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2023-09-02 11:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


VAR:向量自回归模型,结果仅具有统计上的 意义


TVP-VAR:Time Varying Parameter-Stochastic Volatility-Vector Auto Regression。时变参数随机波动率向量自回归模型,与VAR 不同的是,模型没有同方差的假定,更符合实际。并且时变参数假定随机波动率,更能捕捉到经济变量在不同时代背景下所具有的关系和特征(时变影响)。将随机波动性纳入TVP估算中可以显着提高估算性能。在VAR模型中,所有的参数遵循一阶游走过程。


从 具有随机波动性的时变参数(TVP)回归模型的估计算法(TVP-VAR模型的单变量情况)说起。【数据分析】基于matlab时变参数随机波动率向量自回归模型(TVP-VAR)【含Matlab源码 099期】_建模【数据分析】基于matlab时变参数随机波动率向量自回归模型(TVP-VAR)【含Matlab源码 099期】_数据_02【数据分析】基于matlab时变参数随机波动率向量自回归模型(TVP-VAR)【含Matlab源码 099期】_建模_03【数据分析】基于matlab时变参数随机波动率向量自回归模型(TVP-VAR)【含Matlab源码 099期】_似然函数_04 对于MCMC算法,π(θ)为先验密度,后验分布 π(θ,α,h|y)^4。【数据分析】基于matlab时变参数随机波动率向量自回归模型(TVP-VAR)【含Matlab源码 099期】_差分_05【数据分析】基于matlab时变参数随机波动率向量自回归模型(TVP-VAR)【含Matlab源码 099期】_sed_06【数据分析】基于matlab时变参数随机波动率向量自回归模型(TVP-VAR)【含Matlab源码 099期】_sed_07【数据分析】基于matlab时变参数随机波动率向量自回归模型(TVP-VAR)【含Matlab源码 099期】_建模_08【数据分析】基于matlab时变参数随机波动率向量自回归模型(TVP-VAR)【含Matlab源码 099期】_差分_09 四、进行TVP-VAR建模时,也需要数据平稳。可以用ADF单位根检验法检验数据的平稳性,不平稳的数据可以做差分,直至平稳,用差分后的数据进行建模。


二、源代码 %==================================4.1 Main================================ clear; clc; % Load Korobilis (2008) quarterly data load ydata.dat; % data load yearlab.dat; % data labels %% %----------------------------------BASICS---------------------------------- Y=ydata; t=size(Y,1); % t - The total number of periods in the raw data (t=215) M=size(Y,2); % M - The dimensionality of Y (i.e. the number of variables)(M=3) tau = 40; % tau - the size of the training sample (the first forty quarters) p = 2; % p - number of lags in the VAR model %% Generate the Z_t matrix, i.e. the regressors in the model. ylag = mlag2(Y,p); % This function generates a 215x6 matrix with p lags of variable Y. ylag = ylag(p+tau+1:t,:); % Then remove our training sample, so now a 173x6 matrix. K = M + p*(M^2); % K is the number of elements in the state vector % Here we distribute the lagged y data into the Z matrix so it is % conformable with a beta_t matrix of coefficients. Z = zeros((t-tau-p)*M,K); for i = 1:t-tau-p ztemp = eye(M); for j = 1:p xtemp = ylag(i,(j-1)*M+1:j*M); xtemp = kron(eye(M),xtemp); ztemp = [ztemp xtemp]; end Z((i-1)*M+1:i*M,:) = ztemp; end % Redefine our variables to exclude the training sample and the first two % lags that we take as given, taking total number of periods (t) from 215 % to 173. y = Y(tau+p+1:t,:)'; yearlab = yearlab(tau+p+1:t); t=size(y,2); % t now equals 173 %% --------------------MODEL AND GIBBS PRELIMINARIES----------------------- nrep = 5000; % Number of sample draws nburn = 2000; % Number of burn-in-draws it_print = 100; % Print in the screen every "it_print"-th iteration %% INITIAL STATE VECTOR PRIOR % We use the first 40 observations (tau) to run a standard OLS of the % measurement equation, using the function ts_prior. The result is % estimates for priors for B_0 and Var(B_0). [B_OLS,VB_OLS]= ts_prior(Y,tau,M,p); % Given the distributions we have, we now have to define our priors for B, % Q and Sigma. These are set in accordance with how they are set in % Primiceri (2005). These are the hyperparameters of the beta, Q and Sigma % initial priors. B_0_prmean = B_OLS; B_0_prvar = 4*VB_OLS; Q_prmean = ((0.01).