区分四个短语:end up, end in, end by, end with

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区分四个短语:end up, end in, end by, end with

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区分四个短语:end up, end in, end by, end with

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一位听众想知道 “end up、end in、end by、end with” 之间的区别。单词 “end” 的意思是 “结束”,它的后面可以接不同的介词,组成动词短语。问题里提到的这四个短语中,“end in” 和 “end with” 后面通常接名词,“end up” 和 “end by” 的后面则可以接动词的 -ing 形式或其它类型的句子成分。听节目讲解这四个包含 “end” 的短语的正确用法。

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Jiaying大家好,欢迎收听 BBC英语教学的 “你问我答” 节目,我是佳莹。

BethAnd I'm Beth.


Question你好,我想问一下 “end up、end in、end by、end with” 之间的差别,查到都是 “以...结束” 的意思,它们在用法上有什么不同吗?谢谢!

BethThank you for sending us your question! These four phrases with 'end' all have a similar meaning because they are all related to the final part of something.

Jiaying是的,这四个短语都由单词 “end” 和一个介词构成,它们的含义也都与 “结束,结局” 有关。注意,介词后跟的成分非常重要,这也正是四个短语之间的区别所在。

BethIndeed. We're here to give you some examples and explanations. Let's look at 'end up'. 'End up' means to be in a particular state after something.

Jiaying“End up” 的意思是 “最后处于…的状态,得到…的结果”,用来说明某件事情的积极或消极结果。

Beth'End up' is always followed by a verb in the -ing form, like 'sleeping'.

Jiaying“End up” 必须接动词的 -ing 形式。比如:“end up sleeping(睡着了)”。

“End up” 还有一个用法,就是后面加 “with” 和名词:“end up with something”。听两个例句。

ExamplesI missed the last bus and ended up sleeping at my friend's house.(我错过了末班车,最后睡在了朋友家。)

He thought the exam went badly, but he ended up with a good grade.(他原以为考试考砸了,结果却取得了好成绩。)

Jiaying在第一个例句中,结果是 “我在朋友家留宿”。I ended up sleeping at my friend's house.

在第二个例句中,结果是 “他的考试成绩很好”。He ended up with a good grade.

BethNow, let's look at 'end in'. This is usually followed by a noun, and it very often refers to a negative outcome.

Jiaying“End in” 后面通常接名词,指一个消极的结果,意思是 “以…收场”。比如,家长可能会对小孩说:“It'll all end in tears.”,意思是 “你会因为自己的所作所为而以眼泪收场”。听两个使用了短语 “end in” 的例句。

ExamplesDon't push your brother. It'll all end in tears.(别推搡你哥哥。不然一切都会以眼泪收场。)

The night ended in disappointment. They didn't win the prize.(这个晚上以失望告终。他们没有获奖。)

Beth'End in' plus a noun is also very common to show the results of a competition. For example, a football match.

Jiaying“End in” 后加名词还能用来说明比赛结果。来听一个例句,例句中用 “end in” 描述了一场足球比赛的结果。

ExampleThe football match ended in a draw.(这场足球赛以平局告终。)

Jiaying下面,我们来看一看 “end by” 和 “end with”。这两个短语都可以用来表示 “事情的结束”,但用法稍有不同。

Beth'End by' can be followed by -ing to show the action that people did as the final part.

Jiaying“End by” 后可以接动名词,意思是 “以特定的行为或动作结束某件事情”。在 “end” 和 “by” 之间,还可以加上宾语:“end something by doing something(某人以某个行为结束某件事情)”。

ExamplesWe ended the night by singing to the music.(我们随着音乐歌唱结束了这个夜晚。)

They ended the party by dancing to their favourite song.(他们随着喜爱的歌曲舞蹈,结束了聚会。)

Beth'End with' is usually followed by a noun, and it means a thing, often an action, that is the final part.

Jiaying“End with” 后通常接名词,意思是 “在…中结束”,用来说明 “事物,通常是一个动作,是事情的最后一部分”。比如:A party would end with fireworks.(一场聚会可能以烟花结束)。来听两个例句。

ExamplesThe graduation ceremony ended with a huge round of applause from the graduates.(毕业典礼在毕业生的热烈掌声中结束。)

The school year ended with a party.(这个学年以一场聚会结束。)

Jiaying我们来总结一下:“end up” 的意思是 “某人处于…的最终状态,得到…的结果”;“end in” 的意思是 “某事以…收场”,常用来描述事情的结局是负面的;“end by” 的意思是 “某人以某个行为或动作结束某事”;而 “end with” 则表示 “事物,通常是一个动作、是事情的最后一部分,此事在…中结束”。

BethRemember, if you have a question about the English language you'd like to ask us, please send us an email. Our email address is: [email protected]

Jiaying你也可以通过微博向我们提问,我们的微博账号是 “BBC英语教学”。Bye, everyone.








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