
您所在的位置:网站首页 toastmaster演讲俱乐部 【5】头马俱乐部官员简介


2024-07-05 21:50| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


选举会上,主持人应对俱乐部官员职位做出必要的介绍,以帮助候选人制定有的放矢的竞选纲要和准备竞选演说,投票会员做出合理的选择,现场宾客也能了解更多关于头马俱乐部和竞选演说的背景。 …… 下文头马俱乐部官员简介,包括官员角色摘要、职责、学到的技能,根据近期TI头马总部资料同步更新翻译。文末有原文下载链接地址。 ……

图片发自简书App 主席 President

Summary: As club President, you will set the tone for your club. You are expected to provide helpful, supportive leadership for all the club’s activities and you will be the first to assume responsibility for the progress and welfare of the club. You motivate, resolve conflict, and facilitate as required. Though you must occasionally step in and make a difficult decision, you rarely do so without consulting club members and other club officers. You show respect for all members, even when you do not agree with them, and provide leadership for all.



Responsibilities: Provide positive leadership to all officers and members • Build a cohesive team and ensure all tasks are completed • Oversee and facilitate club meetings • Lead by example and treat all members fairly and equally • Hold yourself and other officers accountable • Be diplomatic in resolving conflict • Encourage participation in Distinguished Club Program • Ensure financial responsibility and accountability for club funds • Remain current with the Leader Letter • Represent club at district leadership and area council meetings • Be familiar with all aspects of the Addendum of Standard Club Options and Club Constitution


• 为所有官员和会员提供积极的领导 • 建立凝聚力的团队,并确保完成所有任务 • 监督和促进俱乐部会议 • 以身作则,公平对待所有成员 • 让自己和其他官员负起责任 • 外交手腕解决冲突 • 鼓励参加杰出俱乐部计划 • 确保俱乐部资金的财务责任和问责制 • 与TI总部发出的Leader Letter保持同步 • 代表俱乐部参加大区理事会和小区理事会 • 熟悉标准俱乐部选选项和俱乐部章程附录的所有方面

Skills learned: • Team building and delegation • Positive small group leadership • Organization and problem-solving • Organizing communities to accomplish a specific task or event • Critical thinking • Networking and relationship-building • Conflict management • Delivery of tactful and constructive feedback • Succession planning • Compliance with standard procedures


• 团队建设与授权 • 积极的小组领导 • 组织和解决问题 • 组织社群以完成特定任务或事件 • 批判性思考 • 链接和建立关系 • 冲突管理 • 提供得体和建设性的反馈 • 传承规划 • 符合标准程序

图片发自简书App 教育副主席 Vice President Education (VPE)

Summary: As Vice President Education (VPE), you schedule your club members’ speeches, verify the completion of projects, and serve as a resource for questions about the Toastmasters Pathways learning experience, speech contests, and your club mentor program. You are an important source of Toastmasters knowledge for club members and it is your job to become familiar with all aspects of Pathways.


作为教育副主席,您的职责是安排会员演讲及核实项目完成进度,并且适时提供相关资源,解答会员关于Toastmasters Pathways学习体验、演讲比赛和俱乐部导师计划的问题。 对于俱乐部会员来说,您是非常重要的Toastmasters知识来源,因此熟知任何Toastmasters教育计划有关内容是您的工作。

Responsibilities: • Set club meeting agendas and assign meeting roles • Manage club schedule and plan meetings • Manage member progress in Pathways and act as the primary Base Camp Manager • Encourage member engagement in the Pathways learning experience • Plan speech contests • Hold yourself and other officers accountable • Keep current with Toastmasters programs • Manage mentor program • Provide positive and impartial evaluation on speeches/projects • Remain current with the Leader Letter


• 制定俱乐部会议议程并分配会议角色 • 管理俱乐部日程和会议计划 • 管理Pathways中的成员进度,并担任首席Base Camp Manager • 鼓励会员参与Pathways学习体验 • 筹划演讲比赛 • 让自己和其他官员负起责任 • 了解最新的Toastmasters项目 • 管理导师计划 • 对演讲/项目进行积极、合理的评估 • 与TI总部发出的Leader Letter保持同步

Skills learned: • Strategic planning • Evaluate individual’s performance and determine strengths/weaknesses • Organization and problem-solving • Successful mentoring techniques • Positive small group collaboration • Critical thinking • Motivate others to set and achieve personal goals • Strategic thinking • Succession planning • Compliance with standard procedures


