Spring Boot之 Controller 接收参数和返回数据总结(包括上传、下载文件)

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Spring Boot之 Controller 接收参数和返回数据总结(包括上传、下载文件)

2023-10-19 11:29| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

/** * 测试动态接收URL中的数据 * */ @RequestMapping(value = "/test2/{pageNo}/{pageSize}", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String urlData(@PathVariable int pageNo , @PathVariable int pageSize){ String result = "receive pageNo = "+pageNo+" pageSize = "+pageSize; System.out.println(result); return result; }



@RequestBody 接收Json格式的数据需要加这个注解。该注解不能接收URL、Form表单传参

/** * 测试接收json数据 * */ @RequestMapping(value = "/jsonData", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String jsonData(@RequestBody TestModel tm){ String result = "receive name = "+tm.getName()+" age = "+tm.getAge(); System.out.println(result); return result; }



@RestController @RequestMapping("/home") public class IndexController { @RequestMapping(value = { "", "/page", "page*", "view/*,**/msg" }) String indexMultipleMapping() { return "Hello from index multiple mapping."; } } 这些 URL 都会由 indexMultipleMapping() 来处理:  localhost:8080/home localhost:8080/home/ localhost:8080/home/page localhost:8080/home/pageabc localhost:8080/home/view/ localhost:8080/home/view/view   2.HTTP的各种方法 如POST方法 @RequestMapping(value = "/test1", method = RequestMethod.POST) 3.produces、consumes  produces 指定返回的内容类型,仅当request请求头header中的(Accept)类型中包含该指定类型才返回。结合@ResponseBody使用--------------------- @Controller @RequestMapping(value = "/t") public class TestController { //方法仅处理request请求中Accept头中包含了"text/html"的请求 @ResponseBody @RequestMapping(value = "/produces",produces = {"text/html"}) public String testProduces(String name) { return "test requestMapping produces attribute! "+name; } }




comsumes  指定处理请求的提交内容类型(Content-Type),例如application/json, text/html。结合@RequestBody使用

@Controller @RequestMapping(value = "/t") public class TestController { //方法仅处理request Content-Type为"application/json"类型的请求 @ResponseBody @RequestMapping(value = "/consumes",consumes = {"application/json"}) public String testConsumes(@RequestBody String name) { return "test requestMapping consumes attribute! "+name; } }

方法仅处理request Content-Type为"application/json"类型的请求。






只处理header中testHeader = sid的请求

//方法仅处理header中testHeader = sid的请求 @ResponseBody @RequestMapping(value = "/header",headers = {"testHeader = sid"}) public String testHeader(String name) { return "test requestMapping headers attribute! "+name; }










@Controller @RequestMapping(value = "/t") public class TestController { @RequestMapping(value = "/params", params = { "name=sid" }) @ResponseBody public String getParams(@RequestParam("name") String name) { return "getParams method do " + name; } @RequestMapping(value = "/params", params = { "name=lee" }) @ResponseBody public String getParamsDifferent(@RequestParam("name") String name) { return "getParamsDifferent method do " + name; } }



二、返回值@RestController注解,相当于@Controller+@ResponseBody两个注解的结合,返回json数据不需要在方法前面加@ResponseBody注解了,但使用@RestController这个注解,就不能返回jsp,html页面,视图解析器无法解析jsp,html页面 1.返回静态html页面application.yml--------------------- server: port: 8088 servlet: context-path: /sid spring: mvc: view: prefix: / suffix: .html

/** * 返回界面 index.html * @Controller修饰的类 直接定义方法返回值为String * */ @RequestMapping(value = "/index") public String index(){ return "index"; } /**返回界面 index.html * @RestController修饰的类   * 需要配合视图解析器     * */ @RequestMapping("/indexmv") public ModelAndView indexmv() { ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("index"); return mv; }




/** * 直接查询得到的model类,@ResponseBody会把返回值变成json * */ @RequestMapping(value = "/object", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public Object object(@RequestParam("name") String name , @RequestParam("age") String age){ TestModel t =getModel( name , age); List list =new ArrayList(); list.add(t); return list; }


3.返回时直接抛出自定义异常 /** * 返回时直接抛出自定义异常 * */ @RequestMapping(value = "/list", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public List list(@RequestParam("name") String name , @RequestParam("age") String age){ TestModel t =getModel( name , age); if(t != null){ throw new MyException("测试抛出自定义异常"); } List list =new ArrayList(); list.add(t); list.add(t); return list; }




