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2023-06-15 17:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

suspect 英 [səˈspekt] 美 [səˈspɛkt] 第三人称单数:suspects 现在分词:suspecting 过去式:suspected 过去分词:suspected suspect 词典解释 及物动词猜疑(是);怀疑,不信任;怀疑…有罪 名词嫌疑犯 不及物动词怀疑 形容词可疑的 suspect 词典例句 形容词 His motives were suspect with others. 他的动机受到其它人的怀疑。 及物动词 We suspected their honesty. 我们不相信他们是诚实的。 I suspected her motives. 我怀疑她的动机。 The tiger suspected danger and ran away. 老虎意识到危险便逃跑了。 名词 The police have taken the suspect to the police station. 警察把这个嫌疑犯送到了警察局。 suspect 网络解释 嫌疑犯 ...因此片子的主要重点就放在如何让嫌疑犯(suspect)自己开口说话. 片子我曾经介绍过,不过既然是推理片的集合当然要提出来说一下. 原来FBI分成很多部门,比如寻人探秘组,当然还有这个犯罪心理分析组. (不知道为啥,这个部门是我看下来条件最好的部门.... 怀疑 ...而我们从来不会suspect一件好事情,所以,如果不怀疑后面的单句(即宾语从句是好事情的时候),就只有一种解释:I am sure that (我们会说:我怀疑(suspect)他是个坏人、我怀疑(doubt whether)他是不是一个好人.... 铁律柔情 ...此后,利亚姆在几部名不见经传的电影和电视系列短剧中亮相,直到1987年才凭借影片>(Suspect)赢得人们的关注,但他真正挑起大梁担纲主演还是三年后的影片>(Darkman).... 犯罪嫌疑人 ...于是,五部描写警察或者侦探的新剧集就被写进了计划表,其中有讲述经典侦探形象菲利浦马罗(Phillip Marlowe)的>(杰森.奥玛拉Jason O'Mara主演),和类似>(Rashomon)的>(Suspect).... suspect 英英释义 noun a person or institution against whom an action is brought in a court of law the person being sued or accused Synonym: defendant someone who is under suspicion verb regard as untrustworthy regard with suspicion have no faith or confidence in Synonym: distrust mistrust imagine to be the case or true or probable e.g. I suspect he is a fugitive e.g. I surmised that the butler did it Synonym: surmise hold in suspicion believe to be guilty e.g. The U.S. suspected Bin Laden as the mastermind behind the terrorist attacks adj not as expected e.g. there was something fishy about the accident e.g. up to some funny business e.g. some definitely queer goings-on e.g. a shady deal e.g. her motives were suspect e.g. suspicious behavior Synonym: fishy funny shady suspicious suspect [səˈspekt] 高考 四级 六级 考研 托福 雅思 中文翻译 1 n. 嫌疑犯 2 adj. 可疑的;不可信的 3 vi. 怀疑;猜想 4 vt. 怀疑;猜想 英语释义 1 n. someone who is under suspicion 2 v. imagine to be the case or true or probable 3 v. hold in suspicion; believe to be guilty 相关单词辨析 doubt, suspect, distrust 的区别和用法

这组词都有“怀疑”的意思,其区别是: doubt: 普通用词,多指因证据不足或仅凭证据还不能肯定而产生怀疑,多含否定意味。 suspect: 指猜疑、疑心,肯定意味较多。 distrust: 指疑惑、猜疑,不信任。




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