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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2023:

主要翻译英语中文 spread⇒ vi (expand)SCSimplified Chinese 传播 chuán bō TCTraditional Chinese 傳播   SCSimplified Chinese 蔓延 chuán bō,màn yán TCTraditional Chinese 蔓延  Christianity gradually spread across Europe. The fire spread throughout the house.  基督教最终传遍整个欧洲。  火势蔓延到整栋房子的各个角落。 spread to [sth] vi + prep figurative (extend as far as)SCSimplified Chinese 涉及到 shè jí dào   SCSimplified Chinese 延伸到 shè jí dào,yán shēn dào  His thirst for knowledge spreads to philosophy and even mathematics.  他的求知欲延伸到了哲学甚至数学领域。 spread [sth]⇒ vtr (propagate) (散播)SCSimplified Chinese 传播, 散播, 传染  Infected animals spread disease across the country.  感染了病毒的动物把疾病传播到了全国各地。 spread [sth] vtr (display, show off)SCSimplified Chinese 陈列 chén liè TCTraditional Chinese 陳列   SCSimplified Chinese 展示 chén liè,zhǎn shì TCTraditional Chinese 展示  The peacock spread his tail.  孔雀开屏。 spread [sth] vtr (separate)SCSimplified Chinese 使分开 shǐ fēn kāi TCTraditional Chinese 使分開   SCSimplified Chinese 使张开 shǐ fēn kāi,shǐ zhāng kāi  Her mother spread her arms wide to welcome her home.  她妈妈张开双臂,欢迎她回家。 spread [sth] vtr (layer, smear)SCSimplified Chinese 涂抹 tú mǒ   SCSimplified Chinese 涂 tú mǒ ,tú TCTraditional Chinese 塗  I can't find a knife to spread this peanut butter.  我找不到小刀来涂抹花生酱。 spread [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (layer, smear)SCSimplified Chinese 涂 tú TCTraditional Chinese 塗   SCSimplified Chinese 抹 TCTraditional Chinese 抹  He spread butter on the toast.  他把黄油涂抹在面包上。 spread [sth] over [sth], spread [sth] across [sth] vtr + prep (lay flat)SCSimplified Chinese 把…摊平 bǎ tān píng TCTraditional Chinese 把…攤平   SCSimplified Chinese 把…展开 bǎ tān píng,bǎ zhǎn kāi  She spread the shirt across the ironing board.  她把衬衣铺在熨衣板上。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 spread n (diffusion, expansion) (扩散)SCSimplified Chinese 散布,传播,扩散,推广 sàn bù,chuán bō,kuò sàn ,tuī guǎng TCTraditional Chinese 散布 / 散佈,傳播,擴散,推廣  Historians study the spread of Christianity.  历史学家研究了基督教的传播。 spread n (extent, span)SCSimplified Chinese 伸展的幅度 shēn zhǎn de fú dù   SCSimplified Chinese 范围 shēn zhǎn de fú dù,fàn wéi TCTraditional Chinese 範圍  The spread of the branches covered the garden with shade.  伸展出的树枝给花园罩上了一层阴影。 spread n US, colloquial (ranch, home) (口语)SCSimplified Chinese 大房子,占地宽广的房子,大宅子 dà fáng zi,zhàn dì kuān guǎng de fáng zi,dà zhái zi  You've got a nice spread here.  你这个大宅子真不错。 spread n (tablecloth)SCSimplified Chinese 桌布 zhuō bù  They had to buy a new spread for the table.  他们得去给桌子购置一张新桌布。 spread, bedspread n (bedcover)SCSimplified Chinese 床罩 chuáng zhào   SCSimplified Chinese 床单 chuáng zhào,chuáng dān  The spread on their bed matched the drapes. spread n (finance: price difference) (金融术语)SCSimplified Chinese 差价,差额 chā jià,chā é TCTraditional Chinese 差額  That stock is not traded much, so there is a large spread.  那只股票的交易量较小,所以差价巨大。 spread n informal (feast) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 盛餐,丰盛饭菜 chéng cān,fēng shèng fàn cài  Mother set out a delicious spread for Christmas dinner.  妈妈为圣诞晚宴摆好了一桌盛餐。 spread n (paste for bread) (涂抹于面包上的)SCSimplified Chinese 面包酱 miàn bāo jiàng TCTraditional Chinese 麵包醬  Mick puts cheese spread on his crackers.  米克将奶酪面包酱涂在饼干上。 spread n (wing span)SCSimplified Chinese 两翼长度,两翅长度 liǎng yì cháng dù TCTraditional Chinese 兩翼長度   SCSimplified Chinese 翼展 yì zhǎn  This butterfly's wings have a spread of ten inches.  这只蝴蝶的两翅长度是10英寸。 spread n (butter substitute) (食物)SCSimplified Chinese 涂抹食品的酱  I refuse to use that tasteless spread; I will only eat real butter.  我不要吃那种没什么味道的酱,我只要真正的黄油。 spread n (magazine, book: facing pages) (杂志,书)SCSimplified Chinese 相对页,对页  This magazine has a spread about my favourite actor.  这本杂志有对页是关于我喜欢的男演员的。 spread⇒ vi (extend evenly) (蔓延)SCSimplified Chinese 散布到,覆盖到,伸到,延及 sàn bù dào,fù gài dào,shēn dào,yán jí  The water spread over the entire floor.  