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2024-03-24 20:58| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


v. 拖餌釣魚;搜查;發布挑釁帖子(非正式);散步;歡快地高唱;輪唱;隨便瀏覽(報紙或文件)

n. (北歐神話中的)穴居巨怪,侏儒;挑釁帖子,發挑釁帖子的人(非正式);釣魚;輪唱

英語釋義angling by drawing a baited line through the watera fisherman's lure that is used in trolling;

"he used a spinner as his troll"

praise or celebrate in song;

"All tongues shall troll you"

cause to move round and round;

"The child trolled her hoop"

a partsong in which voices follow each other; one voice starts and others join in one after another until all are singing different parts of the song at the same time;

"they enjoyed singing rounds"

angle with a hook and line drawn through the water(Scandanavian folklore) a supernatural creature (either a dwarf or a giant) that is supposed to live in caves or in the mountainssing loudly and without inhibitionspeak or recite rapidly or in a rolling voicesing the parts of (a round) in successioncirculate, move around片語

Troll Cannon2史上最賤小鋼炮

Troll Hunter追擊巨怪

Troll Shaws食人妖林

Troll Cannon巨魔炮

Troll Ivan天敗星

Troll Batriders巨魔蝙蝠騎士


Troll Rogue巨魔潛行者


antiphonal singing對唱;輪唱

Frostmane Troll霜巨魔

troll line[水產]


give up on gaming and troll on forums and play with cats instead.


but the rise of the patent troll changedall that.


i lock my office door and put up a post-it note that says, 「writing troll – get back!」 which has a picture of a troll on it.

我會在書房門上貼上便利貼,上面寫著 「編寫巨魔——請回」 ,上面還有巨魔的一幅畫。

in slowly lifting the veil of anonymity, perhaps we can see the troll not as the frightening monster of lore, but as what we all really are: human.


the news was first announced on the message board of troll lord games, the publisher of gygax「s most recent works.


the troll is a warning. they know if that if they bypass the troll, they’ll be confronted by an ogre.


different from the original and very simple troll doll, the updated trollz wear only the hippest and brightest of outfits, making them look more like people than actual trolls.


for startups, for journalists, and for users, it」s helpful to know what people are saying without having to troll all around the internet to find out.


leslie: if we had a troll hunter, we could track its scent and sneak up on it.


while it was kind of cool and novel when my belly first pooched out and i got to don my first maternity shirt i felt like a squat little troll for a good portion of both my pregnancies.


a quant will troll through tons and tons of data, looking for patterns


fledgling startups have to worry more about some big player or patent troll pulling out a big gun and bankrupting them with a frivolous lawsuit than they do about someone stealing their ideas.


other themed rooms include a newly opened trojan horse, a troll forest, a south seas sailing ship and a wine room.


pay $30 a month to troll through profiles?


an aggressive troll can hold up a billion-dollar product over a patent worth a fraction of that.





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