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2023-03-31 22:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


清洗数据cd C:\Download fs *.zip foreach f in `r(files)'{ unzipfile `f' } * cd C:\Download fs *.xlsx foreach f in `r(files)'{ import excel using "`f'" , firstrow clear qui{ foreach v of var * { la var `v' "`=`v'[1]'" replace `v' = "" if _n == 1 } drop in 1/2 qui foreach v of var * { cap destring `v', replace } sca f_temp = "`f'" loc fname = usubinstr(f_temp,".xlsx","",.) compress } di ".........................................." save "`fname'.dta", replace d l in 1 }变量预览.......................................... (file chn_aa_apprsdetails.dta not found) file chn_aa_apprsdetails.dta saved Contains data from chn_aa_apprsdetails.dta Observations: 138,366 Variables: 12 27 Mar 2023 16:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- StockCode long %10.0g 证券代码 ApprsReptAnoDt str10 %10s 评估公告披露日 ApprsReptNo str182 %182s 披露文档号 ApprsedCo str449 %449s 被评估单位 ApprsedItem str239 %239s 评估项目 ApprsMthd str129 %129s 评估方法 BookValue double %10.0g 账面价值 AdjstBookVal double %10.0g 调整后账面价值 ApprsVal str30 %30s 评估价值 Change double %10.0g 增减值 Ratio double %10.0g 增值率(%) Notes strL %9s 备注 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. | StockC~e | ApprsRep~t | ApprsReptNo | ApprsedCo | ApprsedItem | | 1 | 2010-09-15 | 中联评报字[2010]第697号 | 平安银行股份有限公司 | 股东全部权益 | |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ApprsM~d | BookValue | AdjstB~l | ApprsVal | Change | Ratio | Notes | | 收益法 | 1.533e+10 | . | 29080475600.0000 | 1.375e+10 | 89.7077 | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (12 vars, 41,516 obs) .......................................... (file chn_aa_financialinfo.dta not found) file chn_aa_financialinfo.dta saved Contains data from chn_aa_financialinfo.dta Observations: 41,514 Variables: 12 27 Mar 2023 16:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- StockCode long %10.0g 证券代码 ApprsReptNo str63 %63s 披露文档号 ApprsReptAnoDt str10 %10s 评估公告披露日 StatisticsDeadl str10 %10s 统计截止日期 ApprsedCo str439 %439s 被评估单位 TotAsse double %10.0g 总资产 TotalDebt double %10.0g 总负债 NetAsset double %10.0g 净资产 TotalIncome double %10.0g 收入 TotProf double %10.0g 总利润 NetProf double %10.0g 净利润 Notes str640 %640s 备注 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. | StockC~e | ApprsReptNo | ApprsRep~t | Statisti~l | ApprsedCo | | 1 | 中联评报字[2010]第697号 | 2010-09-15 | 2008-12-31 | 平安银行股份有限公司 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TotAsse | TotalDebt | NetAsset | TotalIn~e | TotProf | NetProf | Notes | | 1.459e+11 | 1.373e+11 | 8.641e+09 | 3.893e+09 | 1.609e+09 | 1.636e+09 | 营业收入 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (25 vars, 36,927 obs) .......................................... (file chn_aa_interestpartyinfo.dta not found) file chn_aa_interestpartyinfo.dta saved Contains data from chn_aa_interestpartyinfo.dta Observations: 36,925 Variables: 25 27 Mar 2023 16:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- StockCode long %10.0g 证券代码 ApprsReptNo str182 %182s 披露文档号 ApprsReptAnoDt str10 %10s 评估公告披露日 ApprsedCo str449 %449s 被评估单位 InterstdPartyNm str95 %95s 利益关系方名称 ApprsBaseDt str10 %10s 评估基准日 InterstdPartyTp str3 %9s 利益关系方 Legreprst str64 %64s 法定代表人 Regstcapt double %10.0g 注册资本 Currency str3 %9s 注册资本币种 EconmNat str86 %86s 企业类型(经济性质) BusinessCope strL %9s 经营范围 EstblshDt str10 %10s 成立日期 BusiDeadl str29 %29s 经营截止日期 LargShrhNm str95 %95s 第一大股东名称 LargShrhRatio double %10.0g 第一大股东持股比例(%) SLargShrhNm str133 %133s 第二大股东名称 SLargShrhRatio double %10.0g 第二大股东持股比例(%) TLargShrhNm str113 %113s 第三大股东名称 TLargShrhRatio double %10.0g 第三大股东持股比例(%) FrLargShrhNm str130 %130s 第四大股东名称 FrLargShrhRatio double %10.0g 第四大股东持股比例(%) FfLargShrhNm