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#江苏地区2023学年八年级下册期中备考真题汇编| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


一、材料作文1.(2022春·江苏无锡·八年级校联考期中)社会不断在发展进步,成绩好已经不再是衡量一个好学生的唯一标准。某校英文校刊正在开展“走进新时代,争当合格中学生”的大讨论,请写一篇演讲稿,谈谈你觉得除了学习课本知识之外,我们还应该做些什么?提示如下:要求:1. 注意人称和时态。2. 要点齐全,可适当增加细节使句子通顺、连贯。3. 不要逐字翻译,词数100左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。With the develpment f the sciety, t learn well is nt the nly thing a student shuld d. T be a qualified(合格的) middle schl student, I think we have a lt f things t d.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2.(2022春·江苏常州·八年级统考期中)随着“双减”政策(duble reductin plicy)的落实,中学生的周末生活发生了巨大的变化。假设你是八年级一班的Simn,请你根据自己的实际,结合以下三个问题写一篇短文,参与学校英语角活动的交流。1. What was yur weekend like in the past?2. Hw d yu spend yur weekend nw?3. What d yu think f the duble reductin plicy?要求:1. 条理清楚,语言流畅,语法正确,书写工整;2. 必须包含所给提示,并做适当发挥3. 词数:80词左右,不包括所给的开头。I am Simn frm Class 1, Grade 8. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3.(2022春·江苏无锡·八年级校联考期中)过去这一段时间我们身边的生活发生了很大的变化。李强是你班上的一名同学,这学期他变化了很多,学习进步很大,请根据下面表格提供的信息,以“Great Changes”为题用英语写一篇短文,向同学介绍李强的变化并简要说明理由。要求:1、必须包括表格中所有的相关信息,并适当发挥;2、词数:100词左右; 3、不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。Great Changes_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4.(2022春·江苏盐城·八年级校联考期中)时代在发展,我们的生活也发生着日新月异的变化。请根据下面提示,以“Changes arund me”为题用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你生活和学习中发生的变化。a.What were yur life and study like in the past ? b.Hw have yur life and study changed ? c.What d yu think f these changes ? d. 注意事项:1.词数:90词左右 (文章开头已经给出, 不计入总词数) ;2.文中不能出现真实姓名, 校名等信息;3.文章必须包含所有要点, 并作适当发挥, 使短文连贯、通顺。Changes arund meGreat changes have taken place in my life and study.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5.(2022春·江苏南通·八年级南通市海门区东洲中学校考期中)6月5日是世界环境保护日,你校组织以“ Being a vlunteer f ging green”为题的英语演讲比赛。假如李明参加比赛,请你以李明的名义写一篇英语演讲稿推荐自己,内容如下:要求:1. 要点完整,可适当发挥, 使句子通顺、连贯。2. 正确使用时态,语法正确,书写整洁。3. 70词左右,开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Being a vlunteer f ging greenHell, everyne. I’m Li Ming. I want t be a vlunteer f ging green. I’m glad t make a speech here._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________If I can be a vlunteer, _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Thank yu fr listening!6.(2022春·江苏徐州·八年级统考期中)中国有句古话:“读万卷书,行万里路”。请你结合表格中所给的信息,以My hbbies为题给校英文报投稿,用英语谈谈阅读和旅行的好处,以及你今年的计划。注意:1.短文应包括所有的信息,注意适当发挥。2.词数80左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。3.短文不得出现真实的人名和校名。My hbbiesI have many hbbies. Amng them, I like reading and travelling best.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7.(2022春·江苏常州·八年级统考期中)假设你是李明,上周你们班进行了“怎样有意义地过假期”班会活动,大家在班会上畅所欲言。请你根据表格中的提示内容,结合你自己对此事的看法,用英语给校报写一篇短文。要求:1. 要点完整,可适当发挥,使句子通顺、连贯;2. 正确使用时态,语法正确,书写整洁;3. 90词左右,开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Last week, we held a class meeting. In the meeting, we talked abut hw t spend the hliday meaningfully.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8.(2022春·江苏淮安·八年级统考期中)4月23日是世界读书日(Wrld Reading Day),你们班级组织了—次活动,目的是想了解同学们的阅读情况。请根据以下要点写—篇文章,向你的同学介绍你自己的阅读情况。要点:1. Hw ften d yu read bks?2. Hw many bks have yu read in the past tw years?3. What kind f bks d yu ften read? And what d yu like abut them?4. What d yu get frm reading?注意:1.词数90左右,开头已经写好,不计入总词数;2.须包括所有要点,可适当发挥,使全文连贯、通顺。April 23rd is Wrld Reading Day. I’d like t tell yu smething abut my reading habits. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9.(2022春·江苏苏州·八年级校考期中)《苏州日报》正在举行“疫情带来了什么”主题征文比赛,请根据以下内容提示,用英语写一篇短文来描述疫情给我们的城市和个人带来的变化。1. 词数:90左右;2. 文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。3 文中不得出现与考生相关的真实姓名, 校名等信息;照抄阅读语篇不得分。参考生词: 疫情 epidemicThe epidemic brke ut suddenly and everything seemed t stp.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________10.(2022春·江苏南京·八年级校考期中)李强是你班上的一名同学,这学期他变化很大,学习进步很大。请你根据表格中的要点提示,完成一篇作文,不要逐字翻译。提示词:dwnlad(下载)注意:1. 短文必须包括所有内容要点,要求语句通顺、意思连贯;2. 词数80左右,短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________11.(2022春·江苏苏州·八年级校考期中)阅读对人成长的影响是巨大的。"腹有诗书气自华",一本好书往往能改变人的一生。