2023年高考英语二轮复习试题(新高考专用) 语法填空 01

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2023年高考英语二轮复习试题(新高考专用) 语法填空 01

#2023年高考英语二轮复习试题(新高考专用) 语法填空 01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


解密01 冠词、介词、代词(分层练A熟练必备知识)1.【2023·山东省青岛西海岸、平度、胶州、城阳四区联考】Today, ___44___ public is more likely to remember the names of great civil engineering projects than the names of the engineers.2.【2023·山东省名校联盟诊断】China has stepped up the water project construction. 10,644 new water projects valued at 414.4 billion yuan started construction in ____44____ first five months of the year.3.【2023·山东省济南市统考】The books donated on Tuesday not only provide a chance of promoting Chinese culture and tourism, but are also ____42____ precious gift of friendship from the people of Nanjing to the Maltese people.4.【2023·辽宁省县级重点高中联合体统考】All over the world there are people who have achieved great things. Yet many of these people have done so with one amazing difference: They have physical disabilities. Take Jim Abbott for example, Jim succeeded ____36____ becoming a pitcher (投球手) for the USA 1988 Summer Olympics Team.5.【2023·湖北十堰市联合体联考】Besides, the four innovative ways of life are most appealing ______45______ youths from 20 countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative, and they wish their countries would emulate (模仿) China in terms of technological achievements.6.【2023·广东省肇庆市第一中学第一次教学质量检测】While running can have a negative effect on your bones and joints, swimming is completely safe, which gives you the opportunity to work out____42____stressing your joints.7.【2023·湖南省郴州市第一次教学质量监测】One of the largest research libraries in the world, the British Library has added 16 Chinese online novels to the collection. Covering themes of science fiction, history, reality and fantasy, these works are viewed ____37____ the classics of Chinese online literature from the past 20 years.8.【2023·湖南省郴州市第一次教学质量监测】“It’s truly unexpected to me that online fiction can be added to the collection of _____45_____ foreign library. It feels like the path of online novel writing is becoming ever wider,” Yi Qianchong adds.9.【2023·吉林省长春市高三质量监测(一)】As well as foreign royals and state officials, a number of famous faces attended the service. Besides, Peep Show actor Sophie Winkleman also attended, because she is royal by marriage; her husband is Lord Frederick Windsor, ____41____ only son of the Queen’s cousin.10.【2023·吉林省长春市高三质量监测(一)】On the top of the coffin (棺材) was a wreath of flowers chosen by King Charles ____44____ honor of his mother; one of the flowers was myrtle (香桃木), which was used in the Queen’s 1953 wedding bouquet.11.【2023·安徽省江淮十校第二次联考】Her mission is to provide a great service to those hearing-impaired audience, allowing ________ (they) to quickly obtain event information.12.【2023·安徽省江淮十校第二次联考】Compared with human language translators, the AI sign language hostess has some advantages ____62____ them. It can help with the continuous translation for long texts, and limit the amount of information lost.13.【2023·福建省福清市一级达标校联考】The Palace Museum, also known ____36____ the Forbidden City, is a much-visited and much-photographed tourist attraction.14.【2023·福建省福清市一级达标校联考】The variety show, Shang Xin Le Gu Gong, broadcast ____40____ (it) first episode (一集) on Beijing TV and , on November 9. That first episode won wide acceptance from audience and was thought highly of on Douban.com.15. 