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  练习 三十六

  1. I got very angry because ____ of my friends wished me a happy birthday.

  A. any B. some C. no one D. none

  2. ―Why didn’t you tell Ann the truth?

  ― .

  A.Yes, I was afraid to be scolded by her

  B.No, but I wanted to

  C.But I did

  D.I always hate telling lies

  3. He must have taught in that school for a long time, ____?

  A. mustn’t he B. hasn’t he C. wasn’t he D. did he

  4.____ from the plane, the houses look like tiny boxes.

  A. See B. Seen C. To see D. Seeing

  5. ____ the girl didn’t take her medicine made her mother angry.

  A. Why B. Whether C. That D. When

  6. Look at the clouds in the sky. ____, it will rain soon.

  A. Likely B. Seem C. Possible D. Probably

  7. The line in front of the cinema was too long, but we had to ____ it.

  A. attend B. take C. join D. add

  8. Who can ___ the differences ___ British English and Canadian English?

  A. speak, from B. say, between C. tell, in D. tell, between

  9. The factory___ one third of the town. It is so big.

  A. covers B. takes over C. works D. was built

  10. She’s written hundreds of books but I’ve only read ____ of them.

  A. little B. a little C. few D. a few

  11. Bill Gates, Chairman of software in the USA, has a habit of ____ his evenings ____ books.

  A. taking; to read B. spending; looking at C. spending; reading D. costing; watching

  12. We have friends ___ , though we are a developing country.

  A. all the same B. all the time C. all our lives D. all over the world

  13. She was too sad to ____ her tears when she heard the sad news.

  A. keep off B. keep out C. keep back D. keep away

  14. On the opening day, the group went to the box office to pick up their tickets only ____ that ____ Mr. Green had taken them away.

  A. to tell; the B. telling; the C. being told; a D. to be told; a

  15.―What terrible weather! I simply can’t get the car ____.

  ―Why not try ____ the engine with hot water?

  A. starting; to fill B. start; filling C. started ; to fill D. to start; filling


  1. D 联系前后文这里为否定,no one后面不可以跟of 短语。

  2. C 问句为特殊疑问句,答句不能用Yes或No开头。D项答非所问,C项意思是:“我告诉过她了。”

  3.B must 在这里表示“推测”,然而它不可以用在疑问句中。must have done后面的反意疑问句可以用wasn’t/weren’t/didn’t+主语,也可以用haven’t/hasn’t+主语形式。如果后面有具体时间用前者,后面表示到现在的时间状语,用后者。

  4. B 本题考查了非谓语动词。非谓语动词作条件状语,see与the houses间为被动关系,因此see用过去分词形式。

  5. C 本题考查主语从句。The girl didn’t take her medicine这一事实使得她母亲生气,因此用that引导从句。

  6. D 本题考察词义。本空需要副词作状语,而seem是动词,而likely和possible为形容词。

  7.C attend, join都有“参加”的意思。attend指“参加会议;集会等”;join指“参加团体、政党等”,也可以表示“加入到某些人中去”。

  8. D tell the difference between 为固定搭配,意思是“说出……之间的区别”。

  9. A cover在这里是“占据”的意思,可以指占据的面积和比例,相当于take up。

  10. D books为可数名词,因此排除A, B 。only a few为固定搭配,意思是“很少几(本)”。

  11. C 本题考查了表示“花费”的动词的用法。spend的主语是人,形成sb. spend some time doing的搭配;take的主语是形式主语it,真正的主语是动词不定式;cost的主语是物,形成sth. cost sb. some money的搭配。

  12. D  all over the world的意思是“全世界”。

  13.C 词义辨析题。keep back是“阻止,阻挡”的意思,keep off意思是“留在外面”,keep out“不进入”。keep away意思是“不靠近某人/某物”

  14. D 现在分词和不到式都可以作结果状语。现在分词表达必然的结果或预料之中的结果。His father died, leaving him a lot of fortune.不定式作结果状语多表达意料之外的结果,经常用only to do形式,如She went to Shanghai to see her daughter only to find that she had gone to Beijing.

  15. D 第一空填started和start都可以,第二空try表示“试着作某事”,后跟动名词作宾语。

  练习 三十七

  1. When you are learning to ride a bicycle, you often ____.

  A. fall off B. cut off C. hurry off D. take off

  2. ― When shall we go to visit her ?

  ―Take your time. I’ll ____ you at your office then.