^2)*tau*VB_OLS; Q_prvar = tau; Sigma_prmean = eye(M); Sigma_prvar = M+1; % To start the Kalman filtering assign arbitrary values that are in support % of their priors, Q and Sigma. consQ = 0.0001; Qdraw = consQ*eye(K); Sigmadraw = 0.1*eye(M); % Create some matrices for storage that will be filled in once we % start the Gibbs sampling. Btdraw = zeros(K,t); Bt_postmean = zeros(K,t); Qmean = zeros(K,K); Sigmamean = zeros(M,M); %% -------------------------IRF-PRELIMINARIES------------------------------ nhor = 21; % The number of periods in the impulse response function. % Matricies to be filled containing IRFs for 1975q1, 1981q3, 1996q1. The % dimensions correspond to the iterations of the gibbs sample, each of the % variables, and each of the 21 periods of the IRF analysis. imp75 = zeros(nrep,M,nhor); imp81 = zeros(nrep,M,nhor); imp96 = zeros(nrep,M,nhor); % This corresponds to variable J introduced in equation (14) in the report bigj = zeros(M,M*p); bigj(1:M,1:M) = eye(M); %% ================ START GIBBS SAMPLING ================================== tic; % This is just a timer disp('Number of iterations'); for irep = 1:nrep + nburn % 7000 gibbs iterations starts here % Print iterations - this just updates on the progress of the sampling if mod(irep,it_print) == 0 disp(irep);toc; end %% Draw 1: B_t from p(B_t|y,Sigma) % We use the function 'carter_kohn_hom' to to run the FFBS algorithm. % This results in a 21x173 matrix, corresponding to one Gibbs sample % draw of each of the coefficients in each time period. The inputs % Sigmadraw and Qdraw are updated for each Gibbs sample repetition. [Btdraw] = carter_kohn_hom(y,Z,Sigmadraw,Qdraw,K,M,t,B_0_prmean,B_0_prvar); %% Draw 2: Q from p(Q^{-1}|y,B_t) which is i-Wishart % We draw Q from an Inverse Wishart distribution. The parameters % of the distribution are derived as equation (11) in the main report. % The mean is taken as the inverse of the accumulated sum of squared % errors added to the prior mean, and the variance is simply t. % Differencing Btdraw to create the sum of squared errors Btemp = Btdraw(:,2:t)' - Btdraw(:,1:t-1)'; sse_2Q = zeros(K,K); for i = 1:t-1 sse_2Q = sse_2Q + Btemp(i,:)'*Btemp(i,:); end Qinv = inv(sse_2Q + Q_prmean); % compute mean to use for Wishart draw Qinvdraw = wish(Qinv,t+Q_prvar); % draw inv q from the wishart distribution Qdraw = inv(Qinvdraw); % find non-inverse q %% Draw 3: Sigma from p(Sigma|y,B_t) which is i-Wishart % We draw Sigma from an Inverse Wishart distribution. The parameters % of the distirbution are derived as equation (10) in the main report. % The mean is taken as the inverse of the sum of squared residuals % added to the prior mean. The variance is simply t. % Find residuals using data and the current draw of coefficients resids = zeros(M,t); for i = 1:t resids(:,i) = y(:,i) - Z((i-1)*M+1:i*M,:)*Btdraw(:,i); end % Create a matrix for the accumulated sum of squared residuals, to % be used as the mean parameter in the i-Wishart draw below. sse_2S = zeros(M,M); for i = 1:t sse_2S = sse_2S + resids(:,i)*resids(:,i)'; end Sigmainv = inv(sse_2S + Sigma_prmean); % compute mean to use for the Wishart Sigmainvdraw = wish(Sigmainv,t+Sigma_prvar); % draw from the Wishsart distribution Sigmadraw = inv(Sigmainvdraw); % turn into non-inverse Sigma %% IRF % We only apply IRF analysis once we have exceeded the burn-in draws phase. if irep > nburn; % Create matrix that is going to contain all beta draws over % which we will take the mean after the Gibbs sampler as our moment % estimate: Bt_postmean = Bt_postmean + Btdraw; % biga is the A matrix of the VAR(1) version of our VAR(2) model, % found in equation (12. biga changes in every period of the % analysis, because the coefficients are time varying, so we % apply the analysis below in every time period. biga = zeros(M*p,M*p); for