每年的4月23日是世界读书日,为此你想给同学们提一些养成阅读好习惯方面的建议。要点如下:1. 选择适合自己读的书。从老师或家长处寻求读书建议,可以从学校图书馆借书或者到书店买书……2. 计划好自己的时间。每天至少抽出半小时来阅读;不要轻易改变计划。比如,可以养成在睡觉前进行阅读的习惯;3. 随身带一本书。当有空的时候,随时随地进行阅读……4. 再补充一条建议……要求:1. 表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;2. 必须包含所有信息,并作适当发挥;3. 词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);4. 不得使用真实姓名和校名等。Having gd reading habits makes a great difference t yu. If yu want t have gd reading habits, I have sme advice fr yu.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________12.(2022春·江苏苏州·八年级校联考期中)书面表达假如你校将开展“读好书,促成长”活动,请你根据这项活动的主题,向全校同学发出倡议。请参考表格内容,用英语写一份倡议书。要求:1. 要点完整,可适当发挥,使句子通顺、连贯。2.正确使用时态,语法正确,书写整洁。3. 100词左右,开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear friends,Reading is very imprtant in ur daily life.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Let’s start reading nw!13.(2021春·江苏淮安·八年级校考期中)为了推广全民阅读,打造书香淮安。2021年4月23日,我市“周恩来读书节”在周恩来纪念馆拉开了帷幕。你校向全体同学发出了“与好书为友,快乐成长”的倡议。请根据以下提示,用英语为学校写一封倡议书,词数80左右,内容必须包括表格中提示的要点:注意:1.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名;2.文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:take ntes记笔记Dear students,Reading is very imprtant in ur life. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Let’s start reading nw! And let it becme a part f ur life!14.(江苏省徐州市2021-2022学年八年级下学期期中测试英语试题)李强是你班上的一名同学,这学期他变化很多,学习进步很大,请你根据下表中的要点提示,完成一篇英文作文,不要逐字翻译。过去:1.花很多时间打电脑游戏;2.讨厌看书。现在:1.每天看一小时书;2.喜欢看科学类书籍,觉得有趣;3.从图书馆借书或在线阅读。原因: 1.从书中获得乐趣;2.获得知识;3.打开新世界。注意:1.短文须包括所有内容要点,要求语句通顺、意思连贯;2.词数80左右, 短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。Li Qiang is ne f my classmates. He has changed a lt this term._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________15.(2022春·江苏苏州·八年级苏州市平江中学校校考期中)我们日常的课本学习不仅能学到知识,而且也会改善着我们的生活习惯。只要我们有一颗上进心,就一定会带来很大的变化。请根据下面表格提供的信息,以“My Changes”为题用英语写一篇短文,向同学介绍你的变化并简要说明理由。 要求:1、注意语句通顺,条理清晰; 2、词数 90 左右,必须包括表格中所有的相关信息,省略号部分适当发挥; 3、文中不得出现真实姓名、校名和地名等。My Changes __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________二、书信作文16.(2022春·江苏南京·八年级校考期中)假如你是李明,你的美国笔友Jhn要完成一份关于南京的调查报告,五一假期他将来南京进行实地调研。请你写一封电子邮件给Jhn,对于他来之前的准备和来之后的活动给一些建议。要求:1. 词数80左右。开头及结尾已给出,不计入总词数。2. 所写内容必须包括图中所有的信息,并作适当的发挥。2. 不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名等相关信息。Dear Jhn,________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Yurs, Li Ming17.(2022春·江苏南京·八年级校考期中)来自英国的交换生Tm马上要回国了,作为班长的你准备邀请同学们带他一起游览南京,每个人的费用为100元,请结合以上信息及下面的表格,给全班同学写一封邀请函。注意:1. 要点齐全,可适当拓展。 2. 词数80左右,开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。3. 文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称。Dear classmates,Tm will be back sn. We’re planning a day ut n Saturday, Nvember 24.Here is the plan.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________It will be a great day. We hpe yu can jin us.Yurs,Simn三、讲稿18.(2022春·江苏无锡·八年级统考期中)作为学校书香校园活动中的“优秀读者”,你被读书俱乐部邀请给同学们做一次关于“勤读书,促成长”为主题的演讲,谈谈你的读书习惯的变化,号召大家都来读好书。请参考下面的内容,用英语写一份演讲稿。注意:1)要点完整,可适当发挥,使句子通顺、连贯。2)正确使用时态,语法正确,书写整洁。3)80词左右,自由发挥部分1-2句,开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear friends,Reading is very imprtant in ur daily life._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Let’s start reading nw!19.(2022春·江苏无锡·八年级江苏省锡山高级中学实验学校校考期中)自2019年12月,新冠疫情爆发以来,我们的生活发生了很大变化。请你阅读下图,准备一篇英文演讲稿,跟同学们谈谈新冠疫情对你的生活有什么影响。注意:1.需包含图中提示信息;2.两处补充部分各需发挥至少一句;3.词数:90词左右。参考词汇:新冠病毒COVID-19;疫情epidemic;量体温take ne’s temperature;口罩mask;做核酸take the NAT;打疫苗get the vaccine;查健康码check health cdeDear classmates, Since the COVID-19 brke ut in Dec. 2019, it has been a huge blw t the wrld, including China. Great changes have taken place in ur life. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________20.(2022春·江苏苏州·八年级校考期中)假如你来到了一所新学校,你向你的新老师和新同学介绍你的家乡和你的爱好情况,结合表中所给的信息及要求,以 My hmetwn and my hbby 为题,写一篇 80 字左右的演讲稿。My hmetwn and my hbbyHell, Ladies and gentlemen! Please allw me t say smething abut my hmetwn and my hbby. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________平时1.学会照顾自己, 学习努力,善良,乐于分享;2.有好的阅读习惯,阅读为我们打开全新世界;3.环保绿色生活(自由发挥1-2句);4.懂餐桌礼仪,举止文明(自由发挥1-2句)。空余时间1.关注残疾人,给他们向公众展示能力的机会;2.欣赏大自然的美,理解保护大自然人人有责。总结……(1-2句)过去1.花很多时间打电脑游戏2.