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#突然地| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

突然地 [links] Listen: Simplified: 突然地, Pinyin: tū rán de, Traditional: -, - ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 从词典的另一端匹配条目

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 dramatically adv (change: noticeably, a lot)SCSimplified Chinese 巨大地 jù dà de   SCSimplified Chinese 显著地 jù dà de ,xiǎn zhù de TCTraditional Chinese 顯著地   SCSimplified Chinese 突然地 jù dà de ,tū rán de  This area has changed dramatically since I was last here. abruptly adv (suddenly)SCSimplified Chinese 突然地 tū rán de   SCSimplified Chinese 忽然地 tū rán de ,hū rán de   SCSimplified Chinese 出其不意地 tū rán de ,chū qí bú yì de  The meeting ended abruptly when the fire alarm went off. subito adv Italian (music: suddenly) (音乐)SCSimplified Chinese 骤起地, 突然地  The piece continues piano for a minute, then the trumpets come in subito. precipitous adj figurative (without due consideration, hasty)SCSimplified Chinese 突然地 tū rán de  The precipitous retaliation has left the troops exposed and vulnerable. cold turkey adv (abruptly, without support)SCSimplified Chinese 一下子 yí xià zi   SCSimplified Chinese 突然地 yí xià zi ,tū rán de  He quit smoking, and he did it cold turkey. Phut! interj (suddenly)SCSimplified Chinese 突然地 tū rán de   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 short adv (suddenly)SCSimplified Chinese 唐突地 táng tū de   SCSimplified Chinese 突然地 táng tū de ,tū rán de  The sight of the accident made us stop short.  事故现场的景象使我们俩突然地停下了。 sharp adv (abruptly)SCSimplified Chinese 突然地 tū rán de   SCSimplified Chinese 陡然地 tū rán de ,dǒu rán de  He turned the car sharp right.  他突然地将车右转。 bang adv informal (suddenly)SCSimplified Chinese 突然地 tū rán de   SCSimplified Chinese 猛然地  George's car hit a patch of ice, and he went bang into the ditch.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 从词典的另一端匹配条目

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 dramatically adv (change: noticeably, a lot)SCSimplified Chinese 巨大地 jù dà de   SCSimplified Chinese 显著地 jù dà de ,xiǎn zhù de TCTraditional Chinese 顯著地   SCSimplified Chinese 突然地 jù dà de ,tū rán de  This area has changed dramatically since I was last here. abruptly adv (suddenly)SCSimplified Chinese 突然地 tū rán de   SCSimplified Chinese 忽然地 tū rán de ,hū rán de   SCSimplified Chinese 出其不意地 tū rán de ,chū qí bú yì de  The meeting ended abruptly when the fire alarm went off. subito adv Italian (music: suddenly) (音乐)SCSimplified Chinese 骤起地, 突然地  The piece continues piano for a minute, then the trumpets come in subito. precipitous adj figurative (without due consideration, hasty)SCSimplified Chinese 突然地 tū rán de  The precipitous retaliation has left the troops exposed and vulnerable. cold turkey adv (abruptly, without support)SCSimplified Chinese 一下子 yí xià zi   SCSimplified Chinese 突然地 yí xià zi ,tū rán de  He quit smoking, and he did it cold turkey. Phut! interj (suddenly)SCSimplified Chinese 突然地 tū rán de   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 short adv (suddenly)SCSimplified Chinese 唐突地 táng tū de   SCSimplified Chinese 突然地 táng tū de ,tū rán de  The sight of the accident made us stop short.  事故现场的景象使我们俩突然地停下了。 sharp adv (abruptly)SCSimplified Chinese 突然地 tū rán de   SCSimplified Chinese 陡然地 tū rán de ,dǒu rán de  He turned the car sharp right.  他突然地将车右转。 bang adv informal (suddenly)SCSimplified Chinese 突然地 tū rán de   SCSimplified Chinese 猛然地  George's car hit a patch of ice, and he went bang into the ditch.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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