【2023·福建省福清市一级达标校联考】“It brings many elements (元素) together, and everything in the show is perfectly matched and turns out amazing.” said ____42____ online user. “It brings me the thrill I felt when I stepped into the Palace Museum for the first time.”16.【2023·福建省三明市教研联盟联考】Famous for carrying his tennis rackets in a bamboo basket, Wang Fa, a 14-year-old dark horse, who won the U14 boys’ singles title in the Guangzhou stop of the 2022 ASICS Tennis Junior Tour, has become ____37____ internet sensation.17.【2023·福建省三明市教研联盟联考】“We always carry the bamboo basket when we work in the field. We all regard ____40____ as a symbolic farming tool of the Wa ethnic group. I carry my rackets in the basket primarily to honor my hometown,” he added.18.【2023·福建省三明市教研联盟联考】Home for Wang is a mountainous area named Cangyuan Wa Autonomous County. Located in southwest China’s Yunnan Province, the county, composed ____43____ 67 villages with a population of more than 40,000, was lifted out of poverty in 2019.19.【2023·广东省大联考】Citizen science is science for everyone. Specifically, citizen science is when the public voluntarily helps conduct research. Most citizen scientists collect data with tools provided ____37____ project directors.20.【2023·广东省大联考】Why is the term “citizen science” used Most people and organizations in this field intend “citizen” to mean a general citizen of the world, not a legally-defined citizen of a country. When someone mentions “citizen science”, there tends to be ____41____ immediate understanding of what they’re talking about.21.【2023·河北省衡水市部分学联考】At the beginning of every semester, the school presents the courses the students can choose ____39____. Every Tuesday afternoon students go to different classrooms for the 45-minute CAP class.22.【2023·河北省衡水市部分学联考】Many students take the class for the experience instead of the credits. Yan Muwei, ____44____ senior 2 student of the school, chose mathematical modeling.23.【2023·黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市普高联谊校联考】For ________ past three summers, Jenny Howard has worked on Seal Island, Maine. Howard, holding a bachelor’s degree in arts and biology from Kenyon College in Ohio, is in charge of Project Puffin (角嘴海雀), a seabird restoration project. She and a small crew (工作人员) of volunteers professionally monitor and protect the seabirds during the summer breeding (繁殖) season. The crew is made up ________ six volunteers including Howard.24. 【2023·湖北省鄂东南教育教学改革联盟学校联考】The photographer said, “It’s really ________ hard-won success! What I want to show through the video is the ‘red rock soul’ of Chongqing people, and how China’s young people are shaping the country’s future.”25.【2023·上海市虹口区高考二模】Some think of the office as the new offsite, the purpose of which is to get people together so they can do the things that remote working makes harder: establishing deeper relationships or cooperating in real time on specific projects. ________ talk of the office as a destination, a place that has to make the idea of getting out of bed earlier seem attractive.(分层练B突破关键能力)训练A【2023·河北省保定市统考】阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Chinese cultural relic authorities on Thursday revealed some new discoveries from the mysterious Sanxingdui Ruins in Sichuan Province.