climactic是什么意思 climactic的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课

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climactic是什么意思 climactic的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课

2023-04-16 23:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  climactic是什么意思 climactic的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:i believe that a joke is a brief oral narrative with a climactic humorous twist.

  翻译:我以为玩笑就是个有幽默包袱 却又简短的口头叙述。



  1. The climactic moment in the battle is immortalized in the 70-meter-long Bayeux Tapestry, where an arrow striking Harold in the eye seals the Norman victory.

  翻译:这场战役的时刻 被永远地记录在一条70米长的贝叶挂毯中。 画面中,一支插入哈罗德眼睛的箭 封存了诺曼人的胜利。 。

  2. We’re talking a 900-page book that is as weird as it is compelling, and featuring a climactic scene in which a horde of tiny people emerge from the mouth of a sleeping girl and cause a German Shepherd to explode.

  翻译:我们在讲是一本900页的书 它不仅好看而且很怪异 它的片段居然是 一群小人 从一名熟睡了的女孩嘴里出来 然后把一条德国牧羊犬弄炸了! 。

  3. But, uh, i’m gonna leave this thing on in case anything gets climactic.

  翻译:不过,呃,我还是把这个开着 省得错过什么精彩镜头。

  4. We’re talking a 900-page book that is as weird as it is compelling, and featuring a climactic scene in which a horde of tiny people emerge from the mouth of a sleeping girl and cause a German Shepherd to explode.

  翻译:我们在讲是一本900页的书 它不仅好看而且很怪异 它的片段居然是 一群小人 从一名熟睡了的女孩嘴里出来 然后把一条德国牧羊犬弄炸了!。

  5. Yes. it was the most uplifting program i have ever heard. it was climactic.

  翻译:这是我所听过 最能提振士气的节目。

  6. We get your dad’s camcorder and we do a shot-for-shot re-creation of their climactic sword fight using our boners.

  翻译:我们把爸的摄像机拿来 然后我们自己也拍一个… …他们剑战的部分… …用我们的当剑,哈。

  7. i can’t locate the cloth Zhaorong wears at the climactic scene.

  翻译:结局里面卢昭容要穿的那件衣服… 我找不着了。

  8. Oh, more purposeful, and certainly more climactic.

  翻译:更有目的 也更壮烈一点。

  9. “climactic eruption the moment.”


  10. What did spark our climactic moment… was my use of a common American phrase.

  翻译:但戏的道火线是… 我说了一句美国人常说的话。

  11. The climactic battle to kill the false being within

  翻译:最激烈的斗争是摒弃 虚无缥缈。

  12. Now, by Bannister’s own admission, the argument continues to rage… reaching a climactic point when Debra demands that Bannister stop… pull over, let her out.

  翻译:当时班尼斯特和太太不断争吵… 吵到不能再吵时,拉叫班尼斯特停车… 靠边停,让她下车。

  13. And suddenly it’s anti-climactic. Nothing ever happens.

  翻译:{1cH00FFFF}而后来却峰回路转, 什么事情也没发生。

  14. She was just writing the climactic scene for her first serial and she was beside herself.

  翻译:正好是在第一次连载 达到最的那段日子 好像是她陷入困境的时候。

  15. That was so anti-climactic.

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