spend cost take pay 文法 – 莓喵英文Fun  花費時間金錢 ing to VR

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spend cost take pay 文法 – 莓喵英文Fun  花費時間金錢 ing to VR

2023-08-16 01:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

最後更新日期:2023 年 02 月 22 日


Spend 花時間花錢文法

定義:spend 用於花費多少「時間或金錢」在「某物或某事」上,主詞只能是「人」(人名或人稱代名詞)。spend(動詞三態為:spend、spent、spent)

 詢問花費多少時間spend文法疑問詞+time助動詞主詞動詞動詞ing+名詞(地方副詞/時間副詞)? on+名詞?How much timedidyouspenddoing your homework? on your homework?


Spend文法句型主詞動詞時間動詞ing+名詞(地方副詞/時間副詞). on+名詞..Ispenttwo hoursdoing my homework. on my homework.




I spend half an hour playing games on my cellphone every day.


 Paul spent three hours cleaning the house last Sunday.

3.The boy spends an hour reading every day.(依畫線部分造問句)

How much time does the boy spend reading every day?4.How much time do your sisters spend going shopping every Sunday?(回答二小時)

 They spend two hours going shopping every Sunday.

 5. Sally每個月花多少錢在衣服上?

  How much money does Sally spend on clothes every month?

 6. . 我每週花三小時練習日文。

     I spend three hours practicing Japanese every week.

 → I spend three hours on Japanese every week.



 cost花金錢問句疑問詞助動詞物品(主詞)原形動詞(受詞)?How muchdidthe bookcost(you)?疑問詞助動詞it(虛主詞)cost人to VR?How muchdiditcostyouto buy the book



 (1) 以「普通名詞」或「動名詞(V-ing)」當主詞

普通名詞 動名詞(V-ing)cost(s) / cost(人)金錢The bus ticketcostsmeNT$100.Buying the concert ticketcostsmeNT$1450.



 (2)以「虛主詞It」當主詞,用以取代其後的「不定詞」(to V)

代名詞動詞受詞金錢(to buy+物品).Itcostme/usfive hundred dollars(to buy the book).



 1.  It cost Tina seven hundred dollars to buy the steak.(依畫線部分造原問句)

How much did the steak cost Tina? (較佳)

How much did it cost Tina to but the steak?(綴述)

2.  Three loaves of bread cost two hundred dollars.(依畫線部分造原問句)

How much did three loaves of bread cost?

3.  Maria上星期六在這間飯店住一晚就花了七千元。

It cost Maria seven thousand dollars to stay in this hotel for one night last Saturday.

4.  在停車場停車總是會花我四十元。

It always cost me forty dollars to park my car in the parking garage.

5. 買一臺車要花多少錢?How much does it cost to buy a car?

6. 去美國旅行花了你多少錢?How much did it cost you to take a trip to the USA?

7. 這台i phone 13多少錢?

 How much does the i phone 13 cost ?

8. 他花了三萬元買沙發。

  It cost him $30,000 to buy the sofa.

9. 我以前花了很多錢學英文。

  I spent a lot of money on English before.

→ It cost me a lot of money to study English before.






普通名詞 動名詞(V-ing)take(s) / took(人)時間The reporttookmethirty minutesCooking dinner (often)takesmy mom half an hour.




代名詞 take(s)/took人(受詞)時間(to VR).Ittookmeten minutes to wash the dishes last night.




In fact, the majority of officers spend only a small fraction of their time responding to violent crime.

2.  種稻米花了農夫三個月的時間。

動名詞當主詞:Growing the rice takes the farmer three months.

 虛主詞當主詞:It takes the farmer three months to grow the rice.

 3.  Cindy花了很多時間才解決這個問題。

動名詞當主詞:Solving the problem took Cindy a lot of time.

虛主詞當主詞:It took Cindy a lot of time to solve the problem. 

4.  Jimmy 花了三小時修理車子。 

動名詞當主詞:Fixing the car took Jimmy there hours.

虛主詞當主詞:It took Jimmy three hours to fix the car.



How long助動詞it原形動詞+(受詞)不定詞+原形動詞+受詞(時間副詞)?How longdoesittake (you)to clean the kitchenevery day?


虛主詞動詞(受詞)時間不定詞+原形動詞+受詞(時間副詞).Ittakes(me)thirty minutesto clean the kitchenevery day.

 1 Q:Paul上星期日花了多少時間打籃球? A:他花了三小時打籃球。

    Q: How long did it take Paul to play the basketball?

     A: It took him one hour to play the basketball.

How long文法


How long do you spend jogging every day?

=How long do you spend going jogging every day?

= How long does it take you to jog every day?

= How long does it take you to go jogging every day?


How long do they spend on the homework every week?

= How long does it take them to do the homework every week?