j = 1:p-1 biga(j*M+1:M*(j+1),M*(j-1)+1:j*M) = eye(M); % fill the A matrix with identity matrix (3) in bottom left corner end % The following procedure is applied separately in each time period. % This loop takes coefficients of the relevant time period from % Bt_draw (which contains all coefficients for all t) and uses % them to update the biga matrix, so that it can change for % every t. for i = 1:t bbtemp = Btdraw(M+1:K,i); % get the draw of B(t) at time i=1,...,T (exclude intercept) splace = 0; for ii = 1:p for iii = 1:M biga(iii,(ii-1)*M+1:ii*M) = bbtemp(splace+1:splace+M,1)'; % Load non-intercept coefficient draws splace = splace + M; end end % Next we want to create a shock matrix in which the third % column is [0 0 1]', therefore implementing a unit shock % in the interest rate. shock = eye(3); % Now get impulse responses for 1 through nhor future % periods. impresp is a 3x63 matrix which contains 9 % response values in total for each period, 3 for each % variable. These three responses correspond to the 3 % possible shocks that are contained in the schock % matrix % bigai is updated through mulitiplication with the % coefficient matrix after each time period. % Create a results matrix to store impulse responses in all periods impresp = zeros(M,M*nhor); % Fill in the first period of the results matrix with the shock (as defined above) impresp(1:M,1:M) = shock; % Create a separate variable for the a matrix so that we % can update it for each period of the IRF analysis. bigai = biga; % This follows the impulse response function as in equation 15. % Fill in each period of the results matrix according to % the impulse response function formula. for j = 1:nhor-1 impresp(:,j*M+1:(j+1)*M) = bigj*bigai*bigj'*shock; bigai = bigai*biga; % update the coefficient matrix for next period end % The section below keeps only the responses that we are interested in: % - those from the periods 1975q1, 1981q3, and 1996q1 % - those that correspond to the shock in the interest % rate (i.e. those caused by the third column of our shock % matrix). if yearlab(i,1) == 1975.00; % store only IRF from 1975:Q1 impf_m = zeros(M,nhor); jj=0; for ij = 1:nhor jj = jj + M; % select only the third column for each time period of the IRF impf_m(:,ij) = impresp(:,jj); end % For each iteration of the Gibbs sampler, fill in the % results along the first dimension imp75(irep-nburn,:,:) = impf_m; end if yearlab(i,1) == 1981.50; % store only IRF from 1981:Q3 impf_m = zeros(M,nhor); jj=0; for ij = 1:nhor jj = jj + M; % select only the third column for each time period of the IRF impf_m(:,ij) = impresp(:,jj); end % For each iteration of the Gibbs sample, fill in the % results along the first dimension imp81(irep-nburn,:,:) = impf_m; end if yearlab(i,1) == 1996.00; % store only IRF from 1996:Q1 impf_m = zeros(M,nhor); jj=0; for ij = 1:nhor jj = jj + M; % select only the third column for each time period of the IRF impf_m(:,ij) = impresp(:,jj); end % For each iteration of the Gibbs sample, fill in the % results along the first dimension imp96(irep-nburn,:,:) = impf_m; end end % End getting impulses for each time period end % End the impulse response calculation section end % End main Gibbs loop (for irep = 1:nrep+nburn) clc; toc; % Stop timer and print total time %% ================ END GIBBS SAMPLING ================================== % Even though it is not used in our IRF analysis since we are integrating % that into the Gibbs sampling loop, here is how to take the mean of the % draw of the betas