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thrill 相关例句


1. He was thrilled by her conversation.    她的谈话使他很激动。

2. The earthquake thrilled the land.    地震使大地颤动。


1. Her voice thrilled with joy.    她高兴得声音颤抖。

2. We thrilled at the good news.    听到那好消息我们感到很兴奋。


1. It gave me a thrill to know I had passed the examination.    我得知考试及格后很兴奋。

2. Meeting the President was a great thrill.    会见总统是一件令人兴奋不已的事情。

thrill 网络解释

1. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

1. 震颤:(二) 震颤 震颤(thrill)是指用手触诊时感觉到的一种细小振动,此振动与猫在安逸时产生的呼吸震颤相似,故又称猫喘,是器质性心血管病的特征性体征之一. 其产生机制与杂音相同,系由于血流经狭窄的瓣膜口或关闭不全或异常通道流至较宽广的部位产生漩涡,

2. 激动:技能(skill)能让静静地(still)溅(spill),激动(thrill)能往寒冷(chill)里钻(drill). ...

3. 刺激:享乐是指纯粹的感觉 (raw feels),如陶醉忘我 (ecstasy)、惊险刺激 (thrill)、性高潮 (orgasm) 等. 这种感觉是短暂易逝的 (evanescent),而且极少或根本没有牵扯到思维. 加强享乐感觉的方法有三种:避免习惯化 (habituation),

4. 发抖:thrill through 穿过 | thrill 发抖 | thriller 毛骨悚然物

thrill 双语例句

1. You are terrified of a life without the thrill of the macabre.    你害怕 缺乏恐怖刺激的生活

2. thrill的近义词

2. The all-new 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer was engineered from bumper to bumper to provide a driven-to-thrill experience behind the wheel.    全新的三菱蓝瑟是2008年设计的保险杠,以提供一个丰收驱动到后面的轮刺激的经验。

3. More importantly ZP:S will not force players to fend against dumb and predictable AI, but instead keep the same intense thrill of surviving against intelligent and persistent player controlled zombies as the original.    更重要的邮编:S将不会强制球员抵御对哑巴和可预见的人工智能,而是保持相同的紧张刺激的生存和持续对智能控制的僵尸电脑播放的原始。

4. The mere chatter of these southern-bound birds, their pale and second-hand reports, had yet power to awaken this wild new sensation and thrill him through and through with it; what would one moment of the real thing work in him— one passionate touch of the real southern sun, one waft of the authentic odor?    光是这几只南飞鸟儿的闲谈,他们那并不生动的第二手叙述,就足以撩拨起这种如醉如狂的新感受,激得他浑身上下躁动不已。如果亲自去体验一下,感受南方太阳热情的抚摩,南方香风轻柔的吹拂,那将会是怎样一番滋味?

5. With plenty of power, precise handling and extreme terrain access, the Renegade is a thrill seeker`s dream.    与大量的电力,精确的处理和极端地形准入,叛离的是一个刺激导引头的梦想。


6. White-hot thrill sizzled from his chest and socked into his head.    白热的震颤从他的胸嘶嘶做声而且重击进入他的头之内。

7. The thyroid region was full and prominent, soft without nodules, Bruit presented and had thrill on palpation.    他的任务是四处宣传公司的产品。11。甲状腺区丰满且膨出,柔软无结节,有杂音而且触诊有震颤。

8. It`s humanity`s last chance for salvation, and is sure to be an action-packed thrill fest.    这是人类的最后一次机会救赎,并肯定会行动的便携快感巨星。

9. Yet no matter how much this valuable stamp is bought and sold, no owner can match the thrill that W. T.    不论这种价值极高的邮票卖多少钱、买多少钱,没有一个所有者的兴奋可与罗比在1918年发现最幸运的美国邮票那天的兴奋相比!

10. No owner can match the thrill that W. T.    共1条,第1/1页第一页 1最后一页

11. The aims of this study were to determine the rules of bite force changes and some factors, including proximal contact, bone support level, crown to root ratio, occlusal relationship of anterior teeth and tooth wear of loosen teeth. For further studying of dynamic chewing forces, we developed a new system of PVDF-based, which could be used in natural teeth as well as dentures. The biological security, including thrill, cell toxicity, hypersusceptibility and hemolysis characteristics, were also examined. Then, we evaluated the chewing forces during three basal functional movements-tapping, biting and laterotrusion, using the new instrument.      为此,本研究通过临床调查,分析了牙齿松动后,最大〓力值的变化规律以及影响松动牙受力因素,包括牙槽骨吸收程度、冠根比、邻接关系、〓关系、牙齿磨耗程度等;采用PVDF压电薄膜作为传感元件,首次研制出适用于测量单个天然牙咀嚼力的测量系统,并对PVDF压电薄膜的刺激性、细胞毒性、致敏性、溶血性能作以初步评价;采用所研制的咀嚼力测量系统,分析了正常牙与松动牙在紧咬、叩齿、侧〓等功能运动中咀嚼力变化的规律。

12. A little later a thrill of emotion passed over the moving crowd.      少顷,前进的人群骚动起来。

13. thrill在线翻译

13. It did not begin to compare to the thrill of watching a live trade or playing with some new indicator that would unlock the secrets of technical analysis.      看实盘交易,或玩新指标,这些不是技术分析的秘密。

