minas是什么意思 minas的中文翻译、读音、例句

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minas是什么意思 minas的中文翻译、读音、例句

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minas是什么意思 minas的中文翻译、读音、例句 作者:乔治太太 • 2023-02-15 10:00:11 • 阅读 42




1. 地名:Minas是一个地名,指南美洲的一个国家——巴西东南部的米纳斯吉拉斯州。


- The colonial city of Ouro Preto in Minas Gerais is a UNESCO World Heritage site. (米纳斯吉拉斯州的殖民城市奥洛普雷图是教科文组织的世界遗产。)

- The mining industry has played a significant role in the development of Minas Gerais. (矿业在米纳斯吉拉斯州的发展中起着重要作用。)

2. 缩写词:Minas是一些公司或机构的缩写,如:

- Minas Gerais State University (米纳斯吉拉斯州立大学)

- Minas Petroleum Trading Company (米纳斯石油贸易公司)


- Minas Gerais State University is one of the most prestigious public universities in Brazil. (米纳斯吉拉斯州立大学是巴西最负盛名的公立大学之一。)

- Minas Petroleum Trading Company specializes in the import and export of crude oil. (米纳斯石油贸易公司专门从事原油的进出口。)

3. 单数形式:Minas是mina的单数形式,mina指的是一种金属矿物。


- The mine in the Andes is rich in minas. (安第斯山的矿区富含mina。)

- The price of mina has skyed in recent years. (mina的价格近年来飞涨。)

4. 复数形式:Minas也可以是minaret的复数形式,minaret是教寺庙或寺的塔楼。


- The skyline of Istanbul is dominated by the minarets of its mosques. (伊斯坦布尔的天际线以寺的minarets为主。)

- The minarets of the Great Mosque of Mecca are a symbol of Islamic architecture. (麦加大寺的minarets是建筑的象征。)





1. 这座矿山已经被开采了多年,但依旧有丰富的矿藏。

The mine has been operating for many years, but there are still rich mineral resources.

2. 在这个地下采矿场里,工人们需要经常面对危险和压力。

In this underground mine, workers need to face danger and pressure regularly.




例句:The rebellion, coming from Minas Gerais, triggered the coup. (marched over Guanabara. 来自米纳斯吉拉斯州的叛乱,引发了。The rebellion, coming from Minas Gerais, triggered the coup.)


例句:So it is before the walls of Minas Tirith the doom of our time will be decided. (米那斯提力斯的攻城战... 将决定人类是否将会灭亡)


例句:But when they ID'd the victim, they realized his real name was Elias Minas. (但他们确认死者身份时 发现他的真名叫Elias Minas)


例句:Another 51 workers were rescued from similar conditions at a strawberry farm in Minas Gerais state, it added. (翻译:在米纳斯基拉斯的一个条件类似的草莓种植园里救出了另外51名工人。)


minas一般作为名词使用,如在Las Minas([地名] 拉斯米纳斯 ( 巴拿、洪、委 ))、Minas Basin(米纳斯湾(加拿大芬迪湾最东部的海湾))、Minas Gerais([网络] 米纳斯吉拉斯州;巴西米纳斯吉拉斯州;大矿州)等常见短语中出现较多。

Las Minas[地名] 拉斯米纳斯 ( 巴拿、洪、委 )Minas Basin米纳斯湾(加拿大芬迪湾最东部的海湾)Minas Gerais[网络] 米纳斯吉拉斯州;巴西米纳斯吉拉斯州;大矿州Minas Novas[地名] 新米纳斯 ( 巴西 )Minas Pampa[地名] 米纳斯潘帕 ( 玻 )Star of Minas密纳斯之星Fortuna de Minas[地名] 福图纳-迪米纳斯 ( 巴西 )Minas Chan.[地名] 米纳斯海峡 ( 加 )Minas de Corrales[地名] 科拉莱斯矿区 ( 乌拉 )例句

1. But when they ID'd the victim, they realized his real name was Elias Minas. (翻译:但他们确认死者身份时 发现他的真名叫Elias Minas)

2. Another 51 workers were rescued from similar conditions at a strawberry farm in Minas Gerais state, it added. (翻译:在米纳斯基拉斯的一个条件类似的草莓种植园里救出了另外51名工人。)

3. Minas attended the University of Patras studying aeronautics, which explains his impressive work. (翻译:Minas在帕特雷大学攻读了航空学 难怪作品这么出色)

4. In fact, I got myself ready for a potential reaction of the state of Minas Gerais, one year and a half before March '64. (翻译:by the Brazilian people to restore its rights. 事实上,我自己准备好了 In fact, I got myself ready 在米纳斯吉拉斯州的可能反应, for a potential reaction of the state of Minas Gerais,)

5. But Kouris trailed Minas to that apartment on Washington. (翻译:但Kouris追踪到了 Minas在华盛顿大道的公寓)

6. Capitan, allien la plaza hay una mula de las minas de Alpoca. (翻译:队长 广场上有一只阿尔博卡矿场的骡子 Capitán, allí en la plaza hay una mula de las minas de Alpoca,)

7. When Kouris said that Minas would sell out for the highest bidder, (翻译:听到Kouris说谁出价最高 Minas就为谁卖命)

8. We, back in Minas, did it with our own funds. (翻译:我们,早在米纳斯吉,就用我们自己的资金。We, back in Minas, did it with our own funds.)

9. No, I don't believe it! Burying yourself up in Minas Gerais is simply unbelievable. (翻译:把自己埋在米纳斯吉拉斯里,简直不可思议。)

10. Now, this drone is most likely being operated on a 3G connection just like the one that killed Minas. (翻译:这架无人机很可能是用3G连接操作的 跟杀害Minas那架一样)

11. If it's loaded with five pounds of that same stuff that blew up Minas, they're looking at a lot bigger target and a lot more casualties. (翻译:要是装了五磅炸Minas那种 他们的目标肯定更大 预期伤亡也更多)

12. Guinness verified that Valentim was born on July 9, 1896, in the city of Carangola in the southeastern state of Minas Gerais, where she lived all her life. (翻译:吉尼斯委员会认定瓦伦汀于1896年7月9日出生在米纳斯吉拉斯州Carangola城市,她在这里度过了一生。)

13. I need you to go to Minas del Frio and create a training camp. (翻译:我需要你去米纳斯和菲里罗... 创建一个训练营)

14. The same happened in Minas. (翻译:The same happened in Minas.)

15. Minas was a person of interest for Homeland, which is why they placed him on the no-fly list. (翻译:Minas是国土安全部的嫌疑人 所以他们把他加入了禁飞名单)




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