人教版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 4 History and Traditions Reading and Thinking 课件(共39张PPT+2音频素材)

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人教版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 4 History and Traditions Reading and Thinking 课件(共39张PPT+2音频素材)

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(共39张PPT)Unit 4HISTORYANDTRADITIONSLearn about a country through its historyTo read about the history and traditions of the UK2. To be able to give a brief introduction to the UK3. To debate on whether it’s important to study the history and culture of a country before visiting itWatch the video and learn about the UK.Great Britainthe United KingdomIts full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the UK.What is the UK famous for What comes to your mind when you think of the UK The country’s principal tourist destinations are in London, with the Tower of London being the single most visited attraction in the country.The United Kingdom is one of the world’s biggest tourist destination.The British Museum was built in 1735. It has a collection of at least 8 million objects, including some of its most world-famous artefacts, such as the Rosetta Stone, Egyptian mummies and the Elgin marbles.The British MuseumDo you know any tourist attractions in London Tower of LondonThe Tower of London is an ancient fortress and historic monument in central London. The Tower’s primary function was a fortress (堡垒) , a royal palace, and a prison, particularly for noble and royal prisoners.Tower BridgeTower Bridge, which was built from 1886 to 1894, is a bridge across the Thames in London, famous for its twin towers and for the two bascules (可以升降的竖旋桥) of which the roadway consists, able to be lifted to allow the passage of large ships.Tower BridgeTower of LondonTower Bridge is close to the Tower of London, from which it takes its name. It has become an iconic symbol (象征符号) of London.It towers above Westminster and the Houses of Parliament giving you a fantastic bird’s eye view over all of London.London EyeThe ride takes 30 minutes, and carries you up to a height of 135 metres.some other tourist attractionsBig BenBuckingham PalaceSt Paul’s CathedralNational GalleryWindsor CastleHyde ParkLook at the map, can you tell me what type of map it is What is it used for What do the different symbols (e.g. icons, circles, spots) and colours stand for Discuss the questions in pairs.When you look at a map, think first about what it shows and what the map shows and what the symbols mean.The map shows the British Isles, the islands which make up the Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales) and Ireland (Ireland and Northern Ireland).It is used to show the four different countries that make up the UK and some of the major cities.The small circles stand for big cities, the red spot stands for the capital and different colours stand for different regions or countries.What message can you get from the title “WHAT’S IN A NAME” What might “a name” here refer to What do you expect to read in the passage Read the text and get the main idea of it.A brief introduction to the UK about its foundation and development based on geography, history and culture, etc.Match each part of the text with its main idea.1. Part 1 (Para. 1) A. Origins of the names2. Part 2 (Para. 2) B. Advantages of studying the historyof the UK3. Part 3 (Para. 3) C. Comparison of the four countriesof the UK4. Part 4 (Paras. 4-5) D. Introduction of the topic.1. What are the four countries of the United Kingdom Which two were the first to be joined together The four countries of the United Kingdom are England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.England and Wales were the first two to be joined together.Read the text and answer the questions.2. According to the text, what are two chief advantages ofstudying the history of a country The two chief advantages of studying the history of a country are to help you understand more about the country and its traditions and to make visiting it more enjoyable.Read again to complete the timeline:20th century11th century16th century18th century19th centuryRomans arrivedAnglo-Saxons cameVikings came1st century5th century8th centuryNormans cameWales was joinedScotland was joinedIreland was addedSouthern Ireland broke awaySort out the information according to the timeline.When What happened What changed Romans arrivedAnglo-Saxons cameVikings came1st century5th century8th centurytowns and roadslanguage and way houses were builtvocabulary and names of locations across the UKWhen What happened What changed 11th century16th century /18th centuryNormans conquered England after the Battle of Hastingscastles built, legal system changed, and new words from French introducedWales was joined to Kingdom of EnglandScotland was joined to England and Wales“Kingdom of Great Britain” formed / createdWhen What happened What changed 19th century20th centuryIreland was addedthe southern part of Ireland broke away“United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland” formed / createdname changed to “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”Read Para. 3 carefully and find the same and different areas of the four countries of the UK.The four countries The same areas The different areasEngland Wales Scotland Northern Irelandflag, currency, military defenceeducation system, legal system, tradition (national day, national dish), football teamRead para. 5 and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).1. The UK has an interesting history and rich culture. ( )2. The history of London dates back to Anglo-Saxon times.