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2024-04-09 19:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  近日,宾夕法尼亚大学韦茨曼设计学院(Weitzman School of Design)官方宣布,将于2024年5月18日学院毕业典礼上向林徽因追授建筑学士学位。


  1. What inference can be made about Lin Huiyin's academic performance compared to her male peers?

  a) She underperformed her male peers.

  b) She performed on par with her male peers.

  c) She outperformed her male peers.

  d) There is no information on how she performed.

  2. Why was Lin Huiyin initially unable to get a Bachelor of Architecture degree?

  a) She lacked interest in architecture.

  b) She didn't complete the required coursework.

  c) Gender-based restrictions.

  d) She was not a citizen of the United States.


  An Architectural Pioneer Receives Her Due

  From: Weitzman School of Design, UPenn

  One of the highlights of the landmark Weitzman School of Design exhibition Building in China: A Century of Dialogues on Modern Architecture, now on view at the Penn Wharton China Center, is a 15-foot-long panel featuring 23 students in Penn's architecture program between 1918 and 1941. A series of black and white portraits accompanied by their degrees and years of study documents the first generation of Chinese students at Penn, who would go on to shape a new movement of architecture and urban design practice and education in their homeland. In the middle of the panel is Lin Huiyin, the only woman among the students. She was also the only one in the group not awarded an architecture degree upon completion of her coursework.

  At the May 18, 2024, Weitzman Commencement Ceremony, the School will award Lin, arguably the first and most famous female architect in modern China, with a long overdue posthumous Bachelor of Architecture degree.

  One revelation of the research was that Lin, who enrolled in the Bachelor of Fine Arts program, also completed most of the coursework required for Bachelor of Architecture degree—the exceptions include a drawing course that was not open to female students because the live models included men. Because the architecture program did not admit female students until 1934, the fine arts degree was the only option available to her. However, she participated in architecture studios and took courses in design theory, drawing and architectural history and was a teaching assistant in architectural design, often outperforming her male peers. (Lin's academic record contains numerous grades of “D” for distinction.)

  Although the School of Fine Arts, as Weitzman was known for most of the 20th century, began awarding “in faculty” degrees to women who studied architecture prior to 1934 just a few years later—including Georgiana Pope Yeatman, Philadelphia's first female Director of the Department of City Architecture—Lin remained overlooked despite completing more required architecture coursework than her other female contemporaries.

  “From the records, it was clear she wanted to be an architecture student and architect, and she was a very successful one at that. We looked into it more and more it was clear the reason she wasn't given a degree was because she was a woman,” says Weitzman Dean and Paley Professor Fritz Steiner, who initiated a formal review in 2022. “It's not right and this is an opportunity to correct that.”

  In the decades following their return to China, Lin and Liang worked together to transform architectural history, education, and practice across the country, altering the course of twentieth-century design there. “When you come to America, everyone knows of Frank Lloyd Wright. When you go to China, everyone knows of Lin and Liang,” says Genie Birch, Nussdorf Professor of Urban Research & Education and chair of the graduate group in the Department of City & Regional Planning at Weitzman.

  In addition to her prodigious gifts for architecture, Lin has also been recognized as a cultural icon for her work as a poet and artist. And that broad-based creative orientation permeated her design ethos and affinity for architectural design. Of Lin's continued relevance, William Whitaker, the curator of the Architectural Archives at Penn, says, “Lin was fearless in pursuing her artistic passions, and how she engaged with the world deserves great respect.”

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  An Architectural Pioneer Receives Her Due

  From:Weitzman School of Design,UPenn

  One of the highlights of thelandmarkWeitzman School of DesignexhibitionBuilding in China: A Century of Dialogues on Modern Architecture, now on view at the Penn Wharton China Center, is a 15-foot-longpanelfeaturing 23 students in Penn's architecture program between 1918 and 1941. A series of black and whiteportraitsaccompanied by their degrees and years of study documents the first generation of Chinese students at Penn, who would go on to shape a new movement of architecture and urban design practice and education in their homeland. In the middle of the panel is Lin Huiyin, the only woman among the students. She was also the only one in the group not awarded an architecture degree upon completion of her coursework.