讨厌看书现在1.发觉阅读有乐趣,每天看书一小时2.喜欢看科学书,觉得有趣3.图书馆借书4……原因1.从书中获得乐趣,获得知识2.开创新世界3……品质助人为乐,善良,有礼貌爱好旅游,阅读,上网事迹为运动会做志愿者,为慈善机构筹集资金 ……感悟地球是我们唯一的家园保护环境,人人有责措施……(至少两点)我的爱好旅行●欣赏美景,开阔视野;●了解不同地方的人和文化;●……阅读●使我们获得更多的知识;●有趣的故事让我们身心放松;● ……我今年的旅行和阅读计划……过去打游戏、上网、看电影……现在看书、体育运动、郊游……你的感想……(至少两点)以前现在城市著名园林 旅游胜地避免扎堆 线上游园... 个人(自拟1-2点)习惯排队 阅读拓展...感受变化巨大...过去1. 花很多时间打电脑游戏; 2. 讨厌看书。现在1. 每天看一小时书; 2. 喜欢看科学书,觉得有趣; 3. 从图书馆借书或在iPad下载科学故事。原因1. 从书中获得乐趣; 2. 获得知识; 3. 开创新世界。读书的意义1. 获取许多知识,开创新视野;2. 使人愉悦,益智,益于学习;3. 有助于我们健康成长4.……(自由发挥一点)现 状1. 作业多,无良好读书习惯;2. 电视和网络占时多。倡 议从图书馆多借书。每天花一小时阅读各方面书籍,比如科学,健康,文化等方面的。(自由发挥一点)读书意义获取知识,开启一个新世界,带来快乐,培养阅读好习惯;目前现状有的学生花大部分业余时间听音乐、看电视或者用手机打游戏;读书计划到……找些好书,制定业余时间读书计划,做好笔记;倡议给出具体的建议(至少两条)过去1.花很多时间打游戏;2.讨厌看书现在1.喜欢旅行;2.爱好看书;3.……原因1.旅游帮助你了解世界,享受自然之美2.读书帮助你……来之前准备1. 多去图书馆借书,增长知识,多了解南京这座城市2. 通过网络搜索信息,了解中国礼仪3. ……来之后的建议1. 乘地铁环游南京城2. 采访当地人,了解南京的过去和现在3. ……TimePlaceActivity7:30Schl gateby undergrundMeet everyne8:00-11:30Xuanwu Lake Parkby busG bating...12:30-14:30Nanjing Museumby busSee wrks f art...15:00-17:00Xinjiekuby undergrund...过去1.作业太多,没有足够的时间读书;2.不知道该选择什么种类的书籍阅读;3.电视和网络占时多。现在1.读书成为你生活中最重要的一部分,每天至少半小时;2.最喜爱历史书籍和小说。希望……(自由发挥)My hmetwn1. Where is yur hmetwn?2. What was it like in the past? (Talk abut its envirnment, transprt and peple’s life) 3. What changes have taken place?My hbby1. D yu like travelling? What places f interest have yu been t?Which place did yu visit last time? (Intrduce the place yu visited) Hw did yu g there?2.What did yu d there? (Give at least three details)3. Hw did yu feel?参考答案:1.With the develpment f the sciety, t learn well is nt the nly thing a student shuld d. T be a qualified middle schl student, I think we have a lt f things t d. First, we usually learn t lk after urselves. We shuld wrk hard and we are generus and easy t share things with thers. Secnd, we shuld have gd reading habits t imprve urselves. It als pen up a new wrld t us. Third, we live a green life. We must nt drp litter carelessly. We had better g t schl n ft r by bicycle. Furth, we shuld learn abut gd table manners and behave plitely. We shuld wait fr everyne t finish befre yu leave the table. We shuld queue, we must nt push in befre thers.Mrever, in ur spare time, we shuld care abut the disabled and give them a chance t shw their abilities t the public. Als, we shuld g ut t enjy the beauty f nature. It’s ur duty t prtect nature.In a wrd, if we fllw the advice, we will make a big difference t urselves. The mre we act, the better we will imprve.【分析】这是篇演讲稿,主要介绍自己在课余时间做些什么来提高自己,成为一名合格的中学生。【详解】从内容上说材料比较详细,考生只需要结合所给的要点,将内容表达清楚连贯即可,较简单;语言方面首先要选择自己熟悉的短语或者句型,在能力范围之内,选择句式时要赋予变化,这样才可以更好的驾驭。同时也要选择合适的连接词,把各个要点组织成一个完整的整体;规范性方面,检查单词,标点的准确;其次要注意格式的正确;最后一定要保证次数要符合要求。2.例文I am Simn frm Class 1, Grade 8. I’d like t talk abut changes t my weekends. In the past, I usually tk sme lessns at weekends. I had nly 3 hurs f free time. I was tired f attending s many extra lessns. Nw, I can spend my time mre freely at weekends. I have nly three hurs f hmewrk each weekend. I dn’t need t attend any lessns nline. As a result, life is mre relaxing and clrful. I think the duble reductin plicy is gd fr nt nly my bdy but als my mind. I can spend mre time n what I like. And f curse, I need t spend my free time mre wisely.【详解】[总体分析]①题材:本文是一篇记叙文,为材料作文;②时态:时态为“一般过去时”和“一般现在时”;③提示:写作要点已给出,考生应注意不要遗漏要点,包括过去和现在的对比,适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。[写作步骤]第一步,介绍过去的周末;第二步,介绍现在如何度过周末;第三步,介绍自己对政策的看法。[亮点词汇]①talk abut谈论②In the past过去③nt als不但……而且④As a result结果是[高分句型]I think the duble reductin plicy is gd fr nt nly my bdy but als my mind.(that引导的宾语从句)3.例文:Great ChangesLi Qiang is ne f my classmates. He has changed a lt this term. He used t spend much time playing cmputer games. He didn’t like reading bks. But nw he finds reading is fun. He reads fr an hur every day. Science bks are his favurite because he thinks they are interesting. Usually he brrws bks frm the library. Smetimes he reads bks n the Internet. Why is he interested in reading bks? Because he gets fun frm reading and he thinks reading can help him get much knwledge and pen up a new wrld t him. It is als helpful fr him t have a gd reading habit.