
您所在的位置:网站首页 spray英文解释 spray是什么意思


2023-07-05 21:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1.水花;飞沫Spray is a lot of small drops of water which are being thrown into the air.

e.g. The moon was casting a rainbow through thespray from the waterfall...月亮在瀑布溅起的水雾上照出了一道彩虹。e.g. The rope whipped clear of the water, throwing up aspray of droplets.绳子猛地甩过水面,带起一片水珠。

2.喷剂Aspray is a liquid kept under pressure in a can or other container, which you can force out in very small drops.

e.g. ...hairspray.喷发胶e.g. ...a can of insectspray.一罐喷雾杀虫剂

3.喷,喷洒(液体)If youspray a liquid somewhere or if itsprays somewhere, drops of the liquid cover a place or shower someone.

e.g. A sprayer hooked to a tractor canspray five gallons onto ten acres...用拖拉机牵引的喷雾器可以将 5 加仑药水喷洒在 10 英亩田地上。e.g. Two inmates hurled slates at prison officers spraying them with a hose...两名囚犯朝着用水管向他们喷水的狱警们扔石板瓦。

4.(使)飞溅;(使)飞散If a lot of small thingsspray somewhere or if somethingsprays them, they are scattered somewhere with a lot of force.

e.g. A shower of mustard seeds sprayed into the air and fell into the grass...许多芥子撒向空中,然后落进了草丛里。e.g. The intensity of the blaze shattered windows, spraying glass on the streets below...熊熊烈火灼裂了玻璃窗,碎玻璃飞溅到了下面的街道上。

5.大量射出,扫射(子弹)If someonesprays bullets somewhere, they fire a lot of bullets at a group of people or things.


e.g. He ran to the top of the building spraying bullets into shoppers below...他跑到楼顶上,向下面的购物人群开枪扫射。e.g. The army lorries were sprayed with machine gun fire from guerrillas in the woods.部队的运货卡车遭到了树林中游击队机关枪的扫射。

6.在…上喷涂料(或油漆)If somethingis sprayed, it is painted using paint kept under pressure in a container.

e.g. The bare metal was sprayed with several coats of primer.裸露的金属上被喷上了几层底漆。

7.喷农药When someonesprays against insects, they cover plants or crops with a chemical which prevents insects feeding on them.

e.g. He doesn'tspray against pests or diseases...他并不喷药防虫祛病。e.g. Confine the use of insecticides to the evening and do notspray plants that are in flower...只在晚间使用杀虫剂,而且不要对正在开花的植物喷药。

8.(尤指用于植被的)喷水器,喷雾器Aspray is a piece of equipment for spraying water or another liquid, especially over growing plants.

9.(一根枝条上的)花簇(或叶片)Aspray of flowers or leaves is a number of flowers or leaves on one stem or branch.


e.g. ...a smallspray of freesias.一小簇小苍兰




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