14. thrill的解释

14. I will always remember the thrill of catching a wave on a boogie board for the first time, then riding it all the way into shore.      我永远不会忘记第一次踏着冲浪板追浪的那种刺激的感觉,然后随着它一直冲到岸上。

15. And you're mad with the thrill and the glory      激动和荣誉使你如痴似狂

16. Fortunately, you risk to try anything nature, but you often have a thrill quickly subsided.      冒险本性愿意尝试任何东西,很幸运。但是热情往往新鲜劲儿一过就迅速消退。

17. thrill

17. I have filmed 5 series for the past 3 years. And Bloody Thrill is still in the process of shooting. There is only a period of 2 weeks which I do not need to film but still have to take up other jobs. The actual resting period is only 4 days and that is why my health worsen.      在近三年来,我拍了《美味情缘》 N《寻秦°O》等五套电视剧,而《血荐轩辕》仍在拍摄中,当中我只试过有两个星期不用拍剧,但也要接其他工作,而真正休息就仅得四天,难怪身体会变差 C

18. It always gives me extraordinary thrill to read their letters.      每次捧读这些信件,总让我觉得一种特殊的激动。

19. thrill的近义词

19. I prefer the challenge of life to the guaranteed existence; the thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of Utopia.      我宁愿接受生活的挑战而不愿苟且偷安。我宁愿体验惊心动魄的场面而不愿在乌托邦的宁静中沉闷下去。

20. thrill

20. The park's attractions include a cable car system, various world-class features such as the Atoll Reef, Wave Cove, Shark Aquarium, Bird Paradise, the Butterfly House, and the 3500-seat Ocean Theatre for marine mammal shows, and an exciting array of thrill rides.      海洋公园的旅游点很多,计有吊车、多个世界级的展览馆,包括海洋馆、海涛馆、鲨鱼馆、雀鸟天堂和蝴蝶屋;还有可容纳3500名观众欣赏海洋哺乳动物表演的海洋剧场,以及紧张刺激的过山车。

thrill 词典解释

1. (突然而强烈的)激动,狂喜,恐惧    If something gives you a thrill, it gives you a sudden feeling of great excitement, pleasure, or fear.

    e.g. I can remember the thrill of not knowing what I would get on Christmas morning...           我还记得自己不知道圣诞节早晨会得到什么礼物时内心有多么激动。    e.g. It's a great thrill for a cricket-lover like me to play at the home of cricket.           对我这样的板球爱好者来说,能够在板球的故乡比赛是一件令人无比兴奋的事。

2. (使)狂喜;(使)激动;(使)极度兴奋    If something thrills you, or if you thrill at it, it gives you a feeling of great pleasure and excitement.


    e.g. The electric atmosphere both terrified and thrilled him...           极度紧张的气氛让他既害怕又兴奋。    e.g. The children will thrill at all their favourite characters.           孩子们看到所有那些他们最喜爱的人物形象会兴奋不已。

3. see also: thrilled;thrilling

4. 惊险刺激    If you refer to thrills and spills, you are referring to an experience which is exciting and full of surprises.

    e.g. Its prime audience lies in the 17 to 24 age group, and they want instant thrills and spills.           它的主要观众的年龄集中在 17 岁到 24 岁之间,而这些人喜欢极速的惊险刺激。

thrill 单语例句911查询·英语单词

1. One of the world's most daring is an English thrill seeker by the name of Mark Roberts.

2. Then there were those who stayed safely behind, sharing the thrill if not the actual danger.

3. The women thrill to his catty gossip and cooing line in flattery.

4. Rihanna also revealed she has a male attitude to dating, explaining she loves the thrill of the chase but gets bored easily.

5. As we were going downstream more fun and thrill were to be explored, its vertical drops and zigzag thrusts of water were adding more to the fun.

6. If you're up for the thrill of a ride, just make sure to use common sense when entrusting a stranger with your safety.

7. But thousands of deaths a year are too great a cost for so adolescent a thrill as speeding.

8. Nouveau riche crave thrill of speed to replace'tedious routine', report Yu Ran and Wang Ying in Shanghai.

9. The city of Wuhu is building a similar reputation in China, with domestically developed theme parks attracting thrill seekers from all over the country.

10. The academics studied putts during pro golf tournaments and their research suggested the " agony of a bogey seems to outweigh the thrill of a birdie ".

thrill 英英释义


1. something that causes you to experience a sudden intense feeling or sensation

    e.g. the thrills of space travel

2. an almost pleasurable sensation of fright

    e.g. a frisson of surprise shot through him

    Synonym: frisson shiver chill quiver shudder tingle

3. the swift release of a store of affective force

    e.g. they got a great bang out of it           what a boot!           he got a quick rush from injecting heroin           he does it for kicks

    Synonym: bang boot charge rush flush kick


1. feel sudden intense sensation or emotion

    e.g. he was thrilled by the speed and the roar of the engine

    Synonym: tickle vibrate

2. fill with sublime emotion

    e.g. The children were thrilled at the prospect of going to the movies           He was inebriated by his phenomenal success

    Synonym: exhilarate tickle pink inebriate exalt beatify

3. tremble convulsively, as from fear or excitement

    Synonym: shudder shiver throb

4. cause to be thrilled by some perceptual input

    e.g. The men were thrilled by a loud whistle blow



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