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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 view n (vista, panorama)SCSimplified Chinese 景色 jǐng sè TCTraditional Chinese 景色   SCSimplified Chinese 景观 jǐng sè ,jǐng guān   SCSimplified Chinese 风景 jǐng sè ,fēng jǐng TCTraditional Chinese 風景  There is an amazing view out the window.  从窗子看出去,景色美极了。
 view n (opinion)SCSimplified Chinese 观点 guān diǎn TCTraditional Chinese 觀點   SCSimplified Chinese 看法 guān diǎn,kàn fǎ TCTraditional Chinese 看法   SCSimplified Chinese 见解 guān diǎn,jiàn jiě TCTraditional Chinese 見解  What is your view on the situation in Africa?  你对非洲局势有何看法?
 view [sth]⇒ vtr (inspect, survey)SCSimplified Chinese 视察 shì chá TCTraditional Chinese 視察   SCSimplified Chinese 查看 shì chá,chá kàn TCTraditional Chinese 查看  The politicians viewed the disaster area.  政界人士视察了灾区。 view [sth] vtr (consider, opinion)SCSimplified Chinese 认为 rèn wéi TCTraditional Chinese 認為   SCSimplified Chinese 把…视作 rèn wéi ,bǎ shì zuò  Many people view tattoos negatively.  很多人认为纹身不好。 view [sth] vtr often passive (watch: video, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 观看 guān kàn TCTraditional Chinese 觀看   SCSimplified Chinese 查看 guān kàn ,chá kàn TCTraditional Chinese 查看  A million people have viewed that clip of the talking cat.  有100万人已经观看过那个说话猫咪的小短片。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 view n (individual look)SCSimplified Chinese 看一眼 kàn yì yǎn   SCSimplified Chinese 眺望 kàn yì yǎn,tiào wàng  They stopped at a high place for a view of the city.  他们站在高处,眺望整座城市。 view n (range of vision)SCSimplified Chinese 视野 shì yě TCTraditional Chinese 視野   SCSimplified Chinese 目力范围 shì yě,mù lì fàn wéi  The city disappeared from view.  那座城市从视野中消失。 view n (examination)SCSimplified Chinese 查看 chá kàn TCTraditional Chinese 查看   SCSimplified Chinese 仔细观看 chá kàn ,zǐ xì guān kàn  She picked the flower for a closer view.  她拾起花朵仔细观看。 view n (intention)SCSimplified Chinese 目的 mù dì TCTraditional Chinese 目的   SCSimplified Chinese 打算 mù dì ,dǎ suàn TCTraditional Chinese 打算   SCSimplified Chinese 意图 mù dì ,yì tú TCTraditional Chinese 意圖  He left with the view to returning shortly.  他离开了,但是打算尽快回来。 view n (unique view of video file) (网络上对视频的)SCSimplified Chinese 一次观看 TCTraditional Chinese 一次觀看  That Youtube video has 10,000 views.  那个Youtube视频有一万次观看记录。 view [sth] vtr (potential buyer: inspect a house)SCSimplified Chinese 看房  Before we bought this house, we viewed five others.  购买这房子之前,我们还看了其他5栋。 view [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (regard in some way)SCSimplified Chinese 认为 rèn wéi TCTraditional Chinese 認為   SCSimplified Chinese 看待 rèn wéi ,kàn dài TCTraditional Chinese 看待  I view that idea with suspicion. view [sth] as [sth] vtr + prep (regard in some way)SCSimplified Chinese 把…看作…,把…视为…,认为…是…  The government viewed the latest scandal as a disaster.  政府把最近一次丑闻看作是一场灾难。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 aerial view n ([sth] as seen from above)SCSimplified Chinese 鸟瞰图,俯瞰图 back view n ([sth] as seen from behind)SCSimplified Chinese 后视   SCSimplified Chinese 后视景 bird's-eye view n (view from above)SCSimplified Chinese 鸟瞰 niǎo kàn  I got a bird's-eye view of the Atlantic as my plane flew over it. bird's-eye view n figurative (overall view)SCSimplified Chinese 全景 quán jǐng close-up view n ([sth] seen from very near)SCSimplified Chinese 特写视角   SCSimplified Chinese 特写镜头 tè xiě jìng tóu TCTraditional Chinese 特寫鏡頭 distorted view n figurative (perception: unrealistic)SCSimplified Chinese 歪曲的见解 wāi qū