  宾夕法尼亚大学宾大沃顿中国中心正在展出由韦茨曼设计学院(Weitzman School of Design)策划的 “中国建造:现代建筑百年对话”(Building in China: A Century of Dialogues on Modern Architecture)展览。在这场具有里程碑意义的展览中最引人注目的是一块长达15英尺的展板,它展示了1918年至1941年间就读于宾夕法尼亚大学建筑学专业的23名中国学生。一组黑白肖像照、他们的学位以及学习年份记录了宾大的第一批中国留学生的足迹,这些建筑先驱日后回到祖国,开辟了中国现代建筑学研究和现代城市规划设计实践及教育。位于展板中央的林徽因是这些学生中唯一的女性,也是这批学生中唯一一位完成学业但未被授予宾大建筑学位的学生。


  landmark /ˈlænd.mɑːk/ 1)表示“地标;标志性建筑”,英文解释为“a building or place that is easily recognized, especially one that you can use to judge where you are”

  2)表示“(发展过程中的)里程碑”,英文解释为“an important stage in something's development”举个🌰:The invention of the silicon chip was a landmark in the history of the computer. 硅片的发明是计算机发展史上的一个里程碑。


  panel /ˈpæn.əl/1)表示“嵌板,镶板”,英文解释为“a flat, usually rectangular part, or piece of wood, metal, cloth, etc., that fits into or onto something larger”如:a beautiful old door with oak panels 一扇嵌有橡木板的漂亮的老式门;

  2)表示“(选定的)专家小组;讨论小组”,英文解释为“a small group of people chosen to give advice, make a decision, or publicly discuss their opinions as entertainment”。


  portrait /ˈpɔː.trət/ 表示“肖像,画像;人像照片”,英文解释为“a painting, photograph, drawing, etc. of a person or, less commonly, of a group of people”举个🌰:She's commissioned an artist to paint her portrait/paint a portrait of her. 她委托一位画家为她画一幅肖像。

  At the May 18, 2024, WeitzmanCommencementCeremony, the School will award Lin, arguably the first and most famous female architect in modern China, with a longoverdue posthumousBachelor of Architecture degree.



  1)表示“学位授予典礼;毕业典礼”,英文解释为“a ceremony at which students formally receive their degrees”

  2)表示“开始;开端”,英文解释为“the beginning of something”举个🌰:Would passengers please turn off their mobile phones before the commencement of the flight. 请乘客们在飞机起飞前关闭手机。


  overdue /ˌəʊ.vəˈdʒuː/ 表示“过期的;延误的;迟的”,英文解释为“not done or happening when expected or when needed; late”举个🌰:My library books are a week overdue. 我借图书馆的书过期一个星期了。


  posthumous /ˈpɒs.tʃə.məs/ 表示“死后发生的”,英文解释为“happening after a person's death”如:a posthumous award 死后荣膺的嘉奖。

  One revelation of the research was that Lin, whoenrolledin the Bachelor ofFine Artsprogram, also completed most of the coursework required for Bachelor of Architecture degree—theexceptionsinclude a drawing course that was not open to female students because the live models included men. Because the architecture program did not admit female students until 1934, the fine arts degree was the only option available to her. However, she participated in architecture studios and took courses in design theory, drawing and architectural history and was a teaching assistant in architectural design, oftenoutperformingher malepeers. (Lin's academic record contains numerous grades of “D” fordistinction.)



