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2023-12-19 08:12| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Having more than 500 revolution-related sites, Zunyi of Guizhou province is a city immersed in red culture. 拥有500多处革命旧址的贵州遵义是一座红色文化底蕴深厚的城市。

“Zunyi is a city rooted in revolutionary history,” said Zheng Yunjie, 17, who is from the city. “While many people might hold the stereotype of Guizhou as being poor and closed, they usually have a good impression toward Zunyi. I guess it’s the “red culture” that gives the city a positive image and makes it popular.” “遵义是一座根植于革命历史的城市,”17岁的遵义市民郑运婕说。“许多人或许都认为贵州落后闭塞,但他们通常都对遵义印象不错。我猜正是‘红色文化’赋予了这座城市积极的形象,让遵义成为热门。”

Indeed, Zunyi has a close connection with the development of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Red Army, a forerunner of the People’s Liberation Army. During the Long March (1934-36), Zunyi is where the Red Army, under the command of the CPC, turned setbacks (挫折) into victories. 的确,遵义与中国共产党以及中国人民解放军的前身——红军的发展有着密不可分的联系。长征期间(1934-1936),遵义正是共产党领导下的红军从挫折走向胜利的转折点。

Teenagers living in this city grow up hearing the revolutionary stories, learning to cherish the “red spirit”. Zheng, for example, has seen the rusty guns of the Red Army soldiers, visited the steeps of Loushanguan, and admired the monument carved with former leader Deng Xiaoping’s words, “The spirit of the Red Army is forever remembered.” 居住在这座城市的青少年都是听着革命故事,学着珍惜“红色精神”长大的。比如,郑运婕就见过红军战士们生锈的枪,参观过娄山关的峭壁,还瞻仰了刻有邓小平同志题词“红军烈士永垂不朽”的纪念碑。

Schools also organize red-themed activities to pass on the cultural heritage to younger generations. These include trips to the red tourism spots and performances of revolutionary songs. 学校也会组织红色主题的活动,将这些文化遗产传承给年轻一代。活动包括了参观红色旅游景点、演唱革命歌曲等等。

Huang Xinyi, 13, has participated in red-themed hand-copied newspaper competitions. In one of her articles, Huang wrote: “Looking like a rooster on the map, my motherland is grand and magnificent … With the red scarf floating over my chest, the Party’s lofty mission is remembered in heart.” 13岁的黄馨怡参加了红色主题手抄报比赛。在其中一篇文章中,她如此写道:“雄伟壮丽的祖国在地图上像一只雄鸡……胸前飘荡的红领巾让我们铭记党的崇高使命。”

Zunyi’s revolutionary history has shaped the city. The city has seen over 630.5 million visits during the past five years, gaining a revenue of about 641.67 billion yuan, according to China Daily. From 2016 to 2020, with the help of booming “red tourism”, more than 40,000 local people were able to shake off poverty. 遵义的革命历史塑造了这座城市。《中国日报》报道称,在过去的五年间,这座城市累计接待游客超6.305亿人次,实现旅游综合收入约6416.7亿元。2016年至2020年,飞速发展的“红色旅游”共带动当地超4万人脱贫。

Zunyi is like a red culture theme park. Tourists can dress like Red Army soldiers from head to toe for less than 100 yuan at Long March-themed cosplay shops in the city center. At local memorial sites, Red Army-related plays bring history back to life, reported China Daily. 遵义就像一座红色文化主题公园。游客们可以在市中心的长征主题服饰店中,以不到100元的价格从头到脚换上一身红军军装。据《中国日报》报道,在当地的纪念旧址,红军主题的戏剧表演生动地再现了历史。

The Zunyi Conference site is a part of the planned cultural park. Mou Xinyue, 17, once volunteered as a tour guide at the spot. “Many tourists made special trips to Zunyi from thousands of miles away, just to relive those hard but glamorous days,” she told TEENS, “The red history makes Zunyi a big name across the country, and I believe the cultural heritage will bring my hometown an even brighter future.” 遵义会议会址是经规划的文化公园的一部分。17岁的牟欣月曾在会址志愿提供导游服务。“许多游客不远千里专门来到遵义,就是想来重温往昔艰苦峥嵘岁月,”她在接受本报采访时如此说道。“红色历史让遵义闻名全国,我相信,这些文化遗产会为我的家乡带来更光明的未来。”

21英语网站版权说明  (Translator & Editor: Wang Xingwei AND Luo Sitian) 打印 以上文章内容选自《21世纪学生英文报高中版》,详情请见《21世纪学生英文报高中版》高二838期




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