  A. call B. call on C. call at D. call for

  3. Mrs.Green wants to buy that kind of cloth because she that the cloth very well.

  A.has been told; washed B.has told; washes

  C.has been told; is washed D.is told; is washed

  4. Every boy and every girl ___ here. Let’s have the meeting.

  A. is B. are C. was D. were

  5. ―Do you know anyone in Paris?

  ―No,I’ll make friends once .

  A.I’m settled B.I have settled

  C.I’ll be settled D.I’m settling

  6. ―___ is the population of Australia?

  ―I don’t know exactly, but I’m sure that it has ____ population than China.

  A. How much; much less B. How many; few

  C. What; much less D. What; a much smaller

  7. We didn’t plan our performance like that but it ____ very well.

  A. worked out B. tried out C. went on D. carried on

  8. He worked till late last night, ___, early this morning .

  A. however B. or else C. what’s more D. or rather

  9. Since they began on the experiment, they’ve made a long ____ towards success.

  A. step B. progress C. walk D. development

  10. This exercise is certainly not so difficult as it ____.

  A. shows B. appears C. expects D. happens

  11. It is just ____ her ____ of others before thinking of herself.

  A. likely; thinking B. like; thinking C. as; to think D. like; to think

  12. ―Why haven’t you bought any butter ?

  ―I __ to but I forgot about it.

  A. liked B. wished C. meant D. expected

  13. _____ of the explanation of the book, we can finally understand the meaning of the passage.

  A. With the help of B. Under the help by C. After the help of D. By the help with

  14. ― ______ the sports meet might be put off.

  ―Yes, it all depends on the weather.

  A. I’ve been told B. I’ve told C. I’m told D. I told

  15. he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.

  A. What B.That C.The fact D.The matter


  1. A  fall off的意思是“摔下;掉下”的意思;cut off的意思是“切断(供应等)”;hurry off的意思是“匆忙离开”;take off意思是“脱下;解除”

  2. D本题考查词义辨析。call有“喊某人;给某人打电话”的意思;call on, call at意思是“拜访”,on后跟人作宾语,at后跟地点作宾语;call for意思是“到某人的地方去接”。

  3. A wash well好洗,容易洗。表示某物体状态的动词是不及物动词。一些及物动词也可充当不及物动词表示某一种状态,在动词后常用well好,easily break易碎,wear long耐穿。

  4. A 本题考查主谓一致。Every boy and every girl是强调每一个,因此应该看作单数形式。

  5. A settle作“安家”解时,既可用settle也可用be settled。如:He hopes to settle/to be settled in the country.本题是由once(一旦)引起的时间状语从句,故用一般现在时表示将来。

  6. D 对population的提问应该是what,而不可以用how much;修饰population的词是large或small,不是many, few或much等。

  7. A work out在这里的意思是“结果是”,常表达意料之外的结果。C有一定干扰性,go on可以表达“进展”,但不表示最终的结果。

  8. D or rather意思是“换句话说”或“更准确地说”。

  9. A 词义辨析题。step在这里的意思是“步骤,步伐”。progress指“取得的进步”,walk指“步行”,development意思是“发展”。

  10. B appear, 在这里相当于seem,意思是“看上去”,指表面现象。

  11. D It’s just like sb. to do sth. 为固定句型,意思是“某人就是这个样子”。

  12. C本题考查动词在语意和使用上的区别。mean的过去时为meant,在此意为“打算”。meant to表示“本打算,然而没有做成”。正好符合题意。

  13. A with the help of为固定搭配,意思是“在……的帮助下”,也可以用by the help of 。如:

   At night we still work on the farm by the help of the moonlight . 晚上在月光下,我们仍在劳动。

  14. A本题考查现在完成时的被动语态。分析四个答案我们可以排除B, D,因为它们都是主动语态,联系上下文。我们得知是别人告诉“我”,而不是“我”告诉别人。I’m told是现在的情况,而told是终止性动词,因此答案为A,表示“我现在已经知道”这种结果。

  15. A what引导主语从句,作said的宾语,引导主语从句,B、C、D三项都不能作said的宾语。

  练习 三十八

  1. Some warm-blooded animals ____life in winter ____ their normal body temperature.

  A. live active; to keep off B. lead an active; to keep out

  C. live an active; to keep on D. lead an active; to keep up

  2. The enemy had no choice but _____.

  A. to give off B. to give in C. give in D. give up

  3. Everybody thought ____ strange for a shy man to ____ so many exciting things.

  A. this; do B. this; have done C. it; doing D. it; have done

  4. Have you seen the film “Titanic”,____ leading actor is world famous?

  A. its B. it’s C. whose D. which

  5. ―Can I get you a cup of coffee?