____1____(recognize) as one of the significant ancient remains in the 20th century, the 3000-year-old Sanxingdui is a national treasure buried with a variety of jade,bronze(青铜) and gold objects. Among the excavated artifacts(出土文物), a complete gold mask about 10 grams in ____2____ (weigh),37.2 centimeters wide,and 16.5 centimeters high____3____ (unearth)from No.3 Pit a few days ago. The gold mask is____4____ (basic)the same size as one of the bronze heads dug from the same pit. Therefore, experts assume it was initially attached ____5____ the face of a bronze head.Meanwhile, ____6____big bronze mask was excavated from the pit. It is the ____7____ (large) bronze mask ever discovered at the site. The bronze mask has struck the fancy of Chinese netizens,____8____ comments on the hairstyle reminded them of the crown-shaped hat worn by Zhuge Liang , a Chinese statesman and military strategist that lived during the Three Kingdoms period.Totally; the archaeologists(考古学家)____9____(discover)more than 500 pieces of relics over the last few months, impressed with the historical ____10____ artistic value.186训练B【2023·重庆市南开中学校月考】阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个恰当的单词或者括号内单词的正确形式。When newly admitted college students receive ____1____(they) letter of admission this summer, they may get more than just an ordinary letter.Gao Fanqiao, a high school graduate from Shenyang, was looking forward to her admission letter from Nankai University. It arrived____2____two lotus seeds. The special meaning is____3____ the plants, which describe noble qualities in Chinese art, are used to symbolize the school’s desire that students keep their original dream and march____4____ (ambitious) toward a bright future.Many domestic universities ____5____ (join) the urend of sending fancy surprises and fabulous admission packages in recent years to give students ____6____ amazing first impression.Sun Yat-sen University in Guangdong sent out gift boxes containing an admission letter and Pu’er tea____7____(produce) in Fengqing county in southwestern Yunnan province. It is hoped that the freshmen will always keep in mind that they____8____ (suppose) to make contributions to places____9____they are needed most in the future.Other innovations from schools include paper cuts to show the charm of Chinese culture, and messages to stimulate students’ ____10____(enthusiastic).训练C【2023·广东省普宁市统考】阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。It is a big challenge____1____ ( find ) and keep the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites. ____2____ , big challenges can sometimes lead to great ____3____ (solution). When the Egyptian government made a proposal to build the Aswan Dam, they were faced with ____4____ (variety) problems, including destroying an important part of Egypt’s____5____ (culture) heritage. As a result, the government turned to the United Nations for help in1959.A committee ____6____(establish) to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the ____7____ (lose)of cultural relics. Finally, a document was signed and the work began in 1960.Temples and other cultural sites were taken down piece by piece, and then moved and put back together in a safe place. When the project was completed, it was considered a great success.Not only had the countries found a path to the future ____8____did not run over the relics of the past, but they had also learnt that____9____ was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow. Therefore, if a problem seems too difficult for a single nation, the ____10____ (globe) community can sometimes provide a solution.