水淌了满满一地。 spread vi (extend)SCSimplified Chinese 扩展 kuò zhǎn TCTraditional Chinese 擴展   SCSimplified Chinese 延长 kuò zhǎn,yán cháng TCTraditional Chinese 延長   SCSimplified Chinese 绵延 kuò zhǎn,mián yán  The mountains spread to the sea.  群山绵延,直至汪洋大海。 spread vi (be spreadable)SCSimplified Chinese 容易被涂开 róng yì bèi tú kāi  Margarine spreads more easily than butter.  人造黄油比黄油更容易被涂开。 spread vi (be transmitted) (疾病等)SCSimplified Chinese 传播,散播,传染 chuán bō,sàn bō,chuán rǎn TCTraditional Chinese 傳播,傳染  The virus spread through the school. spread [sth]⇒ vtr (move farther apart)SCSimplified Chinese 使散开 shǐ sàn kāi TCTraditional Chinese 使散開   SCSimplified Chinese 使分散开 shǐ sàn kāi,shǐ fēn sǎn kāi  The coach spread the players across the field. spread [sth] vtr (paint: apply) (颜料等)SCSimplified Chinese 涂 tú TCTraditional Chinese 塗   SCSimplified Chinese 抹 TCTraditional Chinese 抹  First, spread the paint over the area. spread [sth] vtr (distribute)SCSimplified Chinese 分摊 fēn tān   SCSimplified Chinese 分配 fēn tān,fēn pèi TCTraditional Chinese 分配  It's important to spread the wealth. spread [sth] vtr (scatter)SCSimplified Chinese 撒 TCTraditional Chinese 撒   SCSimplified Chinese 撒播 sā bō  My father is spreading seeds in the garden.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2023:

动词短语spread英语中文 spread out vi phrasal (lie down, sprawl)SCSimplified Chinese 四肢摊开躺着  The cat spreads out on the blanket like a lion in the sun.  那只猫像太阳底下的狮子一般四肢摊开躺在毛毯上。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2023:

复合形式:spread英语中文 chocolate spread n (chocolate-flavored paste)SCSimplified Chinese 巧克力酱 TCTraditional Chinese 巧克力醬  Nutella is a popular chocolate spread. community spread n (infection of unknown source) (病毒)SCSimplified Chinese 社区传播  The lockdown started after the health department detected community spread of the virus. lay on a spread, put on a spread v expr (prepare a feast)SCSimplified Chinese 准备丰盛大餐   SCSimplified Chinese 准备宴席 spread dirt vtr + n slang, figurative (share rumours) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 传八卦 spread eagle, spread-eagle, spreadeagle n (position: with limbs outstretched)SCSimplified Chinese 四肢展开 spread-eagle, spread-eagled, spreadeagle adj (person: with limbs outstretched) (人)SCSimplified Chinese 手脚伸展的,四肢张开的  The torture victim was laid out spread-eagle on the table. spread-eagle [sb/sth]⇒ vtr (stretch out limbs)SCSimplified Chinese 让...张开四肢 spread-eagle⇒ vi (stretch out limbs)SCSimplified Chinese 张开四肢 spread [sth] out vtr + adv (extend, splay)SCSimplified Chinese 张开 zhāng kāi   SCSimplified Chinese 展开 zhāng kāi,zhǎn kāi TCTraditional Chinese 展開  Spread your fingers out as wide as you can.  尽量张开你的手指。 spread out vi + adv (be separated) (人员)SCSimplified Chinese 散开,分散开 sàn kāi,fēn sàn kāi TCTraditional Chinese 散開  The players spread out.  队员们分散开来。 spread out vi + adv (split up to search)SCSimplified Chinese 分头搜索 TCTraditional Chinese 分頭搜索   SCSimplified Chinese 分散搜索  Let's spread out so we can cover a larger area. We don't have much time.  让我们分头搜索,这样搜索范围更广。毕竟我们时间不多了。 spread out, spread-out adj (scattered)SCSimplified Chinese 疏疏落落的,分散的,散开的 fēn sàn de ,sàn kāi de 备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun. Where I live, people's houses are so spread out that we never hear our neighbors.  在我住的地方,街坊四邻的房子都很分散,所以我们从来听不见彼此的声音。 spread out adj (splayed, apart) (四肢)SCSimplified Chinese 张开的,伸开的 zhāng kāi de,shēn kāi de TCTraditional Chinese 張開的,開展的  Max was sleeping with his legs spread out on the huge bed.  马克思双腿张开,在床上睡觉。 spread out adj (lying down, sprawled)SCSimplified Chinese 四肢张开躺着的  Natasha's body was spread out on the couch in deep sleep.  娜塔莎四肢张开躺在沙发上,睡得很熟。 