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2024-06-19 09:17| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Relatives of victims of the South Carolina mass shooting addressed suspect Dylann Roof in court Friday. They offered him forgiveness.南卡罗来纳州大规模枪击事件受害人亲属周五在法庭上面对了犯罪嫌疑人狄伦·鲁夫(Dylann Roof)。他们选择了宽恕。

"May God have mercy on your soul," said the mother of the youngest victim, 26-year-old Tywanza Sanders.26岁的年轻受害人Tywanza Sanders的母亲说,“愿上帝怜悯你的灵魂。”

"We are the family that love built," another relative said. "We have no room for hate."另一位受害人亲属表示,“我们是一个爱好营造的家庭,我们无暇仇恨。”

Twenty-one-year-old Dylann Roof was charged with the murders of nine people in the shooting at a church in Charleston. All the victims were black. The suspect is white.21岁的鲁夫被控在查尔斯顿的一家教堂枪杀了9名受害人。所有受害人都是黑人。嫌犯是白人。

The governor of South Carolina described the shooting as a hate crime. She said she wants the state to seek the death penalty.南卡罗来纳州州长称这次枪击是仇恨犯罪行为。她说,她希望该州能够对他施以死刑惩罚。

Yemen talks in Geneva end without deal也门日内瓦和谈未达成协议

Representatives of Yemen's government and the rebel Houthi group held their first direct talks this week in Geneva, Swtizerland. The United Nations special diplomat for Yemen said the two sides did not reach a cease-fire deal. He expressed hope that such an agreement can be reached with more meetings.也门政府和胡塞反叛组织的代表本周在瑞士日内瓦进行了首次直接会谈。联合国也门专使表示,双方未能达成停火协议。他希望通过更多会谈能达成这类协议。

20 Militants Killed in Pakistan Airstrikes巴基斯坦空袭击毙20名武装分子

Military officials in Pakistan say at least 20 militants were killed Friday in an airstrike in a northwestern border area.巴基斯坦军方表示,至少有20名武装分子周五在西北边境地区的一次空袭中被击毙。

A short statement said fighter planes targeted remote areas in the Khyber tribal agency near the Afghan border. The statement also said "about 18 terrorists" were wounded.一份简短声明表示,战斗机以靠近阿富汗边境地区的开伯尔部落机构境内的偏远地区为目标。这份声明还表示大约有18名恐怖分子受伤。

The historic Khyber pass serves as one of only two trade and transit routes between Pakistan and Afghanistan.历史悠久的开伯尔关口是巴基斯坦和阿富汗之间唯一两条贸易和过境路线之一。

Family Members of First MERS Patient in Thailand Receiving Tests泰国首位MERS患者的家庭成员接受检查

Two more foreigners in Thailand are being tested for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome.泰国又有两名外国人正在接受中东呼吸综合征检查。

The two are relatives of an infected man from Oman. They had traveled with the man Monday to Thailand where he was to seek treatment for a heart condition.这两人是来自阿曼的受感染男子的亲属。他们同该名到泰国治疗心脏病的男子一同来到泰国。

All the man's family members have been isolated at an infectious diseases center outside Bangkok.该男子所有家庭成员已被隔离在曼谷以外的一处传染病中心。(51VOA.COM对本文翻译保留全部权利,未经授权请勿转载,违者必究!)




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