Ghana Zip Code Full List; Postal Code For Ghana 2023 [Updated]

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Ghana Zip Code Full List; Postal Code For Ghana 2023 [Updated]

2024-07-06 21:14| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

As a Ghanaian or someone who resides in Ghana, you are expected to be familiar with your country’s Zip Codes. However, if you happen to have no idea about the zip codes in Ghana, this post will inform you of everything you need to know about Ghana zip codes.

It is no news that many Ghanaians believe that the country doesn’t have Zip codes because they haven’t heard or seen any, some never even bother asking to know the zip code of ghana.

Ghana Zip Code Full List; Postal Code For Ghana

But the truth is that it’s quite hard to find a country in the world right now that doesn’t use zip codes. In a situation where there are no zip codes, the country would have to create a very alternative.

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In this post, you’d learn everything about the zip codes for Ghana, so that you don’t remain clueless henceforth.

What Are Zip Codes?

The word “Zip” in this context is a simple acronym for Zone Improvement Plan. Zipcodes are often used to determine the geographic area a person is located in. This helps to facilitate package delivery because a zipcode represents the postal code of a community, area, or building to which a package is meant to be delivered.

Zipcodes were first introduced in the 1960s by the United States postal service. This discovery was made when the United States Postal Service realized it was faster and more efficient to deliver mails using zip codes.

Ever since, numerous countries across the world, even in Africa, have adopted the usage of zip codes.

What is the Zip code for Ghana?

Just like other African countries like Nigeria, Kenya, and South Africa and so on, Ghana also has zip codes, you can also call it postal codes although it started late after most African countries are already making use of it.

Ghana uses the postal code system to help deliver mails and other packages. So be it zip code or postal code it can be used for mail delivery or for online forms.

On most e-commerce platforms or online forms, the zip or postal codes below in this article are not recognized but Ghana has a general zip code or postal code you can utilize for online forms or e-commerce websites which are 00233 and 23321.

The two codes have been used by Ghanaians before every district started having theirs or before the launch of GhanaPost GPS. So, if you are on an online platform that doesn’t recognize your district zip code you can make use of 00233 or 23321.

What is the Difference Between Zip Code and Postal Code?

Zipcodes and postcodes are virtually the same things. Postal codes are used for the same purpose as zip codes – mailing and delivery purposes. They help to direct mails and packages to the right recipients.

The modern postal code system was first developed in Ukraine in 1932 while they were a member of the USSR. Some years later, Germany started using postal codes, after which Argentina joined, and then the UK, as well as the United States.

But despite the fact that so many countries across the world use the zip code and postal code systems, there are still some countries such as Hong Kong and Gibraltar that haven’t adopted them yet. The main reason for this is that these countries are quite small geographically, so they don’t see the necessity to use postal codes or zip codes.

So, the platform you are on will either use the word zip code or postal code and this depends on the word mostly used in that particular country.

What is the Postal code for Ghana?

Having realized that initially there was no zip code in Ghana, you should now get acquainted with the postal code used in the country. First of all, the Ghana Post GPS is responsible for facilitating the postal code for Ghana, and they have provided digital addresses for all major structures in Ghana.

As a Ghanaian citizen or someone residing in the country, all you need to do is set up your Ghana Post GPS to generate your digital address and your mail can be delivered successfully to you.

The first five digits of your digital address are your postal code. For instance, if you are based in Accra, your postal code should be GA145. The GA in this code represents the postcode district, while the remaining 3 digits represent the postcode area. Other areas in Ghana have their own unique Postal codes.

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What Is The Zip Code For Accra?

If you reside in Accra or maybe you want to send a mail or parcel to someone living in Accra the zip code for Accra is GA078 while GA represents “Accra Metropolitan District” and the number 078 is the area code for Gold Coast City.

This means the postal code for Adenta or Tema will be the same mainly because they are both in the Accra region.

What Is The Postal Code For Kumasi?

Kumasi is a well-populated district in Ghana so you may want to note down Kumasi zip code or postal code, the zip code for Kumasi is AK-039-5028, this can be easily explained as the A represents Ashanti Region, K is the Kumasi District and 039 sub-district.

The remaining last 4-digits 5028 is a unique address to further show the area in question.

What is The Zip Code For Cape Coast & Takoradi?

Just like the rest, the same format is being used but in the case of Cape Coast Metropolitan Area the zip code is CC453 while the Takoradi postal code is WS857.