spread the word v expr (make others aware)SCSimplified Chinese 散布消息   SCSimplified Chinese 传播消息 spread your wings v expr figurative (do [sth] more ambitious) (比喻有巨大的发展)SCSimplified Chinese 展翅飞翔 spread yourself too thin v expr figurative (try to do too much)SCSimplified Chinese 让自己太过忙碌   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: spread [sprɛd] (pt, pp spread)I n 1 [s] (=increase) 扩(擴)展 kuòzhǎn 2 [s] (=range, distribution) 各种(種) gè zhǒng 3 [c/u] (on bread) 涂(塗)抹酱(醬) túmǒjiàng 4 [c] (inf: meal) 盛宴 shèngyàn [个 gè] 5 [c] (Publishing, Typ) 横(橫)贯(貫)两(兩)版的篇幅 héngguàn liǎng bǎn de piānfú II vt 1 ▶ to spread sth on/over 把某物摊(攤)在…上 bǎ mǒuwù tān zài…shang 2 [+ butter, jam] 涂(塗) tú 3 [+ wings, arms, sails] 张(張)开(開) zhāngkāi 4 (=scatter) 撒 sǎ 5 (=distribute) [+ workload, wealth] 分摊(攤) fēntān 6 (=distribute) [+ repayments, job losses] 把…分期 bǎ…fēnqī 7 [+ disease] 传(傳)播 chuánbō III vi 1 [news] 不胫(脛)而走 bù jìng ér zǒu [disease] 传(傳)播 chuánbō 2 [liquid, gas, fire] 蔓延 mànyán to spread bread/toast with butter 把黄(黃)油抹在面(麵)包/烤面(麵)包上 bǎ huángyóu mǒ zài miànbāo/kǎomiànbāo shang spread outI vi 1 (=move apart) [people, animals, vehicles] 散开(開) sànkāi 2 (=stretch out) [person] 伸开(開)四肢 shēnkāi sìzhī II vt (=arrange) 摊(攤)开(開) tānkāi 在这些条目还发现'spread': 在英文解释里: airborne transmission - apply - bandy about - blossom - bread and butter - bruit - butterfly - cinder - circulate - community transmission - contagious - contagiousness - containment - cover - cyberterrorism - democratization - diffuse - diffused - diffuseness - diffusion - disease prevention - disperse - dispersed - disseminate - dissipate - distributed - distribution - diversify - droplet transmission - epidemiology - extend - fame - fan out - firebreak - firestop - get the word out - go around - go viral - grit - infect - infectious - infectious disease - infective - jelly - lay flat - lie - low-density - margarine - Marmite - metastasis 中文: 传播 - 散布 - 蔓延 - 铺 - 传 - 播 - 蔓 - 传布 - 传遍 - 展现 - 扩散 - 摊 - 散开 - 普及 - 涂抹 - 遍布 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Stock market terms, Irregular verbs, 更多……同义词: scope, range, expanse, extent, measure, 更多……习惯性搭配: spread the [word, message, news, gossip, rumor], a [sandwich, cheese, sweet, savory] spread, spread [betting, bets, investments], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'spread' 的论坛讨论:

I'm trying to spread it spread its attention more evenly spread of the outbreak to spread outside of < a measure > of how spread out - English Only forum ...spread to an area the size of two basketball courts.. - English Only forum 'weighted mean value' that is spread out over a population of neurons - English Only forum “Open wide” vs “spread out” vs “thrust open” - English Only forum 44% expressed concern about the spread of the virus - English Only forum A big spread of a place - English Only forum a free and spread girl - English Only forum a peacock spread of hermeneutic attention - English Only forum a quarter-tone spread - English Only forum a real holiday spread - English Only forum a small but satisfying spread of center-halI colonials, old roses, and quiet roads. - English Only forum A trap spread out - English Only forum above the hissing boom of the larchwood, that spread its bristling, leafless, wolfish darkness on th - English Only forum account for the spread of the virus - English Only forum accurate spread - English Only forum aids the organism’s spread to new hosts - English Only forum and instead of or/avocado spread or honey - English Only forum another evening on the kitchen table - English Only forum Another phrase or idiom for 'spread its wings'? - English Only forum ants marching across a picnic spread - English Only forum Any way you spread it - English Only forum as groves between the tropics, now spread, waste - English Only forum as states the spread - English Only forum as the virus spread - English Only forum As their influence , they to… - English Only forum As word of their work spread - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'spread'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "spread" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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