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( )3. A. I’m Andy. B. I’m Lily. C. I’m Bill.

( )4. A. I have a book. B. I have a pencil. C. I have a ruler.

( )5. A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Good night.






1. 早上好。

2. Open your book.

3. 给我看看你的书包。

4. 坐下。

5. I have a pencil.

七、判断下列句子的翻译是否正确, 正确打√, 错误打×。(10分)

( )1. Hello, My name is Bill. 你好,我的名字叫艾米。

( )2. Show me your pencil. 给我看看你的铅笔。

( )3. Good afternoon, Miss Wu.早上好,吴老师。

( )4. Sit down, please. 请站起来。

( )5. I have a schoolbag. 我有一个书包。

八、读句子, 选择恰当的图片。(10分)


( )1. 班里来了新同学, 贝尔想知道新同学的名字:

A. I’mBill.

B. What’s your name?

C. Hello!

( )2. 下午上课时, 同学们向刘老师问好:

A. Good afternoon, Miss Liu.

B. Good night,Miss Liu.

C. Good morning, Miss Liu.

( )3. 吴老师让小明同学拿出尺子:

A. Show me your pencil.

B. Show me your ruler.

C. Show me your schoolbag.

( )4. 放学了, 王老师在学校门口向同学们告别:

A. Hello. B. Stand up. C. Goodbye.

( )5. 新学期开始了, 玲玲向大明介绍自己:

A. Hello, Daming.B. Goodbye.C. Hello, I’m Lingling.




1. book 2. teacher 3. ruler 4. pencil 5. schoolbag


人教新起点一年级下册Unit 1 检测卷及答案



人教新起点二年级(上册) Unit 1 检测卷及答案



( )1. A. Uu B. Bb C. Oo

( )1. A. mother B. father C. brother

( )2. A. pencil B. ruler C. book

( )4. A. Kk B. Aa C. Zz

( )4. A. Bill B. Lily C. Andy



( )1. A. D is for dog. B. D is for don’t. C. D is for door.

( )2. A. I like pears. B. I like bananas. C. I like oranges.

( )3. A. Can I have a car? B. Can I have a ball? C. Can I have a plane?

( )4. A. I don’t like fish. B. I don’t like eggs. C. I don’t like chicken.

( )5. A. Some water for you. B. Some milk for you. C. Some juice for you.





( )1. A. chair B. desk C. juice

( )2. A. chicken B. shirt C. fish

( )3. A. ear B. dog C. cat

( )4. A. dress B. skirt C. train

( )5. A. new B. your C. my


( )1.黑板 A. plane B. water C. blackboard

( )2. 祖母 A. grandmother B. grandfather B. brother

( )3. 他是谁 A. Who is she? B. Who is he? C. Who is it?

( )4. 在桌上 A. on the desk B. under the desk C. in the desk

( )5.嘴巴 A. ear B. mouth C. nose

七、判断下列句子的翻译是否正确, 正确打√, 错误打×。(10分)

( )1. I like football. 我喜欢篮球。

( )2. I like the ABC song. 我喜欢ABC歌。

( )3. What do you like? 你喜欢谁?

( )4. Close your eyes. 睁开眼睛。

( )5. This is my mum and dad. 这是我的妈妈和爸爸。

八、看图, 选择与图片匹配的选项。(10分)


( )1. 刚刚学完26个英文字母,小明告诉王老师他喜欢字母D:

A. Mr Wang, I like letter O.

B. Mr Wang, I like letter W.

C. Mr Wang, I like letter D.

( )2. 学校举办足球运动会,小华在给他最喜欢的B队加油:

A. Come on, Team B.

B. Come on, Team C.

C. Come on, Team A.

( )3. 花花和月月准备一起出去踢足球:

A. Let’s play ping-pang.

B. Let’s fly kites.

C. Let’s play football.

( )4. Lily向朋友介绍她的祖母:

A. This is my brother.

B. This is my grandfather.

C. This is my grandmother.

( )5. 老师问小明是否喜欢吃桔子:

A. Do you like oranges?

B. Do you like pears?

C. Do you like bananas?




1. Uu 2. brother 3. ruler 4. Kk 5. Lily



人教新起点二年级下册Unit 1 检测卷及答案



人教新起点三年级(上册) Unit 1 检测卷及答案




( )1. A. name B. age C. family

( )2. A. one B. two C. five

( )3. A. am B. is C. are

( )4. A. school B. class C. grade

( )5. A. dear B. new C. old


A. I want to be your friend.

B. I’m in class one, grade three.

C. Hello! My name is Harry.

D. I’m nine years old.

E. I’m new here.



A. Which B. from C. How D. What E. in

( )1. _____ class are you in?

( )2. _____ old are you?

( )3. My family name is Sun. I’m _____ China.

( )4. _____ is your name?

( )5. I’m _____ class two.


( )1. one A. two B. the C. to

( )2. old A. new B. class C. age

( )3. cat A. tap B. dog C. mat

( )4. father A. he B. mother C. my

( )5. hello A. grade B. at C. hi


( )1. I want to ______ your friend.