  表示“(使)加入;注册;招(生);吸收”,英文解释为“If you enrol or are enrolled at an institution or in a class, you officially join it.”举个🌰:I was enrolled at the University in 2016. 我是2016年上大学的。

  fine art

  表示“美术(指绘画和雕塑)”,英文解释为“painting and sculpture”如:a fine arts degree 美术学位。


  表示“一般情况以外的人(或事物);例外”,英文解释为“a person or thing that is not included in a general statement”举个🌰:Nobody had much money at the time and I was no exception. 那时候谁都没有很多钱,我也不例外。

  📺美剧《绝望的主妇》(Desperate Housewives)中的台词提到:Rex and Bree Van de Kamp were no exception. 雷克斯和布里·范德坎普也不例外。


  outperform /ˌaʊt.pəˈfɔːm/ 表示“超过,胜过;比…做得好”,英文解释为“to do well in a particular job or activity compared to others of a similar type”举个🌰:The company has consistently outperformed its rivals this season. 这一季,这家公司的表现一直优于竞争对手。


  作动词,表示“仔细看,端详;费力地看”,英文解释为“to look carefully or with difficulty”举个🌰:When no one answered the door, she peered through the window to see if anyone was there. 没有人开门,她就费力地透过窗户朝里望去,看是否有人在。

  作名词,表示“同龄人;同辈;同等社会地位(或能力)的人”,英文解释为“a person who is the same age or has the same social position or the same abilities as other people in a group”


  distinction /dɪˈstɪŋk.ʃən/ 1)表示“区别,差别,不同”,英文解释为“a difference between two similar things”举个🌰:There's a clear distinction between the dialects spoken in the two regions. 这两个地区的方言有着明显的不同。

  2)表示“(学生作业的)优,优等”,英文解释为“a mark given to students who produce work of an excellent standard”

  3)表示“优秀,卓越”,英文解释为“the quality of being excellent”如:a writer/scientist/wine of distinction 一流的作家/科学家/葡萄酒。

  Although the School of Fine Arts, as Weitzman was known for most of the 20th century, began awarding “in faculty” degrees to women who studied architecture prior to 1934 just a few years later—including Georgiana Pope Yeatman, Philadelphia's first female Director of the Department of City Architecture—Lin remained overlooked despite completing more required architecture coursework than her other femalecontemporaries.

  尽管宾大美术学院(韦茨曼设计学院在20世纪的原名)从1934年开始为那些先前在宾大学习建筑学的女性补授建筑学学位,其中包括费城城市建设部第一任女主任乔治亚娜·波普·伊特曼(Georgiana Pope Yeatman),然而林徽因的情况仍然一直被忽视,即使她完成了比同时期其他女学生更多的建筑学课程。


  contemporary /kənˈtem.pər.ər.i/ 表示“当代的;现代的”,英文解释为“existing or happening now”,除了作形容词,也可以直接作名词,1)表示“同时代的人”,英文解释为“someone living during the same period as someone else”举个🌰:Was he a contemporary of Shakespeare's? 他和莎士比亚是同时代的人吗?

  2)表示“同龄人,同辈”,英文解释为“a person who is of the same age as you”举个🌰:She didn't mix with her contemporaries, preferring the company of older people. 她不和同龄人在一起,而是喜欢和年长的人相处。

  “From the records, it was clear she wanted to be an architecture student and architect, and she was a very successful one at that. We looked into it more and more it was clear the reason she wasn't given a degree was because she was a woman,” says Weitzman Dean and Paley Professor Fritz Steiner, who initiated a formal review in 2022. “It's not right and this is an opportunity to correct that.”

  “从当时的记录来看,很明显林徽因想要学习建筑并成为一名建筑师,并且她后来也在这一领域取得了巨大成功。随着我们研究的不断深入,她没有被授予学位的原因很清楚,就是她的女性身份,”韦茨曼设计学院院长兼佩利讲席教授弗里茨·斯坦纳(Fritz Steiner)说。他在2022年发起了调研和审阅程序,他表示“这是一个历史遗留错误,是时候来纠正它了。”

  In the decades following their return to China, Lin and Liang worked together to transform architectural history, education, and practice across the country,alteringthe course of twentieth-century design there. “When you come to America, everyone knows of Frank Lloyd Wright. When you go to China, everyone knows of Lin and Liang,” says Genie Birch, Nussdorf Professor of Urban Research & Education and chair of the graduate group in the Department of City & Regional Planning at Weitzman.

