Unit 2 My favourite season Part A Let’s learn 教案(含教学反思)

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Unit 2 My favourite season Part A Let’s learn 教案(含教学反思)

2024-07-09 04:11| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Unit 2 My favourite season A Let’s learn 教学设计一、教学目标 :①、知识与技能目标:能够听、说、读、写单词season、spring、summer、autumn、winter;能够使用句型Which season do you like best 进行交际会话。大部分学生能流利诵读单词,背写单词。能正确表达自己喜欢的季节并陈述原因。②、过程与方法目标:培养学生良好的英语学习策略和综合运用语言的能力,为学生的终身学习奠定基础。③、情感态度与价值观目标:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,树立学习自信心;让学生都受到热爱大自然,保护大自然的熏陶。二、教学重、难点 :1、重点:通过创设情境和基于语篇的学习,能听、说、读、写单词 season、spring、summer、autumn、winter。2、难点:理解对话,掌握句型“ Which season do you like best I like... I can...”并能运用此句型描述自己喜欢的季节。三、教学方法:TPR approach,Audio Lingual approach ,Communicative approach。四、教学用具:单词卡片、单词图片、实物投影仪、多媒体课件五、教学过程 :Step1. Warming-up1. Let’s sing: What’s your favourite seasonT:How many seasons(季节)are there in a year ?课件呈现单词season ,让学生跟随电脑读单词season,并拼读单词 season。Ss: There are four.T: What are they Let’s begin our learning.Step2. Presentation1.课件展示春天被遮挡的图片。生看图猜测 Which season is it?T图下面呈现单词 spring。让学生跟随电脑读单词spring,并拼读单词spring。T:what color is it S:It's green.T: what ’s the weather like in spring S: It ’s warm.T:It ’s warm and sunny. The flowers are beautiful. And we can go out to fly kites. I like spring I can fly kites。教师蝉鸣的声音学生听并猜测 Which season is it ?引出 summer分组练读,并将单词融入句型中练读。I like summer. I can go swimming.板书句型。3.教师出示秋季金黄的树叶引出 autumn带读板书。The fruits in autumn are ripe. We can go and pick apples. I like autumn. I can pick apples.板书句型。4.老师描述下一个季节It’s very cold outside. I must wear my hat and scarf. Which season is it?引入 winter。 It often snows in winter. We can make a snowman.引入句型 I like winter. I can make snowman。5. 师呈现四季图片,Ask the students:What’s your favourite season?由此引入新句型 Which season do you like best?生回答:I like ... I can ...The students ask and answer in pairs . 6.回归课本。学生听录音回答Which season dose Oliver like best 生听音回答。然后学生听音跟读。Step 3. Practice1. 教师利用 bomb 游戏操练单词 season、spring、summer、autumn 和 winter。(1)感知学习句型“Which season do you like best? I like...best. I can...”(2): Do a survey in your group by using the new sentences :Which season do you like best I like...best. I can..完成课本 Read and matchStep 4.Production1.通过图片以及教师的介绍了解四季的特色,后根据例子完成填空Spring is warm with green green trees.Summer is ____ with _____ ____ sun(太阳).Autumn is ____ with _____ _____ leaves(叶子).Winter is _____ with _____ _____ snow.2. Let’s chant together.3. Let’ enjoy the beautiful scenery in different seasons .Step 5. Sum up1.What have we learned today 2、Homework1.Write the key words 3 times.2.Talk about your favourite season with your family members.3.Make a table about the features and seasonal activities in each season.六.板书设计:Unit 2 My favourite season Part A Let ’s learnWhich season do you like best I like spring /summer /autumn / winter .I can...《My favourite season》评测练习I. Choose.选出每组中的不同类单词( )1. A. summer B. season C. spring ( )2. A. swim B. snow C. spell( )3. A. winter B. warm C. windy( )4. A. which B. water C. what( )5. A. tree B. kite C. pick ( )II. Filling in the blanks.根据季节特点填空Spring is warm with green green trees.Summer is ____ with _____ ____ sun(太阳).Autumn is ____ with _____ _____ leaves(叶子).Winter is _____ with _____ _____ snow.《My favourite season》教学反思这节课的教学重点是让学生正确书写五个名词并运用句型 Which season do you like best 在课前我让学生听了一首英文歌 My Favourite season 来活跃气氛。学生都很喜欢Let ’s sing.在新课的展开中,我用了不同方式导入春,夏,秋,冬四季单词的教授,在这轻松有趣的活动中,引出新的词汇,新的句型。在展开过程中授之新知识点,再要求学生带着问题去听录音,回答问题,打开学生的思维。新授之后,运用游戏、 pair work 及 chant 的形式,巩固所学。一堂课下来学生可以运用本节课所学的知识去问答他们最喜欢的季节,并简单阐述原因。当然,这节课也存在这一些问题。比如,整个课堂的节奏太快,没有关注到几个基础弱些的学生跟不上。在 Read 这一块给学生的时间太少,小组合作的时间留的不够。课堂的信息量比较多。在以后的教学中要注意多方位,多层次的考虑。






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