  Every day, I sit at my window, watching the children walk past on their way to school. walk past [sth/sb] vi + prep (go by on foot)SCSimplified Chinese 路过 lù guò TCTraditional Chinese 路過   SCSimplified Chinese 经过 lù guò,jīng guò TCTraditional Chinese 經過 walk tall vi figurative (be proud or unapologetic)SCSimplified Chinese 挺直腰杆,理直气壮   SCSimplified Chinese 不低三下四 walk the dog v expr (walk with pet dog for exercise)SCSimplified Chinese 遛狗 liù gǒu  I walk the dog every day.  我每天都遛狗。 walk the line v expr figurative (be in a precarious position)SCSimplified Chinese 岌岌可危 jí jí kě wēi   SCSimplified Chinese 风雨摇摆 walk the line v expr (behave in a moral or socially acceptable manner)SCSimplified Chinese 谨守礼法   SCSimplified Chinese 遵守规范 walk the plank v expr historical (be forced overboard a ship)SCSimplified Chinese 被迫跳船 walk the plank v expr figurative, informal (be forced to leave)SCSimplified Chinese 被迫离职 bèi pò lí zhí walk the walk, walk the talk v expr figurative, informal (do as one preaches or boasts of doing)SCSimplified Chinese 付诸行动,说做就做,言行一致 备注: Often used in combination with "talk the talk": We must not only talk the talk, but also walk the walk.walk [sb] through [sth] vtr + prep figurative (guide [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 指导某人做某事 zhǐ dǎo mǒu rén zuò mǒu shì   SCSimplified Chinese 向某人示范某事  This video will walk you through the process of creating an animated gif. walk up to [sb/sth] v expr (approach on foot)SCSimplified Chinese 向…走去 xiàng … zǒu qù  He walked up to me and told me how much he enjoyed my presentation. walk-in adj (without an appointment) (店铺或诊所等)SCSimplified Chinese 无须预约的   SCSimplified Chinese 未经预约的 walk-in adj (large enough to be walked into) (指空间足够大)SCSimplified Chinese 可供进出的,可步入的 walk-in n ([sb] who comes without an appointment)SCSimplified Chinese 不预约就来的人   SCSimplified Chinese 不请自来的人 walk-in n ([sth] big enough to walk into)SCSimplified Chinese 可供人进出的地方   SCSimplified Chinese 步入式空间  The house has plenty of clothes storage space, with each bedroom having its own walk-in. Food is refrigerated in the restaurant's walk-in. walk-in n US, figurative (assured victory)SCSimplified Chinese 轻而易举的胜利   SCSimplified Chinese 唾手可得的胜利  That candidate is sure to win the election; it's a walk-in. walk-in clinic n (medical facility where no appointment is needed)SCSimplified Chinese 免预约诊所 walk-in closet n (room used for storing clothes)SCSimplified Chinese 可以走进去的壁橱 kě yǐ zǒu jìn qù de bì chú  The walk-in closet has plenty of room for clothes and shoes. walk-in hours npl (times when no appointment is needed)SCSimplified Chinese 免预约服务时段 walk-on adj (actor, role: with no spoken lines)SCSimplified Chinese 跑龙套的 pǎo lóng tào de TCTraditional Chinese 跑龍套的  Even though he had no dialogue, his walk-on performance was memorable. walk-on n US (non-scholarship student athlete) (无奖学金的)SCSimplified Chinese 体育录取生 walk-on actor n (performer: no spoken lines)SCSimplified Chinese 跑龙套的演员 pǎo lóng tào de yǎn yuán walk-on part n (acting role with no spoken lines)SCSimplified Chinese 跑龙套的角色 pǎo lóng tào de jué sè  She asked for a walk-on part so that she wouldn't have to memorize lines. walk-through, walkthrough n figurative (practice, going through [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 示范 shì fàn TCTraditional Chinese 示範   SCSimplified Chinese 指导 shì fàn,zhǐ dǎo TCTraditional Chinese 指導  The librarian gave the new students a walk-through of the procedure for borrowing books. walk-through, walkthrough adj figurative (practice, guided)SCSimplified Chinese 练习过的   SCSimplified Chinese 有指南的   SCSimplified Chinese 有指导的  The booklet that comes with the game contains a walk-through guide.  游戏附带的手册内含操作指南。 