解密01 冠词、介词、代词(分层练A熟练必备知识)1.【2023·山东省青岛西海岸、平度、胶州、城阳四区联考】Today, ___44___ public is more likely to remember the names of great civil engineering projects than the names of the engineers.1.the考查冠词。句意:今天,公众更可能记住伟大的土木工程项目的名字,而不是工程师的名字。the public公众。故填the。2.【2023·山东省名校联盟诊断】China has stepped up the water project construction. 10,644 new water projects valued at 414.4 billion yuan started construction in ____44____ first five months of the year.2.the考查冠词。句意:今年前五个月,新开工水利项目一万零六百四十四个,估值四千一百四十四亿元。结合句意可知,想表达“今年前五个月”需要用到the + first +数词+名词复数的形式,定冠词不能省略。故填the。3.【2023·山东省济南市统考】The books donated on Tuesday not only provide a chance of promoting Chinese culture and tourism, but are also ____42____ precious gift of friendship from the people of Nanjing to the Maltese people.3.a考查不定冠词。句意:周二捐赠的图书不仅为推广中国文化和旅游提供了机会,也是南京人民向马耳他人民赠送的珍贵友谊礼物。gift礼物,是可数名词,此处泛指“一件珍贵的礼物”,应用不定冠词。故填a。4.【2023·辽宁省县级重点高中联合体统考】All over the world there are people who have achieved great things. Yet many of these people have done so with one amazing difference: They have physical disabilities. Take Jim Abbott for example, Jim succeeded ____36____ becoming a pitcher (投球手) for the USA 1988 Summer Olympics Team.4.in考查介词。句意:以Jim Abbott为例,Jim成功地成为了1988年夏季奥运会美国队的投手。succeed in是固定短语,意为“成功做某事”,因此空格处是介词in,故填in。5.【2023·湖北十堰市联合体联考】Besides, the four innovative ways of life are most appealing ______45______ youths from 20 countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative, and they wish their countries would emulate (模仿) China in terms of technological achievements.5.to考查固定短语。句意:此外,这四种创新的生活方式最吸引来自20个“一带一路”国家的年轻人,他们希望自己的国家在科技成就方面效仿中国。分析句子可知,空处表示“吸引”,用固定短语appeal to符合题意;故填to。6.【2023·广东省肇庆市第一中学第一次教学质量检测】While running can have a negative effect on your bones and joints, swimming is completely safe, which gives you the opportunity to work out____42____stressing your joints.6.without考查介词。句意:跑步会对你的骨骼和关节产生负面影响,但游泳是完全安全的,这让你有机会在不给关节带来压力的情况下锻炼。根据句意,此空应填介词without,表示否定的含义。故填without。7.【2023·湖南省郴州市第一次教学质量监测】One of the largest research libraries in the world, the British Library has added 16 Chinese online novels to the collection. Covering themes of science fiction, history, reality and fantasy, these works are viewed ____37____ the classics of Chinese online literature from the past 20 years.7.as考查固定短语中的介词。句意:这些作品包含科幻、历史、现实和幻想等主题,被视为过去20年中国网络文学的经典。分析句子可知,句中涉及固定短语“be viewed as…”,意为“被视为……”,故空格处应用介词“as”。故填as。8.【2023·湖南省郴州市第一次教学质量监测】“It’s truly unexpected to me that online fiction can be added to the collection of _____45_____ foreign library. It feels like the path of online novel writing is becoming ever wider,” Yi Qianchong adds.8.a考查冠词。句意:意千重补充道:“网络小说能够被加入到一个国外图书馆的藏书中,这真的让我感到意外。感觉网络小说写作的道路越来越宽。”分析句子可知,句中泛指一个国外图书馆,故空格处应用不定冠词,“foreign”音标的第一个音素为辅音音素,故应用不定冠词“a”。故填a。9.【2023·吉林省长春市高三质量监测(一)】As well as foreign royals and state officials, a number of famous faces attended the service. Besides, Peep Show actor Sophie Winkleman also attended, because she is royal by marriage; her husband is Lord Frederick Windsor, ____41____ only son of the Queen’s cousin.9.the考查冠词。