executiveorder(executive order翻译)

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executiveorder(executive order翻译)

2023-03-22 01:19| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文目录executive order翻译法院 英文order的意思和短语《人类简史》第十一章阅读笔记EO是什么的缩写,汉语是什么意思使命召唤9为什么不见第7部的格里高里·韦弗尔了executive order是什么意思executive order翻译

行政命令▇▇▇▇ . ▇▇▇▇ . ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇◢▇▇▇▇◣ ◢▇▇▇▇◣ ◢▇▇▇▇◣ ◢▇▇▇▇◣▇春节快乐▇. ▇生活愉快▇ ▇吉祥如意▇ ▇合家欢乐▇◥▇▇▇▇◤ .◥▇▇▇▇◤ ◥▇▇▇▇◤ ◥▇▇▇▇◤ ▇▇▇▇ . ▇▇▇▇ . ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇ | | | | | | | | | | | |

法院 英文



1、法院院长:court president;chief judge。

2、初级法院:lower court。

3、法院仲裁:judicial arbitration;judicial arbitration。

4、上诉法院:court of appeal;appellate court。

5、初审法院:trial court;court of first instance。

6、基层法院:grass-roots court。

7、高级法院:higher court;high court。

8、法院调解:mediation in court。

9、联邦法院:federal court。


1、The court of appeal ordered a retrial.上诉法院命令重审。

2、The court stenographer registered the trial proceedings.法院速记员做了审判记录。

3、The Supreme Court did not uphold the lower court’s ruling.最高法院不支持下级法院的判决。

4、The appeal court quash the verdict.上诉法院撤消了裁决。

5、To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court.设立低于最高法院的各级法院。

6、A superior court may review decisions of a lower court.高级法院可复审下级法院的判决。

7、The court declared the new law (to be) unconstitutional.


8、The supreme court declared the president’s executive order unconstitutional.







1、in order 整齐,秩序井然;按顺序;状况良好

2、order of 约为,大约;订货;注尺寸顺序

3、second order adj. 二级的,二阶的

4、first order 一阶;初指令;第一级

5、social order 社会秩序

6、market order 市场定购单

7、of the order of 大约;达到…的程度

8、on order 在定购中(已定而尚未交货的)

9、public order 公共秩序;社会治安

10、high order adj. 高阶的;高位的

11、put in order 整理,检修




n. 命令;顺序;规则

vt. 命令;整理;订购

vi. 命令;订货

例:Most schools are extremely unwilling to cut down on staff in order to cut costs.


例:We need to get rid of the idea that we must be liked all the time in order to be worthwhile.









V-T To consign something or someone to a place where they will be forgotten about, or to an unpleasant situation or place, means to put them there. 弃置 (某物于某处或某境地); 发落 (某人于某处或某境地)例:For decades, many of Malevich’s works were consigned to the basements of Soviet museums. 几十年来,马列维奇的许多作品都被弃置在苏联的博物馆的地下室里。

例:Shortfalls in aid will consign the MDG project to failure at enormous human cost.

例:But here in this south-eastern corner of Korea, few people are ready to consign it to the past.

例:The president’s media adviser, John Nagenda, has said he will consign Mr Gersony’s report to the rubbish bin.

1. (爆炸物)发出微弱的嘶嘶声后熄灭;未能爆炸2. 终成泡影;毫无结果(尤指开始很顺利)例:The bomb fizzled out,and no one was hurt. 炸弹嘶嘶冒烟后熄灭,无人受伤。

例:The plan fizzled out for lack of money. 计划由于缺钱最终告吹。

例:Most economists in Japan expect the effects of the measures to fizzle out by late summer.

例:Just as the discussion seemed about to fizzle out , two new contributions have arrived.

例:The family moved south to the safety of Crimea, believing that the revolution would soon fizzle out .

N-SING A potpourri of things is a collection of various items that were not originally intended to form a group. 混杂物; 杂烩例:... a potpourri of architectural styles from all over the world. ...一种世界各地建筑风格的荟萃。

例:On Thursday , the Commons sits at 9.30am for a potpourri of question times.