as moment estimate: Bt_postmean = Bt_postmean./nrep; %% Graphs and tables % This works out the percentage range of that each variable's coefficient % spans across time. I.e. to what extent was the TVP facility used by each % variable in the model? This is calculated by finding the range for each % variable as a percentage of the mean coefficient size for that variable. % The result is a 21x1 vector, and it is reshaped into a 3x7 matrix in order % to map onto the system of equations (2,3,and 4) set out in the report. Bt_range = ones(21,1) for i = 1:21 Bt_range(i) = abs((max(Bt_postmean(i,:))-min(Bt_postmean(i,:)))/mean(Bt_postmean(i,:))) end Bt_range = reshape(Bt_range,3,7) % Create a table of coefficient ranges for export to the report rowNames = {'Inflation','Unemployment','Interest Rate'}; colNames = {'Intercept','Inf_1','Unemp_1', 'IR_1','Inf_2','Unemp_2', 'IR_2'}; pc_change_table = array2table(Bt_range,'RowNames',rowNames,'VariableNames',colNames) writetable(pc_change_table,'pc_change.csv') % Now plot a separate chart for each of the coefficients figure for i = 1:21 subplot(7,3,i) plot(1:t,Bt_postmean(i,:)) end % Now we move to plotting the IRF. This section takes moments along the % first dimension, i.e. across the Gibbs sample iterations. The moments % are for the 16th, 50th and 84th percentile. qus = [.16, .5, .84]; imp75XY=squeeze(quantile(imp75,qus)); imp81XY=squeeze(quantile(imp81,qus)); imp96XY=squeeze(quantile(imp96,qus)); % Plot impulse responses figure set(0,'DefaultAxesColorOrder',[0 0 0],... 'DefaultAxesLineStyleOrder','--|-|--') subplot(3,3,1) plot(1:nhor,squeeze(imp75XY(:,1,:))) title('Impulse response of inflation, 1975:Q1') xlim([1 nhor]) ylim([-0.2 0.1]) % % yline(0) set(gca,'XTick',0:3:nhor) subplot(3,3,2) plot(1:nhor,squeeze(imp75XY(:,2,:))) title('Impulse response of unemployment, 1975:Q1') xlim([1 nhor]) ylim([-0.2 0.2]) % yline(0) set(gca,'XTick',0:3:nhor) subplot(3,3,3) %ylim([0 1]) % % yline(0) plot(1:nhor,squeeze(imp75XY(:,3,:))) title('Impulse response of interest rate, 1975:Q1') xlim([1 nhor]) %ylim([-0.3 0.1]) % yline(0) set(gca,'XTick',0:3:nhor) subplot(3,3,4) plot(1:nhor,squeeze(imp81XY(:,1,:))) title('Impulse response of inflation, 1981:Q3') xlim([1 nhor]) ylim([-0.2 0.1]) % yline(0) set(gca,'XTick',0:3:nhor) subplot(3,3,5) plot(1:nhor,squeeze(imp81XY(:,2,:))) title('Impulse response of unemployment, 1981:Q3') xlim([1 nhor]) ylim([-0.2 0.2]) % yline(0) set(gca,'XTick',0:3:nhor) subplot(3,3,6) plot(1:nhor,squeeze(imp81XY(:,3,:))) title('Impulse response of interest rate, 1981:Q3') xlim([1 nhor]) %ylim([-0.4 0.1]) % yline(0) set(gca,'XTick',0:3:nhor) subplot(3,3,7) plot(1:nhor,squeeze(imp96XY(:,1,:))) title('Impulse response of inflation, 1996:Q1') xlim([1 nhor]) ylim([-0.2 0.1]) % yline(0) set(gca,'XTick',0:3:nhor) subplot(3,3,8) plot(1:nhor,squeeze(imp96XY(:,2,:))) title('Impulse response of unemployment, 1996:Q1') xlim([1 nhor]) ylim([-0.2 0.2]) % yline(0) set(gca,'XTick',0:3:nhor) subplot(3,3,9) plot(1:nhor,squeeze(imp96XY(:,3,:))) title('Impulse response of interest rate, 1996:Q1') xlim([1 nhor]) %ylim([0 1]) % yline(0) set(gca,'XTick',0:3:nhor) disp(' ') disp('To plot impulse responses, use: plot(1:nhor,squeeze(imp75XY(:,VAR,:))) ') disp(' ') disp('where VAR=1 for impulses of inflation, VAR=2 for unemployment and VAR=3 for interest rate') 三、运行结果

【数据分析】基于matlab时变参数随机波动率向量自回归模型(TVP-VAR)【含Matlab源码 099期】_差分_10【数据分析】基于matlab时变参数随机波动率向量自回归模型(TVP-VAR)【含Matlab源码 099期】_似然函数_11






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