  A. That’s very nice of you B. With pleasure

  C. You can, please D. Thank you for the coffee

  6. ―Will you go to attend her party?


  A. even though invited to B. even if invited

  C. if not invited D. unless invited to go

  7. It’s no wonder that his ____ English is so good because he is from an ____ country.

  A. speaking, English-spoken B. spoken, English-speaking

  C. speaking, English-speaking D. spoken, English-spoken

  8. Peter became a lawyer but John ___ a fisherman.

  A. lived B. still C. kept D. remained

  9. I’m fond of all the subjects we are learning, ____ chemistry.

  A. mainly B. especially C. specially D. generally

  10. When I told the great harm of smoking, he decided to _____.

  A. give in it B. give it in C. give up it D. give it up

  11. The captain ___ an apology to the passengers for the delay caused by bad weather.

  A. made B. said C. put D. passed

  12. After four hundred years, all the former grand palaces (雄伟的宫殿) are almost _____.

  A. in ruins B. in ruin C. ruins D. on ruins

  13. The whole family ____ the earnings of the two sisters.

  A. lives with B. lives by C. live on D. live through

  14. At that time they held quite different ideas about education ____ we think today.

  A. to that B. from that C. to what D. from what

  15. ___ to the zoos in Beijing and other cities, the monkeys are reported ___ well.

  A. Sending; to settle down B. Having sent; to settle

  C. Being sent; to have settled D. Sent; to have settled down


  1. D lead a … life意思是“过……的生活”。keep up意思是“保持,使不低落”。

  2. B give off 释放,发出; give up放弃;give in屈服,让步。Have no choice but to do sth.为固定搭配。

  3. D it为形式主语,真正的主语为不定式。to have done在这里表示do的动作发生在thought以前。

  4. C 此题仍然考查非限制性定语从句whose在意思上相当于its,表示“它的”, 但是此处是定语从句,所以应该用起引导从句作用的whose。

  5. A 对于英语情景对话这种类型,要根据两个原则来判断:(1) 问话或答话要委婉,礼貌;(2)要根据上下文的意思,判断应用的句式,要符合英语国家的习惯, 而不答非所问。B项表示应答对方请求的客气话,意为“当然愿意!”C项不符合英语的习惯,应为Yes, please.; D项应用在品尝对方端上来的咖啡之后。故只选A, 含感谢之意。

  6. A 这是一个省略的条件状语从句,even thought I’m invited to (attend her party) , to 后的部分习惯上省略,但to不能省略。

  7. B spoken English意思是“英语口语”,过去分词spoken作定语;English-speaking 为复合形容词,意思是“说英语的”。

  8. D remain的意思是“仍;还是”,为连系动词。

  9. B especially 的意思是“尤其”,符合本题的意思;specially的意思是“专门”;generally的意思是“一般地”。

  10. D本题考查词义辨析。give in意思是“屈服;让步,妥协”,后面不跟宾语。如果表示“向……妥协”,用give in to sb.的形式。如: In face of death, we would not give in to the enemy . (面对死亡,我们没有向敌人投降。) give up意思是“放弃”,多表达“中途停止”,意思是“在感觉很难做到或知道利害后,主动放弃”,可以作及物或不及物动词,后面跟名词、动名词、代词作宾语。跟代词时,要将代词放在give与up的中间。

  11. A 本题考查动词短语搭配问题。make an apology to意思是“向……道歉”,相当于apologize to。

  12. A in ruins意思是“废墟”,为固定搭配。

  13. C live on的意思是“以……为主食;靠……为生”,后跟粮食、食物,收入等作宾语;live by的意思是“以……生活”,by表示手段,后多跟动名词短语,如The fisherman lived by fishing. live with意思是“与……生活在一起”;live through的意思是“度过”。

  14. D 本题考查介词后的宾语从句。different from为固定搭配,因此排除A, C;what引导宾语从句,且在从句中作宾语;B有较大干扰性,可以说from those;those代表the ideas,因为that是单数,因此不合题意。