• 战略性规划 • 评估个人的表现并确定优势/劣势 • 组织和解决问题 • 成功的指导技巧 • 积极的小组合作 • 批判性思考 • 激励他人设定和实现个人目标 • 战略思维 • 传承规划 • 符合标准程序

图片发自简书App 会员副主席 Vice President Membership (VPM)

Summary: As Vice President Membership (VPM), you promote the club and manage the process of bringing in guests and converting them into members. By initiating contact with guests, helping them feel welcome, and providing them with information they need to join, you help maintain a constant influx of new people into your club. You also attentively monitor membership levels and strategize with the rest of the executive committee about how to overcome membership challenges when they occur.



Responsibilities: • Initiate contact with guests and help them feel welcome • Provide hospitality and membership information for guests • Reply to all communications from prospective members in a timely manner • Manage the process of converting guests to members • Monitor membership levels and strategize with the club executive committee to cover membership challenges when they occur • Conduct membership-building programs • Promote the club and recruit new members • Hold yourself and other officers accountable • Remain current with the Leader Letter


• 主动接触来宾并帮助他们感到宾至如归 • 招待来宾并介绍入会信息 • 及时回复准会员的所有通讯 • 管理将来宾转化为会员的流程 • 监控会员级别,并与俱乐部执行委员会制定策略,应对会员资格的相关挑战 • 开展会员团建计划 • 推广俱乐部并招募新成员 • 让自己和其他官员负起责任 • 与TI总部发出的Leader Letter保持同步

Skills learned: • Marketing • Networking and relationship-building • Strategic planning • Critical thinking • Internal/external communication skills • Organization and problem-solving • Positive small group collaboration • Succession planning • Compliance with standard procedures


• 市场营销 • 链接和建立关系 • 策略性规划 • 批判性思考 • 内部/外部沟通技巧 • 组织和解决问题 • 积极的小组合作 • 传承计划 • 符合标准程序

图片发自简书App 公关副主席 Vice President Public Relations (VPPR)

Summary: As the Vice President Public Relations (VPPR), you promote the club to the local community and notify the media about the club’s existence and the benefits it provides. You promote the club, updated web content, and safeguard the Toastmasters brand identity. It’s your job to notify the media whenever your club does something newsworthy. You will find yourself writing news releases, creating and distributing fliers, and maintaining the club’s presence on the web and in the community.



Responsibilities: • Promote the club to eligible guests and notify the media regarding the club’s existence and benefits • Develop and maintain club social media pages and website • Write new releases and distribute marketing materials • Create club publicity campaigns • Ensure the Club Contact and Meeting Information is up to date in Club Central • Understand the importance and impact of the Toastmasters brand • Update web content and safeguard the Toastmasters brand • Remain current with the Leader Letter, Toastmaster magazine, and Toastmasters International’s social media channels


• 向合适的宾客推广俱乐部,并向媒体报道俱乐部的存在和益处 • 开发和维护俱乐部社交媒体页面和网站 • 编写并派发新的俱乐部营销材料 • 制作俱乐部宣传活动 • 确保TI官网Club Central的俱乐部联系和会议信息是最新的 • 了解Toastmasters品牌的重要性和影响 • 更新网站内容并维护Toastmasters品牌 • 与Leader Letter,Toastmaster杂志和Toastmasters International的社交媒体频道保持同步

Skills learned: • Marketing and promotion • Social and public media/developing media relations • Development of a social media plan across multiple platforms while adhering to brand standards • Communication and interaction with local communities • Writing press releases • Networking and relationship-building • Critical thinking • Organization and problem-solving • Positive small group collaboration • Compliance with standard procedures


• 市场推广 • 社会和公共媒体/发展中的媒体关系 • 在遵循品牌标准的同时跨多个平台制定社交媒体计划 • 与当地社区的交流与互动 • 撰写新闻稿 • 链接和建立关系 • 批判性思考 • 组织和解决问题 • 积极的小组合作 • 符合标准程序  

图片发自简书App 秘书长 Secretary

Summary: As Secretary, you maintain all club records, manage club files, handle club correspondence, and take the minutes at each club and executive committee meeting. You are also in charge of updating and distributing a roster of the current paid membership and keeping the club officer list current for Toastmasters International. Though some clubs combine the Secretary role with the Treasurer, it’s best to have a dedicated Secretary who can help reduce the workload of the treasurer and occasionally assist the Vice President Education as well. You will also order supplies for the club as needed.



