2021大学慕课答案 硕士生英语SPOC(余隽)(华中农业大学)1465465484 最新大学MOOC满分章节测试答案 – 网课小帮手

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2021大学慕课答案 硕士生英语SPOC(余隽)(华中农业大学)1465465484 最新大学MOOC满分章节测试答案 – 网课小帮手

2024-07-11 01:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

文章目录[点我隐藏目录] Lecture 1 Academic self-introduction 第一讲单元测验 Lecture 2 Differences between oral and written English 第二讲单元测验 Lecture 3 Preparing for academic presentation 第五讲单元测验 Lecture 4 Working on structure 第四讲单元测验 Lecture 5 Presenting & describing data 第五讲单元测验 Lecture 6 Paying attention to details 第六讲单元测验 Lecture 7 Poster presentation 第七讲单元测验 Lecture 8 Q & A session 第八讲单元测验 Lecture 9 Working on structure 第四讲单元测验

本答案对应课程为:点我自动跳转查看 本课程起止时间为:2021-09-03到2022-01-02 本篇答案更新状态:已完结

Lecture 1 Academic self-introduction 第一讲单元测验

1、 问题:The self-introduction speech is usually called at ____.  选项: A:family setting B:informal setting C:graduation ceremony D:business and academic setting 答案: 【business and academic setting】

2、 问题:A monologue, as a form of self-introduction speech, means ____. 选项: A:you just stand up and introduce yourself B:you just stand up and introduce one of your friends C:you introduce yourself to one team D: you introduce a colleague to your team 答案: 【you just stand up and introduce yourself】

3、 问题:Your self-introduction speech should be ____. 选项: A:funny and short B:short and sweet C: sincere and serious D: specific and informative 答案: 【short and sweet】

4、 问题:There are some helpful tips for self-introduction except ____. 选项: A:try to be calm and relaxed B:write an outline in advance C:use some attractive language D:being well prepared for the speech 答案: 【use some attractive language】

5、 问题:When you introduce yourself in academic settings, you ____. 选项: A:need to stand B:can sit on the chair C:must take your name cards with you D:you can tell a joke 答案: 【need to stand】

6、 问题:If you are an outsider to the audience, it’s much better that the person introducing you is ____. 选项: A:a boss B:a friend C:an insider D: an organizer 答案: 【an insider】

7、 问题:In order to ensure the introduction sounds authentic, the introducer should ____. 选项: A:put his own personal spin on the introduction B: make his introduction well prepared C:add something unexpected to the introduction D: share some funny things with the audience 答案: 【put his own personal spin on the introduction】

8、 问题: ____ is effective when trying to connect with an audience.  选项: A:The good preparation B: The sincere attitude C:The real information D:The self-depreciating humor 答案: 【The self-depreciating humor】

9、 问题:What is the best way if you want to know what to keep and what to cut from your introduction? 选项: A:Reviewing. B: Previewing. C:Rehearsing. D:Memorizing. 答案: 【Rehearsing.】

10、 问题: What moments of a presentation are precious? 选项: A:The first few moments. B:The last few moments. C:The relaxing moments. D:The serious moments. 答案: 【The first few moments.】

Lecture 2 Differences between oral and written English 第二讲单元测验

1、 问题:______ can correct themselves and change their utterances as they go along. 选项: A:  Authors  B:Speakers  C:Writers D:Columnists  答案: 【Speakers 】

2、 问题:____ is used for immediate interactions.  选项: A:Emails B:Cards C:Speech  D:Letters 答案: 【Speech 】

3、 问题:____ tends to be more complex and intricate.  选项: A:Written language  B:Dialogue C:Monologue D:Conversation 答案: 【Written language 】

4、 问题:There is more need for ______ to explain things clearly and unambiguously.  选项: A:writers  B:speakers   C:storytellers D:Commentators 答案: 【writers 】

5、 问题:____ can use tone to add emotional context.  选项: A:Writers  B:Speakers C:Authors D:Columnists 答案: 【Speakers】

6、 问题:A presentation doesn’t sound natural because ____ . 选项: A:the language is not accurate B:the way the presenter presents himself/herself is not appropriate C:there is no enough information D:there is no proper organization 答案: 【the way the presenter presents himself/herself is not appropriate】

7、 问题:While doing presentation you should try your best to make it ____. 选项: A:interesting and attractive B:formal and serious C:as academic as possible D:sound professional 答案: 【interesting and attractive】

8、 问题:Which of the following sayings is more formal? ______ 选项: A:I ran into him. B:I came across him yesterday.  C:I met him yesterday.  D: I bumped into him yesterday. 答案: 【I met him yesterday. 】

9、 问题:Model adjectives can help audience understand the __ of the presenter. 选项: A:viewpoints B:title C:profession D:reputation 答案: 【viewpoints】

10、 问题: When you do presentations, you should use discourse markers to serve the following purposes except ____. 选项: A:to tell the audience when to begin and when to end B: to show the audience how excellent your language skills are C:to see if the audience understand you well  D:to start something new 答案: 【 to show the audience how excellent your language skills are】

Lecture 3 Preparing for academic presentation 第五讲单元测验

1、 问题:1. In order to keep focused, you should not make your presentation _______.  选项: A: clear B:to the point C: tackling a few themes D:covering too much information 答案: 【covering too much information】

2、 问题:Because audiences have short attention spans, you’d better _____.  选项: A:use some vivid slides B:ask them some questions C:keep your presentation brief D:tell some humorous stories 答案: 【keep your presentation brief】

3、 问题:You can keep your presentation visually engaging because the audiences _____.  选项:

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