【详解】[总体分析]①题材:本文是一篇材料作文;②时态:时态为“一般现在时”和“一般过去时”;③提示:写作要点已给出,考生应注意不要遗漏,还要适当添加细节,并突出重点。[写作步骤]第一步,先说明李强同学这个学期发生了很大变化;第二步,介绍李强同学过去的生活;第三步,介绍李强同学现在的生活。[亮点词汇]①used t d sth.过去常常做某事②spend time ding sth.花时间做某事③be interested in ding sth.对做某事感兴趣[高分句型]①Science bks are his favurite because he thinks they are interesting.(because引导的原因状语从句)②…and he thinks reading can help him get much knwledge and pen up a new wrld t him.(省略that的宾语从句)③It is als helpful fr him t have a gd reading habit.(It固定句型)4.例文:Changes arund meGreat changes have taken place in my life and study.I used t live in a dilapidated huse, and ur schl classrm was als very dilapidated. I culd nly learn Chinese and mathematics every day. Nw we live in a spacius and clean huse. The classrm is als very big and clean. Every day except Chinese and math. We als study cmputing, science and music. I think these changes are very gd. Let us have a better envirnment t live and study. I believe the future will be better and better. I will study harder and cntribute t the cnstructin f the mtherland.【详解】[总体分析]①题材:本文是一篇以记叙为主的文章;②时态:时态有“一般过去时”,“一般现在时”,“一般将来时”;③提示:写作要点已经给出,要注意描写过去现在变化时态要准确,并适当发挥。[写作步骤]第一步,描写过去的样子,接着介绍现在的变化。第二步,对于这些变化的看法。第三步,结束语,描述对未来的期许。[亮点词汇]①used t d过去常常做②spacius宽敞的③cntribute t有助于[高分句型]①Let us have a better envirnment t live and study.(祈使句结构)5.例文:Being a vlunteer f ging greenHell, everyne. I’m Li Ming. I want t be a vlunteer f ging green. I’m glad t make a speech here. I’m kind t thers. I’m willing t help thers any time. I knw the imprtance f gd manners. In my free time, I like travelling, reading and surfing n the Internet. I have ever rganized a charity shw t raise mney fr WWF. And I used t wrk as a vlunteer fr the sprts meeting.Earth is ur nly hme. I think it’s ur duty fr everyne t prtect the envirnment. If we wrk tgether, we can make the wrld a better place.If I can be a vlunteer, I can d many things fr ur envirnment. I can save water by taking shrter shwers and turning ff the tap when we brush ur teeth. I can separate waste int different grups s that it can be recycled. I must try my best t make a big difference t the Earth.Thank yu fr listening!【详解】[总体分析]①题材:本文是一篇演讲稿,内容为推荐信;②时态:时态以“一般现在时”为主;③提示:写作要点已给出,考生应注意不要遗漏“事迹”部分至少添加一点,以及“措施”部分至少添加两点内容,适当增加细节,并突出写作重点。[写作步骤]第一步,表明写作意图,开门见山说明“我想成为保护环境的志愿者”。第二步,具体阐述写作内容,简单描述自己的“品质”及“爱好”,着重突出“事迹”、“感悟”及“节约用水、垃圾分类等措施”。第三步,书写结语,表示感谢。[亮点词汇]①am willing t help thers 乐于帮助他人②used t wrk as a vlunteer过去常常担任志愿者工作③make the wrld a better place让世界变得更好 separate waste int different grups垃圾分类make a big difference t the Earth对地球造成很大的影响[高分句型]①I think it’s ur duty fr everyne t prtect the envirnment.(think后接宾语从句,省略that;it’s+名词+fr sb.+t d sth.句型)②I can save water by taking shrter shwers and turning ff the tap when we brush ur teeth.(when引导的时间状语从句)③I can separate waste int different grups s that it can be recycled.(s that引导的目的状语从句)6.One pssible versin:My hbbiesI have many hbbies. Amng them, I like reading and travelling best. Travelling pens up my eyes. I can learn abut peple and cultures in different places. I always experience a lt frm my travelling. It’s als a gd way fr me t relax. Reading helps me get lts f knwledge. Gd stries can help me relax. They pen up a whle new wrld t me. Mrever, bks are my gd friends. When I read a great bk, I will frget all my wrries. This year, I will keep reading at least tw gd bks. I will spend abut half an hur reading every day. Besides, I plan t travel t Yunnan during the summer hliday. I really want t visit Kunming—the Spring City. I think I can have a gd time there.【详解】[总体分析]①题材:本文是一篇材料作文;②时态:时态为“一般现在时”;③提示:根据表格内容谈谈阅读和旅行的好处,以及今年的计划,可适当增添内容,以使行文连贯。[写作步骤]第一步,承接开头,表明最大的爱好是阅读和旅行;第二步,详细叙述旅行和阅读的好处;第三步,说明今年的旅行和阅读计划。[亮点词汇]①in different places在不同的地方②keep ding sth持续做某事③plan t d sth计划做某事[高分句型]①Reading helps me get lts f knwledge.(动名词作主语)②When I read a great bk, I will frget all my wrries.(when引导的时间状语从句)③I think I can have a gd time there.(I think后跟省略that的宾语从句)7.