How long did he spend swimming before?

How long did he spend going swimming before?

= How long did it take him to swim before?


1.How long did Judy spend singing yesterday?

2.How long did it take Judy to sing yesterday?


1.She spent an hour singing.

2.It took her an hour to sing.




 1.  這支手機花費Jessie三千元。

 This cellphone cost Jessie twenty thousand dollars.

 Jessie spent twenty thousand dollars on this cellphone.

 2.  Ben昨晚花了三千元吃大餐。

 Ben spent three thousand dollars having a great meal last night.

 It cost Ben three thousand dollars to have a great meal last night.

 3.  她今天早上花了50元買了花。

 She spent fifty dollars on/buying the flower this morning.

 The flower cost her fifty dollars this morning.

 It cost her fifty dollars to buy the flower this morning.

花費時間spend與take互換用法動詞用法句型與例句spend1. 主詞為「人」。 2. 可以表達「花費時間/金錢」。1. 人+spend+時間+on+事物.2. 人+spend+時間+V-ing…   May spent a lot of time onthe housework. (May 花了很多時間做家事。) =May spent a lot of time doing the housework.take1. 主詞通常為「事物或虛主詞 it」。 2. 只能表達「花費時間」。1. 事物+take+人+時間. 2.  It+takes+人+時間+to V… (1) The housework took me a lot of time. (這份報告花了我很多時間完成。) =It took me five hours to do the report. (2) Doing the laundry took me half an hour. (洗衣服花了我半小時。) =It took me half an hour to do the laundry.

1. Mary spent one hour ______ (take) the hot air balloon ride. taking

→ Mary spent one hour ______ the hot air balloon ride. on

2. It took Tim two years ______(change) his bad habits. to change

3. It took Ray thirty minutes ______ (get) to the church. to get


I spent one hour riding a bike. 

=It took me one hour to ride a bike.


He spends three hours playing games on his cellphone every day.

=It takes him three hours to play games on his cellphone every day.

6.我們花了二百元在書本上。We spent two hundred dollars on the book.


He spends twenty dollars buying the flowers.

=He spends twenty dollars on the flowers.


 1.  John飯後花五分鐘喝一杯茶。

 It takes John five minutes to drink a cup of tea after meal.

 John spends five minutes drinking a cup of tea after meal.

 2.  Peggy花了半小時走路回家。

   Peggy spent half an hour walking home.

 It took Peggy half an hour to walk home.

cost、spend、take總複習項目主詞動詞例句花錢人spendTina spent one million dollars studying abroad.事物costIt cost Tina one million dollars to study abroad.花時間人spendI spent seven years finishing my PhD.事物takeIt took me seven years to finish my PhD.How much 花多少錢文法

 問句1: How much+did+物+cost(+人)?

 問句2: How much+did+it+cost(+人)+to+做某事/買某物?

 問句3: How much+did+人+spend+V-ing…?


 答句1: 物+cost(+人)+錢.

 答句2: It cost(+人)+錢+to+做某事/買某物.

 答句3: 人+spent+錢+V-ing….→意指「做某事/買某物花了(某人)多少錢。」


人 pay 錢 for 物 ( 某人為了某物付了多少錢)

 I paid five hundred dollars for the dress.  我為了這件洋裝付了5百元。

 A pay B錢= A pay錢to B. 

 I worked for Mary, so she paid three thousand dollars to me.

 I worked for Mary, so she paid me three thousand.

 pay for 事物 付錢買…(事物)  It’s your turn to pay for dinner. 這次輪到你付晚餐錢了

 pay for 人    為…(人)付錢   

 I forgot to bring my wallet.  Could you please pay for me? 我忘記帶錢包,可以請你先幫我付錢嗎?

 pay 人錢   付錢給…(人) When will you pay me the money? 你何時要付錢給我?

 pay 人 back 還錢給…(人) If you want to borrow any money from me, remember to pay me back. 假如你想要跟我借錢,記得要還我。

使役動詞make have let get help連綴動詞文法感官動詞 look at /watch/see/ hear/ listen to/feel/notice/smell感官動詞VS.連綴動詞傻傻搞不懂!!雙賓動詞(授與動詞)文法記憶口訣spend cost take pay 花錢花時間文法(講義)使役動詞命令、要求、讓某人做某事連綴動詞 seem appear keep stay remain連綴動詞 become/turn/ get/ come/fall/go/growTo VR 不定詞&V-ing 動名詞文法不定詞做形容詞及副詞哪些動詞後接受詞+不定詞(to V原)哪些動詞片語後接Ving(動名詞)哪些動詞後to加v-ing英文祈使句的用法瞬間動詞find, keep, leave, catch 文法沒有被動語態的動詞被動語態(感官&使役&授與動詞)

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