twisted是什么意思 twisted的中文翻译、读音、例句

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twisted是什么意思 twisted的中文翻译、读音、例句

#twisted是什么意思 twisted的中文翻译、读音、例句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: twisted在英语中代表"的过去式、古怪的"的意思,twisted是什么意思 twisted的中文翻译、读音、例句,其中文解释还有"扭动"的意思,在线读音是['twistid],twisted在英语中经常以形容词形式出现,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到72个与twisted相关的句子。



1. He had a twisted sense of humor which made his friends laugh.


2. The tree had a twisted trunk and branches.


3. The murderer had a twisted mind and enjoyed killing.





例句:John twisted his ankle badly. (约翰的脚踝严重扭伤。)


例句:It's like some twisted memorial to that night. (我真希望他们把这拆了 这里就像当晚的纪念馆)


例句:She fell and twisted her ankle. (她摔了一下,把脚崴了。)


例句:"Jordan Belfort," "sounding like a kind of twisted Robin Hood" (翻译:乔丹·贝尔福特 就像是某种扭曲的罗宾汉 抢走富人的钱)


twisted一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在slack twisted([纺] 松捻的)、thrown and twisted([网络] 抛出扭曲)、twin twisted(双绞)等常见短语中出现较多。

slack twisted[纺] 松捻的thrown and twisted[网络] 抛出扭曲twin twisted双绞twisted acacia扭曲相思树twisted ankle[网络] 脚扭到;踝扭伤;崴脚踝twisted around(使)旋转运动\n歪曲,曲解\n盘绕,缠绕twisted auger[机] 螺旋钻twisted bar扭杆;螺旋钢筋twisted barrel绞筒式枪筒例句

1. She fell and twisted her ankle. (翻译:她摔了一下,把脚崴了。)

2. "Jordan Belfort," "sounding like a kind of twisted Robin Hood" (翻译:乔丹·贝尔福特 就像是某种扭曲的罗宾汉 抢走富人的钱)

3. REINSURANCE companies and bad news have a twisted relationship. (翻译:再保险公司与坏消息之间有着纠缠不清的关系。)

4. Bitching that the mark may not exist is a little twisted. (翻译:这个机会根本不存在,这才是有点郁闷的地方)

5. They wear masks, and under them they're perverted, twisted, crippled! (翻译:他们都戴假面具 面具底下 个个都是堕落的 扭曲的 残缺的)

6. I've twisted the most twisted scientist in the world... With my twistedness. (翻译:我居然让一个本身就心理扭曲的人觉得我心狠手辣)

7. His mouth twisted into a wry smile. (翻译:他硬挤出一丝干涩的微笑。)

8. Everything you ever wanted to know about anything sick and twisted, available at a keystroke. (翻译:人世丑态一览无余 Everything you ever wanted to know about anything sick and twisted, 只需敲击键盘搜索 available at a keystroke.)

9. You know, something about my fallopian tubes being twisted... (翻译:你知道,我的输管打结... 我想... You know, something about my fallopian tubes being twisted...)

10. It hurts to see such a pretty face twisted in sorrow. (翻译:看著一张满脸悲痛的年轻脸庞 我真是太难过了)

11. Loosely twisted worsted yarn used for fancywork and embroidery. (翻译:松捻精纺纱线松捻精纺纱线,用于钩编和刺绣。)

12. Nighty night, you twisted little freak. (翻译:晚安了,你这个的小怪胎。)

13. The wheel had been twisted out of shape. (翻译:轮子已经扭曲变形了。)

14. Alessandro Costacurta twisted his knee in training. (翻译:科斯塔库塔在训练中扭伤了膝盖。)

15. I was sure he was gonna have some twisted surprise, but he didn't. (翻译:我本来确信他又会冒出什么让人惊吓的惊喜 I was sure he was gonna have some twisted surprise,)





词组搭配:twisted with pain (因痛苦而扭曲的),twisted sense of humor (歪曲的幽默感),twisted mind (扭曲的心灵),twisted road (曲折的道路)。

短语:be twisted around one's finger (被人摆布),twist one's ankle (扭伤脚踝),twist someone's arm (逼迫,恐吓)。



1. Her twisted ankle made it difficult for her to walk.(她扭伤了脚踝,走路很困难。)

2. The tree branches were twisted by the strong wind.(树枝被强风吹得扭曲。)

3. He has a twisted sense of humor that some people find offensive.(他的幽默感有些歪曲,会让人有冒犯感。)

4. The criminal's twisted mind is what led him to commit such terrible crimes.(罪犯扭曲的心灵导致他犯下了如此可怕的罪行。)

5. She twisted his arm until he finally agreed to do what she wanted.(她逼迫他做她想要的事情,终于让他屈服了。)

标签: 翻译




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