Unit1 Assessment 1 Criterion C

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Unit1 Assessment 1 Criterion C

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Environmental ScienceSummative Assessment Unit 1Criterion C: Processing and EvaluatingLaboratory Investigation Teacher’s comment/ feedback

Part A: Color and Temperature

Part B: Luminosity, mass, and radius

Part C: Luminosity and Temperature

Name: _______________ID no. SectionStandards:HS-ESS1-3. COMMUNICATE scientific ideas aboutthe way stars, over their life cycle, produceelements.Level of AchievementCriterion C /Criterion C: Processing and Evaluating

Level of Achievement

Descriptors Task-specific Clarification


i. collect and present data in numerical and/or visual forms ii. interpret data

“Not yet meeting the standard”

You were able to: i. collect and present data in numerical and/ or visual forms

incomplete answers to key questions/ tasks -lacks 2 or more graphs

ii. interpret data -most of the answers and analysis were incorrect and contains no explanation


i. correctly collect and present data in numerical and/or visual forms ii. accurately interpret data and explain results

“Almost meeting the standard”

You were able to: i. correctly collect and present data in numerical and/ or visual forms

complete answers to key questions/ tasks lacks 1-2 graphs

ii. accurately interpret data and explain results -complete answers and analysis although with some errors. -analysis is supported with explanation although lacks scientific reasoning.


i. correctly collect, organize and present data in numerical and/or visual forms ii. accurately interpret data and explain results using scientific reasoning

“Meeting the standard”

You were able to: i. correctly collect, organize and present data in numerical and/or visual forms

complete answer to key questions/ tasks -graph is organize (Q13) with correct details including group of stars

ii. accurately interpret data and explain results using scientific reasoning -most of the answer and analysis were correct. -analysis contains explanation and supported by scientific knowledge.


i. correctly collect, organize, transform and present data in numerical and/ or visual forms ii. accurately interpret data and explain results using correct scientific reasoning

“Exceeding the standard”

You were able to: i. correctly collect, organize, transform and present data in numerical and/ or visual forms on

complete answer to key questions/ tasks -graph is organize (Q13) with correct details including group of stars

ii. accurately interpret data and explain results using correct scientific reasoning -all the answer and analysis were correct. -analysis contains explanation and supported by correct scientific reasoning

3: On the Arranged by menu, select Temperature.Q3: Based on their given temperatures, plot the stars on the Gizmo scale. Mark each star onthe scale below. (Note: On the logarithmic scale, the space between 1,000 K and 2,000 K isthe same size as the space between 10,000 K and 20,000 K.)



Q4: What relationship, if any, do you see between a star’s color and its temperature?


I see that every star balances its luminosity and its temperature, for example:

Sun is the perfect balance of hot and luminous

5. Graph: You will now create a graph to confirm any relationships you found between astar’s color and temperature. Select Graphical plot. Using the dropdown menus at the topof the screen, select Color vs. Temperature. Position the six stars on the graphical plot.

Q5: Using a “snipping tool” copy paste your graph below this text box. What pattern do you see in the graph? What does the graph show about the relationship of a star’s color and temperature? When you click “MOVE ALL” and the “SORT STARS” Is the relationship still evident?

bete | Ald sun veg Spica|SirB


When I positioned the stars I see the stars going up by its by its temperature and color, its goes from least temperature (orange) into most temperature (blue), when I clicked the move all button I saw that the stars are all scrambled up into random places, but when I sort the stars its mostly going up by the heat of the star’s surface.

Part B: Luminosity, mass, and radiusInstructions: Click RESET. Select Arrange stars.Select Luminosity on the arranged by menu.1. Organize: Position Aldebaran, Betelgeuse, Sirius B, Spica, the Sun, and Vega on theGizmo’s luminosity scale, and mark these positions on the scale below. (Remember toclick Sort stars to check your placements.)

Q6: Using the scale below, mark the position of the stars. Answer:

2. Organize: Select Radius from the Arranged by menu. Position the stars on the Gizmo’sradius scale and mark these positions on the scale below. (Remember to click Sort starsto check your placements.)

Q7: Using the scale below, mark the position of the stars. Answer:

SirB sun veg | Ald Spica|beteSirB Sun|veg|spicaAld bete


I see that the stars do not have a arranged line, but this explains a lot because it shows that Sirius B has under 0. radius which makes it the star with the least radius, it also shows that Barnard’s star is the star with the lowest brightness

Q10: Using a “snipping tool” copy paste your graph below this text box. Select LUMINOSITY vs MASS and click Sort Stars. How does this graph compare with Luminosity vs Radius Graph?



Q10: Using a “snipping tool” copy paste your graph below this text box. Select Mass vs Radius and click Sort stars. Describe any relationship you see.


I don’t see a lot of relationships, but I see the blue stars are on the lower side of the spectra

Part C: Luminosity and temperature

Q14: Which group are most stars found in? How would you characterize stars in this group? Answer:

Stars are mostly found in the Main sequence group

4. Describe: More than 90 percent of all stars in the universe, including the Sun, aremain sequence stars. As main sequence stars age, they move up and to the right onthe H-R diagram and become giants or supergiants.

Q15: What are the charactistics of giants and supergiants? Answer:

Red giant are big red and use nuclear fusion while the super giants are bigger than the red giants the difference is when the red giant becomes unstable it becomes into a white dwarf but if the super red giant becomes unstable then that would cause a explosion and that explosion would cause a supernova

5. Compare: Study the H-R diagram.

Q16: Which stars are white dwarfs? What are the characteristics of white dwarfs? Answer:

A white dwarf is a small star that has luminosity but does not undergo nuclear fusion

6. Classify: Proxima Centauri is the nearest star to the Sun. It has a luminosity of 0 anda temperature of 3,000 K.

Q17: Which star group does Proxima Centauri belong to? On the H-R diagram, which star would Proxima Centauri be near? Answer:

It would be in the main sequence group

7. Describe: Locate the Sun on the H-R diagram.

Q18: How will the Sun’s luminosity and temperature change as it ages? How will these changes affect its position on the diagram? Answer:

As it ages the sun will lose its luminosity and temperature, so that would make it into a white dwarf, it will affect the position because the sun is in the main sequence group so the sun would have to shift down to be apart of the white dwarfs group




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