例文Last week, we held a class meeting. In the meeting, we talked abut hw t spend the weekend meaningfully. In the past, many students enjyed themselves at weekends. Internet was their best friend and they almst did everything n the Internet. Playing cmputer games and ging surfing nline tk up mst f their free time. Several hurs usually passed by befre they knew it. Besides, sme ther students lved t see a mvie when they were free. Hwever, at present, many students chse different activities. Ding sme reading r having sme sprt becmes their first chice at weekends. Sme ther students prefer t g uting with their family. Getting clse t bks r breathing fresh air makes them feel better.In my pinin, relaxing urselves thrugh cmputer games is acceptable, as lng as we dn’t spend t much time. Besides, nature can give us t many things t learn abut, s we shuld get clser t nature as much as pssible.【详解】[总体分析]①题材:本文是一篇说明文,属于材料作文写作;②时态:时态为“一般过去时”和“一般现在时”;③提示:文章开头以及要点已经给出,按照提示的要点逐点阐述,不要遗漏提示中的“你的感想”这一要点,可以适当增加细节,并突出写作重点。[写作步骤]第一步,承接短文开头,引出话题;第二步,按照提示的要点,先说明在过去,学生们如何度过假期,再说明现在,学生们度过假期的方式有何不同,要列举具体的事例;第三步,抒发自己对此事的看法并书写结语。[亮点词汇]①prefer t d sth更喜欢做某事②makes sb d sth让某人做某事③get clser t nature更接受大自然④as much as pssible尽可能多[高分句型]①Playing cmputer games and ging surfing nline tk up mst f their free time.(动名词作主语)②Several hurs usually passed by befre they knew it.(befre引导时间状语从句)③In my pinin, relaxing urselves thrugh cmputer games is acceptable, as lng as we dn’t spend t much time.(as lng as引导条件状语从句)④Besides, nature can give us t many things t learn abut, s we shuld get clser t nature as much as pssible.(s连接两个并列分句)8.例文:April 23rd is Wrld Reading Day. I’d like t tell yu smething abut my reading habits. I read bks three r fur times a week and I usually read mre at weekends. In the past tw years, I have read abut 10 bks. I think it’s nt enugh. If I have time, I will read mre. I like reading bks abut histry. I think histry stries are interesting and I can learn mre abut the histry f China and the wrld.T me, reading is a way f relaxing after a hard day’s wrk. I can get pleasure frm reading, t. What’s mre, bks pen up a whle new wrld t me.【详解】1.题干解读:该题目是写一篇记叙文,文章开头已给出。要求根据要点提示来写一篇文章,向你的同学介绍你自己的阅读情况,可适当发挥。2.写作指导:本文主要采用第一人称来叙述;时态上用一般现在时。写作时要包括所有要点,可适当使用一些副词和连词,注意上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系,结构清晰,表达具有条理性。9.例文The epidemic brke ut suddenly and everything seemed t stp.Suzhu has been wrld-famus fr its gardens fr lng and it used t welcme many visitrs. But nw, the gvernment has asked peple t avid getting tgether. As a result, many peple try t take an nline tur f the beautiful gardens instead. Isn’t that wnderful?I didn’t bey rules at schl in the past. Hwever, After learning abut gd manners, I realized my prblems. Recently, I have been used t queuing fr my turn and reading t relax. Bks really pen up a whle new wrld t me. Bth ur city and I have changed a lt, but I believe everything will change fr the best sn.【详解】[总体分析]① 题材:本文是一篇材料作文,为一篇征文;② 时态:时态为“一般过去时、一般现在时以及现在完成时”;③ 提示:写作提示内容已经给出,考生应注意不要遗漏“以前的个人情况”,需要自拟补充。[写作步骤]第一步,表面写作的意图,借用开头所给内容来引出本写作话题;第二部,具体阐述写作内容,从城市、个人等方面介绍以前和现在的对比;第三步,书写结语,表达自己的感受并给予新的希望。[亮点词汇]① be wrld-famus fr 因……而世界著名② avid ding 避免做某事③ be used t ding 习惯于……④ in the past 过去⑤ as a result 因此[高分句型]① Suzhu has been wrld-famus fr its gardens fr lng and it used t welcme many visitrs. (现在完成时表示影响,“and”引导的并列句)② Isn’t that wnderful? (反义疑问句)10.例文 Li Qiang is ne f my classmates. He has changed a lt this term. He used t spend much time playing cmputer games. He didn’t like reading bks. But nw he finds reading is fun. He reads fr an hur every day. Science bks are his favurite because he thinks they are interesting. Usually he brrws bks frm the library r dwnlads science stries in his iPad. Why is he interested in reading bks? Because he gets fun frm reading and he thinks reading can help him get much knwledge and pen up a new wrld t him.【详解】[总体分析]①题材:本文是一篇记叙文,为材料作文;②时态:时态为“一般过去时”和“一般现在时”;③提示:写作要点已给出,考生应注意详述“表格”中过去和现在的对比情况,适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。