句意:此外,《Peep Show》演员索菲·温克曼也出席了,因为她是皇室成员;她的丈夫是弗雷德里克·温莎勋爵,女王堂弟的独子。修饰可数名词单数,特指,用定冠词the。故填the。10.【2023·吉林省长春市高三质量监测(一)】On the top of the coffin (棺材) was a wreath of flowers chosen by King Charles ____44____ honor of his mother; one of the flowers was myrtle (香桃木), which was used in the Queen’s 1953 wedding bouquet.10.in考查介词。句意:在棺材的顶部是一个花环,由国王查尔斯为纪念他的母亲选择;其中一种花是香桃木,1953年女王的婚礼花束中就用到了这种花。查尔斯寄来的一张卡片上写着:“致以挚爱的怀念。”固定短语:in honor of,意为“为纪念……”。故填in。11.【2023·安徽省江淮十校第二次联考】Her mission is to provide a great service to those hearing-impaired audience, allowing ________ (they) to quickly obtain event information.11.them考查代词。句意:她的使命是为听障观众提供优质服务,让他们快速获取赛事信息。动词allow后接代词的宾格作宾语。故填them。12.【2023·安徽省江淮十校第二次联考】Compared with human language translators, the AI sign language hostess has some advantages ____62____ them. It can help with the continuous translation for long texts, and limit the amount of information lost.12.over考查介词。句意:与人类手语译员相比,人工智能手语主播有一些优势。have advantages over优于,胜过,固定搭配。故填over。13.【2023·福建省福清市一级达标校联考】The Palace Museum, also known ____36____ the Forbidden City, is a much-visited and much-photographed tourist attraction.13.as考查介词。句意:故宫博物院,也被称为紫禁城,是一个经常参观和拍照的旅游胜地。固定搭配be known as“被称为”,应用介词as。故填as。14.【2023·福建省福清市一级达标校联考】The variety show, Shang Xin Le Gu Gong, broadcast ____40____ (it) first episode (一集) on Beijing TV and , on November 9. That first episode won wide acceptance from audience and was thought highly of on Douban.com.14.its考查代词。句意:这档综艺节目《上新了,故宫》11月9日在北京电视台和爱奇艺播出了它的第一集。此处修饰后面的名词短语first episode,《上新了,故宫》的第一集,应用形容词性物主代词its。故填its。15. 【2023·福建省福清市一级达标校联考】“It brings many elements (元素) together, and everything in the show is perfectly matched and turns out amazing.” said ____42____ online user. “It brings me the thrill I felt when I stepped into the Palace Museum for the first time.”15.an考查冠词。句意:见第6题详解。此处泛指“一位在线用户”,应用不定冠词,online是以元音音素开头的词,应用an。故填an。16.【2023·福建省三明市教研联盟联考】Famous for carrying his tennis rackets in a bamboo basket, Wang Fa, a 14-year-old dark horse, who won the U14 boys’ singles title in the Guangzhou stop of the 2022 ASICS Tennis Junior Tour, has become ____37____ internet sensation.16.an考查冠词。句意:在2022年ASICS网球青少年巡回赛广州站获得U14男单冠军的14岁黑马王发,因把网球拍放在竹篮里而出名,成为网络红人。“internet sensation”意思是“网络红人”,泛指“一个”用不定冠词,internet元音音素开头的单词前用冠词an。故填an。17.【2023·福建省三明市教研联盟联考】“We always carry the bamboo basket when we work in the field. We all regard ____40____ as a symbolic farming tool of the Wa ethnic group. I carry my rackets in the basket primarily to honor my hometown,” he added.17.考查代词。句意:我们都把它当作佤族象征性的农具。代词it指代前面的竹篮。故填it。18.【2023·福建省三明市教研联盟联考】Home for Wang is a mountainous area named Cangyuan Wa Autonomous County. Located in southwest China’s Yunnan Province, the county, composed ____43____ 67 villages with a population of more than 40,000, was lifted out of poverty in 2019.18.考查介词。句意:该县位于中国西南部云南省,由67个村庄组成,人口超过4万,于2019年脱贫。“由……组成”是be composed of。故填of。19.【2023·广东省大联考】Citizen science is science for everyone. Specifically, citizen science is when the public voluntarily helps conduct research. Most citizen scientists collect data with tools provided ____37____ project directors.19.考查介词。句意:大多数公民科学家使用项目主管提供的工具收集数据。根据“project directors”可知,此处是指由项目主管提供的工具,所以应用介词by引出动作的发出者。故填by。20.