de jiàn jiě  His privileged background left him with a distorted view of poverty. distorted view n (appearance: deformed, twisted)SCSimplified Chinese 扭曲的画面   SCSimplified Chinese 扭曲的图像  The tilted position of the camera provides a deliberately distorted view of the building. front view n ([sth] as seen face-on)SCSimplified Chinese 正视图,前视图 have [sth] in view v expr (visualize, envisage [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 考虑到,虑及 kǎo lǜ dào TCTraditional Chinese 考慮到   SCSimplified Chinese 打算 dǎ suàn TCTraditional Chinese 打算  The bill has in view two types of sanctions. in full view expr (able to be completely seen)SCSimplified Chinese 完全看清 in full view of [sb] expr (seen clearly by)SCSimplified Chinese 让...眼睁睁地看着   SCSimplified Chinese 在...亲眼目睹之下  The suspect was arrested in full view of his wife and children. in my view expr (in my opinion)SCSimplified Chinese 在我看来 zài wǒ kàn lái   SCSimplified Chinese 我认为 zài wǒ kàn lái,wǒ rèn wéi TCTraditional Chinese 我認為 in plain view expr (overtly, in the open)SCSimplified Chinese 视野开阔地 shì yě kāi kuò de   SCSimplified Chinese 视线清晰地 shì yě kāi kuò de,shì xiàn qīng xī de   SCSimplified Chinese 能清楚看见地 shì yě kāi kuò de,néng qīng chǔ kàn jiàn de  The deer stood in plain view in the field in front of us. in public view adv (openly)SCSimplified Chinese 在公共场合地 zài gōng gòng chǎng hé de   SCSimplified Chinese 公开地 zài gōng gòng chǎng hé de,gōng kāi de TCTraditional Chinese 公開地   SCSimplified Chinese 众目睽睽之下 zài gōng gòng chǎng hé de,zhòng mù kuí kuí zhī xià  They were kissing in public view at the station and didn't care if anyone saw them. in view expr (able to be seen)SCSimplified Chinese 看得见 kàn de jiàn TCTraditional Chinese 看得見  The castle is in view on top of the hill. in view expr (being considered, as an aim)SCSimplified Chinese 在考虑中 zài kǎo lǜ zhōng TCTraditional Chinese 在考慮中   SCSimplified Chinese 作为目标  The expansion of the company is in view. in view of expr (considering)SCSimplified Chinese 考虑到 kǎo lǜ dào TCTraditional Chinese 考慮到   SCSimplified Chinese 鉴于 kǎo lǜ dào,jiàn yú  In view of your actions, you'll have to leave.  考虑到你的行为举止,你必须离开。 in view of the fact that expr (given that)SCSimplified Chinese 考虑到…的事实 kǎo lǜ dào … de shì shí  In view of the fact that it's raining hard, we are going to cancel the game. objective point of view n (impartial opinion, perspective)SCSimplified Chinese 客观观点 kè guān guān diǎn TCTraditional Chinese 客觀觀點  People go before a judge because they want an objective point of view. on view adj (on display)SCSimplified Chinese 展示的 zhǎn shì de   SCSimplified Chinese 出展的  The exhibits on view at the gallery represent a period of history that many have little knowledge of. page view n (number of times web page viewed)SCSimplified Chinese 网页浏览量   SCSimplified Chinese 访问量 panoramic view n (wide vista or landscape)SCSimplified Chinese 全景 quán jǐng  The image is a panoramic view of the whole world as seen from space. panoramic view n figurative (broad perspective on [sth]) (比喻义)SCSimplified Chinese 广阔视角   SCSimplified Chinese 宏观角度 pay-per-view adj (TV) (电视)SCSimplified Chinese 付费的 point of view n (opinion)SCSimplified Chinese 观点 guān diǎn TCTraditional Chinese 觀點  That's my own point of view; you may well disagree with me!  虽说你很可能不同意,不过那就是我的观点。 point of view n (angle from which [sth] is seen)SCSimplified Chinese 视角 shì jiǎo  There are too many tall people in front of me; I need to move to get a better point of view.  我前面有太多高个头的人,我需要换个地方以获得一个更好的视角。 