[写作步骤]第一步,介绍同学李强,引入话题——他这学期变化很大;第二步,具体阐述他过去的情况和现在的进步;第三步,总结,说明他这些变化的原因。[亮点词汇]①used t d sth过去常常做某事②spend+时间段+ding sth花费时间做某事③get much knwledge获取知识④pen up打开[高分句型]①Science bks are his favurite because he thinks they are interesting.(because引导的原因状语从句)②He thinks reading can help him get much knwledge and pen up a new wrld t him.(省略that的宾语从句;动名词短语作主语)11.Having gd reading habits makes a great difference t yu. If yu want t have gd reading habits, I have sme advice fr yu.First, chse the right bk. Yu can ask yur teachers and parents fr sme advice abut reading. Yu can brrw bks frm the schl library r buy sme frm bkshps. Yu’d better read the fur great classical Chinese nvels.Secnd, plan yur time well. Yu shuld give yurself at least half an hur fr reading every day. After yu make the plan, dn’t change it easily. Fr example, make it a habit t read befre yu g t sleep.Third, always carry a bk with yu. When yu leave hme, remember t take a bk with yu. When yu are free, yu can read it. Finally, find a quiet place t read. Yu can find a quiet rm with a cmfrtable chair, then yu can enjy reading a bk in the chair.I hpe my advice can help yu frm sme gd reading habits.【详解】本文属于材料作文,讲述一些养成阅读好习惯的建议。根据要表达的内容确定并准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑,可适当增加内容。亮点说明:这是一篇优秀的作文,很好的完成了试题规定的任务,语言表达符合英语习惯,准确运用时态、主谓一致,特别使用一些亮点词句,如ask sb fr, brrw sth frm, had better d, at least, make the plan, remember t d, enjy ding, first, secnd, third以及finally,增强逻辑关系,增加上下文意思连贯,用词准确,句子通顺,行文连贯。写作时可以从以下几个方面做起:认真审题。审好题是写好书面表达的关键。审题时要注意试题的要求,抓住要点,词数符合要求。构思提纲。有了提纲,我们就可以根据提纲和主题确定相关的写作材料。通常书面表达给出的话题是开放的,而具体的内容要求学生自己发挥,因此选择恰当的素材也是使短文中心突出、明确的关键。初写短文。一切都准备就绪,就可以动笔写作了,在写作的过程中我们要注意句子的准确性、连贯性以及简洁性。使用的词语、短语及句型尽量用自己有把握的词。同时还要注意使用恰当的连词,使句子衔接自然。修改润色。修改润色是获取高分的必要步骤。这一步我们除了检查短文的各种错误外,还要检查语法结构是否合理,有无重复、啰嗦的语言,大小写是否正确,格式是否正确,词数是否符合要求等。12.Dear friends,Reading is very imprtant in ur daily life.First f all, reading will/can help us get a lt f knwledge frm all kinds f bks. It can help t pen up a whle new wrld t us. Secnd, reading will/can make us clever and happy. It is gd fr ur study. Third, it can als help us grw up healthily.(Besides,reading can help us relax after a busy day/think mre and further/make ur life mre clurful.)Hwever, there is usually s much hmewrk fr us t d that we dn’t have enugh time fr reading. Mrever, sme f us dn’t have a gd habit f reading but ften spend t much time watching TV and searching the Internet.S I think every day we shuld spend ne hur r mre reading different types f bks, such as science, health, culture and s n. We can brrw bks frm the library. After reading we can ften meet tgether and discuss what t read. As a result, we can have a better future.Let’s start reading nw!【详解】这是一篇给材料作文。假如你校将开展“读好书,促成长”活动,要求根据材料提示内容,用英语写一份倡议书,向全校同学发出倡议。根据所给出的材料内容可知,文章时态主要用一般现在时,人称主要用第一、第三人称。首先认真审题,看清题目中的要求和要点;然后根据提示内容,列出写作要点及每个要点中可能要用到的表达;然后紧扣要点,动笔写作。在写作时,注意连句成篇,保持文章的连贯性,要层次清楚,要点分明,中心突出。同时要注意语言的表述应该符合语法的结构,造句应该符合英语的表达习惯;尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,最好不要写太长的复合句;尽量选取简单的易拼写的单词,确保正确率;词汇、句式要丰富多样,可以为文章增色添彩。最后要细心复核检查,确保正确无误。13.[例文]Dear friends, Reading is very imprtant in ur life. It can help us get mre knwledge and pen up a new wrld t us. It nt nly brings us jy/happiness but als gets us int/develps gd habits f reading.Hwever, sme students spend much f their free time listening t the music, watching TV, r using mbile phnes t play cmputer games.S hw shuld we read? First we shuld g t the library r t the bkshp t find sme gd bks. Then we shuld make a plan abut reading in ur free time. What’s mre, we shuld take ntes when we read the bks.Reading is always a wnderful time. Gd bks are gd friends. We hpe we can d sme reading at least ne hur a day. We shuld chse ur favrite bks t read, and make ur life mre beautiful thrugh reading. The mre we read, the mre we learn, and the brighter ur future will becme.Let’s start reading nw! And let it becme a part f ur life!【详解】1.题干解读:本题为材料作文,要求根据题目所给要点写一篇关于读书的短文,所给要点必须全部包含,并进行适当拓展。2.写作指导:写作时人称应用第一人称,时态应用现在时。文章应做到层次分明,思路清晰,多用“First、Then、What’s mre”等词衔接前后文,使前后文衔接过渡自然流畅。不要出现单词拼写及语法错误。