/** * 返回ResponseEntity * * ResponseEntity的优先级高于@ResponseBody。 * 在不是ResponseEntity的情况下才去检查有没有@ResponseBody注解。 * 如果响应类型是ResponseEntity可以不写@ResponseBody注解 * */ @RequestMapping(value = "/responseEntity", method = RequestMethod.POST) public ResponseEntity responseEntity(@RequestParam("name") String name , @RequestParam("age") String age){ try{ TestModel t =getModel( name , age); if(!t.getAge().equals("27")){ throw new MyException("年龄错误!"); } List list =new ArrayList(); list.add(t); list.add(t); HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); //headers.set("Content-type", "application/json;"); headers.add("code", "1"); headers.add("msg", "success"); headers.add("error", ""); return new ResponseEntity(list,headers,HttpStatus.OK); }catch (MyException e){ return ResponseEntity.badRequest() //.header("Content-type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8") .header("code", "0") .header("msg", "") .header("error", e.getMessage())//中文乱码 .build();//build无返回值 body有返回值 } }




5.返回自定义类,其中有code msg error data 而查询结果在data中


package com.sid.springtboot.test.springboottest; public class MyResponse { private String code; private String msg; private String error; private T data; public MyResponse(String code, String msg, String error, T data) { this.code = code; this.msg = msg; this.error = error; this.data = data; } public String getCode() { return code; } public void setCode(String code) { this.code = code; } public String getMsg() { return msg; } public void setMsg(String msg) { this.msg = msg; } public String getError() { return error; } public void setError(String error) { this.error = error; } public T getData() { return data; } public void setData(T data) { this.data = data; } }


package com.sid.springtboot.test.springboottest; public class MyException extends RuntimeException{ private String errorCode; private String msg; public MyException(String message) { super(message); } public MyException(String errorCode, String msg) { this.errorCode = errorCode; this.msg = msg; } public String getErrorCode() { return errorCode; } public void setErrorCode(String errorCode) { this.errorCode = errorCode; } public String getMsg() { return msg; } public void setMsg(String msg) { this.msg = msg; } }


/** * 返回自定义类,其中有code msg error data 而查询结果在data中 * */ @RequestMapping(value = "/myResponse", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public MyResponse myResponse(@RequestParam("name") String name , @RequestParam("age") String age){ try{ TestModel t1 =getModel( name , age); if(!t1.getAge().equals("27")){ throw new MyException("年龄错误!"); } List list =new ArrayList(); list.add(t1); list.add(t1); list.add(t1); return new MyResponse("1","success",null,list); }catch (MyException e){ return new MyResponse("0",null,e.getMessage(),null); } }




三、上传、下载文件 上传文件 @PostMapping("/upload") @ResponseBody public Map upload1(@RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file) throws IOException { System.out.println("[文件类型] - [{}]"+ file.getContentType()); System.out.println("[文件名称] - [{}]"+ file.getOriginalFilename()); System.out.println("[文件大小] - [{}]"+ file.getSize()); //保存 file.transferTo(new File("D:\\gitrep\\springboot\\testFile\\" + file.getOriginalFilename())); Map result = new HashMap(16); result.put("contentType", file.getContentType()); result.put("fileName", file.getOriginalFilename()); result.put("fileSize", file.getSize() + ""); return result; }

下载文件 1.通过ResponseEntity实现 封装ResponseEntity,将文件流写入body中。这里注意一点,就是文件的格式需要根据具体文件的类型来设置,一般默认为application/octet-stream。文件头中设置缓存,以及文件的名字。文件的名字写入了,都可以避免出现文件随机产生名字,而不能识别的问题。--------------------- @GetMapping("/download") public ResponseEntity downloadFile() throws IOException { String filePath = "D:\\gitrep\\springboot\\testFile\\" + "api-ms-win-core-console-l1-1-0.dll"; FileSystemResource file = new FileSystemResource(filePath); HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); headers.add("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"); headers.add("Content-Disposition", String.format("attachment; filename=\"%s\"", file.getFilename())); headers.add("Pragma", "no-cache"); headers.add("Expires", "0"); return ResponseEntity.ok().headers(headers) .contentLength(file.contentLength()) .contentType(MediaType.parseMediaType("application/octet-stream")) .body(new InputStreamResource(file.getInputStream())); }


@GetMapping("/download2") public String downloadFile2( HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { // 获取指定目录下的文件 String fileName = "D:\\gitrep\\springboot\\testFile\\" + "api-ms-win-core-console-l1-1-0.dll"; File file = new File(fileName); // 如果文件名存在,则进行下载 if (file.exists()) { // 配置文件下载 response.setHeader("content-type", "application/octet-stream"); response.setContentType("application/octet-stream"); // 下载文件能正常显示中文 response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + URLEncoder.encode(fileName, "UTF-8")); // 实现文件下载 byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; FileInputStream fis = null; BufferedInputStream bis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(file); bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream(); int i = bis.read(buffer); while (i != -1) { os.write(buffer, 0, i); i = bis.read(buffer); } System.out.println("Download the song successfully!"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Download the song failed!"); } finally { if (bis != null) { try { bis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (fis != null) { try { fis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } return null; }















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