
您所在的位置:网站首页 vba如何使用函数计算 vba中function(自定义函数)


2024-05-26 06:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

'自定义函数:顾名思义,就是自己定义的函数。 '为什么使用自定义函数:exce内置了很多有用的函数。但仍无法满足工作需求。 '自定义函数的作用:简化复杂的公式。可以和工作表函数相互嵌套使用 ' ' ' Function 函数名(参数1,参数2....) '   代码 '   函数名=代码执行的结果 ' End Function      '

'1.函数名称可能有函数,也可以像now,today,rand等函数一样不需要任何参数 Public Function stname() stname = ActiveSheet.Name '返回当前工作表名 End Function

Public Function wbname() wbname = ThisWorkbook.Name '返回工作簿名 End Function

'有参数的自定义函数 Function nas(num As Integer) '提取工作表名或工作簿名     If num = 0 Then         nas = ActiveSheet.Name     ElseIf num = 1 Then         nas = ThisWorkbook.Name     End If End Function


Function wbname() wbname = ActiveWorkbook.Name End Function

Function wbnames() i = InStr(wbname, ".xls") '调用自定义的工作表函数,找到.xls所在的位置 j = Left(wbname, i - 1) '调用自定义的工作表函数 wbnames = j End Function

'2.自定义工作表函数的编写与运用范围 ' '自定义工作表函数的代码只能编写在:标准模块中,不能在工作表中或thisworkbook中 '到目前为止我们编写的自定义函数只能在当前工作簿运行。要在所有工作簿中运行则: 'A.将编写在标准模块中的自定义函数代码保存为:加载宏。 'B.将加载的宏保持运用即可 ' '提示:与应用程序事件程序的操作方法相似  






Function sjs(最小值 As Integer, 最大值 As Integer, 所需个数 As Integer) Application.Volatile Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") Do     i = Application.RandBetween(最小值, 最大值)     d(i) = "" Loop Until d.Count = 所需个数     sjs = d.keys End Function

Sub dd() Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") Do     i = Application.RandBetween(1, 9)     d(i) = "" Loop Until d.Count = 4     sj = d.keys End Sub


Function celljoin(区域 As Range, Optional 合并符 As String = "-") arr = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(区域)) celljoin = Join(arr, 合并符) End Function


Function 去除(rng As Range, Optional shuzi As Integer = 2) Set regx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp") With regx         .Global = True     If shuzi = 0 Then         .Pattern = "\d" '去数字     ElseIf shuzi = 1 Then         .Pattern = "[a-zA-Z]" '去字母     ElseIf shuzi = 2 Then         .Pattern = "[一-龢]" '去汉字     End If         去除 = .Replace(rng, "") End With End Function



Function jia(ParamArray num()) For Each n In num     m = m + n Next     jia = m End Function

Function joins(ParamArray arr()) For Each ar In arr     For Each a In ar     txt = txt & a.Value     Next Next joins = txt End Function '注意: '1.如果参数不定,那么不能指定参数的数据类型 '2.如果有不定参数,不定参数一定要写在最后。 '


Function 身份证(rng As Range, Optional 提取内容 As String = "年龄") If 提取内容 = "年龄" Then 身份证 = Year(Now()) - (19 & Mid(rng, Len(rng) / 2, 2)) ElseIf 提取内容 = "性别" Then 身份证 = IIf(Mid(rng, 15, 3) Mod 2, "男", "女") End If End Function



Function COLORSUM(单元格区域 As range, 汇总的颜色 As range) Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") For Each Rng In 汇总的颜色     d(Rng.Interior.ColorIndex) = "" Next For Each ci In d.keys     For Each Rng In 单元格区域         If Rng.Interior.ColorIndex = ci Then             r = r + Rng.Value         End If     Next     Next COLORSUM = r End Function

Sub test() Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Set 区域 = Application.InputBox("区域选择", , , , , , , 8) Set 颜色 = Application.InputBox("颜色选择", , , , , , , 8) For Each Rng In 颜色     d(Rng.Interior.ColorIndex) = "" Next For Each ci In d.keys     For Each Rng In 区域         If Rng.Interior.ColorIndex = ci Then             r = r + Rng.Value         End If     Next     Next MsgBox r





End Sub


Function DD(rng As Range) '反转字符 For i = Len(rng) To 1 Step -1     a = Mid(rng, i, 1)     b = b & a Next     DD = b End Function



Function 求和(rng As Range, Optional s As String = "") Application.Volatile  Set regx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp") With regx     .Global = True     .Pattern = "\d" & s    Set mat = .Execute(rng) End With For Each m In mat n = n + m * 1 Next 求和 = n End Function


易失性函数Volatile | Excel VBAhttp://xixiacademy.com/html/ExcelVBA/Function/ExcelVBA_VolatileFunction.html



Function 不重复值(rng As Range) Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") For Each rn In rng     d(rn.Value) = "" Next 不重复值 = d.keys End Function

Function 不重复2(rng As Range, Optional num As Integer = 0) Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") Set regx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp") With regx         .Global = True     If num = 0 Then         .Pattern = ".+" '所有值的不重复     ElseIf num = 1 Then         .Pattern = "[一-龢]+" '汉字不重复     ElseIf num = 2 Then         .Pattern = "[a-zA-Z]+" '字母不重复     ElseIf num = 3 Then         .Pattern = "\d+" '数字不重复     End If For Each rn In rng     For Each m In .Execute(rn)         d(m.Value) = ""     Next Next 不重复2 = d.keys End With End Function











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