( )3. The mix of history and modern culture makes the UK attractive. ( )A: I can never remember what the UK means! There’s England, Britain, ___________ Great Britain!B: Well, it helps if you remember that there are four countries that __________ the UK. That’s why it’s called the United Kingdom.Complete the conversation about the UK using the phrases in their correct forms.as well as, belong to, add to, join to, break away, keep your eyes openas well asbelong toA: Four countries I must have been asleep in that part of our history class! So the first country was England, and the others were ___________that B: Yes, right. First England, then Wales, then Scotland. The last country was Ireland, but later the southern half didn’t want to be ___________the United Kingdom.joined toadded toas well as, belong to, add to, join to, break away, keep your eyes openA: Oh, I remember now! The southern part ______________ from Northern Ireland, right B: Yes, you got it well remembered! But ___________________ in history class next time!broke awaykeep your eyes openas well as, belong to, add to, join to, break away, keep your eyes openWrite a summary of the text according to the clues.Wales, Scotland, Ireland, break away, the Romans,the Anglo-Saxons,the Vikings the Normans, LondonIn the 16th century, Wales became part of the Kingdom of England. Later Scotland joined creating the Kingdom of Great Britain. The addition of Ireland created the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The breaking away of the southern part of Ireland in the 20th century resulted in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which most people call the UK, Britain or Great Britain. In the UK, evidence of four ancient peoples can be found.The Romans in the 1st century built towns and roads. Afterwards the Anglo-Saxons introduced the beginnings of the English language. Then the Vikings brought new vocabulary and place names. Lastly, the Normans in the 11th century built castles, changed the legal system and brought French words. A good place to start learning about the UK’s history is London, where past and present meet.Discuss the questions in groups:1. Is it necessary for visitors to study the history and culture of a country before visiting it Why We’d better know about the history and culture, because ...In my opinion, ...I think that ...In a word, ...It’s unnecessary to prepare any cultural background, because ...We believe that ...I’m afraid I disagree, …All in all, ...VSStudying a country’s history and culture before visiting it is important because it will help you understand the place better and have a more enjoyable experience. You will be able to interact better with the people and their culture and have a richer experience.2. What important things should visitors know about before they come to China Visitors to China should know something about the history of the country and about the cultural traditions of the area being visited, such as the food eaten, or festivals celebrated there.把……和……连接或联结起来脱离;背叛;逃脱属于同(一样也);和;还留心;留意join … to …break away (from sb/sth)belong toas well askeep your eyes open (for)Make a booklet for foreign visitors coming to China with contents below:What important things should they know about before the trip What do they need to pay attention to in order to avoid cultural conflict How can they find information about Chinese culture on the Internet (共26张PPT)1. So what is the difference between them, if any 那么,如果这些名称有区别的话,区别何在?if any是省略句,其完整形式为 if there is any difference。if so 如果是这样的话if not 如果不是这样;不然,否则if necessary 如果有必要的话if possible 如果可能的话if ever 如果曾经有的话e.g. Correct the errors in the following sentences, if any.【链接】【语境应用】完成句子。Are you ready ________________ (如果没有的话), I’m going without you.I’ll help you without hesitation _______________ (若是有必要).Problems, _______________ (如果有的话), should be solved as soon as possible.if notif necessaryif any2. In the 16th century, the nearby country of Wales was joined to the Kingdom of England.十六世纪时,邻国威尔士并入英格兰王国。nearby adj. not far away 附近的;邻近的e.g. They bought some fruit from a nearby store.他们在附近的商店买了一些水果。nearby adv. 在附近e.g. Dan found work on one of the farms nearby.丹在附近的一个农场里找到了工作。3. Finally, in the 20th century, the southern part of Ireland broke away from the UK, which resulted in the full name we have today.最后,在二十世纪时,爱尔兰南部脱离了联合王国,形成了今天的英国全称。break away (from sb/sth ):to separate or become separate from a larger group, country, etc. 脱离;逃脱e.g. Three members of the band broke away and formed theirown group.三个成员脱离了乐队,创建了自己的组合。Which引导非限制性定语从句,指代整个主句内容。break短语break a record 打破纪录break off 突然停止;中断(谈判)break down 失败;(机器、车辆) 坏了break the ice 打破僵局;打破冷场局面break into 破门而入break out 突发;爆发break through 突破;突围break up 打碎;分裂【拓展】3) Scientists think they are beginning to __________________ in the fight against cancer.科学家认为他们在对抗癌症的研究中开始有所突破。4) The boy ___________________ his mother and ran away.男孩挣脱他的母亲跑开了。【语境应用】完成句子。1) The thieves ____________________ and stole some money.小偷闯入办公室,偷了一些钱。2) Negotiations between the two sides __________________.双方谈判失败了。