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中国日报网 2021-05-19 13:58

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It is the first time that a wild Siberian tiger has been successfully rescued and released into the wild in China, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration said.国家林草局表示,这是我国首次成功救护并放归野生东北虎。


自然界的老虎一共有9个亚种(nine subspecies),但由于栖息地减少,加上人类的狩猎等原因,有三个亚种已经灭绝(extinct),分别是the Bali tiger(巴厘虎), the Caspian tiger(里海虎), the Javan tiger(爪哇虎),另外六个亚种属于濒危动物(endangered animals),分别是Indochinese tiger(印度支那虎), Malayan tiger(马来亚虎), Siberian tiger(东北虎), Sumatran tiger(苏门答腊虎), Bengal tiger(孟加拉虎)和South China tiger(华南虎)。

根据世界自然基金会(World Wildlife Fund,WWF)网站的分类,不同物种的保护状态(conservation status)由轻到重大致分为以下几种:无危物种(least concern)、近危物种(near threatened)、易危物种(vulnerable)、濒危物种(endangered)、极危物种(critically endangered)。


The National Forestry and Grassland Administration has urged efforts to eliminate threats to wild tigers in Heilongjiang province, conducting patrols and improving awareness among villagers.国家林草局要求黑龙江省采取措施消除对野生虎个体安全的威胁因素,做好巡查工作,同时加强对当地村民的宣传。

Researchers will continue monitoring and studying the tiger's health status and genetic information, as well as its chances of survival in the wild, the administration said.科研人员将对其在野外的健康状况、遗传信息、生存能力等进行持续实时监测和研究。



On April 23, local police received a report that a tiger had been found in an abandoned house in Linhu village of Mishan, and had hurt a female villager working on a farm. A group of police officers and wildlife experts quickly converged on the village.4月23日,当地警方接到报告称,密山市临湖村一处废弃房屋中发现一只老虎,随后伤及一名女性村民。警方和野生动物专家迅速在村内集结。


这里的converge是一个不及物动词,表示“集中;(向某一点)聚集、交汇”,如果表示“在某处聚集”通常用converge on+地点来表示,比如:Police cars converged on the accident scene(警车在事故现场集合);The two roads converge in the center of town(这两条路在城镇中心交汇)。

To prevent the tiger from hurting anyone else, wildlife experts tranquilized the tiger and finally captured it. A preliminary examination was carried out immediately thereafter.为了防止老虎伤人,野生动物专家将其麻醉后捕获,并立即对其进行了初步检查。

The male tiger, about 3 years old, had suffered no trauma. It weighed 225 kilograms and was strong, having had good nutrition.该老虎为雄性,约3岁,体重450斤,营养状况较好,体壮,没有受伤。

The tiger, which was named Wandashan-1 by the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, was transported to the China Hengdaohezi Feline Breeding Center in April for medical examination and health monitoring.国家林草局为该老虎取名为“完达山1号”,并将其送往中国横道河子猫科动物饲养繁育中心进行医学检查和健康监测。

Experts said the tiger should return to the wild as soon as possible, as the evaluation and demonstration had showed that it had normal physiological indicators, with no abnormal behaviors or risk of disease.经评估论证,专家认为这只野生东北虎生理指标正常,不存在异常行为和疫病风险,适宜尽快回归自然。

Experts said wild Siberian tigers have been sighted frequently in Northeast China in recent years thanks to the improving natural environment. As the wild boar and deer populations were gradually restored, the food chain for the tigers became more stable.专家表示,随着自然环境的改善,东北地区近几年频繁看到野生东北虎出现。而野猪和野鹿群体数量逐步恢复,老虎的食物链也更加稳定。


陆生野生动物 wild terrestrial animals

水生动物 aquatic animals

家畜家禽 poultry and livestock

伴侣动物 companion animal

野生动物保护 wild animal protection


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)





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