A. is B. am C. be

( )2. She is ______ good friend.

A. I B. my C. you

( )3. — ______ class are you in?

— I’m in class one.

A. Where B. Which C. What

( )4. — Good-bye, Jim.

— ______

A. Bye. B. Good morning. C. Hello.

( )5. What’s ______ name?

A. my B. you C. your

七、判断下列句子的翻译是否正确, 正确打√, 错误打×。(10分)

( )1. What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?

( )2. Which class are you in? 你在哪个年级?

( )3. I’m in class one, grade three. 我在一年级三班。

( )4. I want to be your friend. 我想成为你的朋友。

( )5. My family name is Sun. 我姓孙。


1. My name is Mike.(对画线部分提问)

2. I’m in class two.(对画线部分提问)

3. I’m nine years old.(对画线部分提问)

4. I’m new here.(变为一般疑问句)

5. to, friend, I, be, want, your(.)(连词成句)


( )1. 新学年开始了, 汤姆向同学们介绍自己:

A. Good morning.

B. Hello, Bill.

C. Hello, My name is Tom. I’m new here.

( )2. 下午放学赵老师跟同学们说再见,小明应该说:

A. Goodbye. B. Good afternoon. C. Hello.

( )3. 小明想知道安迪年龄,他问道:

A. Who is he?

B. How old are you?

C. What’s your name?

( )4. 小强想知道杰克在哪个班,他应该问:

A. What class are you in?

B. Which grade are you in?

C. Which class are you in?

( )5. Joe向朋友介绍她的爷爷:

A. This is my grandmother.

B. This is my grandfather.

C. This is my father.




1. mat 2. cat 3. tap 4. cap 5. map


人教新起点三年级下册Unit 1 检测卷及答案



人教新起点四年级(上册) Unit 1 检测卷及答案




( )1. A. running B. jumping C. swimming

( )2. A. interesting B. delicious C. bad

( )3. A. ping-pang B. basketball C. football

( )4. A. what about B. look for C. cook dinner

( )5. A. fork B. corn C. horse




A. in B. fromC. onD. atE. with

( )1. Yaoyao is good _____ roller skating and jumping rope.

( )2. He eats his pork _____ a fork.

( )3. I often run _____ home to school.

( )4. We have computer _____ our classroom.

( )5. The library of our school is _____ the first floor.


( )1. Andy likes sports and he is good jumping rope.

A. in B. of C. at

( )2. I like roller skating. It’s .

A. interesting B. handsome C. delicious

( )3. Mike often play basketball Mike.

A. forB. withC. about

( )4. he often play football?

A. Do B. Does C. Is

( )5. Do you like to go ?

A. swimB. swimmingC. swiming

六、判断下列句子的翻译是否正确, 正确打√, 错误打×。(10分)

( )1. Do you often play basketball? 你经常踢足球吗?

( )2. All my friends like sports. 我所有的朋友都喜欢运动。

( )3. Look, Lucky is jumping rope. 看,吉利正在滑轮滑。

( )4. You need to be strong to play baseball well. 你需要很强壮才能打好棒球。

( )5. I often run from home to school. 我经常从学校跑步到家。


1. I like ping-pong.(对画线部分提问)

2. They are good at running.(对画线部分提问)

3. He likes running.(变为一般疑问句)

4. 我不喜欢跑步但我喜欢轮滑。(汉译英)

5. often, friends, plays, ping-pong, his, with, he(.)(连词成句)


All my friends like sports. Yaoyao often plays jumping rope with her family. Joy is good at roller skating. Mike often plays basketball after school. He is good at it. Binbin often plays ping-pong with his brother. They are both good at it. This is Sam. Look, he is running. He is strong. He likes swimming.


( )1. Yaoyao often plays jumping rope with her father.

( )2. Joy is good at playing baseball.

( )3. Mike often plays basketball at school.

( )4. Binbin and his brother often play ping-pong.

( )5. Sam is strong and he likes running.



要求:1. 语句通顺,书写工整。

2. 不少于40词。




1. roller skating 2. ping-pong 3. play basketball

4. running 5. jumping rope



人教新起点四年级下册Unit 1 检测卷及答案



人教新起点五年级(上册)Unit 1 检测卷及答案



( )1. A. for B. far C. five

( )2. A. polite B. popular C. helpful

( )3. A. there B. then C. than

( )4. A. nurse B. doctor C. driver

( )5. A. find B. forget C. friend


1. Tom often _______________ to feed the dog.

2. She is polite and _______________.

3. At school, he likes _______________ English.

4. He draws many _______________.

5. What’s your _______________ like?


( )1. A. She is from England.

B. She is popular.

C. She is a worker.

( )2. A. He plays football very well.

B. He is a student.

C. He is polite and helpful.

( )3. A. Blue. B. Rice. B. vegetable.

( )4. A. He is an English teacher.

B. He likes English.

C. He is good at English.

( )5. A. I’m going to the cinema.