str106 %106s 第五大股东名称 FfLargShrhRatio double %10.0g 第五大股东持股比例(%) Notes strL %9s 备注 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. | StockC~e | ApprsReptNo | ApprsRep~t | ApprsedCo | InterstdPartyNm | | 1 | 中联评报字[2010]第697号 | 2010-09-15 | 平安银行股份有限公司 | 平安银行股份有限公司 | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ApprsBas~t | Inters~p | Legrep~t | Regstcapt | Currency | EconmNat | | 2010-06-30 | 2 | 孙建一 | 8.623e+09 | CNY | 股份有限公司 | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | BusinessCope | | 吸收公众存款;发放短期、中期和长期贷款;办理国内结算;办理 票据贴现;发行金融债券;代理发行.. | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Estbls~t | BusiDe~l | LargShrhNm | LargSh~o | SLargShrhNm | | | | 中国平安保险(集团)股份有限公司 | 90.75 | 三亚盈湾旅业有限公司 | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SLargS~o | TLargShrhNm | TLargS~o | FrLargShrhNm | FrLarg~o | | .54 | 深圳市众业经济发展中心 | .49 | 深圳金融界老干部联谊会 | .47 | |----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------| | FfLargShrhNm | FfLarg~o | Notes | | 深圳市教育发展基金会 | .39 | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (28 vars, 19,050 obs) .......................................... (file chn_aa_overall.dta not found) file chn_aa_overall.dta saved Contains data from chn_aa_overall.dta Observations: 19,048 Variables: 28 27 Mar 2023 16:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- StockCode long %10.0g 证券代码 ApprsReptAnoDt str10 %10s 评估公告披露日 ApprsReptNo str182 %182s 披露文档号 ApprsedCo str449 %449s 被评估单位 Principal str393 %393s 委托方 ApprsBaseDt str10 %10s 评估基准日 ApprsAgencNm str152 %152s 评估机构名称 ApprsPurpose strL %9s 评估目的 RelPrincipApp~o str27 %27s 委托方与被评估单位关系 RelListCoAppr~o str25 %25s 上市公司与被评估单位关系 RelListCoPrin~p str33 %33s 上市公司与委托方关系 SignImplSpecAud byte %10.0g 执行专项审计标志 SpecAudNm str199 %199s 专项审计名称 AudAgencyNm str138 %138s 审计机构名称 CdAudOpinTp byte %10.0g 审计意见类型编码 ValTpApprs str60 %60s 评估价值类型 ApprsScope strL %9s 评估范围 ApprsedItem str239 %239s 评估项目 ApprsMthd str129 %129s 评估方法 BookValue double %10.0g 账面价值 AdjstBookVal double %10.0g 调整后账面价值 ApprsVal str30 %30s 评估价值 Change double %10.0g 增减值 Ratio double %10.0g 增值率(%) Currency str3 %9s 资产计价币种 SpecItemState~s strL %9s 特别事项说明 ValidPeriod double %10.0g 有效期限 Notes strL %9s 备注 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. | StockC~e | ApprsRep~t | ApprsReptNo | ApprsedCo | | 1 | 2010-09-15 | 中联评报字[2010]第697号 | 平安银行股份有限公司 | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Principal | ApprsBas~t | ApprsAgencNm | | 深圳发展银行股份有限公司 | 2010-06-30 | 中联资产评估有限公司 | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ApprsPurpose | | 为确保同业竞争的公平性,在非公开发行完成后的1年内深发展应与平安银行完成整合。本次评估受深发.. | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | RelPri~o | RelLis~o | RelLis~p | SignIm~d | SpecAu~m | AudAgencyNm | CdAudO~p | | 4 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 项目整合 | 安永华明会计师事务所 | 1 | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ValTpA~s | | 市场价值 | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ApprsScope | | 评估对象是平安银行的股东全部权益。评估范围为平安银行在基准日的全部资产及相关负债,账面资产总.. | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ApprsedItem | ApprsM~d | BookValue | AdjstB~l | ApprsVal | Change | Ratio | | 股东全部权益 | 收益法 | 1.533e+10 | . | 29080475600.0000 | 1.375e+10 | 89.7077 | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Currency | | CNY | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SpecItemStatements | | 经清查核实,未发现平安银行对评估结论产生影响的重大产权问 题,仅存在如下房产证瑕疵: 房屋建筑.. | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ValidP~d | | 1 | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Notes | | 本次评估采用收益法得出的股东全部权益价值为2,908,047.56万元,市场法测算得出的股东全部权益价值.. | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+





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