中考必备【动词】知识库 165个必会核心短语搭配 【清华木兰学姐中考冲刺系列】

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中考必备【动词】知识库 165个必会核心短语搭配 【清华木兰学姐中考冲刺系列】

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01 care about sth./sb. 关心,在乎

02 forget about sth./sb. 忘记

03 hear about sth./sb. 听说

04 know about sth./sb. 了解

05 talk about sth./sb. 谈论

06 think about sth. 考虑

07 worry about sth./sb. 为...担心

08 look after sb. 照顾,看管

09 look around 环顾四周

10 consider ... as 把...看作;认为...是

11 imagine ... as 把...设想为

12 treat ... as 把...当作

13 aim at sth./ doing 瞄准某事,旨在做某事

14 arrive at spl. 到达某地

15 knock at sth. 敲击(门、窗)

16 laugh at sth./sb. 嘲笑

17 look at sth./sb. 看,注视

18 point at sth./sb. 指着

19 shout at sb. 冲...大喊大叫

20 get away 逃走

21 give away sth. 泄露;赠送

22 put away sth. 把...收好,放起来

23 take away sth. from sb. 从某人拿走某物

24 throw away sth. 扔掉

25 bring back sth. 使想起;带回

26 give back sth. to sb. 归还

27 look back 回顾;回忆

28 pay back 偿还(欠债)

29 take back sth. 撤回,收回

30 go by (时间)逝去 As time went by, ...

31 judge sb. by sth. 根据...判断/评论某人

32 stand by sb. 站在...旁边;支持

33 cut down 削减;砍倒

34 let sb. down 使某人失望

35 take down sth. 记录,记下 = write down

36 turn down (sb.) 调小声音;拒绝

37 ask (sb.) for sth 要求,向...要

38 care for 照顾;非常喜欢

39 look for sth./sb. 寻找

40 prepare for sth. 为...做准备

41 pay for sth. 负担...的费用

42 stand for sth. 代表;象征

43 wait for sth./sb. 等待

44 push forward 推进,继续进行

45 put forward 提出(计划,建议等) =  make a proposal

46 borrow sth. from sb. 从某人借某物

47 differ from sb. 与...不同

48 hear from sb. 收到...的来信

49 learn from sth./sb. 从...中学习

50 save sb. from sth. 使某人免遭某事

51 stop sb. from doing 组织某人做某事

52 prevent sb. from doing 防止某人做某事

53 break in 闯入(=break into);插话

54 fill in 填写,填满 

55 give in 让步;投降

56 hand in 上交

57 join in sth. 参加(活动)

58 succed in sth. 在...方面成功

59 trust in sb. 相信,信任

60 turn in 上交

61 change ... into 把...变成

62 translate ... into 把..翻译成

63 dream of doing 梦想;渴望

64 speak of 谈起,说到 Speaking of which, ....  说到这个

65 think of 考虑,设想,想出

66 warn sb. of sth. 警告某人小心某事

67 cut off 中断(电话),切掉

68 fall off 从...跌下

69 pay off 还清欠债;得到回报

70 put off 推迟

71 see sb. off 送行

72 show off 炫耀

73 turn off 关上(电、水等)

74 call on sb. 访问、拜访,请求

75 depend on sth./sb. 依赖;信任

76 hold on 稍等(不挂电话)

77 pass on 传递,传给

78 turn on 打开(电、水等)

79 break out 爆发(战争、疫情等);突然发生

80 die out 灭绝;逐渐消失

81 find out 发现,查明,找到

82 go out (灯)熄灭

83 hand out 分发

84 keep out sb. 阻止...入内

85 look out 小心!;向外看

86 pick out 挑选出;区别出,辨别出

87 point out 指出;提醒

88 run out 用完

89 watch out 小心;提防

90 fall over 跌倒,摔倒

91 go over 复习;检查

92 look over 检查;翻阅

93 take over 接管;取代

94 think over 仔细考虑  

95 come over 来访

96 get through 接通电话;通过(考试)

97 go through 通过;经历;浏览;仔细查看

98 look through 浏览;仔细查看

99 see through 看穿...

100 add A to B 把A添加到B上

101 happen to sb. 遭到,遇到

102 lead to 导致;通向

103 point to sth. 指向;表明

104 turn to sb. 转向

105 come together 聚集,聚合 ≈ get together

106 hold together 团结一致

107 put together 把...放到一起;组装

108 add up 加起来,合计

109 bring up 提出

110 cheer sb. up 使某人高兴振奋

111 clean up 打扫,整顿

112 give up 放弃,中止

113 grow up 长大

114 keep up 继续,保持

115 pick up sth. 捡起某物

116 pick up a habit / language 开始某种习惯,开始学习某种语言

117 pick sb. up 开车接某人

118 light up spl. 照亮

119 loop up 查找,抬头看

120 make sth. up 编造

121 set up sth. = establish sth. 开创,建立

122 show up 到场,露面

123 stay up (late) 熬夜

124 speed up 加快速度

125 take up 从事;占据时间/空间

126 use up 用光,耗尽

127 agree/disagree with sb. on sth. 与某人就某事达成一致/不一致

128 begin with 以...开始 = start with

129 catch up with 追赶上

130 compare A with B 把A与B作比较

131 compare A to B 把A比作B

132 compete with sb. 与...竞争

133 connect A with B 将A与B联系起来

134 deal with sth. 处理;对付

135 cover A with B 将A用B覆盖起来

136 end up with 以...结束

137 fall in love with sb. 与...相爱

138 get along (well) with sb. 与...(良好)相处

139 get in touch with sb. 与...取得联系

140 keep/stay in touch with sb. 与...保持联系

141 get on with 与...友好相处

142 keep up with 跟上,不落后

143 make friends with 与...做朋友

144 share sth. with sb. 与某人分享某事

145 have nothing to do with... 与...无关

146 have something to do with... 与...有一定关系

147 lose oneself in sth. 埋头于;专心于;沉浸于

148 dress oneself in sth. 穿(衣服)

149 make fun of 嘲笑

150 make full use of 充分利用

151 take part in 参加

152 pay attention to 注意

153 get hold of 抓住;拿住;握住

154 keep pace with 赶上

155 come up with sth. 想出(一个主意)、提出

156 keep away from sth. 远离...

157 help yourself to 自取,自用

158 treat oneself to 舍得(吃喝玩乐)

159 remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人想起某事

160 rob sb. of sth. 抢走某人的某物

161 steal sth. from sb. 从某人处偷走某物

162 provide sb. with sth. 给某人提供某物

163 offer sb. sth. 给某人提供某物

164 name sb. after sth. 以某物给某人起名

165 [buy/make/save/order/get] sb. sth.  或 [buy/make/save/order/get] sth. for sb.




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