Ghana Postal Code List (Ghana Zip Codes)

Below is a table showing the zip codes of Ghana districts based on Ghana Post GPS:

RegionDistrict NameDistrict CapitalPostcode For DistrictAshanti RegionAsante Akim SouthJuasoAAAshanti RegionBekwai MunicipalBekwaiABAshanti RegionAsante Akim Central MunicipalKonongoACAshanti RegionKwabre EastMampontengADAshanti RegionEjisu Juaben MunicipalEjisuAEAshanti RegionAfigya KwabreKodieAFAshanti RegionAtwima KwanwomaAtwima FoaseAGAshanti RegionAtwima NwabiagyaNkawieAHAshanti RegionAtwima MponuaNyinahinAIAshanti RegionEjura Sekyedumase MunicipalEjuraAJAshanti RegionKumasi MetropolitanKumasiAKAshanti RegionMampong MunicipalMampongAMAshanti RegionAsante Akim NorthAgogoANAshanti RegionMunicipal ObuasiObuasiAOAshanti RegionSekyere Afram PlainsDrobonsoAPAshanti RegionSekyere CentralAQAshanti RegionSekyere EastEffiduaseARAshanti RegionAsokore Mampong MunicipalASAshanti RegionBosomtweKuntanaseATAshanti RegionKumawuKumawuAUAshanti RegionAmansie CentralJacobuAVAshanti RegionAmansie WestManso NkwantaAWAshanti RegionAhafo Ano NorthTepaAXAshanti RegionAhafo Ano SouthMankransoAYAshanti RegionSekyere SouthAgonaAZAshanti RegionAdansi NorthFomenaA2Ashanti RegionAdansi SouthNew EdubiaseA3Ashanti RegionBosome FrehoAsiwaA4, A9Ashanti RegionOffinso NorthAkomadanA6Ashanti RegionOffinso South MunicipalNew OffinsoA7Brong Ahafo RegionAtebubu-AmantinAtebubuBABrong Ahafo RegionBerekum MunicipalBerekumBBBrong Ahafo RegionBandaBanda AhenkroBCBrong Ahafo RegionMunicipal DormaaDormaa-AhenkroBDBrong Ahafo RegionDormaa EastWamfieBEBrong Ahafo RegionDormaa WestNkrankwantaBFBrong Ahafo RegionSene EastKajajiBGBrong Ahafo RegionSene WestKwame DansoBHBrong Ahafo RegionJaman SouthDroboBIBrong Ahafo RegionJaman NorthSampaBJBrong Ahafo RegionKintampo North MunicipalKintampoBKBrong Ahafo RegionKintampo SouthJemaBLBrong Ahafo RegionNkoranza NorthBusunyaBNBrong Ahafo RegionNkoranza South MunicipalNkoranzaBOBrong Ahafo RegionPruYejiBPBrong Ahafo RegionAsutifi NorthKenyasiBQBrong Ahafo RegionAsutifi SouthHwidiemBRBrong Ahafo RegionSunyani MunicipalSunyaniBSBrong Ahafo RegionTechiman MunicipalTechimanBTBrong Ahafo RegionAsunafo North MunicipalGoasoBUBrong Ahafo RegionAsunafo SouthKukuomBVBrong Ahafo RegionWenchi MunicipalWenchiBWBrong Ahafo RegionTechiman NorthTuobodomBXBrong Ahafo RegionSunyan WestOdomaseBYBrong Ahafo RegionTainNsawkawBZBrong Ahafo RegionTano NorthDuayaw-NkwantaB2Brong Ahafo RegionTano SouthBechemB3Central RegionAbura Asebu KwamankeseDunkwaCACentral RegionAsikuma Odoben BrakwaBreman AsikumaCBCentral RegionCape Coast MetropolitanCape CoastCCCentral RegionEffutu MunicipalWinnebaCECentral RegionEkumfiEssarkyirCFCentral RegionGomoa EastAfransiCGCentral RegionTwifo Heman Lower DenkyiraHemanCHCentral RegionGomoa WestApamCICentral RegionAjumako Enyan EsiamAjumakoCJCentral RegionKomenda Edina Eguafo MunicipalElminaCKCentral RegionMunicipal MfantsemanSaltpondCMCentral RegionAgona West MunicipalSwedruCOCentral RegionAgona EastNsabaCPCentral RegionAssin North MunicipalAssin FosuCRCentral RegionAssin SouthNsuaem-KyekyewereCSCentral RegionTwifo-Ati MorkwaTwifo PrasoCTCentral RegionUpper Denkyira East MunicipalDunkwa-on-OffinCUCentral RegionUpper Denkyira WestDiasoCVCentral RegionAwutu SenyaAwutu BrekuCWCentral RegionAwutu Senya East MunicipalKasoaCXEastern RegionAsuogyamanAtimpokuEAEastern RegionBirim Central MunicipalAkim OdaEBEastern RegionDenkyembourAkwatiaEDEastern RegionEast Akim MunicipalKibiEEEastern