broke into the officehave broken downbreak throughbroke away from4. The four countries that belong to the United Kingdom work together in some areas.同属于联合王国的这四个国家在某些领域紧密合作。belong vi. if sth belongs somewhere, that is the right placeor situation for it 应在(某处);适应e.g. Put the chair back where it belongs.把椅子放回原处。belong to: if sth belongs to sb, they own it 属于(不用于进行时态和被动语态)e.g. The book belongs to Dan.这本书是Dan的。【拓展】belongings n. (pl.) 财产; 所有物; 财物personal belongings 个人财物1) First of all, uniforms help the school look smart. The students feels that they _________________ (属于) a particular group.2) Have you ever __________________________ (是这支足球队的成员吗) belong to belonged to this football team【语境应用】完成句子。5. They use the same flag, known as the Union Jack, as well as share the same currency and military defence.像拥有同样的货币和国防一样,他们也使用同一面国旗。as well as: and in addition 同(一样也);和;还as well as连接两个并列的主语时, 谓语动词应与as well as前面的主语在人称和数上保持一致。e.g. The editors as well as the author are working overtime.The athlete as well as his teammates is working out in the stadium now.Union Jack =Union flag 英国国旗过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰the same flag【链接】as well as:in addition to 除……之外e.g. As well as knowing some Russian, she speaks English very well.【语境应用】翻译句子。1) 电既可以变为声能,又可以变为光能。2) 你别指望她除了照顾孩子外, 还做家务活。Electric energy can be changed into light energy as well as into sound energy.You cannot expect her to do the housework as well as look after the children.denfence n. protection or support against attack, criticism orinfection 防御;保卫e.g. The towers were once an important part of the city’s defences.那些高塔曾经是该市防御体系中重要的组成部分。in defence of ... 保卫……;为……辩护in one’s defence 为某人辩护come to one’s defence 出来保护某人【拓展】e.g. They took up arms in defence of their country.他们拿起武器保卫祖国。I must say in her defence that she studies very hard.我必须为她说句话,她学习十分努力。When Sharon’s brother was criticized, she came to his defence.当Sharon的弟弟受到批评后,她出来保护他。【语境应用】单项填空。1) Mr. Brown stood up _____ the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one to blame for the fire.A. in search of B. for fear of C. by means of D. in defence of2) Contrary to most people’s expectations, Stern put Dirk _____ the research team.A. in preference of B. in charge of C. in defence of D. in honour ofDB6. For example, England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland all have different education systems and legal systems.例如,英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰及北爱尔兰实行不同的教育和法律制度。legal adj. if sth is legal, you are allowed to do it or have to doit by law 法律允许的,合法的e.g. legal action / proceedings 法律诉讼What the company has done is perfectly legal.公司所做的这一切完全是合法的。【拓展】illegal adj.not allowed by the law违法的e.g. It is illegal to selltobacco to someoneunder 18.出售烟草给18岁以下者是违法的。7. Almost everywhere you go in the UK, you will be surrounded by evidence of four different groups of people who took over at different times throughout history.英国历史上有四个不同民族在不同历史时期执掌这个国家。无论你身处英国何方,这些民族的遗迹都随处可见。surround vt. to be all around sb or sth on every side围绕,环绕,包围be surrounded by / with 周围都是……surround ... with ... 用……把……围住surround oneself with 喜欢身边总有……【链接】 surrounding adj. 周围的,附近的surroundings n. 环境e.g. Early this morning, armed police surrounded a house which they thought contained an escaped prisoner.They have surrounded the pool with a fence.I like the house surrounded by / with trees and flowers.Mrs. White likes to surround herself with beautiful things.【语境应用】 用surround的适当形式填空。1) Lucy was sitting on the floor ___________ by toys.2) We decided to explore the ___________ countryside.3) When he came back to life, he found himself ___________ by enemy soldiers.4) It’s important to work in friendly _____________.surroundedsurrounded surroundingsurroundings8. They conquered England after the well-known Battle of Hastings in the 11th century.十一世纪著名的黑斯廷斯战役之后,他们(诺曼人)征服了英格兰。battle n. a fight between armed forces 战役;搏斗e.g. Her son was killed in battle.她儿子在战斗中阵亡。battle v. to try very hard to achieve sth that is difficult ordangerous 搏斗;奋斗e.g. She had battled against cancer.她勇敢地与癌症抗争。【拓展】a long/lengthy battle 持久的战争a tough/hard battle 艰难的斗争win/lose a battle 打赢/输掉一场仗accept a battle 应战battle against/with 与……战斗battle for 为……而战,为……而奋斗9. The capital city London is a great place to start, as it is an ancient port city that has a history dating all the way back to Roman times.as引导的原因状语从句that引导的定语从句,修饰an ancient port city现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰 a history句意:以首都伦敦为第一站,是个不错的选择。伦敦是一个古老的港口城市,其历史可以追溯到罗马时代。10. If you keep your eyes open, you will be surprised to find that you can see both its past and its present.用心去观察,英国的过去与现在都将展示在你面前,令你叹为观止。keep your eyes open (for): keep an eye on 留心;留意e.g. Keep your eyes open for a boy in a red cap and coat.留意一下一个戴着红色帽子、穿着红色外套的男孩。If you keep your eyes open, you will learn a lot.如果你留意观察,你会学到更多。【拓展】keep短语keep up 坚持;维持keep up with 跟上, 不落在……后面; 了解; 保持联系keep off 挡住; (使)避开 keep on 继续(干); 坚持(干)keep back 退缩;隐瞒;阻止keep sb. from (doing) sth. 阻止某人做某事keep out 把……关在外面;阻止;不参加1) Bill had to work hard to ___________.2) Employees need to ____________ the latest technical developments.3) You just have to ___________ trying. Then you will succeed.4) I got the feeling he was ________ something _______.5) I hope I haven’t ______ you ______ your work.keep upkeep up withkeep onbackfromkeepingkept【语境应用】用keep短语的适当形式填空。keep up (with), keep on, keep back, keep …from






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