例:In addition to its authorization of the foregoing potpourri of preferential treatments, subsidies and outright grants, H.

例:It is only natural that a great bull market would spring from such a devastating potpourri of psychological trauma.

PHRASAL VERBIf you say that one thing harks back to another thing in the past, you mean it is similar to it or takes it as a model. 与…类似; 以…为模型;令人想起;重提旧事;hark back to the point 循迹例:...pitched roofs, which hark back to the Victorian era. …与维多利亚时代风格类似的尖屋顶。

PP, meanwhile, likes to hark back to tax cuts when it ran Spain in the late 1990s.

例:These reports hark back to an era that never was, when the NYSE policed its own house.

例:Inside the highly secure Cookson factory in Birmingham’s jewellery quarter many machines hark back to the firm’s long heritage.

例:On this anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, those who are either ignoring politics or actively supporting the dramatic growth of government need to ask themselves: Do I want to live my life under the thumb of a new master, or do I want to be free?例:But in the teashops of Yangon, Myanmar’s biggest city, the talk two decades on is not of sanctions but of the need for dialogue, of frustration with the main opposition party, the National League for Democracy, and even with its detained leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, and of the widening gap between those who oppose the junta from abroad and those who live under its thumb.

一点一点地咬掉;一点一点地拿走,蚕食例:His glory was being nibbled away by years.他头上的荣光随着岁月的流逝慢慢地失去了光泽。

例:He nibbled away the apple peel, then ate the flesh.他先慢慢地咬去苹果皮,然后再吃果肉。例:But the chief executive of Oodle, a classifieds search engine, is trying to nibble away at the problem.

例:Although the regime remains firmly in control, new newspapers were being allowed to nibble away at sensitive subjects, with one carrying pages of editorials exposing bureaucratic misconduct and corruption.

例:The conflict is now supposed to be about discrete issues such as boundaries, arms control and security arrangements, rights in Jerusalem and the like, issues that negotiators can nibble away at until the whole conflict is resolved.

Jonah (also Jonas) 1. Na Hebrew prophet who, having been thrown overboard from a ship in which he was fleeing from God, was swallowed by a great fish and vomited onto dry land 约拿; 一个希伯来先知,他乘船逃离上帝,被抛入大海后遭大鱼吞吃并被鱼吐到一块干地上。

The Emancipation Proclamation was a presidential proclamation and executive order issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863. It purported to change the federal legal status of more than 3 million enslaved people in the designated areas of the South from “slave“ to “free“, although its immediate effect was less. It had the practical effect that as soon as a slave escaped the control of the Confederate government, by running away or through advances of federal troops, the slave became legally free. Eventually it reached and liberated all of the designated slaves. It was issued as a war measure during the American Civil War, directed to all of the areas in rebellion and all segments of the executive branch (including the Army and Navy) of the United States.



EO的常用相关缩略词条,共有 5 条。


EO : End Office



eo : Errors and Omissions



eo : Elementary Operation



EO : Easter Orthodox



EO : Engineer Officer



EO的其他相关缩略词条,共有 15 条。

EO:Executive Order   执行命令

EO:Ethylene Oxide   环氧乙烷,乙烯化氧

EO:Explosive Ordnance   爆炸品

EO:Engine Oil   机油

EO:Engineering Order   工程单

EO:Emergency Operation   急救手术

EO:Equal Opportunity   均等机会

EO:Electro-Optical   电光的

eo:End of Operation   操作结束,运算结束

EO:Easter Offerings   (基督教)复活节捐款

EO:Elliptical Orbit   椭圆的轨迹

eo:Enable Output   允许输出,使能输出

EO:Engine Out   发动机失效

EO:Exclusive OR   “异-或”逻辑(电路)

EO:Euclid Orchestra (Euclid, OH)   欧几里德乐团(欧几里德、哦)



executive order是什么意思

executive order行政命令双语对照词典结果:executive ordern.美国总统之行政命令; 以上结果来自金山词霸




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