RegionFanteakwaBegoroEFEastern RegionNsawam Adoagyiri MunicipalNsawamEGEastern RegionKwahu EastAbetifiEHEastern RegionKwahu SouthMpreasoEIEastern RegionKwahu West MunicipalNkawkawEJEastern RegionKwaebibiremKadeEKEastern RegionLower Manya Krobo MunicipalOdumaseELEastern RegionAkyemansaOfoaseEMEastern RegionNew Juaben MunicipalKoforiduaENEastern RegionAyensuanoCoaltarEOEastern RegionKwahu Afram Plains NorthDonkorkromEPEastern RegionKwahu Afram Plains SouthTeaseEQEastern RegionMunicipal SuhumSuhumESEastern RegionAtiwaKwabengETEastern RegionUpper Manya KroboAsesewaEUEastern RegionUpper West AkimAdeisoEVEastern RegionWest Akim MunicipalAsamankeseEWEastern RegionBirim NorthNew AbirimEXEastern RegionYilo Krobo MunicipalSomanyaEYEastern RegionBirim SouthAkim SwedruEZEastern RegionAkuapem North MunicipalAkropongE2Eastern RegionAkuapem SouthAburiE3Greater Accra RegionAccra MetropolitanNorth Ridge – GA015 – GA017, GA028 – GA031, GA052 – GA054, GA076, GA080GAWest Ridge – GA050, GA051, GA077, GA107 Gold Coast City – GA078, GA079, GA110, GA111 Osu – GA032, GA035, GA055, GA056, GA081, GA082, GA112 – GA116 – 148 Victoriaborg – GA143 – GA145, GA184 – GA186 Asylum Down – GA027, GA028, GA048, GA049, GA073 Adabraka – GA050, GA074 – GA076, GA100 – GA103 Tudu – GA105, GA106, GA141, GA142Greater Accra RegionAshaiman MunicipalAshaiman, Tema communities 21 and 22GBGreater Accra RegionMunicipal Central GaSowutuomGCGreater Accra RegionAdentan MunicipalAdentaGDGreater Accra RegionGa East MunicipalAbokobiGEGreater Accra RegionKpone KatamansoKpone, Oyibi, Tema communities 24 and 25GKGreater Accra RegionThe Municipal Kotopon DadeLabadi, Cantonments, Burma Camp, Airport CityGLGreater Accra RegionThe Nkwantanang Madina MunicipalMadinaGMGreater Accra RegionNingo PrampramPrampramGNGreater Accra RegionShai OsudokuDodowaGOGreater Accra RegionGa South MunicipalWeijaGSGreater Accra RegionMetropolitan ThemeTheme communities 1 – 20, 23GTGreater Accra RegionGa West MunicipalAmasamanGWGreater Accra RegionAda WestSegeGXGreater Accra RegionLedzokuku-Krowor MunicipalTeshie, Nungua, BaatsonaGZNorthern RegionKpandaiKpandaiNANorthern RegionBoleBole, Bamboi, Maluwe, Tinga, Tasilma, Mandari, Banda / NkwantaNBNorthern RegionChereponiChereponiNCNorthern RegionWest MamprusiWalewaleNDNorthern RegionEast MamprusiGambagaNENorthern RegionTatale SanguliTataleNFNorthern RegionGusheguGusheguNGNorthern RegionMionSangNINorthern RegionKumbuguKumbuguNKNorthern RegionTolonTolonNLNorthern RegionMamprugu MoaduriYagabaNMNorthern RegionNanumba NorthBimbillaNNNorthern RegionNanumba SouthWulensiNONorthern RegionBunkpurugu-YunyooBunkpuruguNPNorthern RegionKaragaKaragaNRNorthern RegionSagneriguSagneriguNSNorthern RegionMetropolitan TamaleTamaleNTNorthern RegionSavelugu Nanton MunicipalSaveluguNUNorthern RegionSawla Tuna KalbaSawlaNWNorthern RegionSabobaSabobaNXNorthern RegionYendi MunicipalYendiNYNorthern RegionZabzuguZabzuguNZNorthern RegionNorth GonjaDaboyaN2Northern RegionCentral GonjaBuipeN3Northern RegionEast GonjaSalagaN4Northern RegionWest GonjaDamongoN5Upper East RegionBawku MunicipalBawkuUAUpper East RegionBolgatanga MunicipalBolgatangaUBUpper East RegionGaru TempaneGaruUGUpper East RegionKassena Nankana MunicipalNavrongoUKUpper East RegionKassena Nankana WestPayULUpper East RegionNabdamNangodiUNUpper East RegionBongo drumBongo drumUOUpper East RegionPusigaPusigaUPUpper East RegionBuilsa NorthSandemaURUpper East RegionBuilsa SouthFumbisiUSUpper East