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ramble是什么意思/翻译_ramble读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 David • 2023年1月31日 pm6:03 • 英文单词 • 阅读 11


ramble是什么意思/翻译_ramble读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 ramble

英 [ˈræmbl] 美 [ˈræmbl]

v.  漫游,漫步,闲逛(尤指在乡间); 漫谈; 闲聊; 瞎扯; 蔓生; 攀附生长n.  漫步; 散步; 杂乱无章的长篇大论



Collins.1 / BNC.19122 / COCA.16774



漫游,漫步,闲逛(尤指在乡间)to walk for pleasure, especially in the countryside We spent the summer rambling in Ireland.我们花了一个夏天漫游爱尔兰。 漫谈;闲聊;瞎扯to talk about sb/sth in a confused way, especially for a long time He had lost track of what he was saying and began to ramble.他忘了自己的话题,便开始瞎扯起来。 What is she rambling on about now?她现在又在东拉西扯些什么呀? 蔓生;攀附生长to grow in many different directions, especially over other plants or objects Climbing plants rambled over the front of the house.攀缘植物贴着房子正面的墙到处长。


漫步;散步a long walk for pleasure to go for a ramble in the country去乡间散步 杂乱无章的长篇大论a long confused speech or piece of writing She went into a long ramble about the evils of television.她开始东拉西扯地大谈电视的弊端。 柯林斯词典 N-COUNT (在乡间的)漫游,闲逛A ramble is a long walk in the countryside. …an hour’s ramble tough the woods.一个小时的林间漫步 VERB (在乡间)漫游,闲逛If you ramble, you go on a long walk in the countryside. …freedom to ramble across the moors.在荒野里漫步的自由 VERB 漫谈;漫笔If you say that a person rambles in their speech or writing, you mean they do not make much sense because they keep going off the subject in a confused way. Sometimes she spoke sensibly; sometimes she rambled…有时她讲话很有条理,有时则讲得漫无边际。 It would have been best written in a more concise way as it does tend to ramble.它的行文确实有些信马由缰,要是简洁一些就好了。 双语例句 Sometimes she spoke sensibly; sometimes she rambled 有时她讲话很有条理,有时则讲得漫无边际。 It would have been best written in a more concise way as it does tend to ramble. 它的行文确实有些信马由缰,要是简洁一些就好了。 This is the best season for a ramble in the suburbs. 这是去郊区漫游的最好季节。 If they gossip or ramble about other people or things they heard they look to the left. 如果你们闲聊关于其他人或者事情的时候向左上方看。 One day in the second grade, our class went on a weekend ramble in the countryside. 读二年级时,有一天,我们班到乡村进行周末漫步。 When you ramble on about topics it is more likely that you are losing your audience. 如果你东拉西扯会让听众失去兴趣。 You have heard me ramble on a lot in the preceding paragraphs, and I hope I have done a decent job of outlining the challenges and solutions. 在上文中,我已经谈了很多问题,我希望我已经清楚地说明了挑战和解决方案。 One day my teacher and I were returning from a long ramble. 一天,我和老师正从一次长距离散步中返回。 Certainly not a long ramble without an invitation. 当然,没有邀请函的一次漫游除外。 Sit still and our minds want to ramble. 安静地坐在那里,我们的思想会漫游。 I won’t ramble on about that. 对于这个我不会信口开河。 By the end of May he began to ramble. 到了五月底,他就开始有点东拉西扯。 We were out on a country ramble. 我们出门做一次乡间漫游。 Nevertheless, please forgive me if I ramble on too much; 总之,如果我太啰嗦请务必原谅我; Sorry if I seem to ramble on and on about my daily life. 很抱歉,如果我似乎漫步在和我的日常生活。 I left the town and began to ramble about the fields. 我出了城,在田里走。 Design and Research on Multi-User Network Virtual Campus Ramble System 多用户网络虚拟校园漫游系统的构建与研究 We often go for a ramble in the park after supper. 晚饭后我们常常在公园里漫步。 She would let me ramble on until I ran out of steam. 她会让我没完没了地闲扯,直到我精疲力竭为止。 The clouds ramble in the sky everyday, shed tears ever and again. 云彩每天都在天空中游走,有时落泪。 At weekends they usually ramble tough country towns and markets. 在周末,他们通常在乡村小镇和集市闲逛。 In our walk along the moor: you told me to ramble where I pleased, while you sauntered on with Mr Heathcliff! 在我们顺着荒野散步的时候,你吩咐我随便去溜达一下,而你却跟希刺克厉夫先生闲逛啦! I could say much more, but I don’t want to ramble on. 还有许多的话想说,不啰嗦了。我的思想将一路上跟随着你们。 My holiday afternoons were spent in ramble about the surrounding country. 每逢假日的下午,我总要漫游周围的乡村。 Many birds calling to each other about how little the Ramble has changed. 许多鸟儿互相诉说“漫步处”没有多少变化。 I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth. 我会抽时间听祖父叨絮他的青年时代。 Ramble to street look, closer from the school circumjacent area is general some. 到街头逛逛看看,离学校较近的周边地区一般都有的。 The old lady began to ramble ( about the days of her youth). 这老太太开始漫谈(她年轻时的日子)。 The two boys ramble along the streets to the address Mrs. Weaver has given Billy. 那两个男孩子缓步沿街向韦佛太太给比利的那个地址走去。 During a ramble about the city, I visited one of the two establishments where the Government keeps and watches corpses. 我到城里各处去闲逛,参观了政府保管和看守尸体的两所房子之一。 同义词辨析

  ramble roam rove stroll【导航词义:漫步】

  ramble v. 〈英〉漫步


〔例证〕 You will find a lot of fun when you ramble in the country. 漫步乡间,你会发现很多乐趣。 They rambled tough the woods. 他们漫步走过树林。

  roam v. 漫步,漫游


ramble是什么意思/翻译_ramble读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 〔例证〕 Dogs are allowed to roam freely in his villa. 在他的别墅里,狗可以四处走动。 Children shall not roam the streets at night. 小孩子晚上不应该在街上游荡。 A couple of lovers roam the countryside. 一对情侣在乡间漫步。

  rove v. 〈书〉漫游,流浪


〔例证〕 The police have caught the thieves who roved the countryside. 警方已经抓住了在乡村流窜的那些盗贼。 As a salesman roving the country, he has little time to spend with his family. 作为一名全国各地跑的推销员,他很少有时间陪伴家人。

  stroll v. 散步,闲逛


〔例证〕 She and her friends were strolling along, talking and laughing. 她和朋友们有说有笑地溜达着。 He likes to stroll along the beach after supper. 他喜欢晚饭后在海滩散步。


ramble on

1. 漫无边际地闲扯;拉拉杂杂地说  



an aimless amble on a winding course

Synonym:    meander


move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment The gypsies roamed the woods roving vagabonds the wandering Jew The cattle roam across the prairie the laborers drift from one town to the next They rolled from town to town

Synonym:    rollwanderswanstraytramproamcastroverangedriftvagabond

continue talking or writing in a desultory manner This novel rambles on and jogs

Synonym:    ramble onjog



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