  15. D 本题考查非谓语动词。第一空send与the monkeys 间为被动关系,因此用表示被动的过去分词;being sent为现在分词被动语态的一般时,它表示正在进行的动作,因此C不合题意;第二空settle的动作发生在report的动作以前,因此用不定式的完成式。

  练习 三十九

  1. The hostess told us it was ____ that caused her to serve dinner an hour later than usual.

  A. our being late B. our late C. we were too late D. that we were too late

  2. Professor Smith lives ____ the second storey. Now we are ____ the second floor.

  A. in; in B. on; on C. in; on D. on; in

  3. There are _____ of children in the park on Children’s Day.

  A. a good many B. many C. much D. a large quantity

  4. She always likes to ____ her beauty in public.

  A. come in B. walk around C. show off D. take out

  5. ―Haven’t you heard the news?

  ―What news?

  ―Some of the workers are ___ while others are ___.

  A. on the strike; on march B. on the march; on strike

  C. on march; on strike D. on the march; on the strike

  6. After the war, a new school building was put up ___ there had once been a theatre.

  A. that B. where C. which D. when

  7. Two videophones stood____ on the table.

  A. side by side B. side to side

  C. one by one D. one side by the other side

  8. This car runs 60 kilometers per liter (升) ____.

  A. in average B. with average C. on average D. by average

  9. We have had ____ rain this month. So there seems ___ more fruit this year.

  A. a great many; to have B. a plenty of; to be

  C. a large number of; of D. a great deal of; to be

  10. During his stay in our college, he often began his talk by ____ this past experience as a soldier.

  A. turning to B. referring to C. sticking to D. speaking to

  11. ―My head hurts. I feel terrible!

  ―____. You’ll be all right soon.

  A. Go ahead B. Take it easy C. Never mind D. Take easy

  12. Anyone ____ the right knowledge can ____ first aid; you____ a doctor.

  A. of; show; mustn’t be B. with; offer; haven’t to be

  C. of; give; needn’t to be D. with; do; don’t have to be

  13. Before ____ the lab, make sure ____.

  A. you leave; all the lights are turned on B. leaving; all the lights turn on

  C. you leave; that all the lights are turning off

  D. leaving; that all the lights are turned off

  14. Don’t lose heart . All our wishes will ____, so long as we try our best.

  A. be come true B. realize C. come true D. come truly

  15. The little boy ____ on the bed ____ to us that his hen ___ two eggs a day.

  A. lying; lied; laid B. lying ; lay ; lay

  C. laid; lay; lied D. lay; laid; lied


  1. A 动名词的复合结构。it was …that 为强调结构,强调主语our being late, our为being late的逻辑主语,表示动作的发出者。

  2. C 第一空用in表示空间,第二空表示在某一平面。

  3. D 可以说many children或a good many children。

  4. C show off在这里是“炫耀,卖弄”的意思。

  5. A on the strike表示“罢工”, on march表示“在游行”。

  6. B 本题考查状语从句的基本用法。 意为:在原为剧院的地方修建学校。 where there had once been a theatre整个句子作was put up的地点状语, 故用从属连词where。

  7.A side by side表示“肩并肩地”;shoulder to shoulder表示“并肩地、 齐心协力地”;hand in hand表示“手拉手地”nose to nose/ face to face 表示“面对面地”。

  8. C on average为固定搭配,意思是“平均”。

  9. D a large number of修饰可数名词复数;a great many,也是修饰可数名词;没有a plenty of 这一形式,应该是plenty of,可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词;a great deal of修饰不可数名词;第二空的there seems to be不可以用there seems to have。

  10. B 本题考查词义辨析。turn to也有“求助”的意思,然而其宾语是人,而不可以是物;refer to意思是“参考;查询”;stick to的意思是“坚持”。

  11. B take it easy的意思是“别着急;别紧张”,是对别人安慰的话。

  12. D 第一空的with是“有”的意思;do first aid的意思是“急救”;don’t have to意思是“不必”,相当于needn’t。

  13. D第一空选leaving与you leave都可以;第二空注意使用被动语态。

  14. C come true的意思是“实现”,为系表结构,没有被动语态。realize也有“实现”的意思,然而是及物动词,因此应该用被动语态。

  15. A 本题考查了一组易混的单词的用法。lie可以作“撒谎”解,也可以作“躺;卧”,过去式和过去分词的形式是不一样的。lie 作“撒谎”解时过去式、过去分词、现在分词分别是lied, lied, lying;作“躺;卧”解时,各种形式分别是lay, lain, lying;还有一个容易混淆的是作“放;搁;产蛋;产卵”的lay,其过去式、过去分词、现在分词分别是laid, laid, laying。

  练习 四十

  1. Our brave soldiers would prefer to die rather than ___ to the enemy.

  A. give up B. give in C. gave up D. to give in

  2.The black color of your shoes doesn’t the white color of your suit.