14.例文Li Qiang is ne f my classmates. He has changed a lt this term. He used t spend much time playing cmputer games. He didn’t like reading bks. But nw he finds reading is fun. He reads fr an hur every day. Science bks are his favurite because he thinks they are interesting. Usually he brrws bks frm the library r dwnlad science stries in ipad. Why is he interested in reading bks? Because he gets fun frm reading and he thinks reading can help him get much knwledge and pen up a new wrld t him. It is helpful t us t have gd reading habits.【详解】题干解读:该题目属于材料文写作,叙述李强班上的一名同学这学期的发生的变化。根据材料,对现在和过去进行对比描述。2.写作指导:本文应该用第三人称来叙述;时态采用一般现在时和一般过去时,用一般过去时描述过去的情况,要使用句型used t d sth.,描述现在情况,要使用一般现在时。所给要点提示要包括在内,可适当补充细节。叙述要条理清晰,语言通顺,内容完整,句式要富有变化,适当运用固定句型和短语,保证语法、单词拼写和标点使用正确。15.例文My ChangesIn the past, I used t spend much time playing cmputer games. I didn’t like reading bks at all. I always behaved very plitely, especially in public.But nw I have changed a lt. I like travelling. I have been t many places f interest, such as Hng Kng Disneyland and the Sydney Opera Huse. I like reading as well. I spend ver seven hurs a week reading different types f bks. Usually, I stand in a lng line t brrw bks frm the library. I have learnt mre abut gd manners.I find travelling can help me learn abut the wrld and enjy the beauty f nature. I have fun reading bks and get a lt f knwledge frm bks. They pen up a whle new wrld t me.【详解】1.题干解读:本文是一篇材料作文。要求以“My Changes”为题,结合提示内容进行写作,注意要点齐全,可适当发挥。2.写作指导:写作时要以第一人称来行文,时态综合使用一般现在时和一般过去时。作文要分别介绍自己过去和现在的爱好的变化,并说明原因。要保证语言连贯,无语法和拼写错误。16.参考例文Dear Jhn,Knwing that yu’re cming t Nanjing during May Day hliday, I’m writing t give yu sme suggestins in rder t help yu with yur research n Nanjing.Befre yu cme here, yu shuld brrw sme bks frm the library and learn mre abut the city, which can enrich yur knwledge. Yu can als search fr mre infrmatin n the Internet and knw abut sme Chinese etiquette. Besides, make a list f the questins that yu want t ask when yu are in Nanjing.After yu arrive Nanjing, it’s a gd chice t travel arund the city by subway. What’s mre, if yu want t knw mre abut the past and the present f the city, yu’d better interview sme lcal peple. I als suggest that yu shuld visit the museums and try the delicius lcal fd because yu can better experience the life in Nanjing.I hpe these suggestins will be helpful t yu. Yurs, Li Ming【详解】[总体分析]①题材:本文是一封建议信,属于材料作文写作;②时态:时态为“一般现在时”;③提示:文章要点已经给出,按照提示的要点逐点阐述,可以适当增加细节,并突出写作重点。[写作步骤]第一步,开篇道明写信目的,点明主题;第二步,先根据要点提示,分点列出到达南京前的几个建议,可自行增加多一个建议,再分点列出到达南京后的几个建议,可适当增加细节;第三步,表达希望自己的建议能对对方有所帮助并书写结语。[亮点词汇]①give sb sme suggestins 给某人一些建议②in rder t d sth为了做某事③search fr mre infrmatin n the Internet在网上搜索更多信息④make a list f列出……的清单⑤be helpful t sb对某人有帮助[高分句型]①Knwing that yu’re cming t Nanjing during May Day hliday, I’m writing t give yu sme suggestins in rder t help yu with yur research n Nanjing.(现在分词结构作原因状语;that引导的宾语从句)②Befre yu cme here, yu shuld brrw sme bks frm the library and learn mre abut the city, which can enrich yur knwledge.(befre引导时间状语从句;which引导的非限制性定语从句)③Besides, make a list f the questins that yu want t ask when yu are in Nanjing.(that引导的定语从句;when引导的时间状语从句)④ After yu arrive Nanjing, it’s a gd chice t travel arund the city by subway.(after引导的时间状语从句;it作形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语)⑤ What’s mre, if yu want t knw mre abut the past and the present f the city, yu’d better interview sme lcal peple.(if引导条件状语从句)⑥ I als suggest that yu shuld visit the museums and try the delicius lcal fd because yu can better experience the life in Nanjing.(that引导宾语从句;because引导原因状语从句)⑦ I hpe these suggestins will be helpful t yu.(省略引导词that引导的宾语从句)17.例文:Dear classmates,Tm will be back sn. We are planning a day ut n Saturday, Nvember 24.Here is the plan. At 7:30, we will meet everyne at the schl gate and we can get there by undergrund. Frm 8:00 t 11:30, we are ging t Xuanwu Lake Park by bus t g bating. It is als interesting t fly kites there. Frm 12:30 t 14:30, we will take a bus t g t Nanjing Museum t see wrks f art. At last, frm 15:00 t 17:00, we plan t g t Xinjieku by undergrund t have delicius fd and take lts f phts fr memrizing a wnderful day.It will be a great day. We hpe yu can jin us. Yurs, Simn【详解】[总体分析]① 题材:本文是一篇应用文,为邀请函;② 时态:时态以“一般将来时”为主;③ 提示:写作要点已给出,考生应注意不要遗漏信息要点中的四个行程和活动安排,包括时间、地点、交通方式和活动,适当扩展内容,完善写作内容。