B. I’m drawing a picture.

C. I want some rice and milk.



( )1. A. is B. was C. are

( )2. A. often B. sometimes C. popular

( )3. A. feed B. make C. but

( )4. A. many B. careless C. helpful

( )5. A. science B. party C. math


A. in B. to C. at D. for E. with

( )1. Joe plays football _____ his classmates every day.

( )2. Chaplin was famous _____ being “the Tramp”.

( )3. Lily often answers questions _____ English class.

( )4. Tom is good _____ science.

( )5. He often says “Thank you”_____ everyone in the family.


( )1. Sam big eyes and a small mouth.

A. have B. having C. has

( )2. Tom every day.

A. went to school B. go to school C. goes to school

( )3. Listen! A dog is .

A. barking B. barked C. bark

( )4. There some pencils and a cat on the table.

A. is B. are C. were

( )5. There are so many .

A. model plane B. model planes C. a model plane


1. Bill is helpful.(对画线部分提问)

is Bill ?

2. I like this classroom.(变为一般疑问句)

3. 他早上经常找不到他的铅笔盒。(汉译英)

4. 他每天和汤姆一块去上学。(汉译英)

5. Joe, at, clever, good, and, is, he, is, science(.)(连词成句)


My name is Kelly. I’m ten years old. I have many friends. Lily is eleven years old. She is from America. She has blue eyes and yellow hair. She is clever and friendly. She is good at dancing. Mary has big eyes and curly hair. She is active. She likes playing computer games. Her mother is our English teacher. Tim is thin and he has long arms. He likes playing basketball.


( )1. Lily is from USA.

( )2. Mary has big eyes and yellow hair.

( )3. Mary’s father is our English teacher.

( )4. Tim likes playing computer games.

( )5. Lily is good at dancing.



要求:1. 语句通顺,书写工整。 2. 不少于50词。

(参考句型:His/ Her name is... He/ She is... years old. He/ She likes...)




1. far 2. polite 3. than 4. nurse 5. friend


人教新起点五年级下册Unit 1 检测卷及答案



人教新起点六年级(上册) Unit 1检测卷及答案



( )1. A. garden B. palace C. temple

( )2. A. soup B. silk C. stone

( )3. A. flower B. famous C. forest

( )4. A. east B. west C. north

( )5. A. vacation B. taste C. spicy


( )1. A. I want to go to Xi’an.

B. I like the Summer Palace.

C. I can eat seafood.

( )2. A. It’s famous for temples.

B. It’s famous for West Lake.

C. It’s famous for silk.

( )3. A. Blue. B. Seafood. C. Baseball.

( )4. A. It’s in the east of China.

B. It’s in the south of China.

C. It’s in the north of China.

( )5. A. I’m drawing a picture.

B. I’m going to the cinema.

C. I want some rice and milk.


( )1. There are many kinds of local food in Beijing.

( )2. Beijing is famous for its culture and its food.

( )3. Beijing duck is the most famous one.

( )4. Beijing is the capital of China.

( )5. Peking Opera is world-famous.



( )1. A. south B. foggy C. west

( )2. A. temple B. garden C. famous

( )3. A. soup B. door C. window

( )4. A. silk B. taste C. paper

( )5. A. afraid B. hate C. mountain


A. in B. on C. by D. for E. with

( )1. Chinese people put red paper _____ their doors and windows.

( )2. We went there _____ train.

( )3. Most people _____ China are Han Chinese.

( )4. Chongqing is famous _____ its hot, spicy food.

( )5. I went to Xining _____ my family.


( )1. — did you go there?

—By plane.

A. Where B. What C. How

( )2. China is in Asia.

A. west B. east C. south

( )3. Hangzhou is famous for .

A. the Summer Palace B. the Potala Palace C. Longjing tea

( )4. The Yangtze River and the Yellow River are the two Rivers in China.

A. longer B. long C. longest

( )5. —What did you there?

—I seafood.

A. do; ate B. do; eat C. does; ate


1. Xiamen is famous for seaside.(对画线部分提问)

2. I went there by train.(对画线部分提问)

3. 中国有超过13亿的人。(汉译英)

4. I visited the West Lakein Hangzhou。(对画线部分提问)

5. the, China, world, largest, in, has, population, world(.)(连词成句)


Last summer Andy and his friends traveled to Hongkong by plane. It’s a beautiful city. The streets are clean and the buildings are huge. They visited the disneyland and the display(展览) was very interesting. The people in Hongkong are very friendly. There were a lot of delicious food and they went to different restaurants to have dinner. When the weather was fine, they went swimming in the sea. The sea was beautiful and they had a good time.


( )1. Andy had a bus trip to Hongkong.

( )2. They were interested in the disneyland.

( )3. The display was not interesting at all.

( )4. T hey went to the same restaurant to have dinner.

( )5. When it was a fine day, they went swimming in the sea.


同学们,去年暑假你们去哪里游玩了?做了什么有趣的事情?请以"My Summer Vacation" 为题写一篇作文。

要求:1. 语句通顺,书写工整。

2. 不少于50词。




1. temple 2. silk 3. famous 4. north 5. vacation



人教新起点六年级下册Unit 1 检测卷及答案

标签:小学英语 同步学习






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