  林徽因在返回中国后的几十年里,她和梁思成一道工作,为重塑了中国的建筑史学、建筑教育和建筑设计实践做出了巨大贡献,也改变了二十世纪中国建筑设计的走向。“当你来到美国时,每个人都知道弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright)。而当你去中国时,每个人都知道林和梁,”韦茨曼设计学院城市与区域规划系城市研究与教育教授基尼·伯奇(Genie Birch)说。


  表示“(使)改变,更改,改动”,英文解释为“to become different; to make sb/sth different”举个🌰:We've had to alter some of our plans. 我们不得不对一些计划作了改动。

  🎬电影《大侦探福尔摩斯》(Sherlock Holmes)中的台词提到:that will alter the very course of the world. 足以改变世界的力量。

  In addition to herprodigiousgifts for architecture, Lin has also been recognized as a culturaliconfor her work as a poet and artist. And that broad-based creative orientationpermeatedher designethosandaffinityfor architectural design. Of Lin's continued relevance, William Whitaker, thecuratorof the Architectural Archives at Penn, says, “Lin was fearless in pursuing her artistic passions, and how she engaged with the world deserves great respect.”

  除了在建筑方面的非凡天赋之外,林徽因还因其作为诗人和艺术家的成就而被视为中国现代文学史上一位代表人物。她的文学艺术爱好、极其天赋与无穷的创造力也渗透到她的设计理念和对建筑设计的热爱中。说到林徽因持久的影响力,宾大建筑档案馆馆长威廉·惠特克(William Whitaker)说,“林在追求自己的艺术理想时勇敢无畏,她积极与世界交流的态度值得极大的尊重。”


  prodigious /prəˈdɪdʒ.əs/ 表示“强大的,巨大的;给人印象深刻的”,英文解释为“extremely great in ability, amount, or strength”举个🌰:She wrote a truly prodigious number of novels. 她写了数量极多的小说。


  1)表示“象征物;偶像”,英文解释为“If you describe something or someone as an icon, you mean that they are important as a symbol of a particular thing.”如:a fashion icon 时尚偶像。

  2)表示“图标;图符”,英文解释为“a small symbol on a computer screen that represents a program or a file”


  表示“渗透;弥漫;遍布;充满”,英文解释为“to spread through something and be present in every part of it”举个🌰:A foul smell of stale beer permeated the whole building. 整座楼都散发着变质啤酒的臭味。


  ethos /ˈiː.θɒs/ 表示“(个人或团体的)精神特质,价值观,信条”,英文解释为“the set of beliefs, ideas, etc. about the social behaviour and relationships of a person or group”如:national ethos 民族精神特质。


  1)表示“(尤指因为有相同的特征而引起的)情投意合,喜爱,吸引”,英文解释为“a liking or sympathy for someone or something, especially because of shared characteristics”举个🌰:She seems to have a natural affinity for/with water. 她好像天生就喜欢水。

  2)表示“类同;雷同”,英文解释为“a close similarity between two things”举个🌰:There are several close affinities between the two paintings. 这两幅画有多处非常相似的地方。


  curator /kjʊˈreɪ.tər/ 表示“(博物馆、图书馆等的)馆长”,英文解释为“a person in charge of a museum, library, etc.”

  - 词汇盘点 -

  landmark、 panel、 portrait、 commencement、 overdue、 posthumous、 enroll、 fine art、 exception、 outperform、 peer、 distinction、 contemporary、 alter、 prodigious、 icon、 permeate、 ethos、 affinity、 curator

  - 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

  At the commencement, the curator unveiled a landmark portrait of a posthumous fine art icon who outperformed peers. This contemporary piece, an exception in ethos, was a prodigious work by an enrolled student with an affinity for distinction. The panel altered their views, permeating new ethos.





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