  A. fit B. agree C. match D. suitable

  3. They said goodbye, little knowing that they again.

  A. were never met B. will never meet

  C. never met D. were never to meet

  4. It’s impossible for all the people to get jobs because of them are not fit for them.

  A. none B. all C. not all D. every one

  5. ―What was the test like?

  ―___ . Probably I failed it.

  A. Rather difficult B. Fairly difficult

  C. About maths D. I don’t like physics

  6. The door opened and in came an old man, blind ____ the left eye.

  A. in B. on C. with D. of

  7. The thing that ___ is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try it or not.

  A. matters B. cares C. considers D. minds

  8. The story of the little boy was so sad that I could hardly ____ my tears.

  A. hold up B. hold on C. hold out D. hold back

  9. We shouldn’t put sweets on a high shelf ____, but we must keep poisons ____.

  A. out of the children’s reach; out of the reach of children

  B. out of the reach of children; within the children’s reach

  C. within the reach of children; out of the children’s reach

  D. within the reach of children; within the children’s reach

  10. It’s dangerous for young children to ____ pools , rivers and lakes ____.

  A. go closed to; themselves B. go closely to; by themselves

  C. get closely to; by themselves D. get close to; by themselves

  11. The whole project (工程) ____ to have cost fifty million dollars till now .

  A. reports B. has reported C. is reported D. will report

  12. Papers are ______ to all the new students five minutes earlier before each examination.

  A. given off B. given up C. given in D. given out

  13. Of course you may go to the cinema this evening , but before that you should ____ finish repairing the TV set first .

  A. at then end B. at last C. at least D. finally

  14. All the people present agreed that the matter required ____.

  A. to look into B. being looked into C. to be looked D. looking into

  15. Walk to work every day and you’ll soon be back in ____.

  A. situation B. condition C. position D. attention


  1. B give up和give in是两个比较容易混淆的词组。give in在这里的意思是“屈服;投降”。

  2. C fit me well某物很合身(尺寸、大小),agree with sb.食品、气候适合某人,match sb./sth.与相配,be suitable与……适合。

  3. D were(was)to do sth.表示从过去某一时间看来将要发生的事。

  4. B not与all连用,表示部分否定,表示“并非所有的……都……”,D项中every one与not连用也可表示部分否定,但谓语动词要用单数,故不对。

  5.A 根据答语Probably I failed it.可知这次的测试非常难,rather 修饰形容词或副词时,具有贬意,含“过分”之意,而fairly含“恰到好处”之意。

  6. A in表示“地点”或“方位”如:He was wounded in the leg“他的腿受伤了”。

  7. A matter是不及物动词,表示“关系”该句意为“重要的(有关系的) 是不是你成功与否,而是你是否努力”。

  8. D词义辨析题。hold up的意思是“举起”;hold on的意思是“别挂断”;hold out的意思是“伸出”;hold back的意思是“阻挡;忍住”。

  9. A out of one’s reach,也可以写成out of the reach of somebody,意思是“某人够不到”;out of在这里的意思是“脱离”;within the reach of的意思是“某人能够得着”。

  10. D get close to意思是“靠近”,其中close是形容词,get close为系表结构;closely意思是“接近;紧密;密切地”,为副词;closed为形容词,意思是“关闭的”。

  11. C 本题考查了be reported (said, supposed) to do 的形式。project与report间为被动关系,因此用被动语态。再如You are supposed to come here much earlier tomorrow.

  12. D 本题考查了give形成的搭配。give out在这里的意思是“分发”,也有“释放;发出”的意思;give off的意思是“释放;发出”;give up意思是“放弃”;give in的意思是“屈服;投降”。

  13. C at least在这里的意思是“起码;至少”。

  14. D require, want, need表示“需要”,当其主语是动作的承受者时,其后的宾语常用动词不定式的被动形式或动名词的主动形式。

  15. B 本题考查词义及对语境的理解。题意是“每天坚持步行去上班的话, 你的身体很快就会健康。”in condition 是一习语,意为“身体健康(in good health)”故答案为B。




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