[写作步骤]① 第一步,表明写作意图。以“Tm快要回国了,我们计划了在星期六的一日南京游”开头,直接引出该计划的详细信息;② 第二步,具体说明一日游计划的内容。从时间、地点、交通方式和活动四个方面来具体讲述一日南京游的计划;③ 第三步,书写结语。表达“希望同学们能来参加这次一日游活动”的愿望。[亮点词汇]① get there 到达那里② frm... t... 从……到……③ at last 最后④ plan t d sth. 计划做某事⑤ take lts f phts 拍大量照片[高分句型]① It is als interesting t fly kites there.(“It is+adj t d sth.” 句型)② At last, frm 15:00 t 17:00, we plan t g t Xinjieku by undergrund t have delicius fd and take lts f phts fr memrizing a wnderful day.(动词不定式作目的状语)18.One pssible versin:Reading is very imprtant in ur daily life.In the past, I had t much hmewrk and I didn’t have enugh time t read bks. I didn’t knw what kind f bks t read. What’s mre, I spent much time n TV and Internet. But nw, reading has becme an imprtant part f my life. It takes me at least half an hur t read bks every day. I like histry bks and nvels best.I hpe mre and mre students will read bks because bks are ur friends. Reading can pen up a whle new wrld t us.Let’s start reading nw!【详解】[总体分析]① 题材:本文是一篇演讲稿;② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”和“一般过去时”;③ 提示:根据所给提示完成写作,不能遗漏信息,包括自己读书习惯的改变,并提出倡议。[写作步骤]第一步,总体指出读书很重要;第二步,具体介绍自己读书习惯的改变,包括过去的情况和现在的改变;第三步,最后号召学生们多读书。[亮点词汇]① t much太多② What’s mre况且③ pen up打开[高分句型]① It takes me at least half an hur t read bks every day.(表示“花费”的固定句型)② I hpe mre and mre students will read bks because bks are ur friends.(省略that的宾语从句,because引导的原因状语从句)19.例文Dear classmates,Since the COVID-19 brke ut in Dec. 2019, it has been a huge blw t the wrld, including China. Great changes have taken place in ur life.The COVID-19 epidemic has a great impact n ur living habits. In the past, we didn’t ften wear masks when we went ut. In ur spare time, we used t get tgether r have dinner. In additin, peple used t like t travel everywhere. Fr students, we can study freely at schl and play with classmates. Hwever, in recent years, due t the COVID-19 epidemic, ur living habits have undergne new changes. First f all, we have gt used t wearing masks every day, washing hands frequently and taking temperature. Secnd, students have taken nline classes at hme many times. Third, peple dare nt travel t ther places. Mrever, we are required t get the vaccine and take the NAT. When we enter public places, we shuld be checked fr health cdes. As a student, I think we shuld make better use f ur time during nline classes. I realize that self-cntrl is a necessary cnditin fr successful develpment.That’s all. Thanks fr yur listening!【详解】[总体分析]①题材:本文是一篇应用文,为演讲稿;②时态:时态为“一般现在时”、“一般过去时”和“现在完成时”;③提示:要求根据图中的提示跟同学们谈谈新冠疫情对你的生活有什么影响。学生不要遗漏图中的要点,适当添加细节,写作时保持主谓一致,注意字数要求。[写作步骤]第一步,介绍新冠疫情之前的生活习惯;第二步,介绍新冠疫情之后的生活习惯;第三步,谈谈自己的感想。[亮点词汇]①have a great impact n 对……有巨大影响②used t d sth曾经做某事③In additin此外④get used t ding sth习惯做某事[高分句型]①As a student, I think we shuld make better use f ur time during nline classes.(宾语从句)②I realize that self-cntrl is a necessary cnditin fr successful develpment.(宾语从句)20.例文:My hmetwn and my hbbyHell, Ladies and gentlemen! Please allw me t say smething abut my hmetwn and my hbby. My hmetwn is in Changshu, Jiangsu prvince. It was very small in the past. The rads were dirty. Peple went ut by bike. Their lives were very simple. But nw great changes have taken place. Peple g t places by car. And they travel a lt in their free time. I als like traveling. I have been t Naijing and Shanghai. Last time I visited Beijing by plane. I went t the Great Wall. I had a great time with my parents there.【详解】[总体分析]①题材:本文是一篇应用文,为演讲稿;②时态:时态为“一般现在时”和“一般过去时”;③提示:写作要点已给出,考生注意不要遗漏表格中的问题要点,并注意适当添加细节,突出写作要点。[写作步骤]第一步,表明自己的家乡是哪个地方。讲述过去的状况;第二步,讲述家乡现在的改变;第三步,讲述自己的爱好及上次旅游的情况。[亮点词汇]①simple简单的②had a great time玩的开心[高分句型]①But nw great changes have taken place.(“but”表示转折


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