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The Working Party took note of these commitments. 中国代表进一步确认,获得纺织品部门原材料供应的条件将不低于国内用户的条件,并保证现有安排下所享受的获得原材料供应的条件在中国加入后将不受到不利影响。工作组注意到这些承诺。 With respect to the establishment, acquisition, expansion, management, conduct, operation and sale or other disposition of covered investments, each Party shall accord treatment no less favorable than it accords, in like situations, to investments in its territory of its own nationals or companies (hereinafter 'national treatment') or to investments in its territory of nationals or companies of a third country (hereinafter 'most favoured nation treatment'), whichever is most favorable (hereinafter 'national and most favored nation treatment'). 关于所涉投资的建业、盘购、扩大、管理、经营、运作和出售或其他处置,每一缔约方所给予待遇的优惠程度不得低于在类似情况下给予其本国国民和公司在其境内的投资(下称'国民待遇`)或给予一第三国的国民或公司在境内的投资(下称'最惠国待遇`)的待遇,以两者中较为优惠者为准(下称'国民和最惠国待遇`)。 If securities of the Company are offered in an underwritten public offering (whether or not a Qualified IPO) outside of the United States for the account of any Founder Vehicle or other shareholders, each Holder shall have the right to include a pro-rata number of shares (based on the number of shares (on an as-converted basis) then held by such Holder and all other shareholders of the Company selling in such offering) in such offering on terms and conditions no less favorable to the Holders than to any other selling shareholder. 如本公司的证券在美国外地区使用任何创始人持股平台或其它股东以承销公开发行的方式发行(不论是否经过合规 IPO),那么每名持有人有权在该等发行中根据对发行人和其他献售股东同等有利的条款和条件,按比例纳入(基于该等持有人和在该等发行中出售股份的本公司所有其他股东持有的届时发行在外(按照转换后计算)的股份数量)的股份数量。 If Company or any Affiliate now or hereafter manufactures or distributes, or proposes to manufacture or distribute, any product other than the Products, Company shall immediately notify, or cause such Affiliate to notify, Distributor of that fact and of all details concerning that product. Company shall grant, or shall cause the subject Affiliate to grant, such distribution rights to Distributor on terms and conditions no less favorable than those provided in this Agreement with respect to Products. 如果甲方或任何分支机构现在还是以后的生产和销售,或建议制造或分销任何本协议职务的其他产品,甲方应立即通知分销商相关事项以及所有有关该产品的具体情况。甲方应给予,或须安排的条款和条件不低于原来在这方面的协议所提供的产品有利于这一问题给予加盟,这些分销商的分销权。甲方应给予分销商优惠条件不得低于本协议。 persons of the other Party to participate on terms no less favorable than persons of the Party or that do not 每一加入公司的第三人所获得的份额面值等于或少于其出资额的价值。 The Non-Disposing Party shall have a preemptive right to purchase the whole of such interest (i) on terms and conditions no less favorable than those specified in the Notice or (ii) at a fair market value appraised as set forth in paragraph (e). 非转让方有优先权,(I)按不逊于通知规定的条款和条件或(ii)按(e)段规定,以经评估的公平市价购买全部该等股权。 其他结果 Foreign companies who appear to employ any less favorable policy for the China market can quickly find themselves waist-deep in a P.R. quagmire. 根据韦氏词典,quagmire近期成为一个热搜词汇,是2016年1月12日的晚上。当天,奥巴马总统在国会作他的最后一次国情咨文演讲。讲话中,奥巴马反思了美国动用武力、深度介入外国局势的恶果,也用到了这个词。他说 The increasing political tensions and ethnic divisions made the climate for returns even less favorable. 加剧的政治紧张和种族分裂,使得返回的氛围更为不利。 Globally, the economic environment will become less favorable for African economies. 放眼全球,经济环境对非洲经济体更加不利了。 By contrast, in Italy, for example, with its less favorable demographics, they have already hit. 相反,在(比如)人口结构更加不利意大利,福利计划责任现在就达到了与公共预算持平的水平。 For some women, the new regulations may be less favorable. 对一些妇女来说,新的规定可能较为不利。 And therefore less juice into the task, fewer puzzles solved and less favorable outcomes compared to you folks. 以致你对这项任务不怎么投入,相比之下,你就比另一组的少解答了问题,结果也不尽人意。 内容可能不合适 例句仅用于帮助你翻译不同情境中的单词或表达式,我们并没有对例句进行筛选和验证,例句可能包含不适当的术语或观点。请为我们指出需要编辑或不应显示的例句。粗俗或口语化的译文通常用红色或橘黄色加以标记。 注册以查看更多例句。 简单免费 注册 连接 未找到该义项 广告

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