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#Unity实现子弹射向准心位置| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

作为一个Unity初学者,独立开发FPS游戏时,无论怎么调整子弹都射不到准心位置,在网上也没找到比较适合的方法,后来突然想起来,摄像机射出一条射线获得位置,再让子弹朝向这个位置移动就可以了。 首先从网上找一个准心图片(我是自己做的)把它固定到屏幕中心就可以了 下面就是代码,不多废话,我直接上代码

using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class SimpleShoot : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject bulletPrefab; /// /// 碎子弹壳预制体 /// public GameObject casingPrefab; /// /// 枪口火花预制体 /// public GameObject muzzleFlashPrefab; [SerializeField] private Animator gunAnimator; /// /// 枪管位置 /// [SerializeField] private Transform barrelLocation; /// /// 枪口位置 /// [SerializeField] private Transform casingExitLocation; [SerializeField] private float destroyTimer = 1f; [SerializeField] private float shotPower = 1000;//力量 [SerializeField] private float ejectPower = 150f; private Vector3 target; void Start() { if (barrelLocation == null) barrelLocation = transform; if (gunAnimator == null) gunAnimator = GetComponentInChildren(); } void Update() { //按下左键 if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) { //播放开枪动画 gunAnimator.SetTrigger("Fire"); } } void Shoot() { //如果有预制体 if (muzzleFlashPrefab) { GameObject tempFlash; //在枪口位置生成特效 tempFlash = Instantiate(muzzleFlashPrefab, barrelLocation.position, barrelLocation.rotation); //在XX秒之后删掉 Destroy(tempFlash, destroyTimer); } //如果没有子弹预制体,直接返回 Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector3(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2, 0)); RaycastHit raycasthit; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycasthit))//如果射线碰撞到物体 { target = raycasthit.point;//记录碰撞的目标点 } else//射线没有碰撞到目标点 { //将目标点设置在摄像机自身前方1000米处 target = Camera.main.transform.forward * 800; } GameObject go = Instantiate(bulletPrefab, barrelLocation.position, barrelLocation.rotation); go.transform.LookAt(target); go.GetComponent().AddForce(go.transform.forward * shotPower); } //This function creates a casing at the ejection slot void CasingRelease() { //如果没有碎子弹预制体和枪口位置 if (!casingExitLocation || !casingPrefab) { return; } //Create the casing GameObject tempCasing; //生成碎子弹预制体 tempCasing = Instantiate(casingPrefab, casingExitLocation.position, casingExitLocation.rotation) as GameObject; // 爆炸物理效果 tempCasing.GetComponent().AddExplosionForce(Random.Range(ejectPower * 0.7f, ejectPower), (casingExitLocation.position - casingExitLocation.right * 0.3f - casingExitLocation.up * 0.6f), 1f); //扭曲运动轨迹物理效果 tempCasing.GetComponent().AddTorque(new Vector3(0, Random.Range(100f, 500f), Random.Range(100f, 1000f)), ForceMode.Impulse); //一段时间后销毁碎子弹预制体 Destroy(tempCasing, destroyTimer); } }




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