RegionTalensiTongoUTUpper East RegionBinduriBinduriUUUpper East RegionBawku WestBuckleUWUpper West RegionDaffiama Bussie IssaIssaXDUpper West RegionJirapaJirapaXJUpper West RegionLambussi KarniLambussiXKUpper West RegionLawraLawraXLUpper West RegionNandomNandomXNUpper West RegionNadowli Kaleo istrictNadowliXOUpper West RegionSissala EastTumuXSUpper West RegionSissala WestGwolluXTUpper West RegionMunicipal WaWaXWUpper West RegionWa EastFunsiXXUpper West RegionWa WestWechiauXYVolta RegionAdakluAdaklu WayaVAVolta RegionBiakoyeNkonyaVBVolta RegionMunicipal HohoeHohoeVCVolta RegionNorth Dayi MunicipalAnfoegaVDVolta RegionSouth DayiKpeveVEVolta RegionAfadzato SouthGo GolokwatiVFVolta RegionAgotime ZiopeKpetoeVGVolta RegionMunicipal HoHoVHVolta RegionHo WestDzolokpuitaVIVolta RegionJasikanJasikanVJVolta RegionMunicipal KetaKetaVKVolta RegionKadjebiKadjebiVMVolta RegionNkwanta NorthWhat’s upVNVolta RegionNkwanta SouthNkwantaVOVolta RegionMunicipal KpandoKpandoVPVolta RegionKrachi NchumuruChindiriVQVolta RegionKrachi EastDambaiVRVolta RegionKrachi WestKete KrachiVSVolta RegionNorth TonguBattor DugameVTVolta RegionSouth TonguSogakopeVUVolta RegionCentral TonguAdidomeVVVolta RegionAkatsi NorthAve DakpaVWVolta RegionAkatsi SouthAkatsiVXVolta RegionKetu NorthDzodzeVYVolta RegionKetu South MunicipalDenuVZWestern RegionAowinEnchiWAWestern RegionBibiani / Anhwiaso / BekwaiBibianiWBWestern RegionBia EastAdabokromWCWestern RegionBia WestEssamWDWestern RegionEllembelleNkrofulWEWestern RegionSefwi AkontombraAkontombraWFWestern RegionSefwi Wiawso MunicipalWiawsoWGWestern RegionAhanta WestAgona AhantaWHWestern RegionJomoroHalf AssiniWJWestern RegionMpohorMpohorWMWestern RegionNzema East MunicipalAximWNWestern RegionBodiBodiWOWestern RegionPresents Huni ValleyPresteaWPWestern RegionJuabosoJuabosoWQWestern RegionShamaShamaWRWestern RegionSekondi-Takoradi MetropolitanSekondi-TakoradiWSWestern RegionTarkwa Nsuaem MunicipalTarkwaWTWestern RegionSuamanDadiesoWUWestern RegionCentral AmenfiManso AmenfiWWWestern RegionAmenfi EastWassa-AkropongWXWestern RegionAmenfi WestAsankrangwaWYWestern RegionWassa EastDaboaseWZ FAQs Does Ghana Have a Zip Code or a Postal Code?

Ghana doesn’t use zip codes, at least for now. Everyone in the country uses only postal codes based on the areas they reside in.

When will Ghana adopt the Zip code system?

No one knows when this would happen or if it would happen at all because Ghana is already fully accustomed to using postal codes.

Is postal code better than zip code?

We can’t tell for sure if postal codes are better than zip codes because they perform virtually the same purposes.

How do I generate my Postal Code in Ghana?

It’s easy to generate your postal code. But firstly, you have to generate your digital address. The first five digits make up your postal code.


Get familiar with the postal code system as this word is what is being used in Ghana instead of Zip codes although it means the same thing. However, in a situation where you have to provide a zip code when filling an international form online, you can simply key in the following coeds; 00233 or 23321.

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Amazingly, this won’t affect the form in any way. But if your postal code is required, don’t forget that it is the first five digits of your digital address, which can be quickly generated once your Ghana Post GPS is properly set up.




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