rear view n ([sth] as seen from behind)SCSimplified Chinese 后视,后视图  From the front, the house was charming, but the rear view was hideous. rearview mirror, rear-view mirror, driving mirror n (vehicle: mirror showing view behind) (车辆)SCSimplified Chinese 后视镜 hòu shì jìng TCTraditional Chinese 後視鏡  Good drivers regularly check their rearview mirrors to see what's happening behind them.  一个好的司机会经常看后视镜,检查后方情况。 scenic view n (picturesque landscape)SCSimplified Chinese 优美的风景 yōu měi de fēng jǐng  There's a magnificent scenic view from the top of the mountain. sea view n (view over the ocean)SCSimplified Chinese 海景 hǎi jǐng side view n (lateral aspect, [sth] seen from sideways on)SCSimplified Chinese 侧视图,侧面图 take a dim view of [sth] v expr figurative (disapprove)SCSimplified Chinese 对…不乐观   SCSimplified Chinese 对…不以为然  Her parents took a dim view of her choice of boyfriends. top view n ([sth] seen from above)SCSimplified Chinese 俯视图,顶视图 view as [sth] vtr (consider to be)SCSimplified Chinese 视作 shì zuò   SCSimplified Chinese 视为 shì zuò,shì wéi  I view your shortcomings as a challenge. view count n (times viewed online)SCSimplified Chinese 浏览次数 wing mirror, side-view mirror, side mirror n (small mirror at either side of a vehicle)SCSimplified Chinese 后视镜 hòu shì jìng TCTraditional Chinese 後視鏡 with a view to doing [sth] expr (so as to)SCSimplified Chinese 考虑到, 鉴于   SCSimplified Chinese 为了, 指望  I worked hard with a view to applying to a good university. world view, worldview, world-view n (outlook, ethos)SCSimplified Chinese 世界观 shì jiè guān TCTraditional Chinese 世界觀  His worldview's much more optimistic than mine.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: view [vjuː] I n [c] 1 (from window, hilltop etc) 景色 jǐngsè [道 dào] 2 (=outlook) 见(見)解 jiànjiě 3 (=ability to see sth) 看 kàn They pushed forward for a better view.他们(們)用力朝前挤(擠),想看得清楚些。 Tāmen yònglì cháo qián jǐ,xiǎng kàn de qīngchu xiē. 4 (=opinion) 看法 kànfǎ [种 zhǒng] his views on women他对(對)女人的看法 tā duì nǚrén de kànfǎ II vt 1 (frm: look at) 看 kàn 2 (=consider) 看待 kàndài How do you view the matter?你如何看待这(這)件事? Nǐ rúhé kàndài zhè jiàn shì? to block sb's view 挡(擋)住某人的视(視)线(線) dǎngzhù mǒurén de shìxiàn on view (in museum etc) 在展出 zài zhǎnchū in full view (of)(…)全都看得见(見)的 (…)quán dōu kàn de jiàn de to take the view that…认(認)为(為)… rènwéi… in view of the weather/the fact that…考虑(慮)到天气(氣)/…这(這)个(個)事实(實) kǎolǜdào tiānqì/…zhège shìshí in my view在我看来(來) zài wǒ kànlái with a view to…是为(為)了… shì wèile… 在这些条目还发现'view': 在英文解释里: anthropocentrism - appear - argue - balanced - belvedere - bird's-eye view - breathtaking - burst - clear - come into focus - common opinion - contracted - contrarian - crescent moon - deem - dogmatism - expressionistic - fisheye - flyover - focus - free - from under your nose - given that - given the circumstances - hide - holistic - idealization - imbalanced - in broad daylight - in consideration of - in front of - in full sight - in large - in light of - in practice - in sight - in the circumstances - in the eyes of - in the light of - in your best light - jaundice - line of sight - long shot - longitudinal section - look on - looming - magnification - misty - narrow - not lose sight of 中文: 视图 - 世界观 - 宇宙观 - 开眼 - 心目 - 政见 - 景 - 景象 - 综 - 背影 - 观点 - 览 - 远虑 - 鉴于 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, PET Vocabulary List - V, 更多……同义词: see, look at, watch, observe, survey, 更多……习惯性搭配: view [details, information] about, a [sea, beach, mountain, forest, city] view, view my [profile, photos], 更多……

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