【2023·广东省大联考】Why is the term “citizen science” used Most people and organizations in this field intend “citizen” to mean a general citizen of the world, not a legally-defined citizen of a country. When someone mentions “citizen science”, there tends to be ____41____ immediate understanding of what they’re talking about.20.考查冠词。句意:当有人提到“公民科学”时,人们往往会立即明白他们在说什么。名词understanding意为“理解”,此处为可数名词,且第一次出现,所以应用不定冠词表示泛指。immediate的开头发音为元音音素,所以冠词应用an。故填an。21.【2023·河北省衡水市部分学联考】At the beginning of every semester, the school presents the courses the students can choose ____39____. Every Tuesday afternoon students go to different classrooms for the 45-minute CAP class.21.考查介词。句意:在每学期开始时,学校会提供学生可以选择的课程。根据句子内容可知,学校会呈现一些学生可以从中挑选的课程。choose from是固定搭配,意为“从……中挑选”。故填from。22.【2023·河北省衡水市部分学联考】Many students take the class for the experience instead of the credits. Yan Muwei, ____44____ senior 2 student of the school, chose mathematical modeling.22.考查冠词。句意:该校高二学生严慕伟选择了数学建模。此处是名词短语作同位语,表示泛指且senior的发音是以辅音音素开头。故填a。23.【2023·黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市普高联谊校联考】For ________ past three summers, Jenny Howard has worked on Seal Island, Maine. Howard, holding a bachelor’s degree in arts and biology from Kenyon College in Ohio, is in charge of Project Puffin (角嘴海雀), a seabird restoration project. She and a small crew (工作人员) of volunteers professionally monitor and protect the seabirds during the summer breeding (繁殖) season. The crew is made up ________ six volunteers including Howard.23.考查冠词。句意:在过去的三个夏天里,珍妮·霍华德一直在缅因州的海豹岛工作。根据空后past three summers为名词短语可知,此处应为冠词the,表示特指“过去的三年”。故填the。考查介词。句意:摄制组由包括霍华德在内的六名志愿者组成。固定短语be made up of“由……组成”。故填of。24. 【2023·湖北省鄂东南教育教学改革联盟学校联考】The photographer said, “It’s really ________ hard-won success! What I want to show through the video is the ‘red rock soul’ of Chongqing people, and how China’s young people are shaping the country’s future.”24.考查冠词。句意:这真是来之不易的成功!success作“成功的事或人”时为可数名词,此处用不定冠词泛指,且hard-won发音以辅音音素开头,故填a。25.【2023·上海市虹口区高考二模】Some think of the office as the new offsite, the purpose of which is to get people together so they can do the things that remote working makes harder: establishing deeper relationships or cooperating in real time on specific projects. ________ talk of the office as a destination, a place that has to make the idea of getting out of bed earlier seem attractive.25.Others考查代词。句意:另一些人则将办公室视为一个目的地,一个必须让早起的想法看起来更有吸引力的地方。talk是原形,因此空格处是复数,由前面的“Some think”可知,此处表示“另一些人则将办公室视为一个目的地”,空格处意为“另一些人”,用others,位于句首,首字母大写,故填Others。(分层练B突破关键能力)训练A【2023·河北省保定市统考】阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Chinese cultural relic authorities on Thursday revealed some new discoveries from the mysterious Sanxingdui Ruins in Sichuan Province.____1____(recognize) as one of the significant ancient remains in the 20th century, the 3000-year-old Sanxingdui is a national treasure buried with a variety of jade,bronze(青铜) and gold objects. Among the excavated artifacts(出土文物), a complete gold mask about 10 grams in ____2____ (weigh),37.2 centimeters wide,and 16.5 centimeters high____3____ (unearth)from No.3 Pit a few days ago. The gold mask is____4____ (basic)the same size as one of the bronze heads dug from the same pit. Therefore, experts assume it was initially attached ____5____ the face of a bronze head.Meanwhile, ____6____big bronze mask was excavated from the pit. It is the ____7____ (large) bronze mask ever discovered at the site. The bronze mask has struck the fancy of Chinese netizens,____8____ comments on the hairstyle reminded them of the crown-shaped hat worn by Zhuge Liang , a Chinese statesman and military strategist that lived during the Three Kingdoms period.Totally; the archaeologists(考古学家)____9____(discover)more than 500 pieces of relics over the last few months, impressed with the historical ____10____ artistic value.186【答案】1.Recognized 2.weight 3.was unearthed 4.basically 5.to 6.a 7.largest 8.whose 9.have discovered 10.and【文章大意】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了三星堆遗址挖掘出来的古董的情况。1.考查非谓语动词。句意:三星堆被公认为20世纪重要的古代遗迹之一,有3000年历史,是一件国宝级文物,埋藏着各种玉器、青铜和金器。根据句子结构可知,此处考查非谓语动词,动词recognize与逻辑主语Sanxingdui之间是“动宾关系”,应用过去分词形式作状语。故填Recognized。2.考查名词。句意:几天前,三号坑出土了一个完整的金面具,重约10克,宽37.2厘米,高16.5厘米。介词in之后缺少介词宾语,需填名词。且根据提示,故填weight。3.考查语态和时态。句意:几天前,三号坑出土了一个完整的金面具,重约10克,宽37.2厘米,高16.5厘米。主语 a complete gold mask与动词unearth之间是“被动关系”,根据时间状语从句“a few days ago”,所以用一般过时的被动语态,主语为单数名词,be动词为was。故填was unearthed。4.考查副词。句意:金面具与从同一个坑里挖出的青铜头像的尺寸基本相同。此处缺少副词作为状语。故填basically。5.考查介词。句意:因此,专家们认为它最初是附着在青铜头部的面部。 attach to为固定搭配,意为“附着”符合句意。故填to。6.考查冠词。句意:与此同时,一个巨大的青铜面具被从坑中挖掘出来。可数名词big bronze mask前缺少冠词,且此处表示“泛指”,big是辅音音素开头,故填a。7.考查形容词。句意:这是该遗址迄今为止发现的最大的青铜面具。形容词作为定语修饰名词bronze mask,且此处表示“最大的青铜面具”,应用最高级,故填largest。8.考查定语从句。句意:青铜面具引起了中国网民的好奇心,他们对这个发型的评论让他们想起了生活在三国时期的中国政治家和军事家诸葛亮戴的皇冠形帽子。此处的非限制性定语从句的引导词,在句中作为定语修饰 comments,且代指“中国网民的”,故填whose。9.考查时态。句意:总的说,考古学家在过去几个月里发现了500多件文物,对其历史和艺术价值印象深刻。句中有时间状语over the last few months,应用现在完成时,且主语为可数名词复数the archaeologists,故填have discovered。10.考查连词。句意:总的说,考古学家在过去几个月里发现了500多件文物,对其历史和艺术价值印象深刻。此处的historical和artistic是并列成分,故填and。训练B【2023·重庆市南开中学校月考】阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个恰当的单词或者括号内单词的正确形式。When newly admitted college students receive ____1____(they) letter of admission this summer, they may get more than just an ordinary letter.Gao Fanqiao, a high school graduate from Shenyang, was looking forward to her admission letter from Nankai University. It arrived____2____two lotus seeds. The special meaning is____3____ the plants, which describe noble qualities in Chinese art, are used to symbolize the school’s desire that students keep their original dream and march____4____ (ambitious) toward a bright future.Many domestic universities ____5____ (join) the urend of sending fancy surprises and fabulous admission packages in recent years to give students ____6____ amazing first impression.Sun Yat-sen University in Guangdong sent out gift boxes containing an admission letter and Pu’er tea____7____(produce) in Fengqing county in southwestern Yunnan province. It is hoped that the freshmen will always keep in mind that they____8____ (suppose) to make contributions to places____9____they are needed most in the future.Other innovations from schools include paper cuts to show the charm of Chinese culture, and messages to stimulate students’ ____10____(enthusiastic).【答案】1.their 2.with 3.that 4.ambitiously 5.have joined 6.an 7.produced 8.are supposed 9.where 10.enthusiasm【文章大意】这是一篇说明文,文章主要介绍了各大高校创意满满且饱含祝福的录取通知书。1.考查形容词性物主代词。句意:今年夏天,当新入学的大学生收到录取通知书时,他们收到的可能不仅仅是一封普通的录取通知书。此处应用形容词性物主代词their,修饰名词letter。故填their。2.考查介词。句意:和它一起到来的还有两粒莲花种子。结合句意,通知书送到的时候附带了两颗莲花种子,需要介词with。故填with。3.考查表语从句。句意:特别的意义是,这些在中国艺术中描绘高尚品质的植物被用来象征学校的愿望,让学生保持最初的梦想,雄心勃勃地走向光明的未来。紧跟在is之后,此处引导表语从句,且从句不缺少任何成分和语义,用that连接。故填that。4.考查副词。句意同上。此处应由副词修饰动词march,故填ambitiously。5.考查时态和主谓一致。