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2023-05-29 15:29| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


+ plus 加号;正号

“1+1”读作:one plus one

-minus; negative 减号;负号

“2-1”读作:two minus one

“-3”读作:minus three或negative three

“2-(-3)”读作:two minus negative three

± plus-minus sign 正负号

“±1” 读作:plus or minus one

× multiplied by ; times 乘号

“2×3” 读作:two multiplied by three 或 two times three

÷ divided by 除号

“4÷2”读作:four divided by two

= equals; is equal to 等于号

“1+1=2”读作:One plus one equals two.

或 One plus one is equal to two.

≠ is not equal to 不等于号

“a≠b”读作:a is not equal to b

≌ congruent to 全等(两个图形形状相同、大小相等)

“△ABC≌△DEF”读作:Triangle ABC is congruent to Triangle DEF.

≈ approximately equal to 约等于号

“3×3≈10” 读作:Three multiplied by three is approximately equal to ten.

1”读作:Two is greater than one.

≮ is not less than 不小于号

“3≮2”读作:Three is not less than two.

≯ is not greater than 不大于号

“2≯4” 读作:Two is not greater than four.

≤ is less than or equal to 小于或等于号

“2≤3”读作:Two is less than or equal to three.

≥ is greater than or equal to 大于或等于号

“5≥4”读作:Five is greater than or equal to four.

% percent 百分之……

“10%”读作:ten percent

‰ per mill ; per thousand 千分之……

“10‰”读作:ten per thousand

∞ infinity 无限大号

“-∞” 读作:negative infinity

∝ varies as 与...成比例

“X∝Y”读作:X varies as Y

√ ̄: square root 平方根

“√ ̄16=4”读作:The square root of sixteen is four.

3√ ̄ cube root 立方根

“3√ ̄27=3”读作:The cube root of 27 is 3.

∵ since; because 因为

“∵1+1=2”读作:because one plus one equals two

∴ hence; therefore 所以





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