Physics Bodies(中文翻译)

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Physics Bodies(中文翻译)

#Physics Bodies(中文翻译)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Physics Bodies Reference(物理实体参考)


This page contains a reference listing of properties in the Physics and Collision categories of properties. If you are looking for reference on Collision Responses or Collision Presets please see: Collision Response Reference.

这页包含一个列举了所有物理属性和碰撞属性的的参考文档。如果你想查看碰撞响应与碰撞预设请参考Collision Response Reference.


Below are the properties for Physics Bodies (Body Instances) separated by major category.




Property   Description Simulate Physics 模拟物理效果

If true, this body will use simulation. If false, will be 'fixed' (ie kinematic) and move where it is told.


Mass in KG 质量 KG为单位 Mass of the body in KG. 实体的质量(KG为单位) Angular Damping 角度阻尼

'Drag' force added to reduce angular movement


Linear Damping 线性运动阻尼

'Drag' force added to reduce linear movement


Enable Gravity 是否启用重力

If object should have the force of gravity applied.



Lock Position(锁定位置)

When a Locked Axis Mode is selected, will lock translation on the specified axis.


Property spacer.png Description Lock X Translation

Lock translation along the X-axis.


Lock Y Translation

Lock translation along the Y-axis.


Lock Z Translation

Lock translation along the Z-axis.


Lock Rotation(锁定旋转)

When a Locked Axis Mode is selected, will lock rotation to the specified axis.


Property spacer.png Description Lock X Rotation

Lock rotation about the X-axis.


Lock Y Rotation

Lock rotation about the Y-axis.


Lock Z Rotation

Lock rotation about the Z-axis.


Mode(模式) 这里要特殊说明一下Custome Plane里的三个参数X,Y,Z。 参数里的X,Y,Z。就是平面方程ax+by+cz+d = 0的a,b,c三个参数。d的值可以由当前的坐标求出来。比如,当参数X=1,Y=0,Z=0时,且该物体坐标为(1,0,0)。则该平面的方程就是 x = 1, 则该物体在x =1的平面中移动。

Locks physical movement along specified axis.


Property spacer.png Description Default Inherits the degrees of freedom from the project settings. 继承工程设置里面的自由度 Six DOF Specifies which axis to freeze rotation and movement along. 指定锁定哪一个轴的旋转与移动(和上面的Constraints一样) YZPlane Allows 2D movement along the Y-Z plane. 允许在Y—Z平面移动 XZPlane Allows 2D movement along the X-Z plane. 允许在X—Z平面移动 XYPlane Allows 2D movement along the X-Y plane. 允许在X—Y平面移动 Custom Plane Allows 2D movement along the plane of a given normal. 允许在用户自定义的平面内移动 None No constraints.     无限制 Advanced


Property   Description Auto Weld 自动连接为整体

If true and is attached to a parent, the two bodies will be joined into a single rigid body. Physical settings like collision profile and body settings are determined by the root


Start Awake 开始时唤醒

If object should start awake, or if it should initially be sleeping.


Center Of Mass Offset 重心偏移

User specified offset for the center of mass of this object, from the calculated location.


Mass Scale 重力的缩放比例

Per-instance scaling of mass.


Max Angular Velocity 最大角速度

The maximum angular velocity for this instance.


Use Async Scene 使用异步的场景

If true, this body will be put into the asynchronous physics scene. If false, it will be put into the synchronous physics scene. If the body is static, it will be placed into both scenes regardless of the value of bUseAsyncScene.


Override Max Depenetration Velocity 覆盖最大的重叠移动速度

Whether this body instance has its own custom MaxDepenetrationVelocity.



Max Depenetration Velocity 最大脱离重叠速度

The maximum velocity used to depenetrate this object.


Override Walkable Slope on Instance 对该实例重写该实体可行走的坡度

Whether this instance of the object has its own custom walkable slope override setting.


(注:该选项就是自定义  当前实体可行走坡度  的一个开关。也就是说,勾选后,你可以设置增加或减少该实体可以让其他物体在上面行走的角度。比如,这个实体是一个斜面,但是你不想让任何物体在上面走,你就可以在Walkable Slope Behavior设置为Decrease Walkable slope。Walkable Slope Angle为90°,这样任何角色都不可以在上面行走了。不过,要注意,这不代表物体不能短暂性的落在上面。)

Walkable Slope Override 重写在该实体上可行走的坡度

Custom walkable slope setting for this body.See the Walkable Slope documentation for usage information.

该实体自定义的可行走坡度设定。查看链接 Walkable Slope来获取更多有效的信息。

Walkable Slope Behavior 可行走的坡度行为

Behavior of this surface (whether we affect the walkable slope).

表面的行为(就是 是否影响行可走的坡度)

Walkable Slope Angle 可行走的角度

Override walkable slope, applying the rules of the Walkable Slope Behavior.

覆盖可以行走的斜度,根据上个选项Walkable Slope Behavior来决定效果

Sleep Family 休眠集

The set of values used in considering when put this body to sleep.



Position Solver Iteration Count 位置计算迭代数

This physics body's solver iteration count for position. Increasing this will be more CPU intensive, but better stabilized.


Velocity Solver Iteration Count 角度计算迭代数

This physics body's solver iteration count for velocity. Increasing this will be more CPU intensive, but better stabilized.


Should Update Physics Volume 是否更新物理体积

Whether or not the cached PhysicsVolume this component overlaps should be updated when the component is moved.




Property   Description Simulation Generates Hit Events 模拟产生碰撞事件

Should 'Hit' events fire when this object collides during physics simulation.


Phys Material Override 覆盖物理的材料

Allows you to override the PhysicalMaterial to use for simple collision on this body.


Generate Overlap Events 产生重叠事件

If true, this component will generate overlap events when it is overlapping other components (eg Begin Overlap). Both components (this and the other) must have this enabled for overlap events to occur.


Collision Responses 碰撞应答 See the Collision Response Reference documentation for more information. 查看Collision Response Reference 文档来获取更多信息 Advanced


Property   Description Use CCD 使用持续的碰撞

If true Continuous Collision Detection (CCD) will be used for this component.


Always Create Physics State 总是创建物理状态

Indicates if we'd like to create physics state all the time (for collision and simulation). If you set this to false, it still will create physics state if collision or simulation activated. This can help performance if you'd like to avoid overhead of creating physics state when triggers


Multi Body Overlap 复杂的实体重叠

If true, this component will generate individual overlaps for each overlapping physics body if it is a multi-body component. When false, this component will generate only one overlap, regardless of how many physics bodies it has and how many of them are overlapping another component/body. This flag has no influence on single body components.


Check Async Scene On Move 移动时检查异步场景

If true, this component will look for collisions on both physic scenes during movement. Only required if the asynchronous physics scene is enabled and has geometry in it, and you wish to test for collisions with objects in that scene.


(注:这个标识虽然在每个场景都存在,但是只对身上有 movement组件的实体有效。)

Trace Complex On Move 移动时跟踪检测复杂的碰撞

If true, component sweeps with this component should trace against complex collision during movement (for example, each triangle of a mesh). If false, collision will be resolved against simple collision bounds instead.


Return Material On Move 移动时返回材质

If true, component sweeps will return the material in their hit result.


Can Ever Affect Navigation 能否影响导航 Whether this component can potentially influence navigation 这个组件是否能潜在的影响导航




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