Responsibilities: • Take minutes at club and executive committee meetings • Organize and maintain club records and files • Update and distribute membership rosters • Update the club and officer list at Toastmasters International • Understand basic parliamentary procedures • Order supplies as needed • Remain current with the Leader Letter


• 制作俱乐部和执行委员会会议的会议纪要 • 组织和维护俱乐部记录和档案 • 更新和分发会员名册 • 在TI官网上更新俱乐部和官员名单 • 了解议事会议的基本程序 • 根据需要订购供应品 • 与TI总部发出的Leader Letter保持同步

Skills learned: • Organization and problem-solving • Record maintenance • Critical thinking • Meeting organization • Document decisions agreed to at meetings and communicate decisions to larger audiences • Compliance with standard procedures


• 组织和解决问题 • 记录维护 • 批判性思考 • 会议组织 • 记录会议上达成的决策,并将决策传达给更多的受众 • 符合标准程序

图片发自简书App 财务官 Treasurer

Summary: As Treasurer, you are the club’s accountant. You manage the club’s bank account, write checks as approved by the executive committee, and deposit membership dues payments and other club revenues. You are also in charge of submitting membership dues payments to World Headquarters (accompanied by the names of renewing members), filing necessary tax documents, and keeping timely, accurate, up-to-date financial records for the club.



Responsibilities: • Record and maintain accurate and up-to-date financial club records • Manage club bank account, make deposits, and write checks as approved • Collect and submit membership and renewal dues • Create budget • File necessary tax documents • Prepare documents for the Annual Audit Committee • Prepare quarterly financial reports • Remain current with the Leader Letter


• 记录并维护准确且最新的俱乐部财务记录 • 管理俱乐部银行帐户,进行存款并根据批准支出款项 • 收集并提交会员费和续费 • 建立预算 • 归档必要的税务文件 • 为年度审计委员会准备文件 • 准备季度财务报告 • 与TI总部发出的Leader Letter保持同步

Skills learned: • Basic bookkeeping • Budget monitoring • Financial record control and maintenance • Adhering to financial controls • Critical thinking • Organization and problem-solving • Compliance with standard procedures


• 基本簿记 • 预算监控 • 财务记录控制与维护 • 遵守财务控制 • 批判性思考 • 组织和解决问题 • 符合标准程序

  图片发自简书App 事务官 Sergeant at Arms (SAA)

Summary: As Sergeant at Arms, you keep track of the club’s physical property, such as the banner, lectern, timing device, and other meeting materials. You arrive early to prepare the meeting place for members and stay late to stow all the club’s equipment. You are also in charge of the meeting place itself, obtaining a new space when necessary, and maintaining contact with the people who allow you to use the space for your club’s meetings.


作为事务官(SAA),您负责保管俱乐部的物资财产,例如会旗、讲台,计时设备和其他会议物资。 您必须提早到达并进行会议准备工作,并且在会议结束后整理存放俱乐部的所有设备。此外,您还必须负责会议场地租借事宜,若有必要,帮助寻找新的场地,并且与场地租借方密切联系。

Responsibilities: • Store club equipment and materials • Manage meeting facilities • Provide hospitality and membership information for guests • Understand physical logistics • Distribute club materials • Negotiate, as needed • Remain current with the Leader Letter


• 保存俱乐部设备和物资 • 管理会议设施 • 热情招待来宾并向来宾介绍入会信息 • 了解物流 • 分发俱乐部资料 • 适时协商 • 与TI总部发出的Leader Letter保持同步

Skills learned: • Organization and problem-solving • Maintaining records • Inventory control • Understanding of physical logistics • Networking and relationship-building • Compliance with standard procedures


• 组织和解决问题 • 维护记录 • 库存控制 • 了解物流 • 链接和建立关系 • 符合标准程序

附注:上述最新的官员职责描述,由Amiya结合最近收到的Leader Letter告知新的俱乐部官员简介链接地址下载原文,及《俱乐部领导手册》v2019翻译,欢迎指正。

(未完待续) 如何举办一场成功的俱乐部换届选举会 【1】设定愿景与目标 【2】造势与邀请 【3】了解规则 【4】选举流程 【5】官员职责 【6】竞选演说




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