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#tropical造句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、Exotic tropical plants in a greenhouse温室里引进的热带植物

2、If you like, add some tropical fruits such as pineapple or papaya.如果你喜欢,可以加入一些热带水果,如菠萝或木瓜。

3、New York has baked in a thick tropical heat and humidity that is gripping eastern America.强烈的热带高温烘烤了纽约,浓厚的湿气控制了美国东部。

4、They went to the underdeveloped place deep in the tropical forest.他们深人到热带森林未开发地区。

5、To be free from the routine of life just to spend a few months on a deserted tropical island.远离生活的常规,花几个月的时间在一个无人的热带岛屿度过。

6、Old World genus of tropical evergreen usually spiny shrubs.通常多刺的热带灌木的旧大陆的属。


8、Assuming you don't air-freight tropical fruit and vegetables to your fridge each day.假设你不用每天空运蔬菜热带水果过来的话。

9、fern of tropical Asia having round buttonlike bulbils.具有圆形纽扣状珠芽的一种亚洲热带地区的蕨类。

10、Its broad pinnate tropical leaf was pleasant though strange to look on.它的阔大的、羽状的、热带的叶子,看起来很奇怪,却很愉快。

11、a common tropical American clusia having solitary white or rose flowers热带美洲的一种普遍的克鲁西亚木,具有单生的白色或玫瑰色花。

12、Citrus and tropical fruit characteristics with a hint of vanilla and cashew.有明显的柑橘香味,还有香草和腰果香。

13、terrestrial or epilithic ferns of tropical rain forests.热带雨林地区陆地或长在石头上的蕨类植物。

14、You'll see large sea turtles swimming alongside schools of tropical fish.你会看见巨大的海龟伴随一群群热带鱼类悠游着。

15、On every side were wooded mountain tops, green with tropical verdure.四面八方都是树木成林的山峰,呈现出热带的青葱草木。

16、small tropical American tree bearing round or oblong soft-fleshed fruit.美洲热带小型树种,圆形或椭圆形果实,果肉柔软。

17、Tropical Disease Research: grant opportunities.热带病研究:资助金机会-英文。

18、a monocotyledonous genus of graceful palm trees in tropical America热带美洲一种优美的单子叶棕榈属。

19、The coconut palm is common in tropical regions all over the world.在椰子树是常见于热带地区世界各地的游客。

20、any of various tropical Asian palm trees the trunks of which yield sago.各种热带亚洲棕榈树的任意一种,其树干出产西谷米。

21、You can see its unique and abundant flora and fauna in its tropical rainforest.你能在这里看到稀有而种类繁多的动植物。

22、Taro is a tropical plant used widely in the Pacific Islands芋头是太平洋群岛普遍食用的热带植物。

23、The tropical heat blistered the coast.热带的酷热烤晒着海岸。

24、any of several tropical American trees of the genus Andira.安迪拉木属的几种主要的热带美洲乔木的任意一种。

25、The wahoo is a dark blue scombrid fish found in tropical and subtropical seas.刺鲅是一种深蓝色的鲭科鱼,分布在热带和 * 带海域。

26、large fan palms of tropical Asia to Australia.热带亚洲至澳大利亚的一个大扇叶棕榈属。

27、Avocado Oil, derived from the fruit of a tropical American tree, is a rich, fatty-acid emollient.鳄梨油,来自一个热带水果的美国树,是一种丰富的脂肪酸润肤油。

28、large Old World bat of warm and tropical regions that feeds on fruit.东半球温带和热带地区以果类为食的大蝙蝠。

29、small genus of low-branching profusely flowering trees of tropical America.在美国热带开花旺盛并发枝较低的小的属。

30、The beauty of the tropical islands cast a spell over the sightseers热带岛屿的美丽把游客们迷住了。

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