walk-up n US (apartment: no elevator)SCSimplified Chinese 无电梯的公寓 walk-up n US (building: no elevator)SCSimplified Chinese 无电梯的建筑 walk-up adj (restaurant: counter service) (餐厅)SCSimplified Chinese 临街的 walkaway, walk-away n US (easy victory)SCSimplified Chinese 轻易取得的胜利 qīng yì qǔ dé de shèng lì   SCSimplified Chinese 轻易取胜的比赛 qīng yì qǔ dé de shèng lì,qīng yì qǔ shèng de bǐ sài   SCSimplified Chinese 轻易完成的事 qīng yì qǔ dé de shèng lì,qīng yì wán chéng de shì walkaway, walk-away n (person: deserts, abandons)SCSimplified Chinese 逃离(医院、监狱)的病患或犯人 táo lí yī yuàn jiān yù de bìng huàn huò fàn rén walkaway, walk-away adj (take-away) (食物)SCSimplified Chinese 可外带的,外卖的 TCTraditional Chinese 外賣的   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: walk [wɔːk] I n 1 [c] 散步 sànbù [次 cì] 2 [s] (=gait) 步态(態) bùtài 3 [c] (=route) 散步场(場)所 sànbù chǎngsuǒ II vi 走 zǒu III vt 1 [+ distance] 走 zǒu 2 [+ dog] 遛 liù it's 10 minutes' walk from here 从(從)这(這)儿(兒)走有10分钟(鐘)的路程 cóng zhèr zǒu yǒu shí fēnzhōng de lùchéng to go for a walk 去散步 qù sànbù to slow to a walk放慢速度改为(為)步行 fàngmàn sùdù gǎiwéi bùxíng people from all walks of life各界人士 gè jiè rénshì to walk in one's sleep梦(夢)游(遊) mèngyóu I'll walk you home我陪你走回家 wǒ péi nǐ zǒuhuí jiā walk off with (inf) vt fus 不可拆分 1 (=steal) 顺(順)手拿走 shùnshǒu názǒu 2 (=win) [+ prize] 轻(輕)易赢(贏)得 qīngyì yíngdé walk out vi 1 ▶ to walk out (of sth) 退出(某事) tuìchū (mǒushì) 2 ▶ to walk out (on sb) 离(離)开(開)(某人) líkāi (mǒurén) 3 (=strike) 罢(罷)工 bàgōng 在这些条目还发现'walk': 在英文解释里: ambulate - ambulatory - ankle - base on balls - bimble - clump along - come and go - constitutional - dodder - dog walker - enter - file - first step - flounce - follow on - foot - footpad - frogmarch - get about - go for - goosestep - heavily - hike - hit the bricks - hobble - hobble along - hoof - hoof it - keep off - limp along - limp slightly - lollop - lumpy - march - march off - mill around - mince - mincingly - nature trail - overpass - pace - pace up and down - pad - paddle - parade - perambulate - plod - plodding - power walk - promenade 中文: 行 - 行走 - 走 - 走路 - 各行各业 - 徘徊 - 走动 - 走开 - 走进 - 路过 - 踱 - 遛狗 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Foot movements, Words with a silent "l", 更多……同义词: stroll, foot it, hoof it, leg it, go on foot, 更多……习惯性搭配: walk [quickly, slowly, confidently], a [short, long, quick, brisk, stiff] walk, (let's) walk and talk, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'walk' 的论坛讨论:

Do you need to use a cane when you walk? from every walk of life No one to talk with. All by myself. No one to walk with, But I'm happy on the shelf. take dog for a walk to walk around the block walk in on somebody Walk on eggshells walk planet earth walk slow slow (goodbye) < descend/walk down> from the mountaintop. - English Only forum _____ ten minutes' walk to the nearest station - English Only forum - Did you play football or go for a walk? - No. - English Only forum . . .although a bowl of hot chili or hot soup always tastes better after a brisk walk in the winter. - English Only forum ... walk about on a train - English Only forum "... walk in a teacher's shoes" - English Only forum ...young children might walk here - English Only forum 'go for a walk' to a child - English Only forum 'stroll' and 'walk' - English Only forum 'To walk faster' vs. 'To walk more quickly' - English Only forum (Since,As) it is snowing today, you’d better walk to school. - English Only forum [..] or even talk a walk to reflect over life. - English Only forum [Go/come] upstairs/[ascend/climb] the staircase/walk up the [stairs/steps] - English Only forum [going for a walk] or [taking a walk] - English Only forum 10 minutes' drive /walk - English Only forum 20 minutes' walk - English Only forum 30 minute walk/30 minutes long - English Only forum 40 minutes' walk - English Only forum 40-foot fire walk - English Only forum A 10 minute walk? - English Only forum a 20 minute walk = 20 minutes' walk - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'walk'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "walk" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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