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talent [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈtælənt/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/ˈtælənt/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(talənt) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 talent n (ability, aptitude)SCSimplified Chinese 天资 tiān zī   SCSimplified Chinese 才干 tiān zī,cái gàn  The teacher told the parents that their daughter showed exceptional talent.  老师告诉家长,说他们的女儿天资异禀。 talent n (gifted or able person)SCSimplified Chinese 有才之士 yǒu cái zhī shì   SCSimplified Chinese 人才 yǒu cái zhī shì,rén cái TCTraditional Chinese 人才  The music producer could recognise a talent when he saw one.  这位音乐制作人一眼就能认出谁是人才。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 talent n UK, slang, figurative, uncountable (potential sexual partners)SCSimplified Chinese 性感的女人   SCSimplified Chinese 尤物  Evelyn looked around the club to see what the talent was like. talent n uncountable (gifted or skilled people)SCSimplified Chinese 天才 tiān cái TCTraditional Chinese 天才  This duo are the talent behind the movie's impressive special effects.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 have a talent for [sth], have a talent for doing [sth] v expr (be naturally good at)SCSimplified Chinese 有做…的天分或才华 yǒu zuò … de tiān fèn huò cái huá  Steve has a talent for drawing; his portraits are particularly good. have a talent for [sth], have a talent for doing [sth] v expr (be prone to)SCSimplified Chinese 易于..., 很容易...  Ellen has a real talent for getting into trouble. hidden talent n (secret ability or skill)SCSimplified Chinese 隐藏的天赋,隐藏的天分  I didn't know you could draw so well, you're just full of hidden talent. literary talent n (skill as a creative writer)SCSimplified Chinese 文采 wén cǎi   SCSimplified Chinese 文学天赋 wén cǎi,wén xué tiān fù  Margaret's literary talent has made her famous as a writer. literary talent n (authors skilled at creative writing)SCSimplified Chinese 文学天才 wén xué tiān cái TCTraditional Chinese 文學天才  The agency represents literary talent and helps them to get book contracts. musical talent n (natural aptitude for music)SCSimplified Chinese 音乐天赋 yīn yuè tiān fù TCTraditional Chinese 音樂天賦  Tim's musical talent was evident from an early age; he could play the guitar by the time he was five. talent scout n (recruiter: for sports, entertainment)SCSimplified Chinese 星探 xīng tàn   SCSimplified Chinese 人才发掘者 xīng tàn,rén cái fā jué zhě  Paul joined the local football team, and soon a talent scout spotted him. talent show n (contest between amateur performers)SCSimplified Chinese 才艺展示 cái yì zhǎn shì TCTraditional Chinese 才藝展示  Talent shows are very popular on TV at the moment. I placed third in the talent show.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: talent [ˈtælnt] n [c/u] 才能 cáinéng [种 zhǒng] to have a talent for sth 在某事上有天分 zài mǒushì shang yǒu tiānfèn 在这些条目还发现'talent': 在英文解释里: ability - artistic flair - beautiful voice - born to - by birth - discover - dormant - endowment - gift - have a knack - natural - natural ability - natural gift - parlay - scout - strong suit - talented 中文: 人才 - 才能 - 材 - 能 - 全才 - 各尽所能 - 埋没 - 大材小用 - 天赋 - 文采 在单词列表中: PET Vocabulary List - T, 更多……同义词: aptitude, faculty, natural ability, ability, flair, 更多……习惯性搭配: won the talent show, a talent agency, works as a talent scout, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'talent' 的论坛讨论:

talent (职业) (a) real talent - English Only forum (the) raw talent - English Only forum a calm and gentle way of dealing with intense talent - English Only forum a Hollywood talent scout. - English Only forum a lot of talent - English Only forum a metric-ton of hard work and talent - English Only forum a perspicuous talent for personal gossip, clever and apparently detached - English Only forum a remarkable talent/undoubted talent - English Only forum A talent for ... - English Only forum a talent that wasn't good enough - English Only forum a wealth of talent - English Only forum a well known person who has a special talent in each area - English Only forum a/the talent for acting - English Only forum along their talent - English Only forum Alternative name for HR department: Talent Management and X - English Only forum And we had tools. We had talent. - English Only forum Another talent/talents question - English Only forum at the edifice of his talent - English Only forum axiomatic that you can't teach talent - English Only forum bed a talent - English Only forum Being smart is not their only talent - English Only forum bent/talent - English Only forum Building on the ability and raw talent of young people - English Only forum deliver the types of talent - English Only forum Despite Einstein's talent in - English Only forum Detrimental to/for my talent - English Only forum develop a talent for something else - English Only forum different talent or talents? - English Only forum dilute the talent - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'talent'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "talent" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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