句意:近年来,国内许多大学都加入了给学生寄华丽惊喜和精美录取通知书的潮流,以给学生留下令人惊叹的第一印象。由“in recent years”可知,句子用现在完成时,又因主语universities是名词复数,助动词用have,故填have joined。6.考查不定冠词。句意同上。impression “印象”是可数名词,此处泛指“给学生一个惊艳的第一印象”,且amazing发音以元音音素开头,应填不定冠词an。故填an。7.考查过去分词。句意:广东的中山大学寄出了礼盒,里面装有录取信和产自云南省西南部凤庆县的普洱茶。动词produce与tea为动宾关系,应用过去分词作后置定语,故填produced。8.考查固定短语、时态和主谓一致。句意:希望新生们永远记住,他们应该为未来最需要他们的地方做出贡献。此处为固定搭配be supposed to do sth.“应该做某事”,此处用一般现在时,主语they表示复数意义,be动词用are。故填are supposed。9.考查定语从句。句意同上。此处引导定语从句,先行词为places,关系词在从句中作地点状语,故用关系副词where。故填where。10.考查名词。句意:学校的其他创新还包括展示中国文化魅力的剪纸,以及激发学生热情的信息。根据空前的名词所有格students’可知,此处应填名词作宾语,enthusiasm热情,不可数名词。故填enthusiasm。训练C【2023·广东省普宁市统考】阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。It is a big challenge____1____ ( find ) and keep the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites. ____2____ , big challenges can sometimes lead to great ____3____ (solution). When the Egyptian government made a proposal to build the Aswan Dam, they were faced with ____4____ (variety) problems, including destroying an important part of Egypt’s____5____ (culture) heritage. As a result, the government turned to the United Nations for help in1959.A committee ____6____(establish) to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the ____7____ (lose)of cultural relics. Finally, a document was signed and the work began in 1960.Temples and other cultural sites were taken down piece by piece, and then moved and put back together in a safe place. When the project was completed, it was considered a great success.Not only had the countries found a path to the future ____8____did not run over the relics of the past, but they had also learnt that____9____ was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow. Therefore, if a problem seems too difficult for a single nation, the ____10____ (globe) community can sometimes provide a solution.【答案】1.to find 2.However 3.solutions 4.various 5.cultural 6.was eatablished 7.loss 8.which##that 9.it 10.global【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了如何保护文化遗产的问题。通过埃及的例子说明对于一个国家太困难的问题,全球社区有时候可以提供解决办法。1.考查非谓语动词。句意:在进步和对文化遗址的保护之间找到并保持正确的平衡是一个巨大的挑战。分析句子结构并结合句意可知,it是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式短语“(find) and keep the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites”。故填to find。2.考查副词。句意:然而,巨大的挑战有时会带来伟大的解决方案。分析此空前后句子可知,前后存在转折关系,且此空应填副词作状语,修饰后面句子,首字母应大写。故填However。3.考查名词复数。句意:然而,巨大的挑战有时会带来伟大的解决方案。solution表“方案”,为可数名词,根据句意可知,这里应用复数形式。故填solutions。4.考查词性转换。句意:当埃及政府提议修建阿斯旺大坝时,他们面临着各种问题,包括破坏埃及文化遗产的重要部分。分析句子可知,此空应填形容词作定语,修饰后面名词problems。故填various。5.考查词性转换。句意:当埃及政府提议修建阿斯旺大坝时,他们面临着各种问题,包括破坏埃及文化遗产的重要部分。分析句子可知,此空应填形容词作定语,修饰后面名词heritage。故填cultural。6.考查动词语态和主谓一致。句意:一个委员会被建立限制埃及建筑的破坏和防止文物的损失。分析句子可知,establish作谓语,此处描述过去发生的事情,用一般过去时,主语A committee与谓语establish是被动关系,应用被动语态,且主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词也用第三人称单数。故填was established。7.考查名词。句意:一个委员会被建立限制埃及建筑的破坏和防止文物的损失。分析句子可知,此空应填名词作prevent的宾语,且loss表“损失”,为不可数名词。故填loss。8.考查定语从句。句意:这些国家不仅仅发现了一条不以牺牲古迹为代价的未来发展之路,也认识到了多国同心协力创造美好未来的可能性。分析句子成分可知,空格处引导限定性定语从句,修饰a path,关系词从句中作主语,且指物,用关系代词which或者that引导。故填which或that。9.考查it作形式主语。句意:这些国家不仅仅发现了一条不以牺牲古迹为代价的未来发展之路,也认识到了多国同心协力创造美好未来的可能性。分析句子可知,这里是it is adj for sb to do sth表“做某事对于某人来说是…”,为固定句型,其中it在这里作形式主语。 故填it。10.考查形容词。句意:因此,如果一个问题对一个国家来说似乎太困难,全球社区有时可以提供一个解决方案